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Bonus Round - Is Time Running Out For Xbox?

This doesn't really say much without knowing the distribution though. For all we know PS4 and XB1 Titanfall is literally all that's selling.
The most interesting thing here I think is that Titanfall is ostensibly a lot stronger than Infamous, even given the larger install base of the PS4. There's some fight in Xbone left.

Actually it does tell us something. It tells us the XB1 ecosystem is more homogeneous. If you were an indy studio which system would you rather release on? Also as I said, MS is putting all their eggs in one basket. If MS loses Titanfall, it is really going to hurt. That puts a lot of pressure on them to keep it exclusive, but that is not going to be cheap.

I can understand why Titanfall is doing so well on the XB1, but why isn't everyone else. Why isn't Assassin's Creed in the top 100 list for XB1? What's going to happen to the sales chart after Titanfall starts to decline? Those are all valid interesting questions.
The people saying there is no coming back from their current state are crazy short sighted. Sony was in worse shape with the PS3 in the early years and they turned it around pretty well.

Microsoft doesn't have the brand loyalty Sony has. Look at yurop.

Also MS is in general pretty much despised all over the world. Especially with the DRM failed attempt and NSA backdoors they allow in their programs.

I'd go as far as to say they have little to no fans except a handful of diehards who are quickly banned.

Not to mention there is no comeback because of the vastly inferior hardware, paying $60 for inferior games and Kinect has not proven anything to most gamers.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I'm going to be a bit controversial and say that I think the Xbox One will be just fine. It's too soon to panic, but never too soon to continue to evolve and offer customers better value whether its game pack ins, cheaper SKUs (with or without Kinect), and other options. Way too soon to freak out and signal doom and gloom. Come back this time 2015 and we can get a much better picture of the console landscape.


The thing about the west as far as gaming tastes though, is that we're more than happy to jump ship for a better deal. The loyalty is bottom barrel when it comes to games consoles for most people. The die-hard loyalty to a brand is there DURING the generation, but as soon as we reach a transition stage from one gen to the next, plenty of people are willing to completely jump ship.

I went from PS1/N64 to Dreamcast to OG Xbox to 360 and now to PS4 as my primary consoles. (I owned way more than that, but as far as my primary console...)

I didn't feel any loyalty to "must buy" the next console iteration from a company until they proved value to me. There wasn't an automatic name-brand loyalty considered in my purchases.

This idea that a new console will have X number of sales just because that same company sold that amount in that region. I mean if that was true, the 360 wouldn't have spanked the PS3 in the west after coming off the dominance that was PS2. But at the time, the 360 offered the better value in gaming so people shifted over.

During console generation transitions, brand power has very little meaning in the west. By and large, we're more than willing to jump ship to a better deal.

Good posts. I think it is as you say, at least for me too. In a transition period, I'm completely willing to jump ship if one console seems to be the better console for me.
Kinda...off topic example, but when I was moving to a secondary school, I always had my mind set on the secondary school near me, but when it came to checking schools out, suddenly that school didn't seem so good to me and when I checked out this over school, I was quiet cause I didn't quite want to admit it was better, but at the end, I accepted it and went there.

I do think however some will always stick to one console regardless of if they don't truly believe their console is better. I guess some really do put brand loyalty before anything else. I know one person who got an X1 as he was under the impression it was the most powerful, don't think he's ever had a Sony console either. Personally to me, brand loyalty simply gives you a "point" and the new console has to earn the others.


Also MS is in general pretty much despised all over the world. Especially with the DRM failed attempt and NSA backdoors they allow in their programs.

Microsoft has a history of corporate imperialism which dates back to 1980s. Also most people who've never touched a console but use Microsoft products every day at work genuinely hate Microsoft for Windows 8 and new versions of MS Office. That's a more deeper and profound hate than any console fanboy could ever reproduce. Also well earned and justified.


