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Destiny: How did the Alpha affect your opinion of the game? Vote inside.


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was that it would be another boring Borderlands, with new graphics, 100% focused in coop play, but I liked the atmosphere and the concept. My interest level was: 4/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is very promising. The little campaign part was very satisfying: intense, fun to play... made me want to play more. The online part was ok. I don't enjoy too much the online games, but I played it and it's interesting. My interest level is now: 7/10.

The game interests me more than before, a lot, but I'm still doubting about the entire experience. I really worried about the campaign mode, if it's going to be repetitive, if it's designed to play coop to fully enjoy it... That would keep me outside.
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was... well I was a little bit concerned it would just be another Halo. Never managed to get into Halo. My interest level was: 6/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny has improved alot. Initially found it quite challenging but when you get into the swing of things it's a lot of fun. My interest level is now: 8/10.
Before: 8/10
After: 6/10

Ugh, repetitive quests, boring loot, uninspired guns, Way Way too much loading, Dancing, etc. Outside of the gorgeous art it's hard to believe these are the Halo guys. I hold out hope because it's Bungie but the only thing worse than shooting the same guys over and over is doing when they take way too many clips.


I would say that it was not really on my radar per say but I watched it with little vested interest. I am aware of the name of bungie and have played halo games throughout the years. 5/10

Not really impressed with the game in any facet granted I do not have PS+. My interest in it is still small mainly because it felt like there was less incentive to playing solo than there is for borderlands. However, the overall experience is much nicer than borderlands. I suppose my opinion might have been in better positioning if I had access to the crucible and strike missions. 5/10


Before 6/10 - I was interested in the game but only had an idea of what to expect.
Now 8/10 - The alpha didn't have much content but I enjoyed the time I put into it.

I hope the game is as massive as they say it is.
Just watching people play:

before 6/10
after 9/10

Game looks so much funs with friends. Combine with awesome locations or worlds to explore, and rpg like levelling system, lots of loot, fantastic gunplay and the community effect and I think we've got something special here.


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was hopeful. My interest level was: 7/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny remains hopeful, I liked what I saw and how it felt, but I still have so many questions that need answering. My interest level is now: 7/10.


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny… was not good. With each video I became more and more disinterested, but I held out hope cause it's Bungie. My interest level was: 4/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny… is better, but still not great. I put in several hours and tried two classes (Warlock and Titan) and I've got a lot of complaints:

- The world is big but seems rather empty with not enough loot chests or anything to make exploration worth it.
- All of the side quests that you accept from the green beacons (glow stick things) are absolutely terrible, boring, unimaginative garbage.
- The voice acting is either outright bad (Dinklage) or very distracting - the problem with hiring celebs is that I keep thinking stuff like "That's Lance Reddick from The Wire/Fringe!" and it breaks the immersion of this fantasy world.
- Boss battles weren't really fun, you fight a robotic spider that just stands in place as you slowly whittle away his health bar for like 10+ minutes. And then when you finally destroy it after all that time, it just sort of collapses/crumbles to the floor. Not satisfying at all. When you took down a Scarab in Halo for example, there was a big ass explosion with your screen turning blue and sparks flying everywhere and it felt cool. Here it's just weak.
- The Tower (hub world thing) seems very small and not really some kind of social place / lively city that you would expect. There's no activities or minigames or anything like that, so almost everyone goes in there just to do a specific task (buy stuff at the gunsmith or crypto vender) and quickly leaves.
- Loading times are on the long side
- Hate how the turn speed is extremely slow when you're moving/sprinting.
- Having to click the touchpad to bring up your waypoint indicator kind of sucks
- Don't like multiplayer/PVP at all. It seems that your weapons and abilities from SP carry over there and it just never feels that I'm on an even playing field with other players. The interceptor tank thing seems to absolutely dominate and there doesn't seem to be enough counters against it (in Halo you could board vehicles or use an overcharged plasma pistol shot to disable the engine etc). I also hate that you can spawn a vehicle at any time. And the multiplayer announcer is awful. I only played two or three matches of MP and have no desire to ever touch that mode again.

My interest level is now: 6 or 7/10. I can see the potential in the game and had fun at times in co-op, but it's flawed IMO.

What motivated me to keep playing wasn't really fun gameplay or interesting combat situations, it was purely to see how my character progressed when I decked him out in better gear and upgraded my magic/guns. I fear that once I do that stuff in the full game there just won't be much incentive to keep playing.

Boss Mog

Horrid framerate? It's 30FPS, Bungie games have never not been 30FPS since the original Halo.

It didn't feel solid 30fps like old Halo games to me and after reading through the DF analysis, apparently there's an issue with the game that makes it seem like the framerate is under 30. I hope they fix it.


Hard to Kill
I was already pretty excited about this game and now I am much more excited .

