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Destiny: Exotic weapons fixed.... and then broken.

At least Destiny proves a FPS MMO hybrid can exist. That's the only good thing to come from the game outside the music.

I don't think we needed any kind of game as proof to draw that obvious conclusion.

Also Destiny isn't an MMO

Correct but you at least feel like you're in a Massive universe with other people, not just a few maps with friends.

MMO only has to do with the number of players that can be present in one game/instance/server(whatever the term is)

So yes, Planetside is an MMOFPS.
I've seen patches in other games with more content than the whole of this garbage game and it's 'expansion' put together.

I'm gonna put this game up on ebay along with Shadows of Mordor and Lords of the Fallen this weekend. Biggest disappointment and bullshit game I have seen in all my years of gaming....so in other words since games have existed! Atleast other rubbish games don't have 500 million budgets so there is no excuse here. This game has single handedly turned me off pre-ordering/day 1 purchases without reviews. Never again can I trust game developers, thanks Bungie/Activision.


I've seen patches in other games with more content than the whole of this garbage game and it's 'expansion' put together.

I'm gonna put this game up on ebay along with Shadows of Mordor and Lords of the Fallen this weekend. Biggest disappointment and bullshit game I have seen in all my years of gaming....so in other words since games have existed! Atleast other rubbish games don't have 500 million budgets so there is no excuse here. This game has single handedly turned me off pre-ordering/day 1 purchases without reviews. Never again can I trust game developers, thanks Bungie/Activision.



I'd bitch, but I already bought the expansion pass. Part of the problem.

I think they'll eventually let players upgrade without the reset, perhaps at a higher cost.


Wow, now i´m glad i hadn´t bought the expansions yet, this ensured that i wont either, a 3 month grind cycle, umm no thanks Bungie, should have seen it coming earlier, dissapointing.


I don't hate this all that much.

I think it's cool that, when the new DLC hits, we're going to have to earn our way to 32. It won' be quick. That's fine. And I like that the "new exotics" will effectively be 32 weapons--I mean, my TLW is gonna be a base 302. It's maxxed at 300 now. That's pretty neat. But... it takes time to get through those. Me, I'm pretty good at leveling stuff up. I'm more annoyed by yet another currency than anything.

Personally, I wish the new guns had like... I dunno, a 20% XP Gain boost on 'em. This would be a LOT nicer if they gave us the XP for doing the daily, but they don't for some reason. It works for armor, but not guns. :(

I just don't like that they're slowing us down 'cause they don't have Bioware/Rockstar/Witcher levels of content to sate us despite having what I understand to be a considerably larger budget than all of those games combined.

I'd argue that while the content is rather minimal, it isn't to the point in conjunction with the fun gameplay that this much slowdown is necessary. Neither has it been so for the last few 'solutions'.

It takes about 1.5 weeks to get a Vanguard legendary item (weapon since armor is cheaper) from a vendor currently, though every other week I believe you have enough for one other. While that isn't a ton, there's enough of a selection to keep people busy for a while. Crucible marks can take far longer if you're not constantly on a winning team and devoting a good chunk of hours into it every day. Combined with getting rep up to Rank 3 to make meaningful purchases, it already takes a great deal of time to get there that one has to wonder what the benefit is even from their standpoint to slow it down further.

Gathering mats for Legendaries and, until recently, Exotics is another example. Even when focused, it can be weeks or even a month to get one piece of gear fully upgraded in consideration of RNG. All those hours and resources, all gone because Bungie couldn't think of designing one or two more circles in the upgrade tree with a severely bloated XP gauge.

As it stands now, even the most blessed under RNGesus will only have the smallest sampling of gear fully or nearly so upgraded by the time House of Wolves drops. At which point the process will likely happen once again under the assumption that Bungie doesn't find the minds they have lost.

The sad thing is that this only pushes people to engage more in the farming/loop behavior that Bungie has been against. People aren't going to be engaging in missions, Raiding, and all that good stuff if they have to reset themselves back (let's be honest, the perks of many exotics is what makes or breaks them) and can't really engage back in until they grind out the necessary resources and upgrades once again. This is especially true of Glitter, which at the current point has no real good source of accumulation and is best made farming certain patrol areas in conjunction with chest looping.

Not ranting at you Doc. Agreeing with you while venting on how bad Bungie has molded that system thus far.

I just do bounties. That's how I level my guns.

I guess the Bungie that knew how to make great, well designed games, just doesn't exist anymore. Because, seriously, there's no way the Bungie that made the Halo trilogy (+ODST) is the same that has made Destiny. No way.

It baffles me that there are people who've worked on some of my favorite games ever that are apparently making these design decisions. What I'm playing is a content-lite game with none of the inventive weapons that made Halo cool (SHOTGUNS ARE THE WORST) and a grade school level understanding of WoW's appeal.

