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Chris Avellone is Fighting Back (Update: won seven figure lawsuit, formal apology/retraction from accusers)


He's not suing the company - this has nothing to do with Poland. He's the one in California. It's the Australian who made claims. He can sue the Australian in the USA or Australia as he wishes. No need to travel to any country either way.

You've got the complete wrong end of the stick about what's happening yet you're acting hostile to me... lol
You clearly has some axe to grind there, so I will ask you. How do you know that he isn't suing her in Australia? If you don't then shut the fuck up.


Did you just wake up and decide to drive-by post?
This was already posted and discussed in this thread, including the fact this woman was on dating sites to cheat on her boyfriend.

No I didn't just drive-by post. Plus, did not go through each page to identify it was posted before. You can just ignore it btw.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
unrelated, but Doubt that the moon would be fine if the world was obliterated by an asteroid.


Unfortunately for the accused, when stuff like this breaks on social media as well, it puts a ridiculous strain on them to engage in the public arena.

Silence is seen as admittance of credibility to the claims, whereas rash, emotionally charged responses just fan the flames.

The best thing to do is remain silent, be thorough in your evidence gathering and then deliver a proper response. That takes time, and in most cases doesn't even erase the stigma that's come and gone. There has to be repercussions/deterrents to doing this. Account closures and platform bans.

We saw this play out with angry Joe the same:

And these people get to keep their stuff like game team manager shit and partner with twitch despite being full of shit? Whole thing is fucked.

Social media has made everyone a tabloid headline writer where they are the editor, photographer and journalist.

Sue them all, sue even twitch and amazon. see how they like it.


Anyone can impersonate someone else in a Twitter DM. You just need to change your profile pic and display name since DMs don't show the @ account name.
It would be a weird thing to do for her. Why would she do that? I'm more interested in knowing what happened there in the rest of the conversation. Seems he made those posts at 1 AM then apologised in the morning. Might have been very drunk.


Intentionally or not, he pretty much did what he wrote it was probably a strategy from his accusers side. Posting this on a weekend.
I can imagine not many people working on gaming press sites on a Saturday and Sunday. And if they are to also revise their old articles and check facts a year later, then I can imagine being hesitant and waiting for a bit.

That is assuming they are sincere, want to report both sides telling their story, giving Avellone a fair chance to defend himself, not pandering to woke idiots -- which is a lot this days and given the history of these sites.

Gaming press is turned mostly to posting shit for clicks and rarely even bothers with investigative journalism (there are a few glowing exceptions, but they are so rare and years apart).


Gold Member

So 7 years ago he said something stupid to someone, possibly under the influence, and apologized for it. But this clearly means he is a monster who needs to have his career and life ruined. Because surely he is just some out of control predator and not some guy who got horny and took his shot, even if not in the most charming of ways and at a bad time. I can tell you now I've said a number of things to women I know who, right now, I'm on good terms with and we're cool like that. Like, I frequently say "shut up and sit on my face" and it's not a problem at all. I've developed a rapport with them where that kind of thing isn't a big deal to us at all and they even say shit to me. BUT... one of them could get a burr up their ass and start saying I was harassing them and it was so traumatic for them. Suddenly I have to climb this nearly insurmountable mountain to clear my name and even after I do I'll still be made to have a cloud of shame over my head for the rest of my life. For daring to have a little fun and maybe be a bit sleazy. Sorry, but cunts like them need to be nailed to the wall so shit like that can start to NOT be the damn norm. Stop being so fucking pathetic that you try to ruin someone because you were uncomfortable for a moment or made a bad decision yourself.
Pretty much. I would surmise every guy on here has said or done some stupid shit trying to get some. Just part of being a man.

I really don't think that's a great defense for his texts. He responded to a work-related or non-sexual text by talking in explicit sexual terms about her intimate body parts. He himself recognized at the time that it was wildly inappropriate for the level of their relationship and said "I owe you like a hundred million apologies". Luckily this wasn't a colleague or employee in the industry. If you do this to someone you work with, it IS considered sexual harassment by HR. You can't for example, walk up to female colleagues and tell them how deep inside their vaginas you want to be just 'trying to get some'. That's not just part of being a man.

The texts weren't the reason he was fired from his jobs. She posted those in response to the allegations from Karissa. Likely, she believed Karissa and felt guilty about forgiving Avellone for those texts and remaining friends, like she was enabling him - guilt by association. If she were newly under the impression that he were guilty of far worse, those original texts she forgave could take on a more sinister tone in her eyes.


