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Bernie Sanders endorses Tim Canova (Debbie Wasserman Schultz's opponent)

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Judging by some of these responses you would think he was endorsing a republican.

I'm mostly amazed at his political savvy (or lack thereof).

Unless he really doesn't believe he has a chance anymore either and he just wants to burn down the party. At this point, it's hard to argue.
Not that he can't appoint who he wants in his administration if he becomes president (lol), but actively railing against the DNC and saying things like these....it just begs the question:

What coalition is Sanders exactly planning on forming to influence or pass legislation if he were to get the office?

It just seems he and his campaign have not made much friends outside his purity test bubble.

It's not his fault!



Judging by some of these responses you would think he was endorsing a republican.

Yeah I dunno, it's becoming some sort of weird sacrilege to not agree with every major member of the democratic party. Is it surprising anybody that Bernie doesn't? It's recently become a bad thing for him to do (though he's done it for a good long while) because now he has enough support to cause some damage/changes (depending on your POV) I guess.
Doesn't matter Tim Canova is still going to lose his primary.

She's not the best at her job as DNC Head and I bet she won't be around for much longer in that position but as a congressmember, she is well liked in her area and does a good job. Why would you want her gone?

Yeah, she's gonna trounce Canova in the primary.

I really don't get Bernie's strategy at all, because it only makes sense if he's that deep in his echo chamber. He has got to genuinely believe that everyone really thinks like him, really supports him, and the mean old DNC just keeps scamming their way to the ballot box. Like, the district that DWS represents broke 30+ for Hillary. The whole state soundly rejected Sanders. Does he really think that he's going to somehow flip those people's minds, especially with his rhetoric?

Only makes sense in an echo chamber.


she's fine in congress. I don't think she's particularly terrible heading the DNC either but that job is more visible than ever and she has a tendency to come off as shrill, it's just not a good fit for her

i find it kind of petty bernie's going after her seat but whatever


Yeah I dunno, it's becoming some sort of weird sacrilege to not agree with every major member of the democratic party. Is it surprising anybody that Bernie doesn't? It's recently become a bad thing for him to do (though he's done it for a good long while) because now he has enough support to cause some damage/changes (depending on your POV) I guess.

Yeah, I don't know where this cult of party loyalty is coming from.
she's fine in congress. I don't think she's particularly terrible heading the DNC either but that job is more visible than ever and she has a tendency to come off as shrill, it's just not a good fit for her

i find it kind of petty bernie's going after her seat but whatever

I've never understood why complaining about female politicians voices is a valid complaint.
Yeah, she's gonna trounce Canova in the primary.

I really don't get Bernie's strategy at all, because it only makes sense if he's that deep in his echo chamber. He has got to genuinely believe that everyone really thinks like him, really supports him, and the mean old DNC just keeps scamming their way to the ballot box. Like, the district that DWS represents broke 30+ for Hillary. The whole state soundly rejected Sanders. Does he really think that he's going to somehow flip those people's minds, especially with his rhetoric?

Only makes sense in an echo chamber.

I think the strategy is that he desperately needs to get media attention and to spur a round of donations from his base. Out of the fights he could pick that would get coverage, DWS is a pretty safe target.


Yeah, I don't know where this cult of party loyalty is coming from.

It's not even a matter of party loyalty since Canova is a Democrat anyway. What would people have him do instead? Endorse DWC when someone who has more agreeable politics in primarying her? Say nothing when asked about it and snub someone with whom he's politically aligned?


Yeah, I don't know where this cult of party loyalty is coming from.

It's not necessarily party loyalty (pop into PoliGAF. I don't think ANYBODY who regularly posts there thinks DWS is good at her job). "Debbie is Awful" is practically a meme at this point. But this is a pretty transparent tantrum on Bernie's part. This has less to do with DWS' performance as a representative and DNC chair, and more to do with his perception that DWS has rigged this primary against him, and that's what's being called out. Because obviously Bernie and his incredibly organized and inclusive campaign would totally be winning if it weren't for her.


