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BIG HERO 6 |OT| Like a Big Marshmallow

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Saint Nic
Just had to pop in and say that my wife and I saw it last night and LOVED it. Baymax really is ridiculously lovable in every way possible. Gotta get me a stuffed Baymax now.

That scene delivered. Might have been one of the best in the entire movie.
That got really dark for a second there. Really emotional too
When he finally let his feelings out about Hus brother.
All of the kids in my theater were crying at certain points of the movie, especially the ending.
"Yes Baymax, I am satisfied with my care"


This was the best movie this year that i have seen although i saw that ending coming from a mile away. Img i laughed, cried, etc and so did the audience. Now i want a Baymax figure or plushie haha :)


I just couldn't resist



Junior Member
With that said... I wouldn't really recommend the comic this movie is based on.
Hence why I wouldn't be surprised if Marvel reboots the comic to resemble the movie in light of its success. Then again, Marvel wasn't very involved in promotion beyond interviewing the cast at NYCC and sticking ads & trailers in front of GotG & SHIELD.


Hence why I wouldn't be surprised if Marvel reboots the comic to resemble the movie in light of its success. Then again, Marvel wasn't very involved in promotion beyond interviewing the cast at NYCC and sticking ads & trailers in front of GotG & SHIELD.
Yeah, I didn't quite understand that, especially once the word of mouth started to be very positive. All their creators who normally get this stuff pre-screened so they can hype it were standing in line like everyone else.


Junior Member
Yeah, I didn't quite understand that, especially once the word of mouth started to be very positive. All their creators lwho normally get this stuff pre-screened so they can hype it were standing in line like everyone else.
Hence why I'm thinking that if they plan to reboot the comic to resemble the movie, we may not hear about it for a while.


Hunky Nostradamus
I haven't seen the movie (will wait for blu ray) but I have to say that I'm surprised there aren't more posts in this thread. Only two pages? For the next big animated Disney movie? That's based on a Marvel comic? Huh?


The movie was fun and generally very well done, but boy did it stick to the formula. From the predictable villain (I called it in the very first scene he was introduced) to the emotional cadence at the end, the structure felt very paint by numbers. Baymax's
'death' was almost note for note with Groot's in Guardians of the galaxy
. (Guardians of the Galaxy combo spoiler in there.)

The worst moment in the film came unfortunately at the climax, when Hiro
figures out how to fight the villain. The whole "find a new angle" line just didn't work. "Think different" is not a plan!

That said, they did a great job with Baymax who was lovable from the first moment he inflated. He was hilarious and endearing and a lot of fun. I just hope the next go round doesn't feels so familiar otherwise.


I haven't seen the movie (will wait for blu ray) but I have to say that I'm surprised there aren't more posts in this thread. Only two pages? For the next big animated Disney movie? That's based on a Marvel comic? Huh?

It's loosely based on a Marvel property. Actually, I was surprised the opening credits didn't include the Marvel logo, so I wouldn't be surprised if the general audience wasn't even aware this was a Marvel property. And hey, the movie was #1 over the weekend so I guess gaf thread popularity has nothing to do with the success of things lol.


Saw it on Thursday and have been mulling it over ever since. The original Marvel Big Hero 6 used to be one of my guilty pleasure comics, one I picked up on a whim and then immediately came back to get the rest of the issues and catch up. Man, that was 16 years ago! When Disney announced the movie I was hoping it would do well enough to make Marvel revive the characters... but after seeing the movie, I don't really care about the Marvel version as much (especially after rereading, they didn't hold up as well as they did in my head). I actually really want to see more of the Disney version of the team, I think being free of ties to the X-Men and other Marvel properties as Rouleau originally intended actually helps the property. The film felt like a solid introduction, clearly intended as a hopeful franchise catalyst, and I hope the film continues to do well enough to warrant such. I'd love to see more movies, maybe a 2D action show by Titmouse or something, maybe more comics. Hell, all of it.

I love what they did with Baymax, I think dropping the Synthenoid and transformations simplified him in the right ways, and he was still pretty badass. I'm on the fence with Fred because I loved the joke in the comics that he was the monster with the inconspicuous name. But I also really liked him in the film. The rest of the team was awesome, but obviously the film was mainly focused on Hiro and Baymax, which was a good choice to make honestly, keep the introduction simple, flesh out the team if the franchise takes off. There was enough to keep me wanting more. I was worried they were going to go with Everwraith as the villain and I'm glad they didn't.

I loved the nods to Lord Deathstrike, and some of the more subtle nods to the original comic, like the personality chips and such. I can't wait to watch this at home and freeze frame because I know there were some hidden gems littered throughout Fred's room. I saw some Wreck-It Ralph characters, and some Dark Elf props from Thor: The Dark World.

