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Camelot Unchained Kickstarter - The DAOC Successor from Mark Jacobs [Complete, $2.2M]

Wow the Depths sounds fucking amazing. Gonna up my pledge from $110 to $250. I think its time to sport a CU avatar as well.

I've been thinking of doing the same, but I want founders dyes!! I think if I up my pledge, I will need to jump from 110 to 350. Haha.

.... I probably will, I fucking loved DAoC.


Wow the Depths sounds fucking amazing. Gonna up my pledge from $110 to $250. I think its time to sport a CU avatar as well.

Awesome!!!! That lifetime sub will be NICE when you don't have to worry about it every month.

I've been thinking of doing the same, but I want founders dyes!! I think if I up my pledge, I will need to jump from 110 to 350. Haha.
.... I probably will, I fucking loved DAoC.

Go for it!!!! At first, I was happy with my $250, but then yeah....I saw those Founder's Dyes, Founder's Trophies, Statue, and whatever "Exclusive Items" are, special thanks in game, AND a digital copy I can give a friend?! Yeah, to me, that's worth it!

But honestly, the best part of going up $100, is that it's helping out the Kickstarter that much more. In the grand scheme of things, $100 isn't much .... hell, $350 isn't that much when compared to those upper tiers, but I'm happy to give what I can!

Nice avatar Burt!!!!!!!


Nice avatar Burt!!!!!!!

Thanks, you too. Not hard when you've got good art like that.

Updated the OP with The Depths stuff. Let me know if I missed anything.

Hope this gets the huge amount of coverage it deserves and they get a big bump for the next couple days. This should drive a whole bunch of people that have been considering pledging over the edge, now that they've detailed their RvR dungeon (which, I'll say again, sounds glorious) and specified how they're dealing with PvE in the game.
Awesome!!!! That lifetime sub will be NICE when you don't have to worry about it every month.

Go for it!!!! At first, I was happy with my $250, but then yeah....I saw those Founder's Dyes, Founder's Trophies, Statue, and whatever "Exclusive Items" are, special thanks in game, AND a digital copy I can give a friend?! Yeah, to me, that's worth it!

But honestly, the best part of going up $100, is that it's helping out the Kickstarter that much more. In the grand scheme of things, $100 isn't much .... hell, $350 isn't that much when compared to those upper tiers, but I'm happy to give what I can!

Nice avatar Burt!!!!!!!

I will definitely spend some time looking over the differences and seeing what I should up my money too. I bought all the DAoC expansions at least 2 times (up to Cata) (and I even gifted a couple to friends too), and I went and bought the complete box set (up to Cata I think?) again as well. Plus I subbed from just a couple months after launch, until WoW launched, and then I went back to DAoC for a few months when DR came out, and for maybe a month when LotM (bleh). Soooo I spent ass loads on DAoC...

Doing all the math makes it pretty easy to put down $350 for a lifetime sub and a bunch of awesome things.


I will definitely spend some time looking over the differences and seeing what I should up my money too. I bought all the DAoC expansions at least 2 times (up to Cata) (and I even gifted a couple to friends too), and I went and bought the complete box set (up to Cata I think?) again as well. Plus I subbed from just a couple months after launch, until WoW launched, and then I went back to DAoC for a few months when DR came out, and for maybe a month when LotM (bleh). Soooo I spent ass loads on DAoC...

Doing all the math makes it pretty easy to put down $350 for a lifetime sub and a bunch of awesome things.

That's a LOT of DAoC purchases! I only bought two of each until ToA. One for the wife, one for me. She bailed shortly after ToA because it sucked so bad. I went on a DAoC hiatus, playing Final Fantasy 11 for a year and came back to DAoC once Classic servers were introduced. DR was ok. LotM was terrible (although not as bad as ToA). Played until they got rid of Classic servers. What a letdown.

You're so right about the $350. Even the $250. That $250 lifetime sub is an AMAZING deal.

For me, I have to get the lifetime sub. With a monthly sub, I feel pressured to play to get my moneys worth. With lifetime, I can feel free to log in whenever. As a father with two VERY active kids in sports, time is short to play games, so yeah....lifetime sub has so many benefits for me.

Outdoor Miner, that avatar still looks the same! :p
After implementing LOD into the tech demo.




This is the most hilariously bloated kickstarter page of any project I've seen. Also good luck to them dealing with a thousand different reward tiers...
This is the most hilariously bloated kickstarter page of any project I've seen. Also good luck to them dealing with a thousand different reward tiers...

