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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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Okay cool notes today

Twisted Pixel working on "AAA" game


Their team is really small so interesting.....

Toylogic (Happy Wars) is hiring for AAA RPG and next-gen multiplay action game. Also, they have a new game to be revealed at E3 MS booth


Edit- Shocked I didn't see a thread on Toylogic, I mean a JP developer making AAA RPG. Gaf be slipping

Will MS contract them to make a JRPG for XB1, though i'm not sure can Toylogic handle a "AAA RPG"
Another "leak list". Most likely fake


From this guy.
The Last of Us: Nomads? WTF is that?


Just check the site, find out they have 61 employees (As of July 1, 2012)

Should be ok if they have more employees currently and collaborate with big publisher.

I don't know. It would be cool to see MS support JP games even if Xbox doesn't sell well their.

"One more thing before you go"

*A trailer starts playing*

"20 years in the making"
"What was once a dream has now become reality"

This song starts playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvJocTf8fRs

The trailer shows off lush tropical enviroments, shantytowns and pirate ships.

Gregg Mayles is working on a pirate game for Xbox One. Adventure/RPG. 2016 release date.

The prequel to Banjo


That list is definitely fake.

Anyway on the Konami game stream last night he teased an upcoming game announcement between now and E3.
Another "leak list". Most likely fake


From this guy.

Can we stop plugging this list please. It is really bad.

Halo ODST HD Rebuild: already out
Super Monkey Ball HD collection: what?
Last of Us Nomads: they're not even trying.
Rock Band Reboot: Yeah, it's called Rock Band 4
Reworked Fable Legends: a beta's running right now.
Sunset Overdrive 2: the first came out only 8 months ago.
Marvel Xbox Partnership: Disney are best-buds with Sony now.
Titanfall 2: Respawn have confirmed they're a no-show this year
Monster Hunter 5: Two MH games already in production, so super unlikely.
Kinect with a Projector built-in: like they've taken illumiroom and rolled with it.
Far Cry 4.. unrated edition: DX: A Blood Dragon sequel might happen, but come 'on now, that naming shtick is Capcom's, not Ubisoft's.

I'm sure there's more flaws to this list than those 11 as well.


Can we stop plugging this list please. It is really bad.

Halo ODST HD Rebuild: already out
Super Monkey Ball HD collection: what?
Last of Us Nomads: they're not even trying.
Rock Band Reboot: Yeah, it's called Rock Band 4
Reworked Fable Legends: a beta's running right now.
Sunset Overdrive 2: the first came out only 8 months ago.
Marvel Xbox Partnership: Disney are best-buds with Sony now.
Titanfall 2: Respawn have confirmed they're a no-show this year
Monster Hunter 5: Two MH games already in production, so super unlikely.
Kinect with a Projector built-in: like they've taken illumiroom and rolled with it.
Far Cry 4.. unrated edition: DX: A Blood Dragon sequel might happen, but come 'on now, that naming shtick is Capcom's, not Ubisoft's.

I'm sure there's more flaws to this list than those 11 as well.

Well that was a complete and total dismantling
Another "leak list". Most likely fake


From this guy.

>Rock Band rebrand/reboot


Like, what?

Was this guy unaware that RB4 has already been announced, in detail? And it's a straight continuation, not a reboot at all.

Otherwise, a bunch of safe predictions. Marvel/XBox doesn't seem impossible, though Disney's relationship with games still seems forced at best.


Heh, a kinect with a projector included would be cool (and I'd buy one :p) but there's no chance it would sell, for gaming anyway.


Since my dream Sony conference was so popular (it got one comment), here's my dream MS press conference:

Picture a large, pitch black room lit by swirling green lights, silent but for the excited din of the crowd. Suddenly, and without warning, the room goes black, followed seconds later by a single spotlight illuminating a lone figure on center stage. He's tied hands and feet to a standing board, his mouth gagged. Members of the audience lean in to see who it is, but the contrast of the spotlight cutting through the blackness makes it impossible.

Another spotlight fires on the figure that suddenly emerges from behind the curtain. It's Phil Spencer, jaunty smile pasted across his lips. He speaks: "Ladies and gentlemen, we've come a long way in the past year. We've started selling Xbox Ones at a rate rivaling our friends at Sony..." the crowd hisses, "and we've atoned for a lot of our early mistakes." Phil walks toward the bound figure. "Which brings us to our friend here, Mister Donald Nancy Mattrick." A hum of excitement surges through the crowd. "We aren't done making amends until he pays for what he did to us all!" The crowd roars. "Under your seats, each member of the audience will find a cream pie. I want you to grab that pie, and hurl it at Mister Mattrick here. For only after he's covered in our sticky white cream will we be cleansed of his sins."