What I didn't expect from the movie though, was how well it handled grief. A few years ago, my best friend was murdered by someone we went to school with... and I've dealt with a spectrum of emotions over it up to this day. I didn't expect this movie of all things to be the thing that struck a chord with me. I liked that it showed the lethargy, the attempts to distract yourself to avoid dealing with the emotions, the anger, the need for justice, or ... something, hoping that wrongs will be made right. I know this isn't the first movie to deal with this stuff and probably not the best, but it's one of the more effective I've seen in western animation, and it just happened to catch me off guard.

The scene where Hiro let the rage part of his grief completely block out his sense of right and wrong, tunneling his vision, felt familiar (not that I've ever or would ever have put anyone in danger). But feeling like making the person he felt was responsible for Tadashi's death pay would somehow fix things, that felt familiar. The guy who killed my friend is in jail, hopefully for a long time... but obviously it didn't bring her back. It's understandably frustrating to accept. The scene was intense and I got misty eyed when I related it back to myself, which set me up to be destroyed by the more touching scene that followed. (Also the shot of Baymax's head turning in the fog, with his red eyes zeroing in on Callaghan trying to scramble away looked pretty badass). I thought Callaghan made a great villain because it was a classic situation of the protagonist seeing himself in the antagonist. Callaghan felt that same rage Hiro had earlier, but he didn't have anyone to help him handle it in a healthy, sane way. Callaghan had turned into what Hiro would have, had his friends not been there to help him grieve.

And while it may have felt a little hokey when Hiro tells the team to look at the problem from another angle, it was a satisfying development from a storytelling standpoint. It shows that Hiro is processing Tadashi's death healthily, and that he now understands that Tadashi IS still with him in the forward-thinking optimism and advice that he'd left Hiro with. I got the sense that it worked to unite the team because they had all known Tadashi well, and that was likely a line of encouragement he'd directed at them in the past, serving as inspiration.

I think someone had mentioned they didn't understand how Baymax could have removed the nursing chip and not gone batshit at the end, and while I'm in no way trying to state this as fact, while watching the movie, this was how my mind made sense of that. During the fight with Callaghan at the end, Hiro mentions that they aren't programmed to harm, I got the sense the combat chip was either reprogrammed or removed entirely. I don't really recall Baymax going on the offensive at all during the entire climax. Another thought is that it's possible Baymax didn't get aggressive with his nursing chip removed at the end because there wasn't a threat present. In the comics, Baymax's bodyguard programming goes active when he senses an impending threat or when Hiro is under attack. When the chip was removed the first time, he team was already in danger and there was a tangible and immediate threat. In the latter scene, there wasn't really a threat present to put Baymax on the offensive, just Hiro in need of his care.

The movie was predictable for the most part, but not in a way that at all detracted from my enjoyment of it. There were some kind of cringe-y expositional dialogue choices in the first 15 minutes, but they were as brief as they were few. Otherwise the film is well made, and a technical marvel, I mean... the lighting... the effects, my god. I loved the environments and the East-meets-West style way more than I expected to. I loved how dense and detailed the city was. I'd still probably call Wreck-It Ralph my favorite of the recent Disney movies, but I felt that this one is a more than solid addition to the Disney pedigree. It left me wanting more, in the best ways, and honestly that's probably all the people who clearly put so much time and devotion into this film have been hoping to hear.
Caught this yesterday in a packed afternoon showing.

Loved every single minute of it. I want to see more of San Fransokyo, though.


That scene delivered. Might have been one of the best in the entire movie.

Agreed. It was so tense and harrowing. The scene right after yanks you in the opposite direction. Damn movie made me tear up several times.

I'm still trying to reconcile some things with the main villain and his motivation, but I really enjoyed the movie. I hope there's more lined up for this franchise.


Great movie! Loved it. Also, Feast killed me. Dat Winston :')

I would welcome a Disney/Marvel trilogy with these guys.
I haven't seen the movie (will wait for blu ray) but I have to say that I'm surprised there aren't more posts in this thread. Only two pages? For the next big animated Disney movie? That's based on a Marvel comic? Huh?

It is a little odd, but then again the movie hasn't even come out for the majority yet. The release date is all over the place.


I really didn't love it. Felt like it really suffered from only being about an hour and a half long.
Really light character development, Baymax never really felt like a character that we could connect with because any type of sympathy or emotion he showed seemed to be more copying orders from Hiro than anything else, the 5 other characters were really woefully underdeveloped, shitty villain, and fucking Fall Out Boy.

Really beautiful film though, and the kid Power Ranger fan inside of me liked a lot of the set pieces.