I think it blend mmo and fps the way Borderlands blended mmo and rpg ,making the fps obviously the main direction of the game but adding a lot of interesting Mmo parts like strikes and seamless blend of player in our exploration mode.

Because there is exploration but what is missing in this demo is a tutorial telling what you can find exploring like new areas new missions some treasure or weapons schemes the game never tell you or show where you can go or all the possibilities.

For example you can follow the river in the ravine and end up in a boat cemetary or go through the big wall and end up beind looking at the mountains and a lot of dead cars and people.

I loved how it takes the mmorpg from borderlands and blend it with Mmo but there's stil differences for exemple you don't need points to unlock abilities you just need to play a cetain way enough to unlock it.

One downside is that I think the supercharged abilities of the titan and the arcanist where kinda the same the titan hit the ground with his fists and it cause an shockwave killing ennemies and the arcanist shoot an energy ball which cause a shockwave killing ennemies.
Only the hunter can create a fire revolver pretty powerful (but with only 3 bullet in it which i think is too few).
Before the alpha I was pretty indifferent. Nothing stood out to me but it was Bungie so they had my attention and respect. My interest was a 5 out of 10

After the alpha I'm super excited. I didn't get too far in to it. Spent maybe and hour and a half playing but I loved what i played. My interest is now a 9 out of 10


1. before 9/10 (DAY ONE)
2. aflter 10/10 (DAY FUCKIN ONE)

The game is, looks and feels greater than I though a multigen game could do...
Boss★Moogle;116772833 said:
It didn't feel solid 30fps like old Halo games to me and after reading through the DF analysis, apparently there's an issue with the game that makes it seem like the framerate is under 30. I hope they fix it.

I definitely noticed some issues where me and friend became a bit desynced. framerate seemed okayish
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was "meh". My interest level was: 7/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny significantly improved. My interest level is now: 9/10.
Boss★Moogle;116772833 said:
It didn't feel solid 30fps like old Halo games to me and after reading through the DF analysis, apparently there's an issue with the game that makes it seem like the framerate is under 30. I hope they fix it.
Halo 3 had worse frame rate hiccups than this alpha.


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was initially quite high. However after the recent gameplay videos and the showing at E3 the game just seemed boring. My interest level was: 5/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny has changed completely and now it's a definite Day 1 purchase. My interest level is now: 10/10.


Neo Member
Before: 9
After: 7,5

- Main quest was great. Loved the dark areas.
- Love the setting and look of the game
- Classes and weapons + progression
- The multiplayer strike mission

- Some game mechanics are not explained very well
- Side quest / Exploring section was really boring and unimaginative
- The world feels empty now and again..expecially the main city hub
- Whats with the long loading screens if you travel between City and play area?

All in all a solid game for an alpha...Hopefully they will have improved things in the Beta and release.
I think it will be at least an 8+
Still a day one buy for me
It made it a day one purchase for me.

Had so much damn fun with it. Bungie still got it.

EDIT: Yeah my impressions were okay before. It seemed really hit and miss judging by the trailers.


Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny very poor. I thought it was going to be another mindless Borderlands with MMO elements. My interest level was: 1/10.

After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is fairly good. Combat is much more fun than I anticipated. My interest level is now: 6/10.

I need to see what Bungie's vision on end game is like and how interesting it is to play at that point before I pick it up, but my chances of picking it up in the first month of launch have gone up significantly. I was planning on just ignoring it previously.


Before 5/10

After 10/10

Its fantastic, I absolutely love it and its not normally my type of game.

Most anticipated upcoming game for me.


Neo Member
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was nothing special. It certainly didn't make my pre-order list for games available this fall. My interest level was: 4/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is now quite positive. I will be picking this up day 1 if my friends decide to as well. My interest level is now: 8/10.


Neo Member
Before the alpha, my interest level was a 1/10. I never liked Halo, and thought this would be similar.

After the alpha, my interest level is a 6/10. I found the gameplay enjoyable, liked the different classes, and think there's a lot of potential for the world. I know the alpha was very content limited, but I need to see what else there is do to in the game. Right now I'm cautiously optimisitic.


Neo Member
Before: 7
After: 9

I really don't LOVE Bungie games that much, but this really felt amazing...didn't feel at all like a Halo rip-off/clone, which is what I was worried about (in terms of the PvP multiplayer at least).
I hope they make the voice chat work so you can communicate with your team through the headset and still have proximity voices through your speakers like they did with Halo 3.
I'm surprised people have such a positive impression of the alpha. It's mind bottling.
Are you also surprised that people might have a different opinion than you?

I was pretty hyped for Destiny and have had it pre ordered for quite a while - so 8/10 before.

