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Dark Souls 2 Lighting changes/Downgrade


An blind dancing ho
The dynamic lighting and torches are still in. Only problem is it causes frame rate to tank, you can see the frame rate just drop as soon as he enters this room in the video.

From probably tweaked the darkness to drop the requirement for players to use torches.

it's pretty sad. because iirc the dev sid they changed the old game engine (phyreengine) to fix the framerate issue. now with new game engine they got dynamic lighting destroying the framerate and have to drop it completely (with other cuts) and DS2 ended looking even worse than Demons Souls and Dark Soul 1. really incompetent devs it seems.


blighttown level performance later in the game almost definitely was the cause

When you carve out a vertical slice for demo purposes you're afforded much more leeway in optimization vs being forced to maintain that level of detail over an entire game. Just because you can afford all those effects @ 30fps in an enclosed hallway doesn't mean you can maintain them anywhere near that framerate in a large open area like the tower of latria or something.

Very good point.

Lol different or changed area, wooden steps in first shot, stone steps in second. Not to mention the torch is being used in the first picture and not the second.

If you look at the video, they are exactly the same area. There are many differences though.
Use of the torch is no longer necessary as the darkness has been severely toned down.

Here's the reveal demo showing why you need to use a torch:

Here's the same section in the final game showing that you don't need to use a torch:



This is what I'm thinking. The backlash from the console crowd for enhancing the PC version beyond graphical bells and whistles, resolution, etc will be more damaging than the inverse; and personally, not having a gaming PC myself, I'd be extremely pissed if the PC crowd were given such a disparately better product.

Fuck the console crowd in that case


Neo Member
Nothing to see here, just comparing PS3 screenshots to PC screenshots.

Looks about the same difference as Dark Souls PS3 to PC.
You can tell their using higher resolution texture with such a heavily compressed screengrab?

Can we at least get some proper shots of the same location with uncompressed footage... (btw bump mapping died out last generation)

If you see the video you can get a much better "grasp" of the resolution.


To be honest with you, mid-range rigs are already a generation ahead of the next-gen consoles (PS4/XBO), let alone 360 and PS3.

What is the effect to describe the raised look of the textures?

Usually you would call that tessellation, but I believe there is a cheaper way to achieve that effect.

You're thinking normal mapping.


Just for case in point of what I am talking about, the differences between the demo and the final console build are pretty massive.

Textures look higher resolution, Specular Highlights, increased Dynamic Shadows, pitch-black background, Bump Mapping (?), and looks like a DOF effect.


The top image looks like some areas in Dark Souls. It's not beyond the PS3 so it might be a design decision and will be no different in PC version.
This is From's fault for saying the lighting engine was running on PS3/360. It's obvious they didn't do enough QA and had to change it for the final release. If the PC version get's gimped because of nearly 10 year old hardware, I will be fucking pissed.

Absolutely agree with both you and Grief.exe, but From have made one hell of a bed here and they now have to lie in it. Like you alluded to, this should never have happened.

At the end of the day, one contingent is going to get fucked over - be it the PC or console crowd - and I guess history and projected sales don't bode well for the master race. I truly feel for you.

I guess the best thing to do is pretend that such an iteration of the game never existed in any reality.
Does anybody know at what time the review embargo will be up? I'm interested to hear what reviewers have to say about the graphics (and specifically the atmosphere of the environments now that the lighting is duller/flatter).


and I guess history and projected sales don't bode well for the master race. I truly feel for you.

You would be very surprised.

Conservative estimates would place Dark Souls total sales at >800,000 on PC, that is with bad word of mouth surrounding the port and GFWL not being available in many regions.

Recent registry updates would lead us to believe that Bandai is committed to removing GFWL from Dark Souls in favor of Steamworks.


The top picture perfectly conveys a feeling of adventure and of heading into the dangerous unknown in search of treasure.

The bottom picture perfectly represents the feeling of having to go fetch a bottle of wine from your rich uncle's boring old wine cellar.

Haha, you nailed it.