Why does Avellone need to bring receipts to prove his innocence? It should be the other way round no? He should have immediately filed a lawsuit for slander.

Modern courts and legal systems are flawed (with 'innocent until proven guilty' rule and shit like that), so we are reverting back to mob justice and lynching and calling this 'progress'.


Why does Avellone need to bring receipts to prove his innocence? It should be the other way round no? He should have immediately filed a lawsuit for slander.
Because "innocent until proven guilty" still works in courts and when you sue someone you need to prove that they are guilty.
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Boy bawang

I'm always amazed at these Shrodinger allegations, where the woman is simultaneously a poor victim incapable of controlling herself when presented with booze and scared shitless by a pushy man, a strong independent woman who isn't scared to speak out against male toxicity and the rape culture, and overall a good friend for years who stays in friendly terms with her alleged abuser. Oh well...


The mancunt that is Kirk McKeand did not disappoint. His website was complicit in the slander, instead of apology, he doubles down.

I hope he becomes one of the defendants and goes bankrupt.

Lol to anyone defending this shit. Jackie and crew come off as unbearable and monstrous, but Chris mingled with them. They say these kinds of people “eat their own” and I personally believe that this is that scenario.

This tweet is hilarious though. “I forgave him for these texts, but I’m going to post them for the world to see anyway.” Makes perfect sense.


Lol to anyone defending this shit. Jackie and crew come off as unbearable and monstrous, but Chris mingled with them. They say these kinds of people “eat their own” and I personally believe that this is that scenario.

This tweet is hilarious though. “I forgave him for these texts, but I’m going to post them for the world to see anyway.” Makes perfect sense.
"I said I forgave him, I never said I won't use it to destroy him. There's a difference."


Good on Chris for finally striking back.

It's insane that one of the best writers and game developers in the industry is ostracized based on the mere flimsy evidence of a single tweet by a biased and bitter person. Avellone's career was destroyed overnight and the whole gaming media industry took part in the witch hunt, not even bothering to verify the claims.

"Game journalists" like Jason Schreier gleefully reported on the drama because they smelled a big story. Throwing Chris under the bus while at the same time leeching off of his fame for twitter clout:


Talent is hard to come by, we can't allow jealous talentless hacks to keep abusing social media in order to ruin the legacy of those who earned it through hard work and dedication. It is easier to destroy than to create and this crap needs to stop!

If you want to party hard and drink until you end up with a hangover.... dont complain about the things you did but cant remember.

More responsibility for your own stuff. Not everyone uses KO drops to get you into his bed.


Did you just wake up and decide to drive-by post?
This was already posted and discussed in this thread, including the fact this woman was on dating sites to cheat on her boyfriend.
Well, “on a dating site” is putting it mildly, given that she was in a porn with James Deen under the alias Violet.

Not my discovery, I just happened to read it elsewhere and see the receipts.

Then again, that doesn’t make Avellone any less of a creep for “sexting” her while drunk.
Still, that’s not a crime, either.

P.S. also, I don’t think she’s risking her job at Riot for this. Chances are they already know it and take pride on how empowering it is for a woman. Or something.
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Reseterror Resettler
So lessons learned here are, if you're following along:

-Don't instant message people if they have more than 30 followers on anything. You're included in that number, simp.

-Don't message (instant or otherwise) people if they have danger hair.

-Don't message people if they're in a relationship, ffs.

-Don't assume you have a friendly rapport with anyone of the opposite gender. You don't. You're only an ally so long as the benefits they gain from you outweigh those present from being an opponent.

-Don't message people when you're drunk or high.

-Don't message people.



Well, “on a dating site” is putting it mildly, given that she was in a porn with James Deen under the alias Violet.

Not my discovery, I just happened to read it elsewhere and see the receipts.

Then again, that doesn’t make Avellone any less of a creep for “sexting” her while drunk.
Still, that’s not a crime, either.

P.S. also, I don’t think she’s risking her job at Riot for this. Chances are they already know it and take pride on how empowering it is for a woman. Or something.

Those are actually seperate things. She did have an account on a dating site where she openly cheated on her boyfriend. The James Deen thing is new and was only recently discovered. It doesn't absolve Chris of doing something stupid, but it does imply that a drunk text probably didn't ruin Jaquis mental health.

