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Denuvo mail database and other information leak


I've just found out that FC Primals and Watch Dogs 2 are already cracked as well.

Yeah, it's a bad month(s) for Denuvo. I'm curious how will publishers/developers react to this for their upcoming games.

Battlefield 1 was cracked yesterday too

Weird shit going on with Denuvo right now
You're wrong about this. My shitty internet goes down every now and then, and trying to launch any Denuvo game that I haven't played for a while will result in the same error message requesting to go online.

An example I made a few days ago via firewall blocking to illustrate this fact. All games I already had installed and had played on this machine, but hadn't played for some time. The error message is identical across all Denuvo games from all publishers. The 'Next' button directs you to a support site presumably run by Denuvo, since all Denuvo games seem to have them, no matter the publisher.


And so on. The window for reactivation seems to be about a week, incidentally. It also doesn't try to activate every time you launch the game. There's a set interval in play and it isn't reset on every launch. It checks to a set schedule.

I can appreciate people not knowing about this "feature," as most people are constantly connected to the internet these days. But it very much does exist, and raises questions about what happens to Denuvo games long-term if the servers they want to hit are no longer there at some point in the future. It would need to be patched out.

Thank you very much for posting this. Denuvo is absolutely an anti-consumer form of DRM; its need to "phone home" and its ability to block you from playing single player games you paid for are very real "features" that every consumer should be aware of. Including Denuvo on a game is a decision that's hostile to players; it is punishing paying customers for the behavior of criminals, it obviously could have long-term ramifications for your ability to access products you paid for, and every single developer who uses it is choosing an anti-consumer tactic to increase their sales.

Unfortunately, there is evidence that piracy is bad for sales, so the fight against DRM is probably not one that we are going to win completely and permanently. Doom's solution of dropping Denuvo after 6 months might be the best we can expect. So please developers - if you care about your fans, about consumer rights in general, and about video game preservation - patch out Denuvo after 6 months to a year. That way there won't be any issue if and when you go out of business, Denuvo goes out of business, or any number of a hundred other unpleasant-but-plausible scenarios come to pass that could render your game inoperable for the thousands of people who paid for it.
I thought Denuvo hit the sweet spot between consumer and creator satisfaction.
I for one hope publishers don't go back to more extreme forms of DRM after RE7 and this PR mishap.


Then it's also commonsense then that some consumers pirate to try, then buy. Ergo creating denuvo eliminates those theoretical sales.

If by common sense we mean logical leaps.

No one tries then buys. This is a pirate fairy tale. And even if a tiny minority donit they are still wrong for doing that as well.


No one tries then buys. This is a pirate fairy tale. And even if a tiny minority donit they are still wrong for doing that as well.

It's nice with Steam how you can buy and then try, what with the refunds and all - that practice should be industry-wide standard approach now that demos are largely dead. I personally haven't needed to resort to that since I'm a cheapskate and do my research before buying a game, but I've lots of friends who use it every now and then.


is now taking requests
"Sales of games are so frontloaded Denuvo is absolutley needed to protect that all important launch window where games get most of their copys sold"

"Hey that image is a fucking joke, of course the denuvo game only has 10% of the sales of the predecessor - the other games have been out so long"

I mean i'm not super invested in what drm a publisher decides upon but the denuvo stanning in this thread is silly. You are consumers, not publishers. Their woes shouldn't really be your woes.


This looks interesting.



lol witcher 3 was nr 1 on every damn torrent site.
shame they didn't use denuvo
could have earned them a lot of money

the game developers were actually on there helping them getting it to work you know...

of course they don't want people pirating their games but maybe...just maybe if someone pirates it and likes it they will decide to buy it.



This kind of stuff just makes me think you would have pirated it at new. Worrying about denuvo shutting off and your game being inaccessible 8 years from now or some distant future is a bit thin for me. Denuvo preventing front loaded piracy that allows for developers to get paid for their work is worth a possible issue years down the line to me.

If I can offer a specific example, the issue you call "thin" is most likely to happen to HITMAN, out of all Denuvo games.

It's an always-online game, where unlocks can only be unlocked with an internet connection.

I'm sure you can imagine after they're done with the two or three Seasons the game is getting, they will eventually kill the servers. If Denuvo still exists and IO offers no offline patch support, what do you do with a game where 80% of the fun is found in the unlockable suits, weapons, and items that are now unobtainable? You better hope you unlocked everything and that you never delete your profile with the unlocks...

In fact, HITMAN was negatively received on PC because of it being an episodic Denuvo game, and that deeply hurt its sales.


Neo Member
A bit off tocpic, but I'd like to address the "pirate fantasy" regarding 'try and buy later'. I am one of those who used to download games because I couldn't afford them when I was younger. I have bought most of the things I played because reasons. So there are people like me, more than you probably can imagine.
Stealing physical property is not the same as making a copy, this has been argued to death (ford cant sell a car you steal, EA can sell a game you copied).
I have had exactly one issue with Denuvo and it has already been described here - trying to launch without internet connection after inactivity. Now, argument that game might need to update is irrelevant. It was working fine last time. Understandably I cant do MP because I need to be on the same patchlevel but SP should be fine. All in all I would not give DRM companies free pass. While I believe software devs have the right to protect their property, I think creating a good product that is reasonably priced (Witcher 3) is a better approach.
Just sayin'


Why, do people only pirate bad games?

No, but bad product with a lot of advertisment tend to be front loaded in sales, while good products have legs.
For games I see that pirates bought the Witcher 3 for a DLC / second playthrough at maybe a 15$ price point.

