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E3 2015 | Nintendo Digital Event


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It wasn't so much that they didn't have much to show, it was the filler that killed this thing for me. Uneccessary filler that would have been better to put in the individual trailers for each title shown after they were released post presentation. Better to peel off the bandaid quickly instead of slowly, while feeling every hair follicle be ripped from your pores.


To quote the billionaire Getty:

I have a fortunate capacity to remain unruffled. I have also had more than sufficient experience in many areas of life to know that the shrillest critics are not necessarily the most authoritative (and seldom the most objective). Beyond this, the very shrillness of their cries and howls very quickly exhausts their wind.

Look at the age of the guys who lead Nintendo. They are old masters who get their deepest kicks from subtleties in Mario maker. Why should they care about no-talent loudmouths on GAF who fickly spew hyperbolic praise and condemnation in alternating breaths?
I like you.

People bitching about Miyamoto and Tezuka sharing their design experience from the original Mario are missing the whole point of what makes Mario Maker what it is. So what if you've heard about the 1-1 start screen before, it's the very definition of elitism to flip them off because they're sharing this with all the audience.


Only if they don't cheap out with left over outdated components.
Get with the times Nintendo.
And i say this out of love for your amazing games.
This is my biggest fear. If they skimp out again on hardware for (arguably) the third generation in a row.

I hope the NX at least lets us tranfer our WiiU digital shop titles..but that may be asking for too much, given the current state of the industry with re-releases.


Nintendo fans never learn how Nintendo operates. They always abandon their current consoles early and everyone thinks they are working on the next one as justification for them abandoning the current one. Then the next one comes out with no titles and Iwata promises to never let it happen again and apologized for the drought on the new console. It happens every time.

Yup. This is the Nintendo cycle as we know it.
I'm still impressed Nintendo managed to piss off every fanbase they have in some way with this.

Haha yeah...

If they showed:

- Animal Crossing Wii U
- Pokemon Wii U
- Starfox with good visuals (personally don't mind them but eh)
- Metroid Wii U

and then some more then fanbase would shed tears of joy. But Nintendo seems to just not want to please their own fans. I don't get it.

I like you.

People bitching about Miyamoto and Tezuka sharing their design experience from the original Mario are missing the whole point of what makes Mario Maker what it is. So what if you've heard about the 1-1 start screen before, it's the very definition of elitism to flip them off because they're sharing this with all the audience.

The developer sections were cool. But live threads bring out the worst GAF members. Just try to ignore them.


Nintendo fans never learn how Nintendo operates. They always abandon their current consoles early and everyone thinks they are working on the next one as justification for them abandoning the current one. Then the next one comes out with no titles and Iwata promises to never let it happen again and apologized for the drought on the new console. It happens every time.

I assume you're mainly taking about Wii U. Lack of titles is not a problem I have with the system personally. It still has the largest selection of very high quality exclusives out of every current-gen consoles. More to come this year and in 2016.

I'm actually growing on the conference. The games shown were mostly promising. I like the approach of focusing on games close to release instead of showing games that have been in development for weeks (Square Enix the biggest offender this year).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I feel this Digital Event showed how much the NX needs to be a Hybrid system (Console and Handheld). They can't manage both systems without leaving the other hanging to dry.

Last year, it was ALL Wii U and barely any 3DS. This year it was ALL 3DS and barely any Wii U.

Sony can't even balance their two platforms (See: Vita).


Also, I see absolutely no way NX doesn't release in November 2016. Nintendo has no choice.


I'm still impressed Nintendo managed to piss off every fanbase they have in some way with this.

Honestly, it was a pretty good 3DS conference. I don't understand people who are pissed off about the 3DS showing. I'd go as far as to say the 3DS probably had the second best E3 showing after the PS4.


Nintendo fans never learn how Nintendo operates. They always abandon their current consoles early and everyone thinks they are working on the next one as justification for them abandoning the current one. Then the next one comes out with no titles and Iwata promises to never let it happen again and apologized for the drought on the new console. It happens every time.

