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Dragon's Dogma Fence Sitters - Footage You Need to See

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
ha. Dr Wily's a moniker. I wonder if the save data in the JP demo will translate to the retail or if it's a different save.

Also I learned that you can throw your teammates. And I'd say the AI is fine because they seemed to be doing a better job killing the monster than me.
Combos are based on button timing. That's why we always so the same combos over and over in video playthroughs. People were just jamming on the buttons repeatedly instead of timing the presses.


As long as it's still playable I guess. I can't really complain since I'm putting up with Dark Souls horrid framerate on ps3.

As long as for the most part it runs as stable as we have seen in all of the PS3 footage, then the occasional drop will not bother me a bit. That is about what I am expecting. Now, 49%... hurry the hell up and finish downloading.


Really liking the game but the performance sucks. In the prologue you're in some ruins and you get to a spot with smoke and fire and the FPS massively tanks.


Wasn't able to parry the boss :(

but air block, fuck yeah!

Only used 1 pawn and he was pretty useful, holding down the harpy and the boss

Don't like the framerate though, the camera is too close to the character I feel


Man... does this game look like ass for anyone else? The banding at night during the griffin fight, wow.

Other than that, was pretty fun. I wish there was a roll like in mh.
Wasn't able to parry the boss :(

but air block, fuck yeah!

Only used 1 pawn and he was pretty useful, holding down the harpy and the boss

Don't like the framerate though, the camera is too close to the character I feel

Sucks about the framerate. Hopefully this demo is just an old build.


Wow, the animation as you kill the chimera is really amazing. The goat head was just flopping about lifeless after I took it down. I'm impressed with the graphics, gameplay, and ai. Dammit, tearing or this? Tough choice ahead after I play the 360 demo.
Yikes...PS3 performance ain't sounding too hot.

It really doesn't seem any worse than any other open world game on a console. If you can handle playing stuff like GTA4, inFamous or RDR on a console then this isn't going to bother you.

I noticed that they even have aerial combos if you're Strider. You can do a triple dagger swipe into a downward double dagger stab...assuming that you jump from a high enough spot.


Wow, the animation as you kill the chimera is really amazing. The goat head was just flopping about lifeless after I took it down. I'm impressed with the graphics, gameplay, and ai. Dammit, tearing or this? Tough choice ahead after I play the 360 demo.

Where are people seeing tearing?

I haven't seen any. Played through both scenarios.

Framerate seems plenty good to me.
It really doesn't seem any worse than any other open world game on a console. If you can handle playing stuff like GTA4, inFamous or RDR on a console then this isn't going to bother you.

Hmmm....Still waiting on 360 demo before pre-order. Framerate drops bother me more than tearing. We'll see soon enough.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That armor on female preset 11 looks fucking dope

I guess I'm not that discerning because the performance has been fine for me. Never affected gameplay


You guys are tempting me.

Right now it's a fight between how lazy I am when it comes to making a Japanese PSN account and how much I want to try this game, haha.


Griffin dies fast when it goes down, and night is dark as shit


OK, I am playing the prologue right now and the game feels fine so far. The framerate is nothing like Blight Town and it is hardly tanking. You can see a slight dip when you pan the camera here and there, but other than that it is running smoothly for me so far. Put it this way, it runs like the PS3 footage we have seen of the same area, and that is more than sufficient for me.

As far as visuals go, the textures are not the best, but it looks about like what we have seen as well. So it really comes as no surprise. I actually love the look of the game and the visuals more than work for me. Anyway, back to it.


Not impressed with the gameplay. Maybe my characters are too high level, but it seems to rely on strength over strategy. Probably going to cancel my preorder and wait for a price drop and/or pc version. Encounters were boring in the demo.


