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Creepy unsolved/paranormal/strange events thread


Tonay, you are quite annoying. You're not actually debunking anything like you think you are, you're just coming and saying "BLAH BLAH BLAH YOU WERE EITHER ON DRUGS OR MENTALLY ILL AND ANY WITNESSES WERE MERELY PRODUCTS OF MASS HYSTERIA." My fucking golden retriever could say that shit too.


Cyan said:
Dude, if that happens, make sure to post it in this thread.
If I did, I would merely have thought I have seen it because of a "flash of light" or a "bird" or some other awesomely definitive explanation that Tonay can deduce.


These stories would make amazing movies. I love reading them, even though I'm aware at least 99% of them are bullshit.

But still, entertaining! It'd be interesting if some were real though D:


Tonay said:
The fact that they both think they saw something would indicate that there was actually something there, probably just some flash of light or bird or something, and they pictured it as something more. Once they started talking about it they started thinking that they'd seen more than they actually had (re: mass hysteria), and you said they were both excitedly telling each other about that stuff whilst talking at the same time, it was clearly being built up in their minds. Maybe it wasn't drugs, maybe just the mood of that kind of ancient dancing put their heads into an altered state, and the smallest stimulus - like this flash of light - got exaggerated and then built up as the two of them excitedly told each other about it.

I'm convinced something was there. No idea what it was or how to explain it, though. My brother is a level-headed guy, not the kind to make up stories like this, and when he first told me this years ago you could tell it had really affected him.


FooFighter said:
These stories would make amazing movies. I love reading them, even though I'm aware at least 99% of them are bullshit.

But still, entertaining! It'd be interesting if some were real though D:

I wish mine was part of that 99%, but alas :(


Gio_CoD said:
If I did, I would merely have thought I have seen it because of a "flash of light" or a "bird" or some other awesomely definitive explanation that Tonay can deduce.

Actually, most cases of talking animals are merely paranoid schizophrenia.


ringlord said:
I'm convinced something was there. No idea what it was or how to explain it, though. My brother is a level-headed guy, not the kind to make up stories like this, and when he first told me this years ago you could tell it had really affected him.

I'm definately not saying he's a liar - he clearly saw something, I believe that much. But I know what he saw has a scientific explanation to it because the idea of magical ghosts of native americans brought out by the playing of ancient spiritual songs is too Hollywood, too humanised, too suspect, and too easily debunked.

And this analysis clearly comes from your psychiatric training?

No. It comes from a 3-second google search which told me that one of the primary symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations. Don't need no PHD when you've got google...


Tonay said:
No. It comes from a 3-second google search which told me that one of the primary symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations. Don't need no PHD when you've got google...
Well that settles it then. Between you and Google, the debate about paranormal events can finally be put to rest.
Gio_CoD said:
And this analysis clearly comes from your psychiatric training?

probably from the anlysis that with all the shit that is said to go on in the world, theres never irrefutable proof. its always blurry or pixelated, some orb dashing in the corner of someone's eye, or something that can't be reproduced or scientifically observed.

Motherfuckers must've had a meeting and made a pact to never be recorded


Gio_CoD said:
Tonay, you are quite annoying. You're not actually debunking anything like you think you are, you're just coming and saying "BLAH BLAH BLAH YOU WERE EITHER ON DRUGS OR MENTALLY ILL AND ANY WITNESSES WERE MERELY PRODUCTS OF MASS HYSTERIA." My fucking golden retriever could say that shit too.

Obviously it being aliens/bigfoot/magic is a much more likely answer.
Cyan said:
No way man, I saw this ad one time where a guy's dog talked to him because he was smoking the pot.

The dog told him to stop smoking the pot.

Remember than part in Road Trip when the old man smokes weed with the dog and the dog talks to him? That was awesome!


Medalion said:
The world is flat muthafuckas cuz ye old google said so

Actually, if the sailors back in the day had google, it would have taken a 3 second google search to tell them the truth: that the world is not flat, it's a really big sphere.


What about that Max Headroom incident, where some dude, wearing a masked, hacked a television broadcast for a couple of minutes. Went off on some tirade, creeping viewers in the process. I know it's not paranormal, but they haven't found the perpetrator, so it's still unsolved. :lol
I don't get why these thread always have to devolve into an argument on whether this shit is real or not. Who cares? These are cool stories regardless if they are true or not.
Tonay said:
Actually, if the sailors back in the day had google, it would have taken a 3 second google search to tell them the truth: that the world is not flat, it's a really big sphere.
Spheroid. Your Google is wrong.