I already knew having played many shooters and many loot/MMO type games that Destiny would scratch that - filling up bars itch that I and many others love - and many more hate with a passion.

See I think that's it. The compulsion to play comes from wanting to be a higher level, to get that rank up and grab that shiny loot all whilst having a ball blasting stuff. Without that I can understand people not really enjoying the alpha or probably the full game.

Me? It's all I could have dreamed it could be. I fucking love it and don't want to stop playing. 10/10. See ya next month for the beta.


Before: Very interested, but VERY apprehensive. It's Bungie, it's gorgeous, it's an ambitious project that *could* be good. But for various reasons my faith in Bungie has fallen a bit over the last few years, they didn't seem to have a clear vision for Destiny, and there's a lot of stuff about Destiny that simply puts a bad taste in my mouth. 7/10?

After: PvP sucks, ew. PvE started slow, and I have some concerns that it could become monotonous... but at the same time it's been getting more fun with more playing. It doesn't look like it's something that'll out-Halo Halo, but maybe it doesn't need to. 9/10?

Boss★Moogle;116772833 said:
It didn't feel solid 30fps like old Halo games to me and after reading through the DF analysis, apparently there's an issue with the game that makes it seem like the framerate is under 30. I hope they fix it.
Pretty much none of the Halo games are a solid 30, although it sometimes feels like Halo 2 puts on a half-decent attempt at it.

Halo 1 has frequent double-buffer vsync spikes (holy shit at the amount of stuff Bungie deemed appropriate to shove through NV2A's little memory bus), Halo 3 experiences some funky stutter, and though Reach puts on an admirable showing for what it's attempting, it just plain tanks in some areas. Halo 4 actually does pretty well in single-player campaign, but split-screen and some MP maps drag the 360 to a crawl.


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was "Warframeh". My interest level was: 2,5/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny well ,improved. My interest level is now: 8/10.

PS.Bungie did a great job imo.
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was well Halo was ok, maybe I'll like it. My interest level was: 6/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny went into the pooper. Choppy, not fun. Time to go back and play some Titanfall to cleanse the palate. My interest level is now: 2/10.


My interest level was already quite high, 7/10.

After having played the Alpha I'm super excited for moar... Can't wait to see what else bungie has in store. 9/10


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destin was that it looked like something I'd enjoy though I wasn't fully aware of what the game was. My interest level was: 7/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that it is easily my most anticipated game for 2014 , it looks and plays great. It has the potential to bring real change to the FPS genre this gen. My interest level is now: 10/10.


Before: Footage was boring but it's Bungie so I expect it to be good anyway.

After: Alpha gameplay from Giant Bomb was awesome. I was right to have faith in Bungie. They are far and away the best console FPS team there is. No one else comes close.
1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was that it wasn't doing anything too interesting and the only real reason to anticipate it was the pedigree of the developer.

My interest level was: 6/10.

2. After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny has skyrocketed. While yes, it's not doing anything crazy new, it is curbing a lot of interesting ideas from multiple games and blending them in a successful new way, whilst supporting them with extremely satisfying combat mechanics. There are so many loops to get caught in while playing; small, moment to moment combat and exploration loops, as well as larger loops of gear and weapon progression. It just feels impeccably designed.

My interest level is now: 8.5/10

I should mention I'm not really a fan of the PvP (at least what was available in the alpha) but I love the PvE and that is definitely the draw for me.


Before: 9/10

After: 1/10

Utter garbage, combining Borderlands 2 and Halo into some sort of weird instance based Warframe wannabe. No thanks. People are overhyping this, because Bungie made it. It will sell well at the start and drop off. This is a big flop in the making.
Are you also surprised that people might have a different opinion than you?

I was pretty hyped for Destiny and have had it pre ordered for quite a while - so 8/10 before.

I already knew having played many shooters and many loot/MMO type games that Destiny would scratch that - filling up bars itch that I and many others love - and many more hate with a passion.

See I think that's it. The compulsion to play comes from wanting to be a higher level, to get that rank up and grab that shiny loot all whilst having a ball blasting stuff. Without that I can understand people not really enjoying the alpha or probably the full game.

Me? It's all I could have dreamed it could be. I fucking love it and don't want to stop playing. 10/10. See ya next month for the beta.

I get people liking it more than me. There is potential here. There are just so many problems... no one is even mentioning them. reviews this glowing do not make sense to me. It's Bungie I guess.
I get people liking it more than me. There is potential here. There are just so many problems... no one is even mentioning them. reviews this glowing do not make sense to me. It's Bungie I guess.

I have absolutely no allegiance to Bungie. I haven't beaten a single Halo.

I just like it because the combat is super fun, the progression is intriguing, and the environments are beautiful.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was that it would be a decent enough shooter with sci-fi elements. I was hoping to see some reviews before getting my hands on it before the holidays. My interest level was: 5/10.