The difference is if the same games run on both the NX portable and home console, there shouldn't be the drought issues.

- Nintendo's 1st party 3DS games
- Nintendo's 1st party Wii U games
- 3DS Japanese 3rd party support
- Indies

That's a pretty good lineup even assuming they don't get ports of stuff from the Western 3rd parties (they will if they play their cards right).


Objectively, I think it was solid. All the games shown were good. Granted, SMT x FE might have seemed very niche. But for the most part, I imagine most people would like what was shown. I however, didn't want any of the titles shown REALLY badly, besides Mario Maker, and Star Fox. I guess SMT x FE because I love niche Japanese RPG games (even if it has in your face/idol moe stuff).

I think the Direct had pacing issues. They spent too much time on certain segments. Triforce Warriors + Hyrule Warriors was like 15 min total. And I mean, they looked fine, and of course I want Hyrule Warriors on my 3DS. But I didn't want to hear the devs talk about them for so long, because I wasn't like wanting these titles THAT badly...

So yeah, I don't know. Hard for me to score this. Because I personally think the conference was a let down, and was even a slightly bad one (and I again mean in terms of pacing and structure). Problem is, in terms of the actual games shown, I think most of what was shown were good games. Subjectively, I just wasn't like, beating down doors for these games. And nothing shown was like OMG. For instance, I had no idea Horizon existed at Sony, and it was OMG. I knew UC4 existed, and that demo had me going OMG. Nntendo was basically missing that element.
Honestly, it was a pretty good 3DS conference. I don't understand people who are pissed off about the 3DS showing. I'd go as far as to say the 3DS probably had the second best E3 showing after the PS4.

Seriously, there's a lot of great looking games coming out for the system. If you still game on 3DS its a decent conference.


i see a lot of people were blindsided by what happened. here's where your expectations should have been going into this:

-they said no zelda wii u at e3
-they said no nx at e3
-they said no mobile at e3 (or qol for that matter)
-they're not going to reveal stuff in late 2016 or late 2017 like everyone else is (except maybe smt x fe), because that's when nx is coming out.
-they had already made somewhat big announcements in star fox, fire emblem if, and smt x fe in the leadup to this year's e3 showing. the amount of surprises left afterward were bound to be minimal.
-blast ball used the metroid prime hud so it is obviously part of metroid prime somehow (seems everyone got this)

so basically they were going to focus on early 2016 and late 2015, which is everything for this fiscal year or whatever they plan to have before next e3. i'm looking forward to the zelda and paper mario games we knew nothing about going into this, and i'm excited to try star fox later this year. it's actually a nice lineup for 2015 when everything's been moved to next year, but the show itself doesn't instill the same excitement as some of the other conferences like announcing backwards compatibility or shenmue iii.
Where's Rhythm Heaven and Style Savvy though :<

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
It's conflicting. On the one hand, I know that there's some incredible stuff on the way. I have no doubt that I'll love Mario Maker Xenoblade, SMT x FE, Fatal Frame, Yoshi, etc. On the other hand, though; I already knew about all those games this time last year, and there was nothing to inspire confidence for what's to come. I wanted to walk away feeling like "oh man, I can't wait to play this stuff now that it's finally ready, but holy shit is next year going to be crazy!"

I'm satisfied, but not inspired.


for everyone saying "Nintendo had nothing"... you do realize they have 4 days of reveals/videos, right? This is not the first time they've had this conference style. Stop being retarded.


Why is this valid? "Real fucking games" only matter if you actually want to play them or - more importantly - if people want to buy your system because of them. Sony and Microsoft both showed off trailers and promises - true. However, it is indicitive that there is life still in the system. It's not as though PS4 and X1 won't have any games in 2015. They're just ALSO showing off stuff for 2016 and beyond. Because...you know...they're trying to indicate that the platforms still have life and still have games coming out for them.