Gio_CoD said:
Tonay, you are quite annoying. You're not actually debunking anything like you think you are, you're just coming and saying "BLAH BLAH BLAH YOU WERE EITHER ON DRUGS OR MENTALLY ILL AND ANY WITNESSES WERE MERELY PRODUCTS OF MASS HYSTERIA." My fucking golden retriever could say that shit too.

As much as I hate saying that everyone in these stories are either crazy or drugged or got caught up in "mass-hysteria" it is still a much MUCH better explanation that ghosts, demons and anything supernatural. You would think with all these stories going around that maybe one, ONE of them would have a good-quality recording on video as proof of such a thing, instead of having the story heard second-hand. As far as I can see, if you actually get a good recording of something "paranormal", then you can see how exactly its not. The footage of demons or ghosts in pictures or anything relies on poor lighting and jumpy frames to make it work. Plus I wouldn't be surprised random people or you gaffers are throwing up bullshit stories up there just to mess with us, God knows you did in the GAF confessional.

Mr_Kitty_Fantastico said:
I don't get why these thread always have to devolve into an argument on whether this shit is real or not. Who cares? These are cool stories regardless if they are true or not.

Um, the whole point of supernatural events and stories is to try and see something that is beyond the scopes of human realms and makes people question their understanding of reality all-together. That means theres a BIG difference if that ghost picture was real or photoshopped, the whole intrigue of it is based on the assumption that its real.
batbeg said:
Does anyone know that site of the man who recorded his tale of spelunking with a friend, and they eventually stumbled into some mysterious monster of some sort? It was a journal thing, the website set up like it was from the late 90s or something, had pictures for "evidence" and stuff. Pretty weird, but I can't find it. Obviously fake, though.

I have the link on my computer at home.

I'll post it tonight.

Really good, creepy read. I suggest reading it at night. ;)

My experiences were mostly centered in my grandparents' 100+ year old house in Des Moines, Iowa.
My grandfather bought the house in the 1950's from a family of morticians. It's a beautiful 3 story house (plus basement, as most houses in Iowa tend to have)- and due to the space and location, the previous family would assist the community by allowing funeral viewings and wakes to take place in the house. It was a convenient location and very close to St. Augustine Catholic Church on Ingersoll. They ran this operation for over 50 years, to my understanding.
Anyway, everyone in my extended family has had strange encounters in that house- the majority being purely visual. In fact, they were so regular even while my mom, aunt, and uncles were growing up that my cousins, siblings, and I came to accept the activity as... well... not normal, but acceptable.

My grandfather- a dentist and WWII vet (and also the most humble, faithful Irish Catholic I've ever known)- had encounters with a woman in a red formal dress (possibly late 30's, early 40's) on the second floor of the house sporadically from the mid '50s all the way until a week before his death in 2003. There was never any conversation, just moments of visualization. My grandmother saw her various times, as did my Uncle Michael and my mother. Always on the second floor, always just doing random things (sitting and looking out a window, going in and out of a guest room that was a sewing room with the previous owners). She was seen in broad daylight, as well as the evening.
The third floor (and curving staircase from the second to third floor) contained majority of the encounters of the house. Just to give a sense of perspective- the third floor has two bedrooms, an L-shaped landing, and a bathroom. The two rooms and bathroom would be located on the bottom part of the L. The staircase would start heading down in a curve from the top of the L.
The most prominent experience would the 4 children- in the age range of 3 to 6. Everyone living in the house (and even visiting, including my wife) encountered 1 or all of these kids at some point. They would run up and down the stairs and sit on the landing playing. They had a whispy, dream-like quality to them, making them difficult to gather significant details from- but one was a little girl and the rest were boys. Interestingly enough no one has seen them in the day- only at night. Unlike the lady in red, the children are audible as well- although they seem polite enough, only whispering with the occasional laugh.
You really can’t get use to that. Even after 24 years of experience with them it always gave me goosebumps when I saw or heard them. They never entered the rooms, to my knowledge. They seemed happy, though… and that’s all we ever really cared about. No creepy, crying, haunted kids here. :D

The other prominent apparition is a very tall, broad-shouldered man that was a consistent shade of gray. Later studies of the paranormal would lead me to believe this might have been what is often referred to as a ‘shadow person’. Only my Aunt Shaun, my cousin Katie, my brother, and I experienced this one (at different times). Unlike the children or the woman on the second floor, the experiences with this apparition were not welcoming- and is eerie as shit just thinking about it now. He tended to be stationary, normally standing in a doorway of one of the bedrooms for a few moments until disappearing into the landing. It would always occur very late- in the time range of 2am to 3:30am. The first time I saw him I was 8 years old and thought it was my dad looking in on me, but even though my dad is a big man, this thing was much bigger, usually tilting his head as if to look under the top of the door frame. Also worth mentioning the stairs and the landing on the 3rd floor would creak even with the slightest pressure on them. This figure made no noise- not even as it wandered onto the landing. The second time (it was the summer of my sophomore year of college, so I was 20) I was much more lucid, having just gone to the bathroom. I saw him in the doorway of the empty second bedroom, facing away from me as if he was just examining the floor of that room. That was about 10ft away from me. After a moment it bent slightly, walked into the dark bedroom, and it was gone. I ended up reading the rest of the night since I couldn’t sleep after that. :lol My aunt claims to have seen him once a night for a whole week in April of 1963- but not again until a Christmas visit in the ‘80s.