Does anybody know at what time the review embargo will be up? I'm interested to hear what reviewers have to say about the graphics (and specifically the atmosphere of the environments now that the lighting is duller/flatter).

I doubt they even notice, honestly.

I mean how many reviewers called out infinite for being absolutely nothing design wise nor graphics wise vs the last e3 build?
This is the last time I will ever listen to my friends about buying a console version of a multiplatform release. If they can't get a gaming rig, then I'm not wasting my cash.

That's assuming the PC version isn't gimped. God, I should've waited on preordering digitally, lol.

If the PC version is just as much of a fuckup.... yikes.


Neo Member
This is what I'm thinking. The backlash from the console crowd for enhancing the PC version beyond graphical bells and whistles, resolution, etc will be more damaging than the inverse; and personally, not having a gaming PC myself, I'd be extremely pissed if the PC crowd were given such a disparately better product.

I think we're all going to have to settle for a reasonably ugly and significantly downgraded game, sadly.

But quality lighting and some of those other elements in the first photo are graphical bells and whistles. Also, if they had the preview build running on a PS3 somehow then they absolutely can manage all of these effects on a semi-modern PC. To intentionally cripple the PC version just to maintain some sort of console/pc parity would be ridiculous. I honestly think I will consider not purchasing DS2 if the PC version gets downgraded just to compensate for the state of the console version.


This is what I'm thinking. The backlash from the console crowd for enhancing the PC version beyond graphical bells and whistles, resolution, etc will be more damaging than the inverse; and personally, not having a gaming PC myself, I'd be extremely pissed if the PC crowd were given such a disparately better product.

I think we're all going to have to settle for a reasonably ugly and significantly downgraded game, sadly.

Why should people with 10x more powerful hardware be forced to suffer because you guys use 8-9 year old tech?

This is like saying games like Thief 4, Tomb Raider, Titanfall, etc should have been forced to maintain parity between the ps360 versions and the Ps4/bone versions just so the former wouldn't have their feelings hurt.


Why should people with 10x more powerful hardware be forced to suffer because you guys use 8-9 year old tech?

This is like saying games like Thief 4, Tomb Raider, Titanfall, etc should have been forced to maintain parity between the ps360 versions and the Ps4/bone versions just so the former wouldn't have their feelings hurt.

Parity increases sales for multiplats.
But quality lighting and some of those other elements in the first photo are graphical bells and whistles. Also, if they had the preview build running on a PS3 somehow then they absolutely can manage all of these effects on a semi-modern PC. To intentionally cripple the PC version just to maintain some sort of console/pc parity would be ridiculous. I honestly think I will consider not purchasing DS2 if the PC version gets downgraded just to compensate for the state of the console version.

Look, I'd agree with you in any other instance, but the overall look is just so goddamn disparate; like, inter-generationally so. And yes, I'm well aware that what I just said is actually very true, but it just wouldn't make much sense to me for From to do this, i.e. omit the entire lighting engine and drastically change the look/design of the game.

It would just be that shit an effort that I don't want it to be true. I definitely see the other side of the coin, though.


If you look at the video, they are exactly the same area. There are many differences though.

I did say "or changed area", you're using a completely modified area under different lighting conditions to make a technical comparison. I'm just pointing out that it's a poor comparison, which it is.

Use of the torch is no longer necessary as the darkness has been severely toned down.

Definitely a disappointing change, but clearly not a technical issue. It affects how people like the look of the game, but that's subjective and doesn't really have a place in a predominantly technical discussion.
Look, I'd agree with you in any other instance, but the overall look is just so goddamn disparate; like, inter-generationally so. And yes, I'm well aware that what I just said is actually very true, but it just wouldn't make much sense to me for From to do this, i.e. omit the entire lighting engine and drastically change the look/design of the game.

It would just be that shit an effort that I don't want it to be true. I definitely see the other side of the coin, though.

I fear you are right, but I sure as hell hope you're not! There's no point being pissed that the PC version looks/perfroms better. The PS3 and 360 are truly old consoles now. If anything large differences should be expected.