Before he even finishes that last sentence, half the crowd has already hurled their pies toward the stage. Phil stands off to the side, grinning and stroking a rather impressive erection. "Yeah, take that cream, you bitch," he says through sweaty lips. "Deny my vacation request now, you fucking bitch. Mmmm yeah. No, you don't deserve a raise. Mmmm."

Mattrick is covered head to toe in whipped cream, but instead of feeling any sense of fear or shame, he's laughing uncontrollably. He thinks this is all in fun because he's fucking oblivious. Fucking Don Mattrick. Seriously.

The crowd exhausts their vengeance and slowly settles down, then waits fifteen more awkward minutes for Spencer to finish pleasuring himself while grunting insults at Mattrick. When he finishes, two large men come from offstage and carry Mattrick and the table offstage.

Phil adjusts his hip indie game t-shirt. "You like my shirt?" He says. "It was given to me by my friend, and Microsoft's newest employee, Adam Boyes!" The crowd booms out applause as Phil is joined onstage by Adam.

"It's awesome to be here with Microsoft during this, the greatest E3 in hist--"

"Shut the fuck up, you dickfaced bitch cock shitbird fucker," Phil says. "I brought you out here to show everyone that nothing is beyond the reach of Microsoft's wallet. Including the likes of you. You fuck. You miserable stupid fuck."

Adam begins weeping bitter tears as Spencer spends the next four minutes pelting him with insults. When he finishes, the same two large men come and carry Adam off the stage.

The crowd begins to get antsy as Phil stands on the stage, alone in the spotlight, breathing heavily into his lapel mic. Like right into it. His mouth is right on the goddamn thing.

A couple of people in the back of the room begin to make their way toward the exit.

"And just where in the fuck do you think you're going?" Phil shouts, his lips pressed hard against the mic. The exiting audience members freeze in their tracks. "You're leaving an E3 press conference before we've discussed a single fucking game?? What are you, crazy??" He cackles into the silent void. "Now sit down!" he screams, neck veins distended. Then he smiles. "I'm just about to start my rap solo."

The crowd audibly groans as he launches into the shittiest beat-boxing routine since mouths were invented. "My name's Phil Spencer and I'm here to say, Microsoft Xbox has good games." Jesus fuck, he wrote it himself. "We have lots of exclusives, and that's no foolin', and if you don't like our games then you must be droolin'." The crowd is too amazed and afraid to boo, so they sit and silently listen as Phil beat-boxes the last twenty-three minutes of his song.

When he's done, he waves at the cheering throng he obviously hears in his head since the actual room is silent as a graveyard.

"Well, it's been a hell of an E3," he says. "But before I go, let's take a look at some upcoming games!" The stage screens come to life for the first time as a cautious applause comes from the crowd.

The screens are filled with CG trailers. Nothing but CG trailers. The games don't matter, because they aren't games. They're CG.

The screens go black, the spotlight blinks off, and the room is left a darkened pit of confusion. As journalists and fans begin to shuffle toward the only visible lights in the room (the exit signs), the air is filled once again with the gentle pulse of beat-boxing...

Before anyone claims I'm shitting on MS and didn't shit on Sony (if you read the other one), what I tried to do was take some of the pervasive opinions of each company and blow them up to the nth degree. So the insane hype train that always surrounds Sony's E3 was turned into the second coming, and the shit MS gets for "moneyhatting" to get games and showing CG (as well as the insane amounts of love Spencer gets just for not being Mattrick, when we really don't know all that much about him, aside from tweets about how he'll "look into" something) gets this.

It's not Shakespeare (though it's long enough to be), but I'm bored on a medic clinical. Sorry. I'll stop. Carry on.

Heh, a kinect with a projector included would be cool (and I'd buy one :p) but there's no chance it would sell, for gaming anyway.

But how would it even work? It has to film you and project... In your direction then? It doesnt make any sense, you would have the projector light in your eyes and would have to turn around to see whatever it is projecting lol


But how would it even work? It has to film you and project... In your direction then? It doesnt make any sense, you would have the projector light in your eyes and would have to turn around to see whatever it is projecting lol

Yeah it wouldn't be for the usual applications of motion tracking I guess. It would be either for features like illumiroom, or maybe just an option for the projector, "don't blind people walking through the beam".
But yeah, nothing really worth buying it as far as gaming is concerned.
It's worth mentioning though that the AR toolkit for Illumiroom/Roomalive-like applications is publicly available, for people already owning a kinect and a projector.


But how would it even work? It has to film you and project... In your direction then? It doesnt make any sense, you would have the projector light in your eyes and would have to turn around to see whatever it is projecting lol

Two sides to the device. Stick it in the middle of the room and it films you from the front and projects out the back.