In the mid-90’s my mother and grandmother went through various viewing records that the funeral home on Grand Ave had (that evidently coordinated with the services provided by the previous owners), but couldn’t find any matches with certainty of any of the apparitions.

They never spoke to us, they never bothered us, and there’s no dramatic “we got to release their souls” nonsense. There was no closure to anything. My grandfather passed away in Feb. of 2003 and my grandmother couldn’t maintain the large house on her own. The house was sold and that was it. Amazingly there were no creepy ghost stories in the naturally creepy basement. :D

I miss that house.
I tend to wonder what kind of energy a place could have that would maintain those kinds of manifestations. Were they attracted to the happy energy that always seemed to revolve around that house? Was it simply some visual space-time break and all we were seeing were imprints of previous events? I don’t expect to ever know the answers in this lifetime… but by god it made growing up very, very interesting.


After reading about the Grinning Man, I keep hearing all these noises outside and in the house and it's 4am! Why do I read these things at this time?! It's started to remind me of my own haunting shit, in this house, awesome. I'm not sleeping until it's morning.
neptunes said:
What about that Max Headroom incident, where some dude, wearing a masked, hacked a television broadcast for a couple of minutes. Went off on some tirade, creeping viewers in the process. I know it's not paranormal, but they haven't found the perpetrator, so it's still unsolved. :lol

See the OP
Holepunch said:
Um, the whole point of supernatural events and stories is to try and see something that is beyond the scopes of human realms and makes people question their understanding of reality all-together. That means theres a BIG difference if that ghost picture was real or photoshopped, the whole intrigue of it is based on the assumption that its real.

The point I was making is that every time there is a thread made about something paranormal or spiritual or whatever, there's always a few who roll in saying "This shit isn't real you idiots!". That is unnecessary.


Water is not wet!
i really dug Ted the cavers story. i doubt its real but its such a tense and fun read :) Any other stuff like this around?

EDIT: and oh i dont really have anything to offer storywise to this thread :( ive never experienced anything paranormal. Unless im on drugs :lol Even though i dont believe in like any of this stuff, paranormal/occult/alien is so interesting and neat. i hope that some of it is true because the world is kinda boring otherwise.


Ted Caver is not real. It's a story and has been know as such for years.

Another similar one is the Dionaea House:

They're both experimental narratives using the internet and both end in similar ways. They're great, creepy reads, but total fiction. I like Dionaea House better.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
This one's interesting. Berlin, 1939, a flower cart took off by itself and rolled approximately half a kilometer over level ground. Three hundred eyewitnesses.

:lol :lol



TheJollyCorner said:
I have the link on my computer at home.

I'll post it tonight.

Really good, creepy read. I suggest reading it at night. ;)

My experiences were mostly centered in my grandparents' 100+ year old house in Des Moines, Iowa.*snip*
fucking schizos with mass hysteria!
I can hear Tonay arriving!
JPS3 said:
Ted Caver is not real. It's a story and has been know as such for years.

Another similar one is the Dionaea House:

They're both experimental narratives using the internet and both end in similar ways. They're great, creepy reads, but total fiction. I like Dionaea House better.

Rad, I really liked reading the Caver story, so thanks for the other.


TheJollyCorner said:
The other prominent apparition is a very tall, broad-shouldered man that was a consistent shade of gray. Later studies of the paranormal would lead me to believe this might have been what is often referred to as a ‘shadow person’. Only my Aunt Shaun, my cousin Katie, my brother, and I experienced this one (at different times). Unlike the children or the woman on the second floor, the experiences with this apparition were not welcoming- and is eerie as shit just thinking about it now. He tended to be stationary, normally standing in a doorway of one of the bedrooms for a few moments until disappearing into the landing. It would always occur very late- in the time range of 2am to 3:30am. The first time I saw him I was 8 years old and thought it was my dad looking in on me, but even though my dad is a big man, this thing was much bigger, usually tilting his head as if to look under the top of the door frame. Also worth mentioning the stairs and the landing on the 3rd floor would creak even with the slightest pressure on them. This figure made no noise- not even as it wandered onto the landing. The second time (it was the summer of my sophomore year of college, so I was 20) I was much more lucid, having just gone to the bathroom. I saw him in the doorway of the empty second bedroom, facing away from me as if he was just examining the floor of that room. That was about 10ft away from me. After a moment it bent slightly, walked into the dark bedroom, and it was gone. I ended up reading the rest of the night since I couldn’t sleep after that. :lol My aunt claims to have seen him once a night for a whole week in April of 1963- but not again until a Christmas visit in the ‘80s.