The only talent here, it seems, are the artists, graphics programmers, mappers (this despite the fact that their level development tool was supposed them develop content fast; they're good levels for the most part, even if there's precious few of them) and the 'gun feel' guys. The networking engineers and systems designers... ugh. Whoever's making these choices to shut down fun ways to play the game (many cheese tactics lead to more fun ways to play than running around shooting bullet sponges).

What happened to the guys who developed Sword Base, one of the greatest levels I've ever had the pleasure of playing (in part because it let me pick which way I wanted to tackle multiple objectives)? What happened to the guys who had alien guns that were fun to use?

Well, Griesemer's off at Sucker Punch working on Infamous.

I can kinda see it. What they're trying to do is let people who like their exotics (like me!) retain those exotics as viable weapons while still preserving the difficulty of obtaining new exotics.

The problem is that they don't seem to be aware that people are kinda pissed that they spent resources to max out guns that they now have to re-earn. Giving us, say, an exotic we're guaranteed not to have, or reimbursing us with an item that gives us a bunch of XP to be used on certain guns and, more importantly, those new exotic upgrade materials that some people have already spent... that'd be a good way to fix their communication, which is currently FUBAR.


I think a lot of the complaining here (all of which is warranted) could have been avoided if Bungie just told everyone their plans for exotic reforging WEEKS before Monday's patch.

I'm lucky I was busy a few nights this week and didn't dump an Exotic Shard into my Mask of the Third Man...otherwise, I'd probably be complaining more loudly as well.


I think a lot of the complaining here (all of which is warranted) could have been avoided if Bungie just told everyone their plans for exotic reforging WEEKS before Monday's patch.

I kind of feel like Bungie is making this shit up as they go.


Neo Member
What a sad sad way to extend the life of a video game. Well it was fun while it lasted. 500+ hours of repetitive gameplay down the drain.

Now i wish i hadn’t bought the digital version for $90...

Weekly update is up. Seems they still don't realize that getting new gear and becoming less powerful (down leveling due to getting un-upgraded gear, losing perks because you exchanged your exotic) is fundamentally bad game design. The carrot on the stick design philosophy breaks down if your carrot comes with so many caveats.

Yup reads like a press release from a government that's just thrown away it's election manifesto. Long on vague benefits, short time on hard details.


I guess? I will trade in when I return for the DLC. I really do not understand the need for 'paying' for the temporary downgrade though.

Whatever, doesn't bother me that much.


At least Destiny proves a FPS MMO hybrid can exist. That's the only good thing to come from the game outside the music.

Calling it an MMO just makes me shake my head at how poorly the social and population aspect of this game was put together. There's literally no purpose to showing other players in the tower and BARELY a purpose for showing other people in the world except for a throwaway public events feature. The other players might as well be AI controlled.

Weekly update is up. Seems they still don't realize that getting new gear and becoming less powerful (down leveling due to getting un-upgraded gear, losing perks because you exchanged your exotic) is fundamentally bad game design. The carrot on the stick design philosophy breaks down if your carrot comes with so many caveats.

Well the carrot is now getting that gear upgrade to where it was before but with 30 more damage. So its still there. Also the carrot of getting better vendor gear from an arbitrarily longer treadmill (get a commendation per rank coupled with marks letting you buy gear).

I mean the shit thing is that everyone of these changes points to the obvious fact that we the players are paying $20 for next to no content. 1-2 hours of extra content that for all intents and purposes looks like reskins of things we have done numerous times. I can't wait to fire up the first story mission and have to defend dinklebot for three waves and a boss like every mission in the base game. So yeah there is hardly any content in the base game and now hardly any in the expansion. The only way to get the players invested to buy the second expansion (which is already projected to have the same lack of content) is to create arbitrary treadmills, gates and carrots so far out on a stick its absurd. And sadly some people thank Bungie for this.
This is a good resource. Thanks for posting, it helped clear up a few things for myself.
I also just saw a tweet from Deej saying that any exotic bounty turned in after the 9th will not need to be reforged to get the higher attack values. I don't even know what's going on here anymore, so I'm just going to wait until the update comes out and play Dragon Age in the meantime.

Here's my take on all of this bullshit:

I attended the Destiny midnight launch and picked up both my White Destiny PS4 + Ghost Edition; I've been consistently playing this game since the Alpha + Beta + launch.

I feel that this update screws over the players who've played the longest and worked the hardest to attain the best they can, with how cruel the game can be with rewards. I haven't attempted the Raid of Nightfall/heroic Strikes (no close Destiny playing friends and all lol)...

...therefore, I only have a couple of exotics I've been able to purchase from Xur and one that dropped after a Strike. I've maxed the Strike drop (Hard Light) already and have been working on leveling the other 2 (Plan C/Patience and Time). It's been a massive sink and while enjoyable, to get the most of the time I've already spent, I get nothing for my completed work post DLC.

