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Dragon's Dogma Fence Sitters - Footage You Need to See


So does anyone know if there has been any vids for pure warriors with two handers? Thats usually the way I roll with my characters, and I'd like to see how that style will play out.

I think once I pick this up, i'll probably make my main character into a monster greatsword beast, then make my main pawn into a female probably mage, or cleric type of role for a support backup. There is alot of things about the pawn system, leveling, and weapon/armor styles i'm curious about though so hopefully the demo will address some of those issues.

Do we know when they demo releases to the public?
So does anyone know if there has been any vids for pure warriors with two handers? Thats usually the way I roll with my characters, and I'd like to see how that style will play out.

I think once I pick this up, i'll probably make my main character into a monster greatsword beast, then make my main pawn into a female probably mage, or cleric type of role for a support backup. There is alot of things about the pawn system, leveling, and weapon/armor styles i'm curious about though so hopefully the demo will address some of those issues.

Do we know when they demo releases to the public?

So far just a few skill video's;

Savage Lash
Spark Slash
Savage Lunge

Demo is supposed to come a few weeks before the game comes out.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I realized it's probably impossible for me to be any more hyped about this game when i started daydreaming about builds/climbing dragons/naming my pawn at work ... seriously so fucking excited for this game.

I am officially dedicating myself to getting to lvl 200 and becoming a defacto guru for this game.

So far just a few skill video's;

Savage Lash
Spark Slash
Savage Lunge

Demo is supposed to come a few weeks before the game comes out.

This game seems like a natural fit for Monster Hunter folks... i wish so hard there was some true co-op online. Just let real humans pop in to replace your pawns for that game session. Only thing that i see them needing to work out is how you would handle your itmes/potions in the middle of a fight while you're online.
this game looks sweet but can i trust capcom to not bombard me with DLC? i just don't know anymore :(

They're playing it cautious this time after lots of sales and ppl celebrating the game they will announce some pawn DLC at it's peak of popularity to counterbalance any backlash and too late for ppl to bandwagon "will not buy".


When I saw the very first trailer for this, I thought, "Meh. Why is Monster Hunter not being brought over here?", and was pretty much in Capcom hate mode. But, recently, I've been watching lots of videos and stuff on this, and am pretty excited.

The Resident Evil 6 demo is a great bonus, as I am super hyped for that. Just sucks that PS3 owners get the shaft and have to wait another 2 months for some unexplained reason. I mean, it's a demo, why would they be so far behind on one? I'm guessing Microsoft had a hand in this? And, due to the recent move from November 20th to October 2nd on the release date, wouldn't it make sense to actually push the demos out earlier, too? Especially since if the PS3 version kept the September demo date, it'd only be out for like a couple weeks or something in advance. I guess I'll just have to find a way to get a hold of the demo on the 360 to hold me over.

Sorry for going off topic.


Got this from gamefaq, someone posted the info that's originated from the Famitsu interview:


* Data on the name, sex, class, level and skills of your Pawn are all automatically added to any photos of it that you take - and photos can be taken at any time you can pause the game. As the photos are all saved on Capcom servers they can be used to search for the Pawns they they show in action.

* All quests are ongong simultaneously, and there seems to be no limit on the number you can take. E.g. there is a quest to kill 45 rabbits, or collect 30 of an certain item; but as you can just have them running in the background, killing a rabbit whenever you see one, gardually collecting the items, eventually you get there without it feeling like so much of a focused grind.

* As (al?)l items carry over to the 2nd playthrough you may finally clear a quest on your second time through the game!

* Quests also have an inter-connected relationship between them. E.g. there is a quest to collect 60 skulls, which are really hard to find, but then another quest shows up with a reward of 50 skulls. There's lots of this kind of thing, apparently.

* They talk about it being best to play through your first time without looking at any guides or sites - you are safe to get anything you miss on the second time. Even the development staff try to avoid playing it with materials etc. as much as possible; the director(?) says he "made exactly the kind of game I want ot play myself" and "I wish I could wipe my memory of everything about this game and play it from scratch after it comes out!"

* You can also search for the Pawns of people who have borrowed your own Pawn. So if they send you a nice item, comment or do a lot for your Pawn in terms of knowledge, you can easily borrow their's in return and pay them back in kind.


If these are accurate then the replayability is going to be fucking awesome, one thing I want to know is whether enemies and bosses will scale for your second playthrough, as you might be at level100 after the first playthrough and enemies might be too weak

and another thing is I don't know how this will ultimately work because a new game usually reset all your quests data, which makes the "you could finish this quest on second playthrough" kind of weird. Unless they're implying that only certain quests like the main story restarts from the beginning.
Well, so much for selling a game on its own merit...