I'm worried in a few years the boom Disney is in is going to go into a Pixar-Slump of sequels (like the good ol' Disney-sequel days). It might be good for Big Hero 6 though.


I'm worried in a few years the boom Disney is in is going to go into a Pixar-Slump of sequels (like the good ol' Disney-sequel days). It might be good for Big Hero 6 though.

I found this one significantly worse than Tangled, Wreck-it Ralph, or Frozen. Which sucks, because the subject matter is something I should love. Oh well.


Saw it with my son. We had a good time, Baymax is a great, lovable character. Some of the scenes had a lot of punch to them, like the
aforementioned 'Destroy' scene

That said, I have to agree it felt kind of paint by the numbers/generic at times. It was pretty easy to call a few of the big notes early on
though I actually didn't catch on to the villain at first

I found this one significantly worse than Tangled, Wreck-it Ralph, or Frozen. Which sucks, because the subject matter is something I should love. Oh well.

I wouldn't probably say 'significantly worse' for me, but yeah I agree all of those felt like better movies.
I think I like Tangled and Bolt more, but Big Hero 6 have higher high than those two film for me while having some undeniable flaws which drag the movie down a bit to me. I like it better than Wrecked it Ralph though.

I wish the movie is longer to expand on the villain and the teams more. that would have made the movie perfect to me. I hope there will be sequel to this, and have a lot more Gogo because she is pretty awesome in the few scene she had.


Curious...is that bird symbol in the comic? Or is it just a publicly available symbol?

Because otherwise, I have no idea how Disney got away with putting the exact same bird symbol from Hunger Games in BH6. Like, as far as I can recall, it's exactly the same.

Am I showing my ignorance to something? Lol. I assume there is a reason but I don't know what it is!


Curious...is that bird symbol in the comic? Or is it just a publicly available symbol?

Because otherwise, I have no idea how Disney got away with putting the exact same bird symbol from Hunger Games in BH6. Like, as far as I can recall, it's exactly the same.

Am I showing my ignorance to something? Lol. I assume there is a reason but I don't know what it is!
It's probably not exactly the same, but I thought the same thing -- it's similar to a mockingjay.


I really do hope that if there is ever a sequel that
Hiro uses the micro machines as his 'superpower' instead of just relying on Baymax. Because if so the super suit he made for himself had little reason to be that shiny

If the Disney Infinity video game is any indication, the microbots will be a part of Hiro's power. All of his attacks in the game use them.

And I imagine we'll see lots of sequels to this movie, and probably a few spinoffs focusing on individual characters (my daughter is demanding a Honey Lemon movie already).
If the Disney Infinity video game is any indication, the microbots will be a part of Hiro's power. All of his attacks in the game use them.

And I imagine we'll see lots of sequels to this movie, and probably a few spinoffs focusing on individual characters (my daughter is demanding a Honey Lemon movie already).

I really hope so. This one focused on Hiro and Baymax, but I'd love more movies focusing on the others too.
Saw the movie last weekend and thought it was FANTASTIC! Definitely movie of the year for me.

Already got myself an "armor up baymax" for my desk.
Compared to Wreck-It Ralph, I thought the pacing on this was a lot better. And I liked the supporting characters in this more. I really like Honey Lemon for some reason.

And villain talk
yes, Callaghan's plan is pointlessly complicated just for the sake of poetic revenge, but the important part is that his motivation's are supposed to mirror Hiro's in a way. So in that sense, the villain worked. Also, I think it's funny that in the 3 most recent Disney movies, Alan Tudyk has voiced either the villain or the red herring villain. Guy's gonna get typecasted in animated movies lol.


I would be fine if Disney would go and adapt some of the other Marvel Comics properties as either shorts or full-length animated films. Runaways would, in my mind, work better as an animated film than trying to shoehorn the team into the MCU.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Amazing looking movie, love the character designs for the most especially Yokai,Robot wrestling guy Honey-Lemon and Baymax.

The story was the weakest part of the movie. It just felt cobbled together from multiple ideas that didn't really work imo. You can really tell which movies it borrowed from, ie
Iron Giant.
Too much of "focus testing/too many cooks in kicthen" vibe for me.

Never felt a sense of urgency or danger which is weird considering what happens earlier in the movie.

One side note on the art direction. Even though I loved the look of the movie, is anyone else getting tired of the designs in cg movies? Everything has a soft, and bland feel and even the animations seems copy+pasted from other movies. Maybe it's just me.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
How did Hiro build a new Baymax body though? I thought it wasn't ready for mass production.


Saw this last night and really liked it. Very well animated, funny, heartwarming and great action on all the right places. Great tempo/pace for the movie too.

Definitely recommend.
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