Economic conditions are waaaaaay different now [than in the PS2 era] and you also didnt have apple around eating up market share with $1 shovelware games

I think it's safe to say that stuff like LoL and indie titles are taking away far more of the console marketshare than shovelware of any sort. Minecraft sold 35million copies and is still selling tons. LoL currently has more than 67million unique players per month. I think the big problem for consoles is straight forward - they're stodgy. The major players are all scared shitless of uncertainty and so the variety and number of titles on consoles continues to go down the drain as a consequence. A quick wiki search gives:

PS3: 780 released games
360: 1,119 released games

3,870 released games

Break those numbers down by genre and it'd be even more pitiful. The figures don't include PSN/Live only titles, but that doesn't change the result. Why/how did this happen? It's also very relevant that the PS2 gen only lasted about 6 years. We get a gen that lasted years longer and ended up with a fraction of the games and a complete breakdown of diversity.


So, to recap:

"I don't have to use my phone camera!"
"You don't have to use your Xbox's camera either."
"Then why am I being charged for it!?"

You're being charged for it because it currently comes as part of the package. It not being welded to the machine doesn't change this. You don't have to use the Kinect, but in choosing not to do so, you lose some of what would considered the standard functionality of the Xbox One. Similarly, by opting not to use your phone's camera, you lose some of the basic functionality of the phone.

Could MS choose to sell the Xbox One without the Kinect? Sure. Much like how Apple could choose to sell an iPhone that lacks a camera.
Currently both choose not to, and I don't see why this is such a big deal. I don't use the BluRay drive of either my PS4 or my XB1, yet I'm not complaining that I've obviously been charged for them. They're part of the package as of now. It's pretty simple.

I don't see much of a similarity with the Apple iphone's camera.
Apple includes it because it is what the mobile market have to come expect when purchasing a smartphone.

The problem here is that a device such as the Kinect does not have the same privilege of being viewed as the standard for a gaming console.
I don't see much of a similarity with the Apple iphone's camera.
Apple includes it because it is what the mobile market have to come expect when purchasing a smartphone.

The problem here is that a device such as the Kinect does not have the same privilege of being viewed as the standard for a gaming console.

Part of Microsoft's vision, well I guess Mattirck's vision, was to make Kinect a standard for console gaming. Nothing wrong with that at all. It's called innovation.

Now people embracing that vision/innovation is another story


While ~70 million wouldn't be the best for MS, it surely won't be deemed a "failure".

For numbers roughly between 20 million and 100 million, "success" or "failure" isn't defined by where you end up, but how you get there. Gamecube is a smashing success compared to PS3, even though it was third in unit sales in its gen while PS3 may have the legs to roll to a stop in first.

MS's willingness to play really damned hardball, with the 80-pound pricedrops or million-unit bundle deals or presumably 9 digits to EA for Titanfall exclusivity, is extremely hazardous from this perspective.
Part of Microsoft's vision, well I guess Mattirck's vision, was to make Kinect a standard for console gaming. Nothing wrong with that at all. It's called innovation.

Now people embracing that vision/innovation is another story

forget people embracing it, MS themselves haven't embraced it! Where's the kinect games? Why did Ryse get turned into controller centric game? If MS themselves don't show they believe in it how will the consumers?


…the same goes for the xbox division..if they decide to cut their losses and sell off the xbox brand who is in the front seat with a crapload of cash?

who has hordes of fanboys that line up for weeks looking to buy the exact same piece of equipment as last year but with a slightly better camera a gimmick that is patented to hell and back?

You've made this argument a couple of times in this thread but I don't buy it. Apple doesn't need to buy the Xbox name to push further into the gaming market. What does the Xbox name give Apple? Mindshare? You think Apple needs more mindshare?

Besides (and this might be painful to hear), hardcore gaming isn't a valuable market to a company as big as Apple. There's just not enough money in it to be worth the engineering resources. Not when they're pulling in over $10 billion a quarter in profit.


Gaming needs Xbox One to do good for Sony to not get cocky again next gen

There might not even be a physical next gen, I think it will be could based largely and we as consumers will be playing across multiple devices, Platform wars will translate into which one gives consumers the best service and value for money proposition...


I don't see much of a similarity with the Apple iphone's camera.
Apple includes it because it is what the mobile market have to come expect when purchasing a smartphone.

The problem here is that a device such as the Kinect does not have the same privilege of being viewed as the standard for a gaming console.