It'll still have to do that in order to be a big hit. An exclusive demo will only do so much (just look at ZoE w/ the MGS2 demo). Sales will drop off quick if it isn't a good game. But if it lives up to its potential then it could really benefit from word of mouth.


Yes, using it comes with the price of rapidly depleting your health bar, but it causes great damage. The kind of balance that should be there and will make you have to think about exactly when to use such an ability.

What happens when your main pawn or hired pawn dies? I hope not like Dragon Age's "Whuh happened when I was asleep? Did we kill it?"

If these are accurate then the replayability is going to be fucking awesome, one thing I want to know is whether enemies and bosses will scale for your second playthrough, as you might be at level100 after the first playthrough and enemies might be too weak

This is my concern as well.


What happens when your main pawn or hired pawn dies? I hope not like Dragon Age's "Whuh happened when I was asleep? Did we kill it?"

This is my concern as well.

It's pretty much like shooters where if your pawns die, you need to walk up to them to raise them, but if you leave them dead then you will need to find a Rift stone somewhere to summon them again.


I'm very interested, but May is such a poor date to place it in for me.

Color also looks perfectly fine to me in the videos I saw.


They look a bit washed out in a lot of the videos, but seems to look better depend on the source and area they're in, I hope there will be more sunny and bright area than the foggy washed out look.

but yeah I think the color will be fine if the game look anything like these shots, though off screen shots might be a camera thing:




So does anyone know if there has been any vids for pure warriors with two handers? Thats usually the way I roll with my characters, and I'd like to see how that style will play out.

I think once I pick this up, i'll probably make my main character into a monster greatsword beast, then make my main pawn into a female probably mage, or cleric type of role for a support backup. There is alot of things about the pawn system, leveling, and weapon/armor styles i'm curious about though so hopefully the demo will address some of those issues.

Do we know when they demo releases to the public?

Do you know the Manga/anime Berserk? If not, it features the most badassed biggest two handed sword handler in storytelling history. (If you count out some Final Fantasy absurdities, that is).

I typically never go for big ass sword handed warriors, but from the skillset I've seen, plus the fact that you can play as Guts, I definitely want to go this route.



More from the gamefaq guy:
* Most things smaller than a person (chairs, crates, bushes) that can't be destroyed don't have hit detection at all - so if you attack them, you don't get a "thunk" or whatever, you're weapon just goes through them.

* One reason given is "it's just annoying if you hit everything around you." A more important reason is "The game hardly ever slows down. We've done all we can to remove unnessecary processing, and this means you can have 2 or 3 or even 4 major spells all going off at the same time." (Someone better get a photo or two of that in action!)

* On character growth - "when you change Class your parameters don't change. Whichever class you are when you level up influences which stats will grow - so fighters will get more strength, wizards more magic. Therefore, an Assassin who was formly a Warrior and an Assassin who was formerly a Strider will have very different stats from each other. If a character with no experience with magic becomes a Sorcerer, to start with their magic will be very weak. If you stick with them, however, their magic will grow quickly and you'll be okay.

* Asks the Director which class he likes - "I like the Magic Archer. The Magic Archer is the strongest character when inside a dungeon! At least, he is for me! He has some moves that are much stronger when inside a dungeon.

* They then say that trying to pick a class is a lot like trying to pick a weapon when Monster Hunter first came out (indeed it is!)

* Everything that should be handled like a game, is handled like a game. All the quests you have taken are listed and managed for you, and you can set a marker that directs you to your next objective.

* In every build of the game up until quite recently, when knocked over from being hit you couldn't use a potion. This meant you died all the time. That wasn't much fun, and so it was changed. It isn't about being overly hard, just challenging in a fun way.

* No friendly damage. Explosive barrels etc. don't hurt you or your allies.

* "It isn't that hard to make great AI. You just need to deal with a lot more factors. We have a wide range of Pawns, and some of them are very stupid. If a Pawn doesn't know how to fight a certain monster, it will fight really badly. If you just see that, you may well think "This game sucks!" Please don't! A Pawn with the correct knowledge will act totally dfferently. My request to the AI Supervisor was "make AI that lets the player have the most fun!" The first priority in making the game has always been "THE AI MUST BE INCREDIBLE!"

* This must have been mentioned before, but - you can borrow Pawns from people on your friends list for free. "Some people thought it might break the balance of the game, but we wanted to give people playing it for the first time a leg-up. I think that's one of the reasons Monster Hunter Portable got its big break - people more advanced in the game can help their beginner friends to do quests and get into it. With DD, you can say "If you need some help, just borrow my Pawn!", and you don't even have to be online to do it! (I can see people with high Lv. Pawns getting lots of friend requests!)