Anyone who gets a new exotic after the patch will have a base damage level higher than my maxed prepatch exotic? Is this correct? If so, where is the justice for those who've put in the time, materials and work?

How do I upgrade my current maxed exotic? I have like 4 Strange coins...

This shit sucks and as somebody whose recommended the game adnauseum to clients (I'm a hairstylist), I'll soon be telling them to avoid Destiny. I've spent a good chunk of $ on Destiny and I feel like Bungie is being shady and royally dicking us over.

The least Bungie could do is give a couple complimentary shards to say 'sorry, this will ease the pain - the first upgrade is on us' - but no...

Fuck Bungie.


Anyone who gets a new exotic after the patch will have a base damage level higher than my maxed prepatch exotic? Is this correct? If so, where is the justice for this who've put in the time, materials and work?

Anyone who gets a new exotic after the patch will get a weapon with marginally more attack value (300 vs 302), but no perks active.

If you don't have anyone to play with and don't want to put in the effort to find people to play with, Destiny is probably not the game for you. They really should have had matchmaking available for Weekly Heroics though. Doing it for Nightfall or Raids would probably be a disaster though.


Ppl still playing this ?

Doing same strike 158 times, doing same bounty missions 268 times..Then you are done..You can get your exotic weapon and join to Raid...

Bungie you should think carefully, do better design...I will not buy expansion definitely...

So many better games are available now...


This weekend doesn't work? And does it cost coin/mote?

I can't read the article due to work is why I'm asking.

The upgrading system is being implemented when the Expansion launches.

And Xur will only have a select amount of exotics that you can upgrade. So if you have a main gun you want to upgrade and he doesn't have it available to upgrade at the time...well you have to wait until whatever week he'll have it to upgrade it. :c


As there is no engram this week for sale, does this mean it's not being offered either going forward? If they remove the engram, what's the point of motes of light?
To buy emblems from The Speaker... yay.

I think Motes of Light rather than Strange Coins should be the currency to buy the Exotic Shard from Xur in order to upgrade already acquired Exotic gear. Maybe make it like 10 or 15 Motes of Light instead of 7 considering the amount of Motes of Light you can build up over time.

hemo memo

Gold Member
I think Motes of Light rather than Strange Coins should be the currency to buy the Exotic Shard from Xur in order to upgrade already acquired Exotic gear. Maybe make it like 10 or 15 Motes of Light instead of 7 considering the amount of Motes of Light you can build up over time.

A better buy options. Motes of Light earned from XP yet the only use is to buy emblems now.
As there is no engram this week for sale, does this mean it's not being offered either going forward? If they remove the engram, what's the point of motes of light?
DeeJ tweeted that Exotic Engrams will come more sporadically in the future:

Looks like exotic engrams may appear in Xur's inventory.


I hope the near-constant repetition of gear being offered from week to week also becomes more sporadic.


I think Motes of Light rather than Strange Coins should be the currency to buy the Exotic Shard from Xur in order to upgrade already acquired Exotic gear. Maybe make it like 10 or 15 Motes of Light instead of 7 considering the amount of Motes of Light you can build up over time.
Bad idea. Motes are much harder to come by than coins. I have almost 200 coins now. I have only 30 motes, and that's collected over 2 weeks. I can get 27 coins in just one week, and a fraction of the effort. Motes take hours. PEACE.


Anyone who gets a new exotic after the patch will get a weapon with marginally more attack value (300 vs 302), but no perks active.

If you don't have anyone to play with and don't want to put in the effort to find people to play with, Destiny is probably not the game for you. They really should have had matchmaking available for Weekly Heroics though. Doing it for Nightfall or Raids would probably be a disaster though.

Nightfalls are just a bit harder strikes with also no co-ordination or strategy necessary, so matchmaking would easily work for that too.


I've seen patches in other games with more content than the whole of this garbage game and it's 'expansion' put together.

I'm gonna put this game up on ebay along with Shadows of Mordor and Lords of the Fallen this weekend. Biggest disappointment and bullshit game I have seen in all my years of gaming....so in other words since games have existed! Atleast other rubbish games don't have 500 million budgets so there is no excuse here. This game has single handedly turned me off pre-ordering/day 1 purchases without reviews. Never again can I trust game developers, thanks Bungie/Activision.
Heh, I was far less disappointed than you but sold my copy weeks ago. And I rarely ever sell my games.


From the last update from DeeJ...

In the months to come, your quest to become more powerful will have more avenues that lead to satisfaction. The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear: The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected.