So it was always a standard? Or did someone at some point decide to add a camera and just include it in the cost of the phone?

The Wii Remotes weren't standard either. Should those have been sold separately, with the machine instead being packaged with a Classic Controller?

The manufacturer can decide whatever equipment they want to sell as the standard base for their product. You can probably get it changed by not buying it, but it's not like they're committing some horrible crime to attempt to sell it as they originally intend it to be used.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Part of Microsoft's vision, well I guess Mattirck's vision, was to make Kinect a standard for console gaming. Nothing wrong with that at all. It's called innovation.

Innovations are novel approaches to satisfy existing requirements.

One might argue that in the case of Kinect there aren't really many important requirements that the device satisfies, as is evident by the lack of ideas and implementations with high impact on the industry over the last years. In this case, there is indeed something wrong with that vision. It's called being a fad.
forget people embracing it, MS themselves haven't embraced it! Where's the kinect games? Why did Ryse get turned into controller centric game? If MS themselves don't show they believe in it how will the consumers?

i agree. Microsoft really needs to show why Kinect is worth it, why the technology is a necessity, etc.


I've said it before, but MS took a 1 billion dollar loss on the Surface price cut, even though the Surface has no hope of ever becoming a contender in the tablet market. They will take even bigger hits for the Xbox One, I'd think.

I think surface is more of a core product for MS than Xbox, as it is pushing windows and trying to compete in the fast growing tablet space which is eating traditional computing marketshare. Plus it is early on for that product, and MS have shown willingness to invest heavily for a while, until completely proven to be a failure, then they drop it.

Personally I see no reason to ditch Xbox other than internal politics and shareholder nonsense. It is a distraction rather than a core revenue driver, but it is still a potential on-ramp for MS services, so why not keep it around? Even if they get their asses handed to them, the lack of competition from Nintendo means they'll make a tidy sum over this generation. And if they want another round, they can look at a short generation like they did with Xbox one, to give themselves a head start, or try a different tack (maybe a lower priced, even more TV-centric box)

I don't see MS bailing it out massively this time though


forget people embracing it, MS themselves haven't embraced it! Where's the kinect games? Why did Ryse get turned into controller centric game? If MS themselves don't show they believe in it how will the consumers?

i agree. Microsoft really needs to show why Kinect is worth it, why the technology is a necessity, etc.

Yup. This is MS greatest failing with the XB1 thus far imo. You put all your eggs in Kinect yet have no AA/game changing software to show WHY Kinect is is worth it?

What were they thinking?


i agree. Microsoft really needs to show why Kinect is worth it, why the technology is a necessity, etc.

Hopefully many of the ID@Xbox projects will show off some cool uses of it. It will probably take indies risking something to make something fun and interesting.

Also, just like the Wii-U, let it get its first year done before we doom it! Damn, people are quick to jump on the doom wagon. E3 could be a turning point for any of the big three, so lets just wait a bit. :D


Uh, well... if $1,000,000,000 is the credit limit you're setting for them, there might be some bad news for you.

They've probably dumped close to that much just on EA deals (Titanfall exclusivity, FIFA pack-in for Europe, Titanfall pack-in SKU, various DLC deals and such), and almost certainly have once you add in the marketing costs for Titanfall. At this point it's almost definitely unrecoverable costs (for MS - it's unmitigated profit for EA) that are being written off as part of the overall promotion and support of the console itself.

Then you have all the retailer deals they've had in the last month (free games, store credit, just plain reduced sticker prices) trying to move their excess of launch SKUs, for which we can only hope they've taken a pretty serious hit. (If they haven't, it's because the thing isn't selling even with those offers...) There's little question that a billion dollars has come and gone already in post-launch advertising and "strategic deals".

Hmm. How much would it cost MS to just up and buy EA? A ton of their exclusivity seems to be with them, EA have clearly made a fortune from MS. Why not just go the whole hog?
You've made this argument a couple of times in this thread but I don't buy it. Apple doesn't need to buy the Xbox name to push further into the gaming market. What does the Xbox name give Apple? Mindshare? You think Apple needs more mindshare?