* It's very much a "game" when it comes to defeating monsters. "Monsters can seem really tough and kill you quickly to start with, but once you know the correct way to defeat them, you can take them down really quickly."


I kind of think the "game hardly ever slows down" is kind of bullshit, but from the stream performance is incredibly good when a few spells are going off, but I'm sure I've seen slowdowns in other areas, hopefully I'm very wrong.

Most of the stuff sounds reasonable and makes sense.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
More from the gamefaq guy:


I kind of think the "game hardly ever slows down" is kind of bullshit, but from the stream performance is incredibly good when a few spells are going off, but I'm sure I've seen slowdowns in other areas, hopefully I'm very wrong.

Most of the stuff sounds reasonable and makes sense.

They seem to have put a lot of thought into the AI, at least. I don't mind a couple of framerate drops here and there (prefer a smoot framerate ofc), but I detest bad AI. If it can't keep up with me, it usually just gets in the way. It'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.


They seem to have put a lot of thought into the AI, at least. I don't mind a couple of framerate drops here and there (prefer a smoot framerate ofc), but I detest bad AI. If it can't keep up with me, it usually just gets in the way. It'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.

I think they might have trouble staying away from enemies' range attacks, AIs usually suck in that area, but they seem really responsive with getting their job done like catching objects and slashing enemies you tossed at them, so I think for those they will be very good, and I kind of like the idea that your main pawn's action is kind of trained by you, so there will probably be some crappy pawns you hire and some better ones.

Enemy AIs have been good in the past dmc games so I think we could expect them to do a decent job if they put some effort into it.


Neo Member
* On character growth - "when you change Class your parameters don't change. Whichever class you are when you level up influences which stats will grow - so fighters will get more strength, wizards more magic. Therefore, an Assassin who was formly a Warrior and an Assassin who was formerly a Strider will have very different stats from each other. If a character with no experience with magic becomes a Sorcerer, to start with their magic will be very weak. If you stick with them, however, their magic will grow quickly and you'll be okay.

Do the parameters (magic, strength ...) depend on the level or use?


In one of the PAX streams they said pretty much that, when you level up as a certain class your stats reflect that. So I don't think it's use, I think it's just leveling.


It'll take a mighty game indeed to topple Kid Icarus Uprising as GOTY, but Dragon's Dogma looks to be the best candidate so far.


An blind dancing ho
They look a bit washed out in a lot of the videos, but seems to look better depend on the source and area they're in, I hope there will be more sunny and bright area than the foggy washed out look.

but yeah I think the color will be fine if the game look anything like these shots, though off screen shots might be a camera thing:

It might be a PS3xMT Framework thing ( RE5 look like crap and washed out on PS3 and good on 360)
I think they might have trouble staying away from enemies' range attacks, AIs usually suck in that area, but they seem really responsive with getting their job done like catching objects and slashing enemies you tossed at them, so I think for those they will be very good, and I kind of like the idea that your main pawn's action is kind of trained by you, so there will probably be some crappy pawns you hire and some better ones.

Enemy AIs have been good in the past dmc games so I think we could expect them to do a decent job if they put some effort into it.

Yeah that and at least for mage/sorc classes, prioritizing healing and offensive spell usage, particularly in critical situations.

I'm not worried about the meele classes and I'm only slightly worried about the archer classes for the reason you specified.


I think after Monday's 3 hour stream the only thing left will be to wait for the demo really. Doubt there will be any more extensive looks at the game, besides reviews whenever their embargo is up.
I think after Monday's 3 hour stream the only thing left will be to wait for the demo really. Doubt there will be any more extensive looks at the game, besides reviews whenever their embargo is up.

I think that we're all still waiting for them to show more of the world. They're still only focusing on the areas right outside of that town. Hopefully GT will try to explore the world instead of sticking to that area.


Do you know the Manga/anime Berserk? If not, it features the most badassed biggest two handed sword handler in storytelling history. (If you count out some Final Fantasy absurdities, that is).

I typically never go for big ass sword handed warriors, but from the skillset I've seen, plus the fact that you can play as Guts, I definitely want to go this route.


Yeah I own the Anime , and a bunch of the mangas, also the Dreamcast game.

I don't if we will ever get the Berserk DLC in the US though, i'm currently leaning into a big fat no, but I hope i'm wrong.
Yeah I own the Anime , and a bunch of the mangas, also the Dreamcast game.

I don't if we will ever get the Berserk DLC in the US though, i'm currently leaning into a big fat no, but I hope i'm wrong.

Actually, I think it was confirmed in an earlier announcement.

Edit: Here it is.

4) Will you be releasing the Berserk armor set in America?

Yes. The Berserk armor set will be included on disc in all territories.