After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that it's amazing. I'm getting this soon after it launches. It really captures what I want to get out of a game. My interest level is now: 9/10.


Before: 9/10

After: 1/10

Utter garbage, combining Borderlands 2 and Halo into some sort of weird instance based Warframe wannabe. No thanks. People are overhyping this, because Bungie made it. It will sell well at the start and drop off. This is a big flop in the making.
Before: 9/10

After: 1/10

Utter garbage, combining Borderlands 2 and Halo into some sort of weird instance based Warframe wannabe. No thanks. People are overhyping this, because Bungie made it. It will sell well at the start and drop off. This is a big flop in the making.

I'm actually disappointed because it's Bungie. It's like they went from Bayonetta to DCUOs combat.


First: I don't play mmos so my impressions are more from a single player view.

Before the alpha: 6/10
After the alpha: 3/10

What I don't like about the campaingn:
- Same enemies at the same location respawn after a minute I've killed them. Too much scripted.
- Missions are all about killing enemies no real variety in alpha
- Enemy A.I. I don't find challenging.
- After reaching level 8 with a level 81 auto rifle there are no real challenges. Except the unbeatable bosses.
Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was muddled, due to Bungie's inability to accurately describe the game. It looked like MMO Borderlands, but I didn't know what to expect. My interest level was: 2/10.

After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny has improved to cautious optimism. The story and lore in Destiny is horrendously unoriginal, the game is unplayable outside of a group, and the balancing is all over the shop with never ending waves of bullet sponge enemies making up virtually the entire experience. The voice acting in particular is just plain bad. However, when it works, and enemies aren't just bullet sponges, its actually fun to play and pretty enjoyable. My interest level is now: 6/10.

Things that would improve my interest level:
  • Filter Dinklage's voice to achieve the correct "AI" styling.
  • Replace the PVP announcer entirely. Completly wrong for the game..
  • Ensure enemies drop ammo more often.
  • Tweak the enemies so they feel less like bullet sponges.
  • Add quests in the "Explore" mode that aren't started from beacons. Finding items in the world that set you off on a quest is a good start.
  • Better texture filtering.
  • Slightly increased base movement speed.
  • Being able to move ships around on the loading screen. Simple, but cool.
  • Add Heavy Ammo to PVP maps from the start. Vehicles are just too powerful.

With all of that in tow, my interest would be about 8/10. The MMO nature of the game and the uninteresting lore prevent it from getting much higher at this point.
Yes to all your suggestions. I got tired of the beacon points quickly and got smashed by the vehicles in PvP. I also want a map and not just a radar. And let me keep the damned waypoints up without constantly calling up the ghost and dropping me out of speed/boost every 10 seconds. Since there's no way to find out where beacon quest locations are without the waypoints, at least give me the option to leave them up!


01. Before - 8/10. Looked to be doing some interesting things in terms of campaign and co-op. Had no idea what the multiplayer would be like.

02. After - 6/10. Structure of campaign and co-op is indeed interesting. Multiplayer... it is still a bunch of people not playing the objective and camping on ammo caches. They need to go back to the Halo 3 style of tying rank progression to actually winning matches. This feels like Halo Reach all over again.

I will see what the beta is like in July before making a decision.


1. Before the Alpha, I expected to get the game, play mostly the single player content and be done with it. My interest level was: 6/10.
2. After the Alpha, I expect to enjoy the MP offerings more than I thought I would. I'll be playing much more of the game. My interest level is: 8/10.


1. Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was skeptical. I was interested to play it since I love SciFi and a lot of Destiny's visuals remind me of Mass Effect. I preordered to get a beta key and was ready to cancel if I didn't have any fun with that. My interest level was: 6/10.

2. After having played the alpha, I will definitely not cancel my preorder. While I haven't played any PvP, I had a lot of fun doing the PvE missions. I can see myself playing this for dozens of hours. Oh, and I love the dance moves :D My interest level is now: 9/10.
Before: 9/10

After: 1/10

Utter garbage, combining Borderlands 2 and Halo into some sort of weird instance based Warframe wannabe. No thanks. People are overhyping this, because Bungie made it. It will sell well at the start and drop off. This is a big flop in the making.

bookmarking for fun later ;)
Before the alpha, my impression of Destiny was that Bungie/Activision had done a terrible job hyping and marketing the game and couldn't explain what it even was. 5/10.

After having played the alpha, my impression of Destiny is that it's got a good mix of influences from Borderlands to Halo and WoW. I wasn't a fan of the numerous random Kill X quests and the main mission didn't seem to work for me since I only completed 2 main missions and got stuck. Regardless, I still had fun and thought the coop and Strike teams were the main pull. I feel like I have a better idea of what it is, and am optimistic now. 7/10
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