It's not even a matter of party loyalty since Canova is a Democrat anyway. What would people have him do instead? Endorse DWC when someone who has more agreeable politics in primarying her? Say nothing when asked about it and snub someone with whom he's politically aligned?

It's just a hate party centered around a candidate that is very unlikely to win. And then trying to guilt some of us into compromising our own morals to vote for her lol


I've never understood why complaining about female politicians voices is a valid complaint.

not her voice, just her delivery overall. i think you'd be hard pressed to say she's a fine spokesperson in the 24 hr news cycle/youtube era

not necessarily a gender issue
Finally Bernie with some downticket support, bigger question is will he actually fundraise for said candidate or is this a kicking and screaming tantrum?

Obama needs to be the next DNC chairperson.


Knocking DWS out of the House isn't going to make her not in charge of the DNC. At least I don't think so.

Probably will. If she loses the house, that is pretty muchbit. She is so polarizing to the party that is just slightly less fractured than the Republicans. Her 2nd in command resigned to support Bernie.
It's just a hate party centered around a candidate that is very unlikely to win. And then trying to guilt some of us into compromising our own morals to vote for her lol

Fuck women, lbgtq, and people of color who would all suffer under Trump.

Glad I was able to stay morally and ideologically pure.
It's not even a matter of party loyalty since Canova is a Democrat anyway. What would people have him do instead? Endorse DWC when someone who has more agreeable politics in primarying her? Say nothing when asked about it and snub someone with whom he's politically aligned?

Him actually endorsing someone is out of the ordinary. He's been silent and avoided raising money for downticket Dems at all.


Seems like an overly hostile position to take. Bernie was very unlikely to become the nominee but could have easily leveraged the support he has received in this race into positions of greater influence in the Senate and the DNC. He seems really hellbent to just burn those bridges instead.

Him actually endorsing someone is out of the ordinary. He's been silent and avoided raising money for downticket Dems at all.
Why would he need to endorse anyone when just the sheer force of his name on the ballot is all that's needed to get Democrats elected?
I care about the US as a whole which would be extremely compromised under a Hillary presidency. You think she honestly has the best judgment to run a country?

Between her, Bernie, and Trump, I do.

I guess that makes me a corporate democratic shill whore or whatever.
It's just a hate party centered around a candidate that is very unlikely to win. And then trying to guilt some of us into compromising our own morals to vote for her lol

Hey if your "morals" are more important than civil rights and anything Sanders stands for you deserve to feel guilty


Nice to know you care more about your morals than people.

What is life if not sticking to what we believe deep down? What is democracy if you are going to be coerced, shamed or browbeaten into voting for someone you don't want.

The politics of fear is very real and people like you push it. You need to vote for Hillary or you're literally killing LGBTQ, muslims, hispanics etc.

If Trump wins it isn't because Sanders supporters failed to rally for her. It is that there weren't enough Hillary Clinton supporters to make her win (though it is pretty obvious by the polls she does win).


What is life if not sticking to what we believe deep down? What is democracy if you are going to be coerced, shamed or browbeaten into voting for someone you don't want.

The politics of fear is very real and people like you push it. You need to vote for Hillary or you're literally killing LGBTQ, muslims, hispanics etc.

If Trump wins it isn't because Sanders supporters failed to rally for her. It is that there weren't enough Hillary Clinton supporters to make her win (though it is pretty obvious by the polls she does win).

Life is about compromise, you don't get everything you want. You can't survive on your own.


What is life if not sticking to what we believe deep down? What is democracy if you are going to be coerced, shamed or browbeaten into voting for someone you don't want.

The politics of fear is very real and people like you push it. You need to vote for Hillary or you're literally killing LGBTQ, muslims, hispanics etc.

