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DmC Devil May Cry Ships 1 Million Copies; Forecast Lowered To 1.2 Million


lol no. Least this game had characters that had motivation and depth, and a story that made some sort of sense. 4 was a fun game, but I had no idea what was going on. Not to mention half the game was backtracking.

Depth? Oustide of Donte and maybe Kat, the rest of the "cast" might as well have been cardboard cutouts.


That's where I disagree. I adored Enslaved and they did great work on the characters and story of DmC. That seems to be their strong point, mo-cap and character development/interaction. I liked the DmC gameplay too, but maybe they just need to co-develop it with someone else if people didn't like the gameplay.

They did co-develop it with Capcom.
I still can't believe they thought that bringing on Ninja Theory would give them a wider audience. Fucking NINJA THEORY - makers of Bomba and Nuclear Bomba.

This makes the fourth bomba game for NT.

4 of 4

There will be a fifth? other studios didn't have that many chances that's sure!


It's really a curious thing to look at, is it selling less just because they changed it? Or are people just not as interested in the series? Would DMC5 have sold even less being even less mainstream? Or was the marketing just non-existent? I don't think you can just assume it did worse because of the change in design.

DMC was selling more and more with each iteration. I'm pretty sure the drastic changes they made to the series are the reason for the poor sales.

Regardless of if you like the combat or not it's much more shallow than previous DMC games and combat is the sole reason why people would buy a DMC game. There's still fun to be had with the combat in DmC but numerous design decisions were made to make the combat more "accessible" and enemy choices such as the blue/red enemies are questionable choices.
Hey, everyone who's surprised at '1.2 million not cutting it anymore', the reason DmC exists in the first place is because DMC4's 2 million+ wasn't cutting it either.


Excellent news, the more i played it the more i realized how bad this game really is.
For me NT is by far the most overrated developer this generation.


Shame, I've enjoyed all of Ninja Theory's games to varying degrees, with this being the best. It's a superb game, really inventive, with the boss fights being some of the most fun I've had this generation. Capcom's experiment worked in the sense that it got people, like me, with only a passive interest in the series to sit up and take notice, and I much prefer the Western cheese of Dante than the Japanese. Not to mention that the levels
Raptor News and Demon's Got Talent
look mind blowing in 3D. Hope it's a slow burner, because it should do ok based off word of mouth. Didn't really care for the DMC4, but this has been a nice surprise and surpassed my expectations.

Is this the only game with boss fights you've played this generation? This statement just blows my mind, these boss fights are a complete joke and easily the worst part of the game.

Only one that looked cool is Bob Barbas, actually his fight is probably the only genuinely cool thing in the entire game!
DMC fan. Did not buy. Hopefully they go back to old Dante. More likely series goes dormant.

This kind of attitude baffles me. Game is awesome; best DMC since the first one, and the best narrative the series has seen. People not buying it because, essentially the main character's hair, mystifies me beyond belief. Feels like the ultimate example of the negativity/whininess of gamer fanbases causing more harm than good, ultimately murdering any fresh attempts at quality.
My oppinion : I liked the new dante more then the old shithead-i-dont-care-because-im-gay dante. The new game is overall better then any other DMC. Sometimes the socalled "die hard fans" are the cancer of gaming. Crying because nothing changes and crying because something changes.
This kind of attitude baffles me. Game is awesome; best DMC since the first one, and the best narrative the series has seen. People not buying it because, essentially the main character's hair, mystifies me beyond belief. Feels like the ultimate example of the negativity/whininess of gamer fanbases causing more harm than good, ultimately murdering any fresh attempts at quality.

Stop, you're embarrassing yourself.


A Good Citizen
This kind of attitude baffles me. Game is awesome; best DMC since the first one, and the best narrative the series has seen. People not buying it because, essentially the main character's hair, mystifies me beyond belief. Feels like the ultimate example of the negativity/whininess of gamer fanbases causing more harm than good, ultimately murdering any fresh attempts at quality.


The people who actually played the game think it's a very good game. The franchise was not destroyed, those pigheaded fans who shout abuse at NT and Capcom are wrong.

i was not talking about quality.
the old franchise does not exist anymore,so it was destroyed...even if this game has the same title of the previous ones,all it retains from them is some names.