It matters because Sony (I haven't seen Microsoft's conference yet so can't comment on that) have been trading almost entirely on hype since before the PS4 even released, and as a PS4 owner I am sick and tired of being strung along on the promise of great new exclusives. They've done very little to differentiate their platform.
Seems clear that those companies devs who chose to mainly show 2016 games have been received quite well, while showing 2015 games is doing it wrong, oh and I like how all of these games coming this year are suddenly 'shovelware'

Still it's true that they didn't learn the lesson from last year when the game they showed which was 2+ years out got the biggest reception. Iwata teased amazing new Zelda u footage in an interview today and if they had simply teased us with that this conversation would be different. You silly bastards, nintendo
So Nintendo has already announced all of their Wii-U games for next year? I must have missed that confirmation

You realize that we're halfway through 2015 and there have been less than a dozen physical releases for the Wii U this year?

You really think, after what we saw, that 2016 will have more games?
The most fascinating thing here is for me, how after the colossal failure that the Wii U has been, and after this digital event, people here are still looking forward to the NX.

I think, I will never ever buy anything Nintendo again. And I have been a loyal fan up to the Wii.

You people remind me of a beaten housewife coming back for more again and again.

The party is over, people, go home.

The NX won't change that.

Wii U still had some good games, the system itself has had poor sales, but there have been good titles still, that's probably why people still have some interest in the NX.

Obviously the system has run out of steam probably due to the poor sales/Nintendo focusing on their next system, its unfortunate.


Certainly felt like a console transition year for Nintendo. Wii-U pretty much ignored 3DS getting some spin-off games from big IP's and NX was briefly mentioned. Next E3 should be vastly more interesting and Nintendo needs to get its ass in gear to impress.
for everyone saying "Nintendo had nothing"... you do realize they have 4 days of reveals/videos, right? This is not the first time they've had this conference style. Stop being retarded.
Really? Retarded? Great representation of the GAF community.
Then Nintendo is out of touch. Deal with it.


There's no way in hell the Wii U can last until 2018 with the way it's been selling. There's no 3rd party support and it's painfully obvious that Nintendo cannot support two systems, they don't have the man power to do it.

There is not a snowball's chance in hell of them waiting that long. That would mean at least two more holiday seasons tied to hardware that the market simply doesn't want to buy.

Then they wheel and deal, they dip into that warchest, they hire on 3rd party developers, they completely revamp their marketing, and they sell software.

NX in 2016 means Nintendo sales die in 2018 when the other two systems drop, and that's only if the NX even sells to begin with because it's the middle of a gen.

They'll be in the same place they are now, only with a two year old console instead of three. Do they abandon the NX then? Do they spend the entire next generation woefully underpowered again? Please understand, our console is already two years old, so sorry?


I just hope Nintendo is actually creating games for NX. This is the same fucking shit that happened with the Wii to Wii U. No Games for the last year to year and a half for the Wii and there was still barely anything for the Wii U
Then they wheel and deal, they dip into that warchest, they hire on 3rd party developers, they completely revamp their marketing, and they sell software.

NX in 2016 means Nintendo sales die in 2018 when the other two systems drop, and that's only if the NX even sells to begin with because it's the middle of a gen.

They'll be in the same place they are now, only with a two year old console instead of three. Do they abandon the NX then?

You should really see Nintendo seperate from Xbox/PS. MS and Sony go for the exact same crowd.

Nintendo goes more for young kids, nothing wrong with that. The only problem is that they lost those young kids to Minecraft and mobile games.
Let me preface this by saying I'm the biggest Nintendo fan boy you'll ever meet. I don't plan on selling my Wii U or whatever. I do need to get a New 3DS since my old one has a broken circle pad.

I think this event really sums up where Nintendo is. The Wii U is, for all intents and purposes, dead. They'll release what they have to just to keep their heads above water. They'll do what they can to maximize profits. (That's why we see so much Amiibo integration.)