That's a lame and terrible excuse bro. For some poor people, part of being poor is robbing people. That doesn't make it right.
And 99% of people did something really stupid when drunk in the middle of the night. Especially when it concerns drunk texting. And he apologized the morning after. Chris is not alone in that. At all. But please tell me how you never fucked up in your life.
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This is kinda just stupid. He was drunk. He has no control of what he did while drunk. His problem is that he shouldnt get drunk. Not that he said some bad words to a someone. Simple as that.


This is kinda just stupid. He was drunk. He has no control of what he did while drunk. His problem is that he shouldnt get drunk. Not that he said some bad words to a someone. Simple as that.
Eh, we do still have a certain degree of responsibility when drunk (Apart from the responsibility that comes with being drunk in the first place). Being drunk doesn't exactly absolve you of murder or rape.

However, sending a drunk text falls squarely into the innocent category. I think there's plenty of people in this thread alone (me included) that have sent or received drunk texts in their life even if they wouldn't admit it.
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This is kinda just stupid. He was drunk. He has no control of what he did while drunk. His problem is that he shouldnt get drunk. Not that he said some bad words to a someone. Simple as that.
That's a matter of opinions, but I think that personal judgment is a bit beside the point.

Even if we would 100% agree that Avellone may be a creep and a slimeball, what's really relevant here is that being a "bad flirt" and sending awkward misdirected drunk sexting is in no way a criminal offense.
Eh, we do still have a certain degree of responsibility when drunk (Apart from the responsibility that comes with being drunk in the first place). Being drunk doesn't exactly absolve you of murder or rape.

However, sending a drunk text falls squarely into the innocent category. I think there's plenty of people in this thread alone (me included) that have sent or received drunk texts in their life even if they wouldn't admit it.
I am saying getting drunk to the point you could do those things is something everyone can avoid or get help for. Normal people dont go murdering and raping people unless they are plain psychos.

Boy bawang

Even if we would 100% agree that Avellone may be a creep and a slimeball, what's really relevant here is that being a "bad flirt" and sending awkward misdirected drunk sexting is in no way a criminal offense.

This right there.
Very often, I get the impression that a bad interaction, may it be through text messages or even a date, is later categorized as either sexual harassment or even rape.
Basically, if you have consensual sex with someone and they later regret it, you're at risk of being metoo-ed for the rest of your life.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Robbing people is a forgivable offence tho.

Are you saying what he did isn't?

Those are actually seperate things. She did have an account on a dating site where she openly cheated on her boyfriend. The James Deen thing is new and was only recently discovered. It doesn't absolve Chris of doing something stupid, but it does imply that a drunk text probably didn't ruin Jaquis mental health.

And 99% of people did something really stupid when drunk in the middle of the night. Especially when it concerns drunk texting. And he apologized the morning after. Chris is not alone in that. At all. But please tell me how you never fucked up in your life.

And I owned up to it. And I didn't have 100s of men all across the world trying to sweep the wrong things I did in my life under the rug either. It is what it is, because it was what it was. It's plain and simple. Either way this whole thing is screwed up and the OG chick is messed up for starting all of this.

You got MEN in here comparing shamelessly propositioning a grown woman for sex(who you don't work with) to robbing someone. Can't make this shit up.

You clearly missed the point. Which doesn't surprise me. Saying "being a man" means getting drunk and sexting a chick in a terrible way is normal is wrong. It's NOT something "just men do". Some men do it, but it's wrong to do. No need to sweep it under the rug as if it's innocent.

In the same way some poor people rob others. It's wrong and a bad thing to do. You wouldn't or shouldn't see people saying, "well that's what poor people do they rob and it's okay". That's the point.

Mister Wolf

Are you saying what he did isn't?

And I owned up to it. And I didn't have 100s of men all across the world trying to sweep the wrong things I did in my life under the rug either. It is what it is, because it was what it was. It's plain and simple. Either way this whole thing is screwed up and the OG chick is messed up for starting all of this.

You clearly missed the point. Which doesn't surprise me. Saying "being a man" means getting drunk and sexting a chick in a terrible way is normal is wrong. It's NOT something "just men do". Some men do it, but it's wrong to do. No need to sweep it under the rug as if it's innocent.

In the same way some poor people rob others. It's wrong and a bad thing to do. You wouldn't or shouldn't see people saying, "well that's what poor people do they rob and it's okay". That's the point.

We won't see eye to eye brother. Let's agree to disagree.
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