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does sony even care about third parties anymore?


Oblivion said:
Good point, except for minor detail. Your software has to sell first.

For that matter you also have to have an abundant supply of software to begin with. That said, I've heard it said that Resistance and Motorstorm have done well.

This Christmas should show whether people actually bought the PS3 to play games.


Final Fantasy XIII, Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, Haze timed exclusive, Unreal Tournament 3 timed console exclusive along will all the reports that say Sony are working closely with 3rd parties, which includes a recent announcement on a R* exclusive game.

Sony are improving their 1st party lineup, but that doesn't mean they are neglecting 3rd parties because the evidence suggests otherwise.


sex vacation in Guam
I think what people often forget is that companies have to make SMART DECISIONS. If I were SONY why would I pay for EA marketing of a low budget port? I can guarantee you Sony is planning for forking over a lot of money on Unreal Tournament this fall.

Being completely balanced is the key to failure, you have to play and abuse your strengths. That's what SONY is doing and that's why MS is doing. Both are heavily investing in this industry's third parties and first parties, it is completely moronic to think otherwise. Who do you think MS got the idea of marketing Third party games? Sony pioneered this with Square. This is about smart investments.

MS would need 10 years of being the market leader just to break even on the gaming industry so I wouldn't Judge SONY's investment decisions cause they definitely have people there that know what they are doing.


Oblivion said:
You really feel PS2 will be selling that well in the next 3 or whatever years? Yeah yeah, $99 price point and whatnot, but they're gonna hit a wall sooner or later.

the PS2's still easily outselling the 360 month after month, unless that changes the PS2 can definitely outlast the 360
felipeko said:
You mean, when 3rd parties wanted to leave Nintendo and had nowhere to go but PS1? (and that multicore freak Saturn)

This didn't happen until 2+ years after the PSOne launched. In the beginning Sony was very aggressive in courting developers and was also good with developer support. They also did quite a bit of marketing for 3rd party games such as the 100 million marketing budget they allocated for FFVII, something I doubt the modern Sony would do.

Oblivion said:
QFT. Finally, someone that gets it. I always get annoyed when people think it's the manufacturer 'not trying hard enough' or 'not learning their lessons' or whatever.

The manufacturer can certainly play a big role in determining 3rd party support in ways other than sales. Microsoft has moneyhatted quite a few games this generation already and it's given them an edge.

Sony is reluctantly starting to do it with titles like Haze and UT3 but they really need to ramp up this practice, especially after losing exclusivity on titles like DMC4. They also need to stop letting 3rd parties making supbar ports by bettering their developer support.


Oblivion said:
So...I don't think they want to or can rely on the PS2 for the next 5 (or 10 as Sony seems to think) years maybe?

If it prevents consumers from getting Xbox 360's and Wii's for such multiplatform games I think Sony will cling onto the PS2 for as long as they can get away with it.

The Wii doesn't help such HD transitions to get either PS3/Xbox 360 to.


PistolGrip said:
MS would need 10 years of being the market leader just to break even on the gaming industry so I wouldn't Judge SONY's investment decisions cause they definitely have people there that know what they are doing.
Yeah, you know, at the rate things are going, Sony is going to break even (their 10 years of market leader profit) soon..:lol
Red Blaster said:
This didn't happen until 2+ years after the PSOne launched. In the beginning Sony was very aggressive in courting developers and was also good with developer support. They also did quite a bit of marketing for 3rd party games such as the 100 million marketing budget they allocated for FFVII, something I doubt the modern Sony would do.
Well, they had no experience and needed games... but it only worked out because developers were running from Nintendo.
yes and no: you see...they'll eventually care about them, but not in '07 and not while they continue releasing sub-par multiplatform games on the ps3.
Link316 said:
the PS2's still easily outselling the 360 month after month, unless that changes the PS2 can definitely outlast the 360

As we go into to 2008 PS2 releases will already dry up even more than they have already.
Personally I think the last three PS2 titles I'll pick up are Persona 3, Wild Arms 5 and Growlanser.