The biggest takeaway is that Nintendo simply cannot support two devices on their own. I think the NX has to be a hybrid console/handheld. I think they have the resources to support one system on their own without too much trouble.

It doesn't matter what Nintendo releases hardware wise. The 3rd parties are not going to come back. It'll be three games since EA sports has supported the Nintendo home console (Madden/FIFA 14, 15, 16). It's now lacking the last two CoDs. With the exception of Just Dance 16, I don't think there was a single 3rd party game announced for Wii U this E3. These companies aren't just going to rush back until the player base is there.

I think that's why this even really showed how Nintendo is caught between a rock and a hard place. As a business, they have to salvage what they can. However, they can't afford to invest money in games that aren't going to sell at all. Then, they have to make sure they don't tick off the people who have invested in their platforms.

Well said. This brings up another question, especially in light of the bolded. 3rd Parties don't want to develop for Nintendo, regardless of hardware. It's also arguable that the XBone and PS4 gamers wouldn't want to play those games on a Nintendo system even if they were avaiable anyways. The other problem is that as Nintendo becomes more insular, a lot of Nintendo fans are fine with just having Nintendo games on that system or getting a second system for 3rd party games. 3rd parties simply don't sell that well on Nintendo consoles because of this and that market seems to be shrinking as time goes on. Hell even Nintendo published games that are outside what is traditionally thought of as "Nintendo" don't sell well (W101, Bayonetta, etc.)

I know I'm in a minority here. I own all 3 consoles, but I STILL tried to give Nintendo 3rd parties my business when I could if there was no discernible difference in the games from other consoles, e.g. I bought ZombiU, NG III: RE, AC 3, NFS: MW, CoD Black Ops 2, and Deus Ex HR on Wii U, and would LOVE to see more of those games on the Wii U. But clearly, those games didn't sell well at all even when the difference in those games was either negligible, or actually enhanced on the Wii U. But clearly there aren't a lot like me out there.

I simply don't know how Nintendo digs itself out of this. Xbone and PS4 owners don't want to play those games on a Nintendo system. Nintendo fans are increasingly not wanting to play those games or are playing those games elsewhere.
Retailers aren't going to stock a $150 controller from a system that nobody wanted to buy when it was new, let alone just for backwards compatibility.
I've also theorized that they could just make it compatible with Android or ios declvices. There would be a little lag, but it'd work in most cases. For buttons, you simply make an attachment. Or make the controller itself reconfigurable to fit a smartphone or tablet.


Seriously, there's a lot of great looking games coming out for the system. If you still game on 3DS its a decent conference.

Yea, like I said earlier 2016 is starting to look like 2013 for the 3DS. It looks like we have...

Fire Emblem: Fates
Mario & Luigi x Paper Mario
Metroid Prime 3DS
Battle balls
Zelda Triheroes
Hyrule Warriors

And more will be announced (consider a Pokemon release in the bag)

Nintendo is looking to send off the 3DS to a great retirement.
Nintendo fans never learn how Nintendo operates. They always abandon their current consoles early and everyone thinks they are working on the next one as justification for them abandoning the current one. Then the next one comes out with no titles and Iwata promises to never let it happen again and apologized for the drought on the new console. It happens every time.

In this case, some of those games have probably been in development for NX for quite some time given a multiple year franchise gap. If you look at last E3, it's already been a year of development time for a game like Zelda for instance



Loving all the overblown complaining, keep it coming. I'm having a riot of a time.
Everyone is being so insanely negative out of what was a decent showing. The Wii U games in the pipeline are pretty good and the 3DS has some solid stuff coming this way. You all really need to give shit more of a chance before you start throwing about dead franchises, running out of ideas and all that other Nintendoom.


It's pretty clear we are now in that dead zone between Systems that Nintendo fans are familiar with. I was hoping for one more wave of AAA-calibur Nintendo goodness. I guess it is not coming which is sad. Despite all of the doom and gloom, the Wii U has had some great Nintendo titles and one more wave would have cemented it as having a respectable lifespan, now it will forever be a system with an asterix (like the Dreamcast) in which it has had some great experiences but any recollection of it will also bring the talk of it's poor performance and abbreviated life.

