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Dead or Alive Dimensions |OT| Setting your age to 99 does nothing!

catmincer said:
So, who is everyone's main? Helena here.

Ein main since DOA2. I really, really wish Team NINJA would get off this separate character business and just make Hayate able to use Karate (aka Ein, without being a second character slot, which is dumb) in the character select, kinda like Eddy/Christie in Tekken. Hitomi just doesn't come close to his badassery, I didn't want a technical, more realistic karate practitioner. I want Hayate punching people all across the ring like DBZ, dammit. At least "Ein" is Hayate in DOA:D, instead of still having memory loss for some reason.


I'm curious to know if this covers all of the games. Giant Bomb showed a small sampling of dead or alive 2 and the story mode seems odd. Is it like the new MK?


Dany M said:
I'm curious to know if this covers all of the games. Giant Bomb showed a small sampling of dead or alive 2 and the story mode seems odd. Is it like the new MK?
Yeah it does stuff from all the games, but not in the same way of MK.
The new MK is a retelling story-wise and a remake of many gameplay aspects and other things; so it's more of a reboot.

Dimensions is more of a summary of all games till DOA4. From what I played and read in previews; haven't bought the full game yet. :p Features some stages of all games, all characters, bosses, etc.


lazybones18 said:
Well, it looks like the DLC costumes will through yet another repeat cycle starting Monday. This better be the last repeat cycle cause I want new costumes
How do you figure there are going to be any new costumes?


Where are you guys getting news that the costumes are going to be repeating? I just got a 3DS yesterday, and I'd like to know for sure.


Got it!
Really enjoying it so far. I already played it through demo units and a friend's copy; but..well, is the DOA I always loved. Great visuals, quite fast, easy combos. The 3D is nice, liek SSFIV3D is more about depth than they throwing thigns at you. For some reason I like the english voices; same way I liked them on DOA2 Hardcore.

Tons of stuff to do, haven't explored everything yet just quickly Arcade Mode; which I cleared twice and unlocked a bunch of things (2 costumes, 2 figurines, another mode, 3 characters); so guess I'll be spending a good time on it.

Quick question though...
I already activated Street/SpotPass and everything, around when I should expect the new costumes/notices to show up?
AdamMPSP said:
Cool. It's between picking this up or Street Fighter 4. Thoughts? Anyone have both?

Ive got both and play DoA a shitload more. DoAD is a PORTABLE fighter...you can pick it up and slam out 10 matches in like a minute...Its also a great button smasher. Its NOT a technical fighter like SS4 (button smashing is rewarded in this) and the 1player modes are pretty easy...which I like.

Im not great at fighters but this game lets me pick it up, beat the shit outta the COM and feel like a badass in 10 minutes...where SF4 has a higher learning curve and lends itself better to consoles IMO.


AdamMPSP said:
Cool. It's between picking this up or Street Fighter 4. Thoughts? Anyone have both?

Playing SF with 4 face buttons is no fun.

SF4 is a better fighter, but it's more difficult to play on the 3DS.
AdamMPSP said:
Cool. It's between picking this up or Street Fighter 4. Thoughts? Anyone have both?

I HAD both, but sold SF4. While it's a nice version of the game, SF4 really needs a 6-button layout for me to enjoy it, which is impossible on a portable. I've never enjoyed using the shoulder buttons on any controller for main P/K buttons. Besides, I can play SSF4:AE on the PC with a stick.

I've played a TON of DOA, on the other hand, and have not sold it yet so that should tell you something.


Darn, loving the Chronicles Mode..yet really weird. Don't know why they decided to animate some scenes and others just leave them static. At first I thought it was an "artistic decision", so I was down with that..until the next cutscene showed them movin, moving their lips and talking all over the palce. Or the scene whhen Fame's talking and he moves, his lips moves, he, moves his hands..yet everyone else doesn't move.

"Tuxedo Hayabusa" was ace; hope it's an actual alt. Currently going through the DOA3 events. Really nice summary; though focused mostly on Kasumi. Disappointied seeing Jan Lee and LeiFang as just cameo characters in the background. It even reminds me of the DOA movie...which I admit I enjoyed a bit.

Love how so far; just playing a bit is: You unlocked this figure, that figure, that costume, this stage, that character..XD

Got my first challenge earlier and I obviously sucked, but still got a figurine. Hoping to get all DLC costumes with the new round too.

Highly recommended for anyone that likes Dead or Alive, and/or is looking for a figther on a portable to get. :)


AdamMPSP said:
Cool. It's between picking this up or Street Fighter 4. Thoughts? Anyone have both?
I was on the same fence - wanted a fighter but was torn between the choices - and I ended up going with DOA. I'm a Street Fighter guy, but like someone else said, DOA is very pick up and play. For me, the difference was in my demo kiosk experiences. With SF, I couldn't find a comfortable play style; neither the analog slider or d-pad felt right to me. With DOA it (analog slider) felt good and responsive right away. Moreover, DOA seems to not have sacrificed much in its presentation. The downgraded BGs in SF were disappointing.