^ the griffin dies fast, try playing the prologue with just 1 pawn, it's a bit better

Digging strider after getting used to the controls, lacking the double jump though

Will make my character and play some more later

Saw someone streaming this from SA:




Just beat the Chimera. Love the way it plays and looks. Music is great, as is the atmosphere as well. No, the Chimera was not overly challenging, because it is the prologue of the damn game. How can anyone judge the difficulty on that? It is a tutorial and introduction to the game. But I guess it is not going to be for everyone. As for myself, it is exactly what I have been seeing in all of the gameplay footage and I fucking love it. On to the Griffin.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Just beat the Chimera. Love the way it plays and looks. Music is great, as is the atmosphere as well. No, the Chimera was not overly challenging, because it is the prologue of the damn game. How can anyone judge the difficulty on that? It is a tutorial and introduction to the game. But I guess it is not going to be for everyone. As for myself, it is exactly what I have been seeing in all of the gameplay footage and I fucking love it. On to the Griffin.

Looking forward to trying this for myself.

But, this is what Capcom choose that best represents their game. Their own fault for choosing the prologue.
This isnt quite what i was hoping for, graphics are pretty bad at times and movement feels so janky, framerate in the first mission is well below 30. The combat is great though, and i really like the enemy designs.


I definitely enjoyed the prologue against the chimera more though, the open field doesn't really look too good graphically and I liked fighting ground enemies more

Anyone else having trouble jumping off the pawn? I couldn't do it twice :(


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
There is a LOT of banding in the night sky...jeez. I love the way the enemies look and animate, even seeing stuff like the griffin flying far away casting a shadow, but some other aspects are pretty ugly. I've been running around the area they give you before you hit the invisible wall and there's quite a bit of popup, especially down in the area with a little bit of water. You're level 20 in the second segment and they're both extremely easy, but I'm liking the gameplay.

Also agree with the above to turn off the cinematic stuff. Really distracting and pulls you out.


Just beat the Chimera. Love the way it plays and looks. Music is great, as is the atmosphere as well. No, the Chimera was not overly challenging, because it is the prologue of the damn game. How can anyone judge the difficulty on that? It is a tutorial and introduction to the game.

Because normal enemies felt throwaway and every encounter up until the boss felt the same. That's how.


Looking forward to trying this for myself.

But, this is what Capcom choose that best represents their game. Their own fault for choosing the prologue.

Well, anyone should be able to discern that the tutorial/prologue is not going to offer some exceptional challenge. Nor will it spoil anything, and I am guessing that is why they chose it. Many demos are like this, just to give you an idea of the game and how it plays. It's fine and does it's job.

Now, I just beat the Griffin as well in the Countryside quest with the pre-made Strider. It went down easy as well, but was it ever fun fighting him while he is flying around. Strider to start it is for me. The game is going to be fun as hell, and I feel that beings it is so big, the demo will simply not do it justice.

Anyway, no way in hell will some low level enemies in a demo lower my expectations. This was meant to give you a mere taste and a feel for the gameplay. Every preview has said that the game presents more than a sufficient challenge and will beat you down when you venture off the beaten path and come across foes that are beyond your level. Nobody should worry about that.


Because normal enemies felt throwaway and every encounter up until the boss felt the same. That's how.

LOL, it is still a tutorial of a huge open world game with many different enemies at varying levels. Everyone who has had extensive hands-on has made it a point to say that the game is by no means easy and will punish you if you venture off too far and come across enemies that out level you. Not to mention that you will often find that you will have to retreat and level up more just to progress period. But if you want to go ahead and write the difficulty of the game off based on the tutorial in the demo, then that is your right, I guess. As I said, it will not be for everyone.


Hook a brother up with a control scheme rundown for the combos and cancels meng!!

It seems like only some normals could be canceled, I wasn't able to cancel a heavy attack. Need to experiment some more.
[] - Light attack
/_\ - Heavy
L1 + [], /_\, O - specials
R1 + [],/_\, O - specials
L2 - Sheath
R2 - Grab

You guys should try light combos with specials thrown in. Like SSx said, timing matters in order to do different combos so don't just mash buttons.
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