Yeah looks like a huge headache to get that all set up. I hope they can pull this off, first kickstarter I've been excited for.

Not sure what faction I want to play, I was a savage in DAOC. I suppose it depends on the classes they get.
They are going for such a hardcore market, that the 'bloat' is fine for any old DAoC fan to figure out and decide what they want to pledge. and CSE has over 2 years to get all the other stuff sorted out, so its not very difficult for them to deal with either.


They are going for such a hardcore market, that the 'bloat' is fine for any old DAoC fan to figure out and decide what they want to pledge. and CSE has over 2 years to get all the other stuff sorted out, so its not very difficult for them to deal with either.

I would imagine that emails aligning with pledge levels in a database, or even an Excel spreadsheet would make it a cakewalk to track. I mean, everyone has to use Amazon, so it should be easy. Now, if people were using several different payment sources, it would make it a more difficult to track.

The biggest thing that has me worried about this not funding, is the fact that it's a sub model. So many people are spoiled/used to free to play, they simply are refusing to back the game. I really think that CSE should announce at least how they plan on making the sub model work, it would maybe set minds at ease. As I said before, with the Founder's Exchange and being able to purchase more Founder's Points after release, hopefully this will lessen the monthly sub cost. I mean hell.....what if they plan on the monthly sub being only $5 - $8 a month?

I personally hope that the sub based model makes a comeback......but ONLY if there is some sort of option to get a lifetime sub.
This game really needs a big push, the Depths stuff sounds great, but they need to show more of the possible races, and possible classes that will be in this game. 3D models if they have them, but just good concept art will do.

2 weeks left, and still over 800k left. Its still possible, but the longer they wait to show any of this stuff, the harder it will be to fund.


This game really needs a big push, the Depths stuff sounds great, but they need to show more of the possible races, and possible classes that will be in this game. 3D models if they have them, but just good concept art will do.

2 weeks left, and still over 800k left. Its still possible, but the longer they wait to show any of this stuff, the harder it will be to fund.

You should go play the lottery...like, RIGHT NOW. You just pretty much described what they showed in the update today haha.
You should go play the lottery...like, RIGHT NOW. You just pretty much described what they showed in the update today haha.

Its a good start, but they need more of this type of stuff!

New race looks interesting, not something I would play, but I know people would enjoy being a dragonish person.
Yeah it's not looking good. The latest newsletters tone has me worried. If we don't pick it up soon even a big final day push will not be enough.

Anyone in the fence c'mon you have nothing to lose. Lets reward something for being more than just wow clone #34615.


Yeah it's not looking good. The latest newsletters tone has me worried. If we don't pick it up soon even a big final day push will not be enough.

Anyone in the fence c'mon you have nothing to lose. Lets reward something for being more than just wow clone #34615.

Got that newsletter as well but thought I had unsubscribed. Maybe this time it will take. It does sound like they are worried about getting more backers. I can't say I'm surprised but Mark Jacobs knows what would increase the backers, if only a little but he wont' do it. He has his reasons.

Foundational Principle #14, the CSE SUBSCRIBER PROMISES, seems a bit desperate to me. I question why this wasn't out there sooner. On day one. He does know and understand there is a trust issue here right in regard to what happen to Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online? One of the first things he should have done was try to reach out and make people understand that what went wrong there won't happen again or they'll try to not let it happen again. Why is it only now when money has slowed to a crawl does he feel the need to break out these list of promises?


I had the most fun and spent the most time with DAoC out of all MMOs. Had it so bad I was quad-boxing it at one point.


Yeah it's not looking good. The latest newsletters tone has me worried. If we don't pick it up soon even a big final day push will not be enough.

Anyone in the fence c'mon you have nothing to lose. Lets reward something for being more than just wow clone #34615.

There's always a lull in kickstarters it seems. Obviously this isn't 100%, but if things kick up near the end (like most others tend to do), it could be ok.


**Edit: Nice avatar Outdoor Miner!

Got that newsletter as well but thought I had unsubscribed. Maybe this time it will take. It does sound like they are worried about getting more backers. I can't say I'm surprised but Mark Jacobs knows what would increase the backers, if only a little but he wont' do it. He has his reasons.