Just my $0.02...
fernoca said:
Darn, loving the Chronicles Mode..yet really weird. Don't know why they decided to animate some scenes and others just leave them static. At first I thought it was an "artistic decision", so I was down with that..until the next cutscene showed them movin, moving their lips and talking all over the palce. Or the scene whhen Fame's talking and he moves, his lips moves, he, moves his hands..yet everyone else doesn't move.

"Tuxedo Hayabusa" was ace; hope it's an actual alt. Currently going through the DOA3 events. Really nice summary; though focused mostly on Kasumi. Disappointied seeing Jan Lee and LeiFang as just cameo characters in the background. It even reminds me of the DOA movie...which I admit I enjoyed a bit.

Love how so far; just playing a bit is: You unlocked this figure, that figure, that costume, this stage, that character..XD

Got my first challenge earlier and I obviously sucked, but still got a figurine. Hoping to get all DLC costumes with the new round too.

Highly recommended for anyone that likes Dead or Alive, and/or is looking for a figther on a portable to get. :)

And it's funny because there are basically 3 types of cutscenes played: FMV, in-game and the engine rendering stills with very slight animations. Frankly, I like the stills the MOST because it's got some style to it.


DR2K said:
Anyone that picks SF over DOA on 3DS is cheating themselves.
I have both and I like SF more because I don't pay for Live and I've always been a SF fan so fighting online has been great. DOA has been kinda frustrating, but now that I'm learning I'm having much more fun.

DOA is a better package that's for sure.


Nice! Just got the SpotPass Message thanking me for purchasing the game and the schedule for the DLC costumes (last repeat?):

Aug.15: Kasumi
Aug.16: Ayane
Aug.17: Kokoro
Aug.18: Leifang
Aug.19: Tina
Aug.20: La Mariposa
Aug.21: Hitomi

The challenge seems to be the (bitchy) Helena I got earlier; which started on August 9. :p

Also, another thing was that forgot all about hwo you can change the announcer voice. Really like Jan Lee's voice as the announcer. :p


So here I was wondering why I liked Jann Lee's voice so much so that I use it as the overall system voice/announcer; and it turns out that Darren Criss (from Glee) did his voice?! :O!



or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
How do these DLC costumes work?... Do I have to actually go into the game everyday, or can I just make sure it soaks up some network that day?


Seems that there's one more distribution period for the DLC; after the one scheduled to start this monday...

Back by popular demand, DOAD’s highly renowned special costumes that were distributed via SpotPass up to July 29 of this year can now be downloaded once again. Starting as of August 15, 2011 players who missed their first chance will now have the opportunity to download their favorite costumes again.

As before, we will have all 34 special costumes for download. Starting from 10AM Aug 15, there will be one different costume available for download per day.

The types of costumes and their order will be the same as the previous rounds of costume downloads via SpotPass. For players who have not yet downloaded their favorite costumes this is your chance!

DEAD OR ALIVE Dimensions Special Costumes
  • Re-distribution period: August 15, 2011 - September 17, 2011 | September 19, 2011 - October 22, 2011
  • Distribution time: Every morning from 10AM to 9AM of the next day
  • Content: Special costumes (34 in total/one new costume per day)
  • Distribution method: Nintendo 3DS SpotPass
  • Price: Free
* The types of costumes and their order will be the same as the previous download schedules.

And the full schedule:

Week #1:
  1. Kasumi
  2. Ayane
  3. Kokoro
  4. Leifang
  5. Tina
  6. La Mariposa
  7. Hitomi

Week #2:
  1. Kokoro
  2. Ayane
  3. Leifang
  4. Tina
  5. La Mariposa
  6. Jann Lee
  7. Zack

Week #3:
  1. Helena
  2. Bayman
  3. Bass
  4. Leon
  5. Hitomi
  6. Eliot
  7. Brad

Week #4:
  1. Christie
  2. Helena
  3. Gen Fu
  4. Ein
  5. Leifang
  6. Hayabusa
  7. Hayate

Week #5:
  1. Christie
  2. Kasumi
  3. Ayane
  4. Kokoro
  5. Hitomi
  6. Kasumi

Remember to make sure that the option for SpotPass is set to on in Options, Network. You'll get a welcome message and that week's schedule if you do. Costumes are received through Spotpass, so just make sure to have the unit online at any moment of the day.


BocoDragon said:
So happy about this repeat! (bought the game 1.5 weeks ago)
Me too, man! I didn't pick the game up at launch because I've always been kind of luke-warm on DOA's play style, but after getting to try the demo at GameStop a week or two back, I was sold. I made it my mission to track down a used copy with the "20% Off Birthday bonus" I got from Power-Up Rewards. I usually don't buy used, but it was too good a discount to pass up.

As an aside, I was playing the 50 win survival path earlier today and about 3/4 of the way through my battery LED turned red. I immediately turned the 3D slider all the way down to maximize what was left and I was instantly shocked; I hadn't seen the game in 60fps yet. Holy crap does it look smooth!