If Trump wins it isn't because Sanders supporters failed to rally for her. It is that there weren't enough Hillary Clinton supporters to make her win (though it is pretty obvious by the polls she does win).

i guess. but when your morals revolve around emails...
So I'm guessing part of this (you're fired if I'm President) is in retaliation for her calling him out on his weak condemnation of his supporters?

"We condemn violence and harassment but look at all these reasons why it's justified."

Also now that I think about it some more, I'm gonna say that a large part of this is most likely him being petty. He hasn't endorsed or promised support for anyone in a month and a half now and the person he endorses is the opponent of the person who criticized the hell out of him last Tuesday.


What is life if not sticking to what we believe deep down? What is democracy if you are going to be coerced, shamed or browbeaten into voting for someone you don't want.

The politics of fear is very real and people like you push it. You need to vote for Hillary or you're literally killing LGBTQ, muslims, hispanics etc.

If Trump wins it isn't because Sanders supporters failed to rally for her. It is that there weren't enough Hillary Clinton supporters to make her win (though it is pretty obvious by the polls she does win).

Exactly this. Why compromise ourselves to vote for an awful candidate just because there's another awful candidate (who even has numerous ties to Hillary lol)


If Trump wins it isn't because Sanders supporters failed to rally for her. It is that there weren't enough Hillary Clinton supporters to make her win (though it is pretty obvious by the polls she does win).
I hope this thought is comforting enough for Bernie-or-Busters, it's going to have to last them four years.

Exactly this. Why compromise ourselves to vote for an awful candidate just because there's another awful candidate (who even has numerous ties to Hillary lol)
Empathy for people who would fare worse than you would under one of those candidates?
What is life if not sticking to what we believe deep down? What is democracy if you are going to be coerced, shamed or browbeaten into voting for someone you don't want.

The politics of fear is very real and people like you push it. You need to vote for Hillary or you're literally killing LGBTQ, muslims, hispanics etc.

If Trump wins it isn't because Sanders supporters failed to rally for her. It is that there weren't enough Hillary Clinton supporters to make her win (though it is pretty obvious by the polls she does win).

It's not *just* winning. We as a country need to rebuke the hatred, bigotry and ignorance the Trump represents. IMO a close victory is barely worth it. We need, as a country, to make sure the message is to both parties that Trump and people like him will cost them greatly.


Yeah, I don't know where this cult of party loyalty is coming from.

The only cults currently present in the American political system are those worshiping at the altars of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

Buddy can do whatever he wants, but he claims he wants to be part of the process while shitting on someone directly involved in that process in such a way that will get the maximum amount of attention but the minimum amount of real results.

This is what you call cutting off your nose to spite your face. Sanders is really good at it, has been for a long time.

Meanwhile his supporters just assume everything he does is awesome and everyone he condemns is a piece of shit.

The best part is that Wasserman Shultz likely won't even want the job for another time around. It is incredibly time consuming for very little real reward. So he's doing this for absolutely zero gain and throwing out a statement (if I won she certainly wouldn't be kept in that post) that shows a lack of understanding as to how the process even works.

He keeps it up and they're going to leave him to twist when the final bill comes due on his campaign. Given the consistent FEC violations they've had throughout the entire year it might be a real impressive mountain of debt too. But who knows, maybe Sanders thinks all those vendors he'll stiff should just share the load.


The day Debbie is evicted from congress and from any role of power in politics is one that any Democrat should celebrate.


It's not *just* winning. We as a country need to rebuke the hatred, bigotry and ignorance the Trump represents. IMO a close victory is barely worth it. We need, as a country, to make sure the message is to both parties that Trump and people like him will cost them greatly.

Might as well plan to live in another country, bro.

If one thing America can perfect, it's always hatred, bigotry, ignorance, and relish in it with pride.


As a socialist, doesn't Bernie believe in the good of the people? That everyone is equal and deserves a chance to live their life and be happy? So how does retaining your moral superiority or purity by refusing to vote for Hillary in the general election, surely at a minimum, the lesser of two evils, not go against everything Bernie says and believes in, if he were to lose the primary?
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