On Denuvo: I'd be happy with it, if publishers committed to a reasonable date at which they remove it.
Speaking of Denuvo, it's interesting to see so many publishers/devs interested in it... when right now Denuvo cracks (Resident Evil 7 and Watch Dogs 2 were done in a few days) are appearing to be bigger and bigger.

I think it was worth it (from a publisher perspective) when it was uncrackable, or even when they needed 2-3 months for the crack to appear, but... now?
This kind of stuff just makes me think you would have pirated it at new. Worrying about denuvo shutting off and your game being inaccessible 8 years from now or some distant future is a bit thin for me. Denuvo preventing front loaded piracy that allows for developers to get paid for their work is worth a possible issue years down the line to me.

Buy all of my games and I don't purchase denuvo games either on PC (unless it's a deep sale).
Denuvo is a thing for in your own words not average gamer.

Of course people will talk about and upper their voices about it.

Honestly what am i supposed to get from your own comment?
Are you telling PC sales doesnt matter so publishers doesnt need to care , implement all shit things to secure their IP, release terrible Ports
since lol "average gamer " is on console anyway ?

PC sales are incredibly strong and Denuvo affect people.

Do you have any actual proof that Denuvo affected sales negatively? A statistcal data analysis?

Or is this just a "gut feeling"?

Lol are you using that stupid image from 4chan as a source?


Speaking of Denuvo, it's interesting to see so many publishers/devs interested in it... when right now Denuvo cracks (Resident Evil 7 and Watch Dogs 2 were done in a few days) are appearing to be bigger and bigger.

I think it was worth it (from a publisher perspective) when it was uncrackable, or even when they needed 2-3 months for the crack to appear, but... now?

Most emails are 1 year old or older.


This is one of those threads where you realize how many people on neogaf champion anti-consumer ideas and tactics instituted by developers and publishers like DRM. It's one thing to say "I don't like DRM, but I understand why they do it," but we actually have someone implying people against DRM might just be pirates:

This kind of stuff just makes me think you would have pirated it at new. Worrying about denuvo shutting off and your game being inaccessible 8 years from now or some distant future is a bit thin for me. Denuvo preventing front loaded piracy that allows for developers to get paid for their work is worth a possible issue years down the line to me.

Being against DRM is the sane consumer stance. Being pro DRM as a consumer reeks of corporate ball washing.
All others calling me or image dumb , i didnt make it image but i should have said you guys should focus on daily/2weeks active numbers instead of highlighted sale numbers.

Some would think current game would more active players right? If all posters quoted me were saying things like "i got from bundle never installed lol" . Yeah well sure it seems people who actively play these games dont agree with you.

Besides Limbo, the two week activity numbers show more people playing the newer games than the older games.


I don't care what your assumptions made by, I hate all kinds of DRM and wont support with.

Also I am gonna drop this image to here. Maybe devs should focus on their games and making better them instead using DRM techniques.

you comparied games that come in cereal boxes and have had incredibly long times to be out vs their newer releases?

c'mon son

seriously, the internet practically uses Limbo's data as padding for encryption at this point


It's nice with Steam how you can buy and then try, what with the refunds and all - that practice should be industry-wide standard approach now that demos are largely dead. I personally haven't needed to resort to that since I'm a cheapskate and do my research before buying a game, but I've lots of friends who use it every now and then.

Isn't that for games that don't work or have issues. Not like a demo at all is my understanding.

This is one of those threads where you realize how many people on neogaf champion anti-consumer ideas and tactics instituted by developers and publishers like DRM. It's one thing to say "I don't like DRM, but I understand why they do it," but we actually have someone implying people against DRM might just be pirates:

Being against DRM is the sane consumer stance. Being pro DRM as a consumer reeks of corporate ball washing.

I like Dev houses to be paid for their work. If that makes me a corporate ball washer or whatever so be it. People deserve to reap the rewards of what they produce full stop.


Isn't that for games that don't work or have issues. Not like a demo at all is my understanding.

I like Dev houses to be paid for their work. If that makes me a corporate ball washer or whatever so be it. People deserve to reap the rewards of what they produce full stop.

No, Steam refunds are no questions asked as long as you have under 2 hours playtime and own the game for under 2 weeks.
It doesn't matter if it's technical issues or you simply don't like the game.


Unconfirmed Member
I like Dev houses to be paid for their work. If that makes me a corporate ball washer or whatever so be it. People deserve to reap the rewards of what they produce full stop.

And I like to be able to keep the things I pay for in working order and not to expire artificially.

People deserve to get what they pay for. Great that you're willing to compromise yourself for the publishers sake, but not everyone has priorities like that.


Isn't that for games that don't work or have issues. Not like a demo at all is my understanding.

You are free to refund a game for any reason as long as you meet the requirements, but if you abuse it Valve might deny you any more refunds.
Stop quoting that stupid fucking image ffs. You're all quoting I it making the same point as the initial quoter, meaning you're adding nothing to the discussion.

Now, where are all the leaked game announcements?!
No, Steam refunds are no questions asked as long as you have under 2 hours playtime and own the game for under 2 weeks.
It doesn't matter if it's technical issues or you simply don't like the game.

I'm fairly sure there is some oversight over people in case they heavily abuse it or something. like if you like do so with dozen of games a week, somebody may look into your account or something


I don't care what your assumptions made by, I hate all kinds of DRM and wont support with.

Also I am gonna drop this image to here. Maybe devs should focus on their games and making better them instead using DRM techniques.


So you totally regret posting this now, right?


Seems like first game , whose developer was mentioned in the leak , ... aka Sniper Elite 4 and its dev Rebellion ... just confirmed use of Denuvo Anti-pampers on steampage
In other kinda related news authors of Adr1ft (game which is using Denuvo and is currently uncracked) closed down
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