Yep. Wii U will be remembered as a failure with some great games. It needed at least one more good year to move out of that club. As it is I might end up owning only about 10-12 retail games for it, which is unheard of for me and a Nintendo console since the N64 era.

Let me preface this by saying I'm the biggest Nintendo fan boy you'll ever meet. I don't plan on selling my Wii U or whatever. I do need to get a New 3DS since my old one has a broken circle pad.

I think this event really sums up where Nintendo is. The Wii U is, for all intents and purposes, dead. They'll release what they have to just to keep their heads above water. They'll do what they can to maximize profits. (That's why we see so much Amiibo integration.)

The biggest takeaway is that Nintendo simply cannot support two devices on their own. I think the NX has to be a hybrid console/handheld. I think they have the resources to support one system on their own without too much trouble.

It doesn't matter what Nintendo releases hardware wise. The 3rd parties are not going to come back. It'll be three games since EA sports has supported the Nintendo home console (Madden/FIFA 14, 15, 16). It's now lacking the last two CoDs. With the exception of Just Dance 16, I don't think there was a single 3rd party game announced for Wii U this E3. These companies aren't just going to rush back until the player base is there.

I think that's why this even really showed how Nintendo is caught between a rock and a hard place. As a business, they have to salvage what they can. However, they can't afford to invest money in games that aren't going to sell at all. Then, they have to make sure they don't tick off the people who have invested in their platforms.

It's for the last reason that I think this even failed so hard. They showed what they had, but what they had is not acceptable while still marketing the device. They needed to open up some more Virtual Console stuff at least. They need something to satisfy those who have bought the system. Something. Anything, really.

They didn't do it with this conference. They just managed to tick off everyone.

Yep. Another quote for this comment. The problem is that their 'buying time tactics' have been awful. No one wants spinoffs. One big reveal and a remaster (on top of already known stuff) would have gone down far better than what we got.

To quote the billionaire Getty:

I have a fortunate capacity to remain unruffled. I have also had more than sufficient experience in many areas of life to know that the shrillest critics are not necessarily the most authoritative (and seldom the most objective). Beyond this, the very shrillness of their cries and howls very quickly exhausts their wind.

Look at the age of the guys who lead Nintendo. They are old masters who get their deepest kicks from subtleties in Mario maker. Why should they care about no-talent loudmouths on GAF who fickly spew hyperbolic praise and condemnation in alternating breaths?

Judging by the Wii U sales, those hardcore fans are all Nintendo has left right now and are the ones holding the whip. Judging by the Smash DLC Nintendo seems to know this. They just got today badly wrong.

I get that it wasn't Nintendo's best, but there is some massive over-reaction going on. They showed 7 new games, 8 known games in the Digital Event. Granted, they may not be what we want, but there's decent content there. It's not like they came with nothing but casual games.

I loved the bolded line to bits. 'Look, is it good stuff? No. Is it stuff we wanted? No. But why does it have to be good, or wanted? Can't we just be happy something exists? What's with this focus on quality?'


So was Iwata holding bananas hinting anything, or was that just meant to be funny?

Iwata held bananas at E3 2012, and then one year later, Nintendo announces DKC Returns 3D and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze.


The more I think about this event, the more I realize that Nintendo simply cannot create enough content on their own to support two systems.

They can though. They can and have. The issue is that they can't support them on their own.
I loved the bolded line to bits. 'Look, is it good stuff? No. Is it stuff we wanted? No. But why does it have to be good, or wanted? Can't we just be happy something exists? What's with this focus on quality?'

You're twisting my words, sir. I didn't say that they aren't good and question why we're focusing on lack of quality. I said that they're not the games that we wanted, but that doesn't mean they're bad games.
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