Besides (and this might be painful to hear), hardcore gaming isn't a valuable market to a company as big as Apple. There's just not enough money in it to be worth the engineering resources. Not when they're pulling in over $10 billion a quarter in profit.

Apple is sitting on $100-140 billion dollars in cash. They'd love to get a better return on investment than just leaving it in the bank. I mention that because I don't agree with your logic, but I do agree with your conclusion.

I can't see Apple buying Xbox. First off, Xbox One has Windows 8 buried pretty deep in it so no matter what, Microsoft can't totally sell the Xbox. Would apple want to be tied at the hip to Microsoft and stuck supporting Windows 8. I don't think so. Second, Apple likes to do there own thing, and Xbox has too much history to it. It'd be too constraining for Apple.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Yup. This is MS greatest failing with the XB1 thus far imo. You put all your eggs in Kinect yet have no AA/game changing software to show WHY Kinect is is worth it?

What were they thinking?

They didn't bundle Kinect for gaming purposes. They bundled it to use it as a more convenient control device for apps and for NuAds, and they let their gamer fanbase pay a premium for these additional sources of revenue.


Hmm. How much would it cost MS to just up and buy EA? A ton of their exclusivity seems to be with them, EA have clearly made a fortune from MS. Why not just go the whole hog?

Wouldn't EA lose the NFL license this way?

It would probably just turn another company into EA within a couple of years.
E3 could be a turning point for any of the big three, so lets just wait a bit. :D

the only thing that e3 might turn around is the xbox one and only if the words $399 are said. WiiU is done, 3ds has fired all its guns, Vita is done, even a turnaround for for MS isn't going to stop the ps4 train
Yup. This is MS greatest failing with the XB1 thus far imo. You put all your eggs in Kinect yet have no AA/game changing software to show WHY Kinect is is worth it?

What were they thinking?

Mattrick joined up in 07 and became boss in 2010...

Looking back, things got progressively worse year after year after he showed up....

The xb1 is the culmination of his incompetency and/or arrogance as to the consumer desires....

Now the division is scrambling to clean up a mess that could potentially cost microsoft hundreds of millions over the next 5-10 years...


Hmm. How much would it cost MS to just up and buy EA? A ton of their exclusivity seems to be with them, EA have clearly made a fortune from MS. Why not just go the whole hog?

Interesting idea, but I'm not sure that would work. I'd imagine somewhere in the agreements with various sports leagues there is a clause that would preclude Madden, or Fifa for example from being exclusive to Xbox.


Mattrick joined up in 07 and became boss in 2010...

Looking back, things got progressively worse year after year after he showed up....

The xb1 is the culmination of his incompetency and/or arrogance as to the consumer desires....

Now the division is scrambling to clean up a mess that could potentially cost microsoft hundreds of millions over the next 5-10 years...

Mattrick getting moved to head of xbox coincides perfectly with me abandoning my 360. They just went in a completely different direction than what I wanted. So far the new leadership is doing a better job, but there is a lot of cleaning up.


Hopefully many of the ID@Xbox projects will show off some cool uses of it. It will probably take indies risking something to make something fun and interesting.

Also, just like the Wii-U, let it get its first year done before we doom it! Damn, people are quick to jump on the doom wagon. E3 could be a turning point for any of the big three, so lets just wait a bit. :D

Is that the same indies that were pissed off at ID@Xbox for not allowing them to release on other platforms before Xbox? Ones that couldn't afford to sit on completed versions while developing an Xbox version? Now they suddenly have tons of free money and time to experiment with a peripheral that only one platform has access to, and the lower selling platform as well.

Just like the WiiU, the manufacturer has the responsibility to seed the market, to show why the kinect (and gamepad) are so great that they are worth charging everyone more money for their console. Indies might come up with some nice ideas, but they shouldn't be expected to drive uptake.


Banstick Emeritus
So, to recap:

"I don't have to use my phone camera!"
"You don't have to use your Xbox's camera either."
"Then why am I being charged for it!?"