I will be royally pissed if they removed/greatly reduced the lighting from the PC version because of performance issues on console. We will have to wait and see how the PC version fares at the end of the day. Even if it has been removed it seems like something that happened relatively late into development so I wonder if some bright soul could mod it back in?


Unconfirmed Member

Is the character holding a torch, because it looks like the character isn't.


Has it been noted that the original Dark Souls on the consoles ran at low resolutions, I wonder at what resolution Dark Souls II is currently running on the consoles?
Have FROM traded resolution for other visual effects?
I'm sure I'll enjoy the game but it'll be a real bummer seeing some of these areas as I know how they were intended to be. Unless all of these were vertical slices that were faked similarly to Aliens: CM. The areas without lighting and blown out colors just look real bad, hopefully the PC version will be untouched but we shall see. Just such a difference that it would make the versions play differently due to vastly different visibility. The touch idea was brilliant and looked great. Sigh.

Is the character holding a torch, because it looks like the character isn't.
That area is nearly pitch black without a torch in the original footage. The small bit of light from your character aside. Bottom just looks awful.


This video is a better comparison point because it's from a fairly recent PS3 build.


22 seconds in.

The final build looks nothing like that even when the player is carrying a lit torch. The difference is night and day.

It's closer to retail than the first reveal demo, though. In this, the wall texture around the staircase looks the same as the retail build - repetitive and a lot less detailed. I doubt anybody noticed it back then though.
I fear you are right, but I sure as hell hope you're not!

Haha. This is basically what it boils down to. I'm a console gamer. I expect PC versions of games to be far superior and I'm okay with that, but to say that this instance isn't quite different would be remiss.

Don't get me wrong, if the shoe were on the other foot, I'd be arguing the exact opposite thing and I'd be even angrier. It's just a shitty situation.
To me this looks like a conscious design decision. I won't go there about whether or not it was a good design decision, but in any case, I wouldn't expect different on the PC version. It looks to me like if you want the dynamic lighting from the demos / trailers / etc, you need a torch. It's weird that you can still see without a torch though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
So it seems like they have been just demoing the PC version this whole time. Essentially an industry-wide practice at this point.

If you look at the walls in the demo version and the console version you will see the specular highlights that are present in the PC version's screenshots so far. IE the shiny walls.

Makes me feel very good about the PC version, I hope it is that dark and the lighting that good.
Nope. They've demoed the game on ps3. I've played it on a regular ps3 (not a devkit) looking just like the first video. I played it myself and the console was just sitting on a table (system menu fully accessible). No smoke and mirrors bullshit.

I don't think they've ever shown the PC version, to be honest. Seemed to be entirely ps3.


To me this looks like a conscious design decision. I won't go there about whether or not it was a good design decision, but in any case, I wouldn't expect different on the PC version. It looks to me like if you want the dynamic lighting from the demos / trailers / etc, you need a torch. It's weird that you can still see without a torch though.

Fair point, I guess I will be carrying a torch at all times as I love that dynamic lighting and I don't have to worry about my frame rate tanking.

Nope. They've demoed the game on ps3. I've played it on a regular ps3 (not a devkit) looking just like the first video. I played it myself and the console was just sitting on a table (system menu fully accessible). No smoke and mirrors bullshit.

I don't think they've ever shown the PC version, to be honest. Seemed to be entirely ps3.

So what you are saying is, Bandai severely drugged you before you sat down for your play test.

Were you aware of your drink at all times? Did a strange Japanese man ever stick you with a hypodermic needle? These are things you need to be on the look out for at any press event.
Nope. They've demoed the game on ps3. I've played it on a regular ps3 (not a devkit) looking just like the first video. I played it myself and the console was just sitting on a table (system menu fully accessible). No smoke and mirrors bullshit.

I don't think they've ever shown the PC version, to be honest. Seemed to be entirely ps3.

Makes this all the more heartbreaking, hope From or Namco will say something but it seems unlikely with the game about to launch.


Neo Member
This video is a better comparison point because it's from a fairly recent PS3 build.


22 seconds in.

The final build looks nothing like that even when the player is carrying a lit torch. The difference is night and day.