I don't know, I'm trying.
Microsoft should get a Fusion Frenzy reboot in the works

Judging by the last FF they had developed they should not even bother and just start from scratch. FF2 was an abomination, there were only one (maybe two) enjoyable games and it sold like complete garbage as far as I can remember. They would be better off making a new IP that incorporated fan favorite mini games from the original while reworking the gameplay from the ground up. Microsoft should be embracing more vibrant, color saturated worlds for games that are easy to get into and difficult to master. What Nintendo has been doing on the Wii U with its core franchises is amazing and MIcrosoft and Sony should be imitating that art direction for a timeless aesthetic that won't look like a wet pile of ass in ten years. Imagine not needing an HD remaster in ten years because the art direction still holds up (even though it would be a different system that doesn't have bc, so a remaster might be welcome)? Yeah, that would be nice.


Dreamed with a new Infamous DLC. Doesn't remember if it was Delsin or Fetch. But there were neon powers.

Nopes. I don't belive it's true -.-
But I think is somekind of possible. At least I know that I will by if released.
Another "leak list". Most likely fake


From this guy.

I guess I get why you'd want to get some of these ridiculous (and easy to make) fake pics and documents out there for a little fun, but what's even the point in this kind of shit if you just make a really boring list anyway? 5 minutes of fame... for your nickname on 4chan (or whatever this forum is, w/e)?

Anyway, this dude has no idea how Monster Hunter works and probably slept over certain announcements on sunday.


I'm just looking forward to Adam Boyes his bit. He always seems so happy and giddy to be on the stage and announce his stuff. He's the only one that,to me, seems excited to be there. The rest is all serious and business like. So if you're reading this Adam, you're awesome:)


I guess I get why you'd want to get some of these ridiculous (and easy to make) fake pics and documents out there for a little fun, but what's even the point in this kind of shit if you just make a really boring list anyway? 5 minutes of fame... for your nickname on 4chan (or whatever this forum is, w/e)?

Anyway, this dude has no idea how Monster Hunter works and probably slept over certain announcements on sunday.

The bold part and there are people who wants to see the world burn.

I'm just looking forward to Adam Boyes his bit. He always seems so happy and giddy to be on the stage and announce his stuff. He's the only one that,to me, seems excited to be there. The rest is all serious and business like. So if you're reading this Adam, you're awesome:)

Yup. Botes just the type of guy you think: "I would be just as happy as he up there.".
He and Shu are my most loved hosts. They are worth seen anytime :)

Such happy. Much awesome.
I'm just looking forward to Adam Boyes his bit. He always seems so happy and giddy to be on the stage and announce his stuff. He's the only one that,to me, seems excited to be there. The rest is all serious and business like. So if you're reading this Adam, you're awesome:)

I'd actually say Shuhei one ups Adam in the "I'm so happy to be here!" stakes. Dude always looks like he's fit to burst with joy whenever he's on stage.


I'd actually say Shuhei one ups Adam in the "I'm so happy to be here!" stakes. Dude always looks like he's fit to burst with joy whenever he's on stage.
True,almost forgot him...it's been a while since he did a show no? Last I remember he was lounging in his chair playing Killzone at Gamescom.
In an effort to satiate Zelda fans and get Japan a little more fired up for the brand. LoZ Monster Hunter styled title from Capcom. I'd love to say for Wii U but lets be real 3DS.
True,almost forgot him...it's been a while since he did a show no? Last I remember he was lounging in his chair playing Killzone at Gamescom.

He's been at the past two E3 conferences. It was actually his first time on stage at E3 in 2013. Surprised me that it took so long tbh. Maybe his thick accent was holding him back.
Prediction: I wouldn't be surprised if, when Mass Effect 4 is revealed, the trailer and game box art features a female protagonist (the game will still allow for male/female choices).


He's been at the past two E3 conferences. It was actually his first time on stage at E3 in 2013. Surprised me that it took so long tbh. Maybe his thick accent was holding him back.

Mostly. But the way he talks so friendly and excited, with a truly ever-smiling, he won the gamers heart. Hope he continues to appear.

One that was a big surprise for me is Andrew House. I honestly like him.


There are two possible games I want to pretend Twisted Pixel are working on....

.... Jet Force Gemini or Blast Corps..

I'd be ecstatic with either one.


aka andydumi
Maybe that is the megaton they are saving for the actual conference

Yep. Looks complete enough for a release this fall or very early 16. And it does not seem to be a groundbreaking new engine or anything, so that should hep it move along a lot faster.

I am sort of disappointed in the looks not being better, because we probably won't get a new Fallout after this for another 3-5 years.
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