You're being charged for it because it currently comes as part of the package. It not being welded to the machine doesn't change this. You don't have to use the Kinect, but in choosing not to do so, you lose some of what would considered the standard functionality of the Xbox One. Similarly, by opting not to use your phone's camera, you lose some of the basic functionality of the phone.

Could MS choose to sell the Xbox One without the Kinect? Sure. Much like how Apple could choose to sell an iPhone that lacks a camera. Currently both choose not to, and I don't see why this is such a big deal. I don't use the BluRay drive of either my PS4 or my XB1, yet I'm not complaining that I've obviously been charged for them. They're part of the package as of now. It's pretty simple.
If i choose not to use the camera, my phone still makes calls, receives texts, performs all of the basic functions of a phone at the same level of quality as the competition.

That is not the case here.

Hence the constant posts about Kinect being the differentiating factor that sets Xbone apart from PS4, it shouldn't be removed etc. So if it truly is part of the package, rethinking what that package truly needs to be should be priority 1 for the hardware team, because clearly the 'value proposition' is not shared by the consumer base, even in what were previous generation market strongholds.

It is a millstone and needs to be jettisoned.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I'm getting a little.. wait, a lot sick of the doomsaying this early in the generation.

Give the seeds time to grow, or else no time for rose to show.


kinect might be pretty awesome this time around but the problem is no 3rd party will support it properly. designing around kinect basically means your making an xbox one exclusive which halves your potential install base. the only way a 3rd party would commit to that is if Microsoft floats the bill. so outside of Microsoft pushing some cash around only first parties might be supporting it which makes it an unneeded expense for the most part.

the voice control is the main feature people seem to like with kinect, a feature that should have been built into the console while the kinect being sold as a add-on for streaming/kinect games. would have cut cost a lot and they probably could have beaten sony at the pricing game.
So did the market drop out on all the dance games? Weren't they the reason the original was Kinect so popular?

No, but the buyers of those game are so casual about gaming that they're still satisfied playing them on the 360 or even the wii. They won't be potentially buying an xbox one until the price has dropped dramatically, probably in about 2 years or more.


Only because he changed his opinion from 6 months ago when he said Skype would be the killer app.

Pachter is like a Kameleon. His skin changes when reality sets in. Bold predictions that make no sense months before something happens. Then when we all see it was just nonsense to grab headlines, he changes his mind and uses common sense.


Hmm. How much would it cost MS to just up and buy EA? A ton of their exclusivity seems to be with them, EA have clearly made a fortune from MS. Why not just go the whole hog?

Market cap is $9bn or so, so a bid would be expected to be higher. EA would also be worth significantly less in MS's hands, between decreased sales of most titles, loss of exclusivity deals, and the inability to play MS and Sony against each other for handouts.

It would likely raise a lot of eyebrows at the FTC, to say nothing of EU regulators, and it would cost the same amount as literally handing out twenty million Xbones for free. It's a nonstarter.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Pachter is like a Kameleon. His skin changes when reality sets in. Bold predictions that make no sense months before something happens. Then when we all see it was just nonsense to grab headlines, he changes his mind and uses common sense.

So many words to say "He is an analyst".
Ms and Nintendo dropped the ball. This gen is the second coming of Sony Computer Entertainment.

Sony itself might shit the bed, but it won't be from the huge profts the entertainment division is about to receive.


So, to recap:

"I don't have to use my phone camera!"
"You don't have to use your Xbox's camera either."
"Then why am I being charged for it!?"

You're being charged for it because it currently comes as part of the package. It not being welded to the machine doesn't change this. You don't have to use the Kinect, but in choosing not to do so, you lose some of what would considered the standard functionality of the Xbox One. Similarly, by opting not to use your phone's camera, you lose some of the basic functionality of the phone.

Could MS choose to sell the Xbox One without the Kinect? Sure. Much like how Apple could choose to sell an iPhone that lacks a camera. Currently both choose not to, and I don't see why this is such a big deal. I don't use the BluRay drive of either my PS4 or my XB1, yet I'm not complaining that I've obviously been charged for them. They're part of the package as of now. It's pretty simple.

