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Famous People you wish didn't die

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I just felt like making an appriciation thread about our favourite people who died when we really wish they didn't.

Phil Hartman

The funniest man around. Also a genuine nice guy who didn't deserve the horrible end he came to. Fricken coked up wife (though he had nothing in his system but Nyquil). Saddest part is that his kids lost both parents that night.

Owen Hart

Another great guy who died way to young. Nice guy, and who knows what he could've done in the WWE if he had lived. Would Vince keep burying him, or would he have let Owen shine in the spotlight for once? Who knows. We won't.


Jim Henson

He died way too soon and his death was totally preventable. The muppets have never been the same since he passed away.

Charles Shultz

I grew up on Peanuts and was sad to see the series come to an end. He died the night before the last strip was published.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!

2Pac (hardest working dead man.... uh... around)

Phil Hartman

Chris Farley

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
WTF? I went to find out who the guy was who voied Lionel Hutz etc. only to find it's Phil Hartman! How weird's that, you all wishing he wasnted dead and me too even though I didn't know who he was?


John Ritter
Owen Hart (geez... :()
Yokozuna (I hate that whole "he died from a spider" rumor!!!!)
Tomiko Suzuki (no one knows her, but her death is one huge coincidence)


Wasn't Phil murdered by his wife or ex-wife. I can't recall exactly what happened, but when a friend told me what happened, I couldn't believe it was true, especially to a guy like Phil Hartman.


Trevelyon said:
Wasn't Phil murdered by his wife or ex-wife. I can't recall exactly what happened, but when a friend told me what happened, I couldn't believe it was true, especially to a guy like Phil Hartman.

Not his ex-wife, his wife. She killed him while they were sleeping in bed. He just went to bed normally with his wife and she gets coked up and kills him, and then kills herself.


John Cazale - you'll know him best as Fredo from The Godfather. He wasn't in his prime, and every movie he was in he did an amazing job.


Owen Heart is dead??? WTF...

Lak I hope this news just isn't dropping on you for the first time.

Jim Henson - this guy is so cool I wish he was my second dad.

Bruce Lee

and all the SNL people


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
monkey79 said:
Jim Henson

He died way too soon and his death was totally preventable. The muppets have never been the same since he passed away.

I love that man. I still remember where I was when I learned of his death, and I was just a little kid.

Another nod to Phil Hartman. He did so much that I loved, from his SNL days to Newsradio to his characters on The Simpsons. He died way before his time, both physically and career-wise. He had a lot going for him.

EDIT: Two other nods to Gilda Ratner and Madeline Kahn. Goddamned ovarian cancer murdering a pair of great female comedians.


Desperado said:
Freddie Mercury

Yeah. First name that immediately popped in my head when I read the topic. I would love to hear what kind of music he'd be making today.

And +1 Chris Farley.


Can anybody tell me how Owen Heart passed away? I can't believe I'm so late, all I remember is that I gave up watching wrestling ages ago and haven't been interested in any of the wrestlers but he used to be one of my faves, it's a shame :(


Lakitu said:
Can anybody tell me how Owen Heart passed away? I can't believe I'm so late, all I remember is that I gave up watching wrestling ages ago and haven't been interested in any of the wrestlers but he used to be one of my faves, it's a shame :(

Occupational disaster. He fell from the roof of a stadium during a show. People thought it was a really well done stunt. Unfortunately..


Lakitu said:
Can anybody tell me how Owen Heart passed away? I can't believe I'm so late

During a match he was coming down from the ceiling, (rafters?) and he fell onto the corner of the ring post and immediately died.
Lakitu said:
Can anybody tell me how Owen Heart passed away? I can't believe I'm so late, all I remember is that I gave up watching wrestling ages ago and haven't been interested in any of the wrestlers but he used to be one of my faves, it's a shame :(

I don't follow wrestling so I may get some of the details wrong, but I believe he was making a entrance from the rooftop and the cord holding him snapped and he fell.


Chris Farley
Phil Hartman
Kurt Cobain
John Candy
John Ritter
Princess Diana (she did so much charity/humanitarian work)

all I can think of atm


Jim Morrison
Jimmy Hendrix
Phil Hartman
Chris Farley
John Candy
Jack Lemmon
Walter Matthau
Douglas Adams


There are dozens. I'll keep it to people that died unusually young

Chris Farley
Phil Hartman
John Ritter (I just saw him playing JD's dad in Scrubs the other night - he was awesome)
John Lennon
Jimi Hendrix
Kurt Cobain
John Candy
Bruce Lee
Elvis Presley


I can't believe there have only been TWO mentions of John Lennon. WTF?

I think most of the music deaths are musicians who wouldn't be doing much now anyways. Not that I don't wish they were still alive and happy. I just don't think they'd be doing as much.


I miss Layne Staley, Kurt Cobain and Chris Farly a lot, but since they're deaths were kinda their fault, I didn't mention them. I'm more sad about the people who died tragically. Good people, ya know.
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