I think that we're all still waiting for them to show more of the world. They're still only focusing on the areas right outside of that town. Hopefully GT will try to explore the world instead of sticking to that area.

I think the thing is that they don't want to show off the rest of the world and main quest, because they think it would spoil it, from all the hints we've seen, they have been extremely cautious when they stream those videos, like the interview say, Itsuno want people to go in fresh.

My speculation is that the 3hours stream will still be based on contents we've seen and maybe the first few quests/area, it seems that the super extended play and the most recent stream on ustream was also based around the area after the tutorial, so I think all of these videos were shown because they wanted people to know about the game without showing off all the story related stuff.

And really from all the streaming videos, we've seen so many hours of the game already, lol.


* "It isn't that hard to make great AI. You just need to deal with a lot more factors. We have a wide range of Pawns, and some of them are very stupid. If a Pawn doesn't know how to fight a certain monster, it will fight really badly. If you just see that, you may well think "This game sucks!" Please don't! A Pawn with the correct knowledge will act totally dfferently. My request to the AI Supervisor was "make AI that lets the player have the most fun!" The first priority in making the game has always been "THE AI MUST BE INCREDIBLE!"

This is the biggest risk they took in my opinion and i'm afraid that many people (especially reviewers) will look negative at the game just because they may had a bad experience with the pawns.
Personally i think it adds more to the game's realism but i'm afraid some may not "get it".This was a huge risk.

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
I think they might have trouble staying away from enemies' range attacks, AIs usually suck in that area, but they seem really responsive with getting their job done like catching objects and slashing enemies you tossed at them, so I think for those they will be very good, and I kind of like the idea that your main pawn's action is kind of trained by you, so there will probably be some crappy pawns you hire and some better ones.

Yeah, I just hope they are smart enough to aid you in the right ways if you train them well. At least then I can blame their ineptitude on myself or someone else.

Enemy AIs have been good in the past dmc games so I think we could expect them to do a decent job if they put some effort into it.

The Monster Hunter enemy AI is pretty good, too, albeit a bit predictable. I know these games aren't all that similar to eachother, but I'm hoping for a similar difficulty curve in DD. I think it's probably going to be a bit easier than MH though because of the system differences. As long as you have a good party, that is.


This is the biggest risk they took in my opinion and i'm afraid that many people (especially reviewers) will look negative at the game just because they may had a bad experience with the pawns.
Personally i think it adds more to the game's realism but i'm afraid some may not "get it".This was a huge risk.

Unfortunately you may be right. I think its cool though. Hope it works out well because it sounds interesting.


This is the biggest risk they took in my opinion and i'm afraid that many people (especially reviewers) will look negative at the game just because they may had a bad experience with the pawns.
Personally i think it adds more to the game's realism but i'm afraid some may not "get it".This was a huge risk.

I hope this doesn't turn fights into trial-and-error-fests. The last thing we need is "purposely dumb" AI when they can be killed. It might also encourage looking for pawns based on their world knowledge instead of their actual abilities...


This is the biggest risk they took in my opinion and i'm afraid that many people (especially reviewers) will look negative at the game just because they may had a bad experience with the pawns.
Personally i think it adds more to the game's realism but i'm afraid some may not "get it".This was a huge risk.

Probably, but I think it was pretty neat. Honestly, I was wondering why it mattered why the pawns gained knowledge of enemies. I mean, how the hell does that impact anything? I guess this is it, and it seems pretty significant. Pawn AI will be a whole lot better if they know the enemy. It definitely gives a better reason to make sure your pawn is loan worthy


I hope this doesn't turn fights into trial-and-error-fests. The last thing we need is "purposely dumb" AI when they can be killed. It might also encourage looking for pawns based on their world knowledge instead of their actual abilities...

Yeah, another thing I don't understand is how exactly does your main pawn actually learn, would they learn faster if you show them how to do something? or will they just learn on their own?


Yeah, another thing I don't understand is how exactly does your main pawn actually learn, would they learn faster if you show them how to do something? or will they just learn on their own?

My guess is that there's some numerical factor to their growth. Kill such and such enemy X amount of times and their knowledge base increases. Though now I'm curious as to if hired pawns can learn while they are in your party, since we know that they don't level up with you and your main pawn...


^Yeah they have confirmed that the pawns you hire can learn tactics and enemy patterns.
Yeah, another thing I don't understand is how exactly does your main pawn actually learn, would they learn faster if you show them how to do something? or will they just learn on their own?

I think that the first time you fight a particular enemy your main pawn will also try some trial and error tactics,learning from the enemy paterns as well as your character actions so the next time you fight this particular enemy your pawn behaviour will be improved,and the fight will be easier.
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