Masta_Killah said:
:lol You obviously don't know the power of Madden.

I refer you to my previous reply to an equally silly response..

not that madden isn't a big deal.. but JUST because madden is being blasted all over the place by Microsoft does NOT mean Sony doesn't care about third parties... and hence.. Not a big deal.. its just ONE game...

Why exactly would sony want to help market this game anyways? the media makes sure to say that the PS3 version is inferior to the Microsoft version every chance they get... Whats the point of backing it?
solid2snake said:
if they care about 3rd parties, they would kiss the arse of SquarEnix. no love for SE means every week a new DS announcement.

no amount of 'care' Sony could have for S-E, nor enough ass-kissing to make their lips fall off, could stop the DS games from coming. As we all know from the witty little .gif, the DS prints money... not to mention they can make games for a tiny fraction of what it costs to make one console game, push out ports, and put smaller teams on smaller projects so they can have cash-flow coming in at basically every point of each fiscal quarter.

They can still assign their 'money' teams to the big budget games- so they really have every angle covered as a 3rd party. Sony knows this.

I think it's evident that Sony and S-E still have a strong relationship, considering FFXIII is still (and will remain) PS3 exclusive. I'm sure Sony also realizes that FFXIII is PS3's shining beacon. As other games, particularly their strong 1st party games, slowly sell their expensive systems, it'll be a game like XIII that absolutely inspires people to finally buy the PS3, particularly in Japan- or, at least, that's what the hope is I'm sure.
Bringing PS3 down to $399 in time for FFXIII would also be a big help. :D


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
does sony even care about third parties anymore?

The still have two of the most important third party developers committed to their platform exclusively. (FF and MGS).

So I would say yes.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Gadfly said:
The still have two of the most important third party developers committed to their platform exclusively. (FF and MGS).

So I would say yes.

I would say that is moreso because of their national orientation than anything else and they suck so much money into their projects thinking the PS3 was going to be a runaway success. They have no choice but to soldier on.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Kabouter said:
No, Sony doesn't care about third parties. In fact, they don't care about their PlayStation business. They just sent the PS3 out to die in order to secure Blu-ray as the successor to DVD in order to make REAL money.

fixed for accuracy

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Kabouter said:
No, Sony doesn't care about third parties. In fact, they don't care about their PlayStation business. They just sit in their offices every day and fling feces at pictures of Microsoft executives while they think of new mindboggling PR statements.
At this point I don't think that's too far from the truth.
Oblivion said:
Sony's first party lineup makes third parties completely irrelevent.
Their first party lineup isn't any better than that of the competition. Third parties are always important. The N64 and Gamecube easily had the best first party lineups and look where those systems went.
Green Shinobi said:
Their first party lineup isn't any better than that of the competition. Third parties are always important. The N64 and Gamecube easily had the best first party lineups and look where those systems went.

Fuck no. Sony came into their own on PS2, and Nintendo was boneheaded.


I am Wayne Brady.
Maybe people in the souf are crazy, but when i went to buy madden mad people were getting the PS3 and PS2 version...All i could do is gape at them like woooow, i guess they never cought the memo.


Green Shinobi said:
You really think Sony surpassed Nintendo as a developer last gen? Really? Like, for serious?

What? The biggest & the best 1st party dev's in the in the world. I just have to think GOD 1 & 2 and I know its true.

Anyways thats just my opinion...


Sol.. said:
Maybe people in the souf are crazy, but when i went to buy madden mad people were getting the PS3 and PS2 version...All i could do is gape at them like woooow, i guess they never cought the memo.

I'm believing half of your anecdotal evidence. Guess which half.
Firewire said:
What? The biggest & the best 1st party dev's in the in the world. I just have to think GOD 1 & 2 and I know its true.

Anyways thats just my opinion...
Really? The 3rd best action series last gen is your example? You could have said Team ICO, you could have said Polyphony, you could have said Insomniac or Naughty Dog, but you pick Jaffe's team? Better than EAD? Better than Retro? Better than Intelligent Systems? Not saying you're not entitled to your opinion, but. . . damn.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Green Shinobi said:
You really think Sony surpassed Nintendo as a developer last gen? Really? Like, for serious?