Holy shit you met the G - Man, watch out, you may have to save Xen pretty soon
a couple of years ago me and my friends saw a ufo one night over the southern california skies. we first thought it was just a plane. then it made a hard perpendicular turn.
is that possible in modern aviation?
viakado said:
a couple of years ago me and my friends saw a ufo one night over the southern california skies. we first thought it was just a plane. then it made a hard perpendicular turn.
is that possible in modern aviation?

JPS3 said:
Another similar one is the Dionaea House:

They're both experimental narratives using the internet and both end in similar ways. They're great, creepy reads, but total fiction. I like Dionaea House better.
Oh man. I had a blast reading this one. Thanks for the link. Got any more? At this point, it doesn't really matter if they are fiction anymore. :D


viakado said:
a plane going around the speed of sound making a sharp 45degree turn?

It was blatantly alien technology. Anyone who says otherwise is a dirty stinkin' naysayer.


SteelAttack said:
Oh man. I had a blast reading this one. Thanks for the link. Got any more? At this point, it doesn't really matter if they are fiction anymore. :D

Nah, those are the only two I've seen like that, or at least of that quality. If you liked them though, I'd suggest reading House of Leaves.


Ok so, let me tell you about what has happened to me.

Ok so I'm sleeping one night when i just wake up suddenly and just see the door fully close by itself. Why I would wake up at that moment and why would I instantly look at my door to see it lose is still a mystery to me. And before you start talking about windows being open, well there were no windows open in the house, it was in the middle of winter and I'm completely terrified of anything outside. So a door that closed completely by itself scared the ever living shit out of me.

Another time I was sleeping and I heard just this piercing scream from outside,
me and my sister apparently were the only ones who heard it and it scared the ever loving pis out of me then.

Another time when i was like 12 I saw a small piece of paper on he ground neatly cut into a rectangle. I pick it up for some reason, and it reads, "Get out of here". The type of paper felt like it was from a magazine, well let's just say that scared me incredibly too.

Another time I feel a cat climbing on top of me and sleeping, but there is actually no cat (THEN WHO WAS PAWS).

I've heard footsteps before, people opening the garage, and people walking upstairs without those events happening.

I've seen spirits before in my house

I've seen etches of letters, numbers, and symbols etched into trees, grass, and plants

Also, some things that are about me specifically:

I do weird things with my site, i'm able to see almost an aura on people, I once looked into a mirror and did this and I saw something move, and then I wasn't able to use that site for 2 weeks.

I used to meditate a lot but I stopped when i think I got to my brain showing me the "bad" part of me. Some of the shit i saw freaked me out so i stopped doing it.

I've been able to tell people things telepathically on occasion, but I lose that ability very easily.


Holepunch said:
As much as I hate saying that everyone in these stories are either crazy or drugged or got caught up in "mass-hysteria" it is still a much MUCH better explanation that ghosts, demons and anything supernatural. You would think with all these stories going around that maybe one, ONE of them would have a good-quality recording on video as proof of such a thing, instead of having the story heard second-hand. As far as I can see, if you actually get a good recording of something "paranormal", then you can see how exactly its not. The footage of demons or ghosts in pictures or anything relies on poor lighting and jumpy frames to make it work. Plus I wouldn't be surprised random people or you gaffers are throwing up bullshit stories up there just to mess with us, God knows you did in the GAF confessional.
I can't speak for demons and ghosts, but the CIA and the US military have done extensive testing on paranormal subjects like ESP, remote viewing, telekinesis, etc... There are studies out there that show that certain people have a much higher than chance aptitude for remote viewing and ESP. Also, while UFOs aren't necessarily paranormal, there are books out there that go into depth explaining how there is a high likelihood that UFOs are man-made aircraft that operate on electrogravitic (anti-gravity) principles. Look up Thomas Townsend Brown and check out some of the anti-gravity experiments that he was able to show in many, many demonstrations.

I find it somewhat ironic that a lot of the "science rules all!" people out there (and there are a lot of them on this message board) are so unwilling to have an open mind that there are new scientific avenues out there that we haven't explored. There's definitely a mentality that we've figured it all out, and everything that doesn't fit into our existing definitions is mass hysteria and schizophrenia.
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