Yeah... I'm gonna wait to upgrade a lot of my maxed exotics. I've spent soo much time maxing out exotic weapons to want to start them all over again, even if they will not come with a higher base damage. If there was an option to level three exotic weapons at once (one per class) that would be okay but to have to equip and level one at a time will be a long process.
After it became clear to me that this game was going to be a lot of trial and error for Bungie, I decided to shelve it for an indefinite amount of time and come back after they've worked out a lot of the kinks.
Seems like it's still a bit rough for you guys. Maybe after the second expansion drops I'll return. By then maybe the game will have enough content to make me happy.

no angel

Anyone who gets a new exotic after the patch will get a weapon with marginally more attack value (300 vs 302), but no perks active.

If you don't have anyone to play with and don't want to put in the effort to find people to play with, Destiny is probably not the game for you. They really should have had matchmaking available for Weekly Heroics though. Doing it for Nightfall or Raids would probably be a disaster though.

Yeah, far be it from anyone to want the CHOICE to be able to matchmake for Nightfalls or Raids right, How terrible would that be?

I dont get Bungie any more, their design decisions for Destiny continue to baffle me and they've gone from a company who would always listen to fan feedback to one which rigidly refuses to accommodate what are in my eyes totally reasonable requests. their 'vision' for Destiny doesn't mean much if it's at odds with what it's players want.
If you don't have anyone to play with and don't want to put in the effort to find people to play with, Destiny is probably not the game for you.

This is a statement that's only valid in hindsight. Destiny was billed as this amazing, emergent social gaming experience.


If you don't have anyone to play with and don't want to put in the effort to find people to play with, Destiny is probably not the game for you. They really should have had matchmaking available for Weekly Heroics though. Doing it for Nightfall or Raids would probably be a disaster though.

they could at least have hangout / meetup mechanic built into the game.

why can't you go into an "I'm prepping for the nightfall/raid/daily" room in the tower and recruit a squad.

of course, if you add matchmaking, none of that's necessary, but a room would let people talk.

honestly I wonder about people who are trying to play the game without reading forums. they probably have NO IDEA AT ALL how to do anything. if you don't about destinylfg and don't have a bunch of friends that play, what kind of game are you left with?


This is a statement that's only valid in hindsight. Destiny was billed as this amazing, emergent social gaming experience.

the longer you stay in a destiny thread, the more chance you will see an inevitable post of something like

"if you don't like X, destiny is probably not the game for you"

pretty much sums up the whole game. sure wish I hadn't bought the LE now...


This is a statement that's only valid in hindsight. Destiny was billed as this amazing, emergent social gaming experience.

It should have been billed as this boring, repetitive grindfest with crappy, unrewarding loot drops that will drive you mad up the walls


the longer you stay in a destiny thread, the more chance you will see an inevitable post of something like

"if you don't like X, destiny is probably not the game for you".

Because people after playing some godawful number of hours are insistent about banging their heads against the game, then complaining that it doesn't work the way they wanted it to. There was someone earlier in this thread that said something basically to the extent of "I am not having fun with this game, but I am going to play the expansion so I can get my money's worth." Good god, just stop playing.

At some point it's smarter to just tell people to give up. If you aren't willing to put the effort in to exploring group content, then hold off until there's hooks for that stuff.
The upgrading system is being implemented when the Expansion launches.

And Xur will only have a select amount of exotics that you can upgrade. So if you have a main gun you want to upgrade and he doesn't have it available to upgrade at the time...well you have to wait until whatever week he'll have it to upgrade it. :c

So how do we know which exotics are gonna be on the list to upgrade? If we don't know then how do we decide which regular exotics should be leveled up and which ones should be left to upgrade at Xur?

I don't want to spend even more time leveling up and exotic only to find I should have waited and upgraded it. On the flip side I don't want an exotic weapon sitting in the vault waiting if an upgrade is never gonna come for it.
Bad idea. Motes are much harder to come by than coins. I have almost 200 coins now. I have only 30 motes, and that's collected over 2 weeks. I can get 27 coins in just one week, and a fraction of the effort. Motes take hours. PEACE.

I get lots of Motes of Light turning in blue engrams and whatnot, not just by XP. Where as, like you said, you can get 27 strange coins a week doing the Heroic Weekly Strike with 3 different characters. I have put 220 hours in the game and have gotten far more Motes of Light. Must be a result of the loot madness given the varying results.

Edit: I should also say that I do get a decent amount of Strange Coins randomly from engrams and whatnot as well but not nearly as many as Motes of Light, this is my experience at least.


I haven't bought the exp. yet. And after this idiotic update I'm not sure if I will. Maybe I rather wait until next change and see what they mess up. This at leasts takes away any enjoyment and interest in the game. And I have been playing quite alot.
I'm pissed there's no engram from Xur this weekend. I would totally gamble a couple times for a chest piece that I need to hit 30.

No I would not want motes to buy stuff instead of coins. If anything, an either/or because Strange Coins are the only static source of income via heroic weeklies. Motes are too random.
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