Right. And that camera makes the package more expensive, so the vast majority of gamers are opting for the camera-less competitor. Saying "you could just not use it" isn't valid because those same people will buy the system that doesn't charge them anything extra.
So, to recap:

"I don't have to use my phone camera!"
"You don't have to use your Xbox's camera either."
"Then why am I being charged for it!?"

You're being charged for it because it currently comes as part of the package. It not being welded to the machine doesn't change this. You don't have to use the Kinect, but in choosing not to do so, you lose some of what would considered the standard functionality of the Xbox One. Similarly, by opting not to use your phone's camera, you lose some of the basic functionality of the phone.

Could MS choose to sell the Xbox One without the Kinect? Sure. Much like how Apple could choose to sell an iPhone that lacks a camera. Currently both choose not to, and I don't see why this is such a big deal. I don't use the BluRay drive of either my PS4 or my XB1, yet I'm not complaining that I've obviously been charged for them. They're part of the package as of now. It's pretty simple.

The difference is people actually use their camera phones, good luck selling a smartphone without one. This wouldn't matter if people gave a shit about kinect but right now it's just adding an extra $100 to the price tag and making xbone sales tank.

Blu-ray again is a feature most people consider useful whatever you think of it. Further it is actually used to play games as well. Removing the blu-ray drive impacts the functionality of the console far more than removing kinect.

The comparisons aren't needed and they aren't apples to apples. The simple question is would they be moving more HW if they had a kinectless sku and the answer to me is a resounding yes.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Hmm. How much would it cost MS to just up and buy EA? A ton of their exclusivity seems to be with them, EA have clearly made a fortune from MS. Why not just go the whole hog?

That would be interesting. A publisher notorious for closing studios buys another publisher that's notorious for closing studios. Microsoft will have shut down EA within a year. And every single IP mothballed.


If Titanfall doesn't push the needle... I don't know what will. I don't mean to be doom and gloom, and will freely admit that there could be something that comes out that changes everything that we don't know about (I don't think anyone foresaw Monster Hunter saving the PSP, for instance). But, looking at the trajectories of both systems and the release schedules for both systems... Titanfall is the biggest exclusive this year for either platform. If it doesn't push the needle and keep the needle pushed for a sustained amount of time I think there's a real danger of Microsoft falling far behind (which... I don't think they are far behind yet, for the record).

Microsoft doesn't need to "win" to make money. Microsoft wants to sell services. They will make money with XBLG. They will make money with Skype. They will make money with NUADs. They will make money with the NFL deal. They will make money with TV stuff. They will make money with Forza/Halo/Gears/etc. They don't need to be in first to do that.

But... and this is where if I was microsoft I would start shitting myself a little bit. They aren't the "cool" console currently. The PS4 is sleeker. The PS4 is more powerful (and early adopters are making it known via social media to the more casual gamers that this is the case... something that didn't exist 10 years ago). PS+ is beloved. And the PS4 is $100 cheaper. The xbox one is a big, bulky box. The Kinect hasn't caught on (I like it far more than I thought I would... but let's be serious, the gaming public's general sentiment about it is "i don't want it."). XBLG is looking like a rip off at $10 more for less stuff than PS+.

Microsoft has a very real image problem right now. And if Titanfall doesn't help correct that there isn't any reason to think anything will this year. Forza Horizon 2 will be awesome and I can't wait to buy that game but racing games are fairly niche. A big niche... 2 million sold, sure... but it's not going to move units. Halo 2 anniversary will be the biggest HD remake ever but as of yet there is no proof that a HD remake does much more than make a company some easy money.

The biggest problem is that when you add all of this stuff up, it's hard to think that MS will stay at the same trajectory. Like I said before, they don't need to win, but they do need to keep selling so they are a somewhat close second place. But when Watch_Dogs comes out and it's different resolutions that's another chink in the armor. I was told last night by a guy at MS that Batman is being preordered, in the US, to the tune of 4 to 1 in favor of the PS4 currently. If the xbox keeps getting the shit kicked out of it I think less people want to buy it as we go forward. It becomes so much more expensive for them to buy exclusives. The system is thought of as uncool (see: wii u).