Speaking of the schedule of the re-sending of the costumes, has anyone's light turned blue with a DOA notification yet today? I'm still waiting and haven't seen a thing. :(

Update: Okay, that was kind of weird... I didn't get the usual notification light, but went into the character select and saw I did get a new costume for Kasumi ("Download 01"). *phew*


bumpkin said:
Speaking of the schedule of the re-sending of the costumes, has anyone's light turned blue with a DOA notification yet today? I'm still waiting and haven't seen a thing. :(

got mine, it was kasumi in a skirt.

how do you do tag team throws with AI partners? having trouble beating tag challenge 18-20... I hate that theres no option to let me control my partner.. 18-20 comp murders my partner everytime.


I can't figure out what I am doing wrong...
I got DoA today and just got home. Booted it up, let it create the extra data, enabled the Streetpass/Spotpass features, and then went into the options and verified that it is set to 'On' for all of the Streetpass/Spotpass options (costumes, notifications, etc).
However, it is not downloading anything it seems. No notifications and certainly not the Kasumi costume.

I admit that I haven't really figured out all of the features of the 3DS yet, as I am a new owner, and I do not really know too much about Streetpass/Spotpass or sleep mode. Does it have to be in sleep mode for it Spotpass stuff to download?
I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

Any help is appreciated.

Edit: I found this on their site:
How to get your costumes via SpotPass.
(1) Make sure your 3DS can connect to the internet.
Consult your Nintendo 3DS Instruction Manual for detailed setup.

(2) Create additional data for DEAD OR ALIVE Dimensions
Follow on-screen instructions when you boot up the game and create additional data. In order to create additional data you will need an SD Card inserted into your 3DS. On the OPTIONS menu select NETWORK. From there you can check the settings for “StreetPass”, "Costumes” and “Notifications.” If these items are set to OFF, make sure you turn them ON so you can receive data.

(3) Waiting for the SpotPass to receive data
The timing of receiving data via SpotPass varies from user to user. If your settings are correct wait a bit and see whether the data has been received. If you still cannot receive the data, make sure you check your settings first.

(4) How to use new costumes
If you successfully manage to get the new costumes a confirmation message will be displayed on the MODE SELECT screen. You will be able to use the new costumes on the COSTUME SELECT screen. Costumes which are displayed as DOWNLOAD are the ones which were downloaded via SpotPass.

(5) Fighting against Challengers
You can use the Challenge data in the THROWDOWN mode to fight against your Challengers. When SP is displayed next to the name of the Challenger, this indicates the Challengers received via SpotPass.
I guess the part I bolded could be what is holding it up, it might just need more time. I put my 3DS in sleep mode for the first time about 10 minutes ago and when I opened it up, there were 4 new videos in the Nintendo Video section. But nothing for DoA has downloaded yet and I have done everything in the above quote correctly, I think.

I just don't want to miss out on these costumes. It's the reason I bought the game today (not that I didn't want it, I love DoA games, but I planned on waiting longer. $30 and costumes was too hard to pass up though).


EYEL1NER said:
Fear and frustration...
I was in the same boat. It took almost two hours before I got the costume update. If it's any help to you, I had the 3DS in sleep mode (power on, lid closed) on the Home screen with the game in. Eventually I saw the little blue dot in the bottom right corner of the Game Icon on the Home menu. Good luck!


I guess not having put my 3DS in sleep mode yet until now, there are a bunch of things it needs to download. The battery hit one bar, so I through it on the charger for the first time since getting it and I'll go and get food and check later.


Been thinking of getting this, and with the free costumes making the rounds I again I'll have to snag a copy tomorrow. Don't want to miss out on any others.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I wish there was a way to just download the customes at will. However, it is nice that they implemented this background download feature.

DoA = Best game in the 3DS IMO. It's the perfect portable game for the DoA fan.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The only odd thing for me is that I've been through both costume cycles, and I've never, ever gotten Ayane's download costume 1. Very annoying as I want that one.
I picked this up today, its my first DoA game. I like it so far. It took like a hour to get the Kasumi costume

Is there any other DoA games i should try to find or play (I dont want to play Dead or Alive Xtreme).


8BitsAtATime said:
Is there any other DoA games i should try to find or play (I dont want to play Dead or Alive Xtreme).
Xbox 360?
Dead or Alive Ultimate (-Xbox game- port of the first, remake of the second) and DOA4 (Xbox 360 game).

Though Dimensions contains a summary of the story in those games (Chronicles Mode).
8BitsAtATime said:
Is there any other DoA games i should try to find or play
The Asian or European versions of DOA3. They're commonly referred to as 3.1 and 3.2 respectively.

Awesome footage here, here and here.

I get so hyped up watching all those videos and wish I had someone with whom to play. =(

fernoca said:
DOA4 (Xbox 360 game)
DOA4 and DOAD are trash.


lazybones18 said:
Just lost the throwdown against Ein

Why the fuck did I pick Brad Wong? -_-
Eh, don't feel bad. I lost too, using Kasumi. Don't really know why I picked her, but I don't have too many of my favorites unlocked yet. It was close though...
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