There was (afaik) zero advertising for DmC in Sweden. Compare that to Hitman Absolution and Far Cry 3, both of which had a moderate amount of ads, and Assassin's Creed 3, which had an insane amount of ads.


I'll pick at $10 sale. I just can't justify buying $60 games anymore unless its one of the huge fulfilling franchise, especially if I have doubt...


This kind of attitude baffles me. Game is awesome; best DMC since the first one, and the best narrative the series has seen. People not buying it because, essentially the main character's hair, mystifies me beyond belief. Feels like the ultimate example of the negativity/whininess of gamer fanbases causing more harm than good, ultimately murdering any fresh attempts at quality.

Agreed 100%!

Guess Who

I think it's high time we all accepted that arguments boiling down to "it's good!" "it's not! "is too!" "is not!" really aren't going to go anywhere or change any minds. If you played it, you either liked it or you didn't. You're not going to go on the internet and tell someone it's terrible and somehow negate their positive experience, or vice versa.
that's what you guys picked out instead of "the best DMC game since the first one"?

his post is straight up fish in a barrel, you can take the first ridiculous statement. I'm just particularly sick of the entitled fan argument, specifically with regards to the "no white hair no buy" generalization.


This kind of attitude baffles me. Game is awesome; best DMC since the first one, and the best narrative the series has seen. People not buying it because, essentially the main character's hair, mystifies me beyond belief. Feels like the ultimate example of the negativity/whininess of gamer fanbases causing more harm than good, ultimately murdering any fresh attempts at quality.

It's long since past that people stopped complaining about Donte's hair. Maybe if you'd actually read the Donte may Cry OT you'd realize that people have a problem with the dumbed down combat, overuse of color coded enemies on higher difficulty levels, horrible bosses, repetetive and boring platforming, unskippable cutscenes, combat being interrupted by cutscenes, and so on. In short, stop talking out of your ass.
Hey, everyone who's surprised at '1.2 million not cutting it anymore', the reason DmC exists in the first place is because DMC4's 2 million+ wasn't cutting it either.

I don't think that's true.

Well, yes, let's just go back to the lazy design of back-tracking half the levels like DMC4 did. Also the story where...well...something happened.

People keep repeating this like DMC5 would have been a carbon-copy of DMC4.
This makes the fourth bomba game for NT.

4 of 4

There will be a fifth? other studios didn't have that many chances that's sure!

Well there is Platinum Games, who have managed to accumulate 5 bombs in a row and, due to their Wi U-exclusive nature, look set to have another two on their hands in the future. Rising ought to sell a decent amount of copies though, what with it having the Metal Gear name attached.


My oppinion : I liked the new dante more then the old shithead-i-dont-care-because-im-gay dante. The new game is overall better then any other DMC. Sometimes the socalled "die hard fans" are the cancer of gaming. Crying because nothing changes and crying because something changes.

Original Dante was gay, DmC is better than all the other games, and longtime fans of the series who don't agree with that are a cancer.

A dumber post than this would be hard to imagine.


Is this the only game with boss fights you've played this generation? This statement just blows my mind, these boss fights are a complete joke and easily the worst part of the game.

Word. Boss fights, lack of lock-on, color-coded enemies and the story are the worst things about the game. I did like it a lot though.


They ain't fixed shit.

They made combat slower, added coloured enemies, some of the worst boss-fights in the franchise, shallow platforming, several cutscene interruptions (some of them unskippable, most of them not instantly skippable) and removed lock-on. It's looks nice and has good combat despite Ninja Theory's inclusion but putting a bigger focus on story and presentation made the game a drag on repeated playthroughs.

For me, three playthroughs of DmC is more bearable than one playthrough of the Castle level in DMC4, to put things in perspective :p


I thought Heavenly Sword and Enslaved were pretty terrible games but NT really stepped it up with DmC to make a legitimately fantastic game. Their environments and artstyle have always been impressive but it's the first time one of their games have actually felt fun and great to play. I'd be sad if DmC2 couldn't happen with these sales and I feel a DMC5 would be like Capcom admitting defeat, even though I would love to see that too. Maybe the series will just go the way of Onimusha after this and nobody wins.