Marketing guys project that Titanfall has already helped sell around 1 million Xbox Ones. This is based off of things like upticks in sales after every major titanfall announcements. They don't know if it will move 200k more at this point. The titanfall bundle is selling less than Microsoft projected (but they are still hopeful for a big swing come tuesday). If titanfall doesn't turn around the sales... and the image problem - what will? Direct X 12 unlocking the magic secret gpu when it releases in 1.5 years? Even if that bullshit is real the system would be buried by then.

As for "get rid of the kinect" i agree with Pachter that it won't be this year. Well, it can possibly be this year, but later this year. I think his reasoning is the same as mine... because the people I talk to say "We literally cannot unbundle it, we have contracts with parts suppliers that are yearly or multi-year." Mattrick really fucked them with that device. If you do see microsoft announce a kinect-less bundle early, like at e3, keep in mind that means they are eating A TON of money. And that has to be worrying for a division that certain people would like to see sold off...

I dig my xbox one but they have serious hurdles to overcome. I also love my Vita and it had serious hurdles to overcome... and it didn't. It needed Gravity Rush or Soul Sacrifice to become a Monster Hunter-like phenomenon and it didn't happen. So for the rest of its lifespan it will be a niche device. Shit happens.
I easily believe that... I guess most TF buyers already had the One.


Meh, to me, there really aren't many good games on either system and in the end that's what matters IMO. Who has the best games.

I honestly think Sony will win the games competition in single player experiences with its amazing first-party games (particularly Naughty Dog's output over the next 5 years - I have high expectations).

I do kinda of expect Xbox One to beat Sony's game library when it comes to multiplayer experiences. Although, with Destiny being promoted mostly on PS4, that could be a sign of some changes to come.

I own both consoles and a great PC so I win no matter what :)

As far as Xbox brand dying due to dismal sales... I just don't see it happening very soon. They are at least, all in for this new generation and are going to do whatever they can to persuade more people to buy Xbox Ones. I'm just hoping we get some new, interesting, original, and impressive games from both these consoles. I have no stakes in the console war. Other than Halo being my favorite IP so I at least want that to be good and successful. H2 Anniversary could be a step in the right direction and could definitely sell some Xbox Ones on its own.

Sony clearly has the multi platform advantage being cheaper and more powerful. Only way Microsoft can beat that is by making some really good games.


For numbers roughly between 20 million and 100 million, "success" or "failure" isn't defined by where you end up, but how you get there. Gamecube is a smashing success compared to PS3, even though it was third in unit sales in its gen while PS3 may have the legs to roll to a stop in first.

MS's willingness to play really damned hardball, with the 80-pound pricedrops or million-unit bundle deals or presumably 9 digits to EA for Titanfall exclusivity, is extremely hazardous from this perspective.

How much are you guessing they paid for Titan Fall when all is said and done between the bundle and exclusivity deal?


Ms and Nintendo dropped the ball. This gen is the second coming of Sony Computer Entertainment.

Sony itself might shit the bed, but it won't be from the huge profts the entertainment division is about to receive.

sony has already shit the bed, were just waiting for the the cleaner to throw it out. I think this is the generation that playstation splits off into its own thing or sony sells off the division in an attempt to save the rest of the company.


kinect might be pretty awesome this time around but the problem is no 3rd party will support it properly. designing around kinect basically means your making an xbox one exclusive which halves your potential install base. the only way a 3rd party would commit to that is if Microsoft floats the bill. so outside of Microsoft pushing some cash around only first parties might be supporting it which makes it an unneeded expense for the most part.
There's virtually no first party support for kinect, other than the gimmicky stuff that never lingers very long into a new hardware cycle. Voice support is nice, but only because their UI is kind of crap. They made it standard because the original sold very well, but I feel that the casual market is very 'over and done' with tech. They abandoned Guitar Hero, they abandoned the Wii, and kinect is firmly old news to them. If they wanted to chase after the casual market that bought the original kinect, they needed to do something new reinvigorate interest. Not just say, 'Hey, it sort of works this time.' Maybe if it was perfect, and they had a good game to sell it, that would make a difference. But it still has problems, and there's no flagship software to push it. So it's nothing but a $100 anchor on the system.
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