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Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Chunk 1 (CyberConnect2, UE4) Trailer, "PS4 Console Debut"


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
This Thread is moving so fast


Nothing is confirmed as of right now, but we can certainly speculate! The meter at the bottom bar seems to be some sort of combo-related thingy.

Holy molly, that's just incredible.
It's action as expected, but still have the classic commands. Perhaps it'll be more like Crisis Core?
I'm also interested in how can we control other party members while we're actively controlling one.
Stop misconstructing. There's nothing wrong with the old system, it was just completely fine (and nothing against it. For crying out loud I backed indivisible for that reason) for the time as it offered the best of what the devs wanted (strategic and cinematic fights) but it's mostly the argument that people feel ATB is the be-all-end-all of FF7 and changing the system itself is ruining or changing the game completely (even though combat itself, special moves, limit breaks, swappable character and magic are still here it seems). Especially at this point where we have so little information, it's hyperbolic as hell

There's a difference between swappable characters that will otherwise be contolled by AI and characters that won't act without the player's input. The former is what's been ruining this genre for years now.


never left the stone age
This Thread is moving so fast


That's actually the Limit bar, look at the gifs above showing Braver and Big Shot, it's glowing red.

Nothing is confirmed as of right now, but we can certainly speculate! The meter at the bottom bar seems to be some sort of combo-related thingy. Notice btw in this gif how the meter goes up from mid to full in one combo?


There's a cut in the video there, notice how Cloud's position changes a lot :p
Holy molly, that's just incredible.
It's action as expected, but still have the classic commands. Perhaps it'll be more like Crisis Core?
I'm also interested in how can we control other party members while we're actively controlling one.
taking a page from Tales of with quick switching between characters?
lets just pray we dont get Zestiria levels of AI


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
There's a cut in the video there, notice how Cloud's position changes a lot :p
I wasn't fast enough with the edit, god damn it.


I have a theory.

Nomura = Nomura

In this proof, we wish to show that Cloud and Noctis are the same person.

We will proceed by strong induction. For our base case, we take n = 1 where n is a boot being worn by the protagonist. Because the boot prints are the same, the base case holds.

In the induction step, we will assume that for some k >= 2, that boots worn by protagonists means the protagonists are the same person for all identical boot treads i, where i is an integer between 1 and k, inclusive.

Then we wish to show that if there are k+1 boot identical boot treats, then the protagonists are the same.

Observe that k is the 11th digit in the alphabet. Then k = 7 + 4. Then k + 1 = 7 + 4 + 1 = 7 + 5. 7 is the FFVII, 5 is XV.

By the induction hypothesis, we assume that 7 and 5 are identical. Then by the linearity of addition over the closed set of natural numbers, k+1 boots are also worn by the protagonists.

Thus, by the principal of strong induction, FFVII and FFXV are the same game with the same protagonist.

How do you manage to juggle dozens of spells/summons/special attacks between 3 characters in real time? I feel like what is going to happen is that each character will each get a few hot keyed spells that can be swapped and some special attacks and a limit break. I'm worried you'll lose that encyclopedia of attacks for each character.

Yeah, I'd imagine that you won't see anything like this:


...with additional encyclopedias under half of those commands as well. Which is fine, as that's a ridiculous list even for an old-school JRPG, which is why you never saw that in subsequent games. It will probably also not be as simple as, say Kingdom Hearts, though, because the materia system was core enough to both the gameplay and the story that they have to keep something that resembles it.
I wish it was more stylised like the original pencil artworks as the original chibi avatars gave the atmosphere a certain charm. I think how realistic the style is seems to make the game look as if it takes itself too seriously.

It'll be interesting to see how the lighter notes of FFVII are represented with such a serious style.

Yeah, that's how I always envisioned the FF7 remake to look like:


...the FF7 remake of my dreams.





I'm super stoked for this. The only thing I'm slightly worried for now is whether they'll get Midgar to look and feel right. On the original game it has a lot of neon lights, posters, debris and just feels very "handicrafted" and lived in, while the streets they showed in the trailer look a lot more sterile and lifeless. Hopefully that won't be the case on the final product.

As for the battle system, I've just come to accept Final Fantasy is now an action franchise so that didn't come off as a surprise. Shin Megami Tensei, Persona and Dragon Quest are what I'll be looking forward to for turn-based goodness.

Lol FF is very much not an action franchise now. They're experimenting with FF15 being the first true ARPG as a mainline title and the demo wasn't very impressive, albeit unfinished.

World of FF is turn based, and that's one of their other big console releases coming soon.
The stealth play is kind of mediocre too to be honest.

what the

largely because the AI is exploitable as hell.

I mean true but

The level design and the feeling of rewarding exploration and emergent gameplay is what makes Deus Ex shine.

This what helps make the stealth enjoyable for me

Deus Ex is definitely a game that is more than the sum of its parts.

But also true


Nothing is confirmed as of right now, but we can certainly speculate! The meter at the bottom bar seems to be some sort of combo-related thingy.


That's actually the Limit bar, look at the gifs above showing Braver and Big Shot, it's glowing red.

I think that's a cut in the video.

There's a cut in the video there, notice how Cloud's position changes a lot :p

The limit bar is all the way to the right. The bar at the left is the combo bar.

My guess is that you execute combos, and that allows you to pull off another more powerful move. Dunno how Braver was being used, though.

Sou Da

Hope we can change the color of the UI again.

The limit bar is all the way to the right. The bar at the left is the combo bar.

My guess is that you execute combos, and that allows you to pull off another more powerful move. Dunno how Braver was being used, though.

I think that one dude was right about the left bar being an EX/Super meter and the limit breaks being Ultras.


I really don't understand why some people try to convince themselves that this game is related to that glorious vaporware also know as Versus XIII. Ok, i know that the same people decided that FFVX would be garbage because of reasons, and Tabata is a shitty director guilty of delivering in three years a game that prevoiusly exist only in their minds ( a world where a character named Stella woul be outstanding and super cool based on nothing, lol) but c'mon, don't transform all the future topic of this game in the same nonsense like the XV ones.


I also don't understand why some people bring up the Materia system in relation to combat, or why it's a strength of the original combat system that apparently doesn't apply to the new combat system.

You could almost copy-paste VII's system into an ARPG and it'd work very much the same.

It's a bit like AP/skills in KH.

Oh hey - same director! How crazy!!


I never played the game I'm about to post but

it sounds like valkyria chronicles.

Does it have the good or bad music?

Because I remember something about that when it was released on pc

The game itself has the good music. That is just Aerith's piano theme. It is a theme for your PS4 home