It's really a curious thing to look at, is it selling less just because they changed it? Or are people just not as interested in the series? Would DMC5 have sold even less being even less mainstream? Or was the marketing just non-existent? I don't think you can just assume it did worse because of the change in design.

if you count how few good pure action games are around anymore,if they made a proper DMC5,they would have at least sold as many copies as the 4th one,because the fanbase doesn't spontaneously evaporate in these 4 years of absence of the franchise.

plus,now there are nearly two times the number of consoles around,compared to 2008.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
People keep repeating this like DMC5 would have been a carbon-copy of DMC4.

I just see how RE6 went and am terrified at the possibility of what DMC5 could have become. IMO this new direction was the best thing for the franchise. They just needed to market it more.
Is this the only game with boss fights you've played this generation? This statement just blows my mind, these boss fights are a complete joke and easily the worst part of the game.

Only one that looked cool is Bob Barbas, actually his fight is probably the only genuinely cool thing in the entire game!

No, but I enjoyed them nonetheless. Mechanically they might not be up there with the best, but they were fun all the same; aided somewhat by the novelty of 3D and by their general design, which is the most interesting part of DmC.


Regarding unskippable cutscenes: Backspace on keyboard and Select with controller will skip cutscenes on a PC.


Marketing was terrible. Especially the arrogance of the creative director set the tone for all the hate the game received.

Should have had another spokesman and explained the changes to the community without being a cocky prick.


Guess Who

Regarding unskippable cutscenes: Backspace on keyboard and Select with controller will skip cutscenes on a PC.

Not every cutscene is skippable; usually ones that result in a state change in the level or are masking a loading screen (like the transitions into the "inner world").
I don't even want to know what it looked like before Itsuno stepped in to kick their collective asses.

It had a hell of a lot more arm-blades


The Capcom project leads also recalled Ninja Theory's initial penchant for concentrating on cool visuals first, then building the world image from there, regardless of whether the gameplay matched well with it or not. "I remember, during the first stages of development, one of the illustrations we got for a regular enemy had this huge blade on his right elbow," Itsuno said. "It was actually on pretty much all the enemies! Apparently the designer really liked putting blades on people's elbows."

"So we asked how the guy was gonna attack with this blade," Eshiro continued, "and the reply was 'Oh, he doesn't use it much'. So we said 'No, no, that's not going to work as a game' and had them rethink it a little bit."

The "they like to make worlds and then figure out what to do with them" thing explains the level design in DmC.


I will. When it's about the price I think it's worth giving the game a chance.


This. Besides, since the on-disc DLC Capcom tried to pull I've been boycotting new sales. I'll pick this up used, in a year, for $15. There is only two things Capcom can do for me to end my boycott... and they won't happen.
I just see how RE6 went and am terrified at the possibility of what DMC5 could have become. IMO this new direction was the best thing for the franchise. They just needed to market it more.

A fear based on nothing because Itsuno wasn't involved with Resident Evil in any relevant manner and if it wasn't for him DmC would have been the same garbage NT did with their previous games.

It had a hell of a lot more arm-blades


The "they like to make worlds and then figure out what to do with them" thing explains the level design in DmC.

As if we needed any more confirmation. Thanks for digging it up though.


There is absoloutly no doubt this is a direct result of the negativity surrounding the game. Its quite a shame really.
1: if you give dmc to another developer it's no longer dmc

2 : 1 million sales is bomba now? Oh man this industry is hilariousssss

1 paragraph b : may I interest you in the latest beatles album?
Performance by Linkin park ft. Justin Bieber
My oppinion : I liked the new dante more then the old shithead-i-dont-care-because-im-gay dante. The new game is overall better then any other DMC. Sometimes the socalled "die hard fans" are the cancer of gaming. Crying because nothing changes and crying because something changes.

So we should blindly buy any game in a franchise no matter what has changed in it? I think your confusing your disgust in the fanbase with what is happening here :- people not supporting products they don't like which they have every right to as consumers.

I think it's high time we all accepted that arguments boiling down to "it's good!" "it's not! "is too!" "is not!" really aren't going to go anywhere or change any minds. If you played it, you either liked it or you didn't. You're not going to go on the internet and tell someone it's terrible and somehow negate their positive experience, or vice versa.

I think this is quite possibly the most sensible post in these DmC threads for quite a while.
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