When it comes to new IPs? Hell fucking yea.

IPs established from the PSX era? Not so much.


Green Shinobi said:
Really? The 3rd best action series last gen is your example? You could have said Team ICO, you could have said Polyphony, you could have said Insomniac or Naughty Dog, but you pick Jaffe's team? Better than EAD? Better than Retro? Better than Intelligent Systems? Not saying you're not entitled to your opinion, but. . . damn.

Penny Arcade disagrees:

Ploid 3.0

Green Shinobi said:
You really think Sony surpassed Nintendo as a developer last gen? Really? Like, for serious?

When I think of Nintendo's first party I think New Mario, Zelda, Mario spin off games (kart, golf, party), Metroid, Paper Mario, starfox, Fzero, and more. I, like many others, grew up on nintendo consoles and could only stick to one. I begged my cousin to trade so I could play sonic2 more though, but I really liked the mario # games. There are more but I'm using this as an example.

Sony is games like Dark Cloud, sport games, Jak, Ico, SoTC, GT, GoW, Twisted Metal, Wipeout, Socom, etc. Their games are all over the board as far as game types go. People that still love nintendo brand games will stick with it. People that like sony's flavor will stick with it. Sony's 1st/2nd party is darn good if you ask people.

Ploid 3.0

Tobor said:
I'm believing half of your anecdotal evidence. Guess which half.

PS2 baby! It's not like the jump from madden 99 to madden 2000 on ps2 vs psx. PS2 games still look good enough, and play the same pretty much (as far as madden goes I'm betting, and I can't see how madden 07 didn't play the same on PS2 and PS3).
Okay, I'm a little confused.

You guys say that PS2 versions will outsell PS3/X360 combined but where's the anecdotal evidence to back this up? Did this happen last year? And this logic does fly in the face of how multiplatform titles have sold comparatively between X360 and PS2 this past year. I'm thinking best case scenario is that Madden/PS2 versions sell on par with one another.

Secondly, so what if you rest on the laurels and the PS2 version will sell a bunch of units anyhow. The PS2 version isn't driving Sony hardware sales whereas the X360 version could very well do that for Microsoft and eat away further potential market share as people make the next-gen leap to play what has turned out to be the best version of Madden in Hi-Def.

Isn't that a bad thing for Sony?

For me, it's not the fact that Sony isn't pushing Madden heavily that's a bad thing. It's the fact that they let a version come out after close to a year of having PS3 on the market that is clearly inferior to their lower-priced competition. Madden has been a system-driving title for Sony in the past and the mere fact that they've let it be employed as a weapon for their opposition (just like the GTA franchise) is reprehensible and defeatist.


Green Shinobi said:
You really think Sony surpassed Nintendo as a developer last gen? Really? Like, for serious?

yes yes i do.

MS was nowhere near 64
Wind Waker and Twilight were nowhere near OoT
both starfox's pale to 64
Luigis mansion? wtf?
MP amazing, MP2? Bad taste in my mouth that hasnt left. I hope 3 really is great.

all the jaks were awesome
GT3 and 4 delivered graphically
GoW carnage amazing
ICO and SotC, stunning


Obaid said:
sony just seems to not care much about NA. Thex focus on leipzig und TGS. Thats the answer.

or more like blowing punches to the competition in other countries where the other two were just mainly focused on showing off what they already did months ago to a different language.


Next years version is supposedly having the PS3 version as lead platform. All the Criterion games like Burnout & Black and such within EA have PS3 as lead. The console has only been in the market 5 to 9 months depending where you live right now.


It's simple:

Not being market leader + your system selling poorly = 3rd parties going somewhere else.

So, how do you spin this bad news. Do what Nintendo has done for years. "We don't need 3rd parties." Totally, going against the success of PS1 & PS2.
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