If that was indeed on PS3 hardware then that must have been like a separate build from the main game. That's the only explanation I can come up with for all the differences.

I think From really needs to show the PC version in action at this point. I want to know which of the apparently numerous builds the PC is getting.


Is the character holding a torch, because it looks like the character isn't.

It doesn't matter because of the way they drastically changed the lighting system (dynamic real time lighting vs prebaked ambient lighting). Check out the video comparison posted earlier.
Nope. They've demoed the game on ps3. I've played it on a regular ps3 (not a devkit) looking just like the first video. I played it myself and the console was just sitting on a table (system menu fully accessible). No smoke and mirrors bullshit.

I don't think they've ever shown the PC version, to be honest. Seemed to be entirely ps3.

How recent was this, may I ask?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
So what you are saying is, Bandai severely drugged you before you sat down for your play test.

Were you aware of your drink at all times? Did a strange Japanese man ever stick you with a hypodermic needle? These are things you need to be on the look out for at any press event.
Oh I just had water.


Uh oh

How recent was this, may I ask?
6 months maybe?


Unconfirmed Member
I doubt they even notice, honestly.

I mean how many reviewers called out infinite for being absolutely nothing design wise nor graphics wise vs the last e3 build?

Wow, was there a similar kerfuffle over Infinite prior to launch?

I wasn't following that game as closely as I am DS2. Playing through it right now and some areas are quite stunning, especially with all the wind/weather effects going on. Mild Infinite area spoilers:
like when you're on that huge bridge approaching Comstock House, looking over New York during the air raid, or generally looking around during the Vox war

I'd be curious to see how different it is now to the last build that was publicly shown, as playing it on PS3 I think it looks outstanding for a "last-gen" game.


Why are some people saying graphics don't matter? The visual aesthetics and atmosphere were half of this series' appeal. Its visual package combined with its intricate level design, enemy design, world building, and gameplay made the series as incredible as it is.

The game suddenly looking as flat as it now does effects the overall package, most definitely. And I honestly think what we've seen of Dark Souls II looks worse than either Dark Souls or Demon's Souls. It's as if they overreached with what they thought they could achieve on consoles, and scaling back the lighting in order to reach appropriate levels of performance has left us with an overall package that feels lacking compared to its predecessors.

I am disappointed.


The loss of detail on the archway and walls in the image above is even more dramatic than I thought.

Nah. It may not be as cool as when it was revealed but from even the low quality streams I've seen it still looks good graphics wise. Way better than demons or dark souls. There is a lot to the souls games than just some lighting. You even said it yourself. Everything combed. Maybe in this game they have promised more graphically but that's no reason to really be disappointed that offers so much more than graphics.


It doesn't matter because of the way they drastically changed the lighting system (dynamic real time lighting vs prebaked ambient lighting). Check out the video comparison posted earlier.

It doesn't seem like they got rid of the dynamic lighting system though, they just increased the radius of light the character emits. I'm hoping it's just a value that can be tweaked with some modding.


It's closer to retail than the first reveal demo, though. In this, the wall texture around the staircase looks the same as the retail build - repetitive and a lot less detailed. I doubt anybody noticed it back then though.

Yeah it does, I mean the assets atleast but the lighting downgrade is gigantic.
Just for case in point of what I am talking about, the differences between the demo and the final console build are pretty massive.

Textures look higher resolution, Specular Highlights, increased Dynamic Shadows, pitch-black background, Normal Mapping, and looks like a DOF effect.


What the actual fucking fuck?

This is incredibly maddening, It takes away from the gameplay and just looks plain bad. Didnt know the difference was this massive :/

Wasnt this whole torch mechanic a big deal?
If it was a conscious design decision then there's no way we're seeing the lighting back on the PC version, even if it can handle it.

If it wasn't a conscious decision, and was mostly due to the lighting's performance on consoles, we might see it return on PC. That's depending on how comfortable From is having such a large difference (that honestly affects gameplay) between the PC version and the console ones.

tbqh I don't see it returning. The chance that it was purely technical and that From wouldn't mind the difference on PC is very small.
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