Foundational Principle #14, the CSE SUBSCRIBER PROMISES, seems a bit desperate to me. I question why this wasn't out there sooner. On day one. He does know and understand there is a trust issue here right in regard to what happen to Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online? One of the first things he should have done was try to reach out and make people understand that what went wrong there won't happen again or they'll try to not let it happen again. Why is it only now when money has slowed to a crawl does he feel the need to break out these list of promises?

The tone was rather odd in the video. I didn't mind the CSE Subscriber Promises coming when they did. I didn't even expect it, so even if a bit desperate, it was nice to hear. Now...hopefully they stick with it. I swear to god if I see one portable relic or BS artifact type thing in CU, I'm going to flip a lid. Which will probably cause me to die. Then my wife can sue. Perfect plan!.....wait.
If this guy can make and maintain a MMO for only $2M then he should be using is god-level skills and connections to do more than just make games.
Hes not, at minimum he will be using 5 million. 2 from KS, 2 of his own money, and 1 from a 'publisher' or something.

Edit: also, the MMO hes making doesnt really have quests, or PvE content, which are normally what take up the most resources.


Housing/Building update today. Sounds fucking amazing. This game needs to get made. I want to just be a full-time crafter in this.


Just got time to sit down and watch the update. Sounds very involved and very fun.

I'm starting to put my hopes in check, as backing has slowed down dramatically. Really hoping a lot of new info comes out this week, as they really need to start pushing harder to get some potential backers off the fence.


Looking pretty bleak at the moment. Trending shows it wont fund. Maybe the last 48 hours will bring in more backers.


Crap its looking like theres no way it will make it without a huge push at the end. 6 days left, 600k to go. And it did like 800k really fast in the first day.

Probably just not enough old school PvP MMO lovers to generate the money needed. A shame.
Crap its looking like theres no way it will make it without a huge push at the end. 6 days left, 600k to go. And it did like 800k really fast in the first day.

Probably just not enough old school PvP MMO lovers to generate the money needed. A shame.

The problem is they have no 'real' prototype to show off. They should have created a more advanced prototype before doing the kickstarter.
That they went with 30 days bothers me, since they had nothing to show at start.
Everything I've seen so far looks and sounds so fucking awesome....which makes it even harder to deal with the probability of it not funding :(

I wonder if they can take a few more months and actually get some working prototype stuff up and try again. They got like 1 million really quick from old DAoC players like me, but they have only managed to intice a few hundred thousand out of random people because they don't really have much of anything to show of the game.


I really need to stop looking at kicktraq. Just looked, and it's needing around $83k/day to fund. Only sitting at $45k today. :(


Aw, c'mon Mark. You already said you'd put in $2 mil if it makes it. Just put in another $550k. Drop in the bucket!



It'll fund guys. It won't be pretty and no stretch goals will be met but it'll make it.
It doesn't look like it will. It's not as if people haven't had time to read up on what they want to do. It's just not clicking with enough people it seems. Makes me me wonder how Mark Jacobs and the others behind it are taking that. I haven't had a chance to watch the latest videos. Does he still sound upbeat or is there a disappointing tone, etc?
It doesn't look like it will. It's not as if people haven't had time to read up on what they want to do. It's just not clicking with enough people it seems. Makes me me wonder how Mark Jacobs and the others behind it are taking that. I haven't had a chance to watch the latest videos. Does he still sound upbeat or is there a disappointing tone, etc?

The majority of a Kickstarters funds comes from the 1st and last days. It'll prob do about $300-400k on the last day alone. Its fine.


God, I am sick that this isn't going to make its goal. So sad man. They had a hilarious flurry of updates yesterday. I have to turn off the emails, because my phone was chiming all day.


I think its biggest problem is that the game is still too early on in the concept stage for a kickstarter asking for $2million. Asking people to fund a subscription mmo that's not coming out till December 2015, is a big ask. They don't have enough stuff already done to show which will make people fund $2m on blind faith. I feel from their videos that they only started working on the game a week or so before the beginning of the kickstarted. Smaller games asking for less can get away with that.


I really want this game to succeed. We need to bring out the people on the fence to donate, even if it's just 5 dollars.

If the 2 million mark isn't met, the game isn't made. Personally, I've up my contribution after being wowed by some of the updates.

Mark's asking everyone to talk to their friends, guild mates, and family to help chip in, if only a little. Any contribution would be a great help when the game hits its green light.


why the fuck should we trust mark jacobs after warhammer online?
don't understand people backing this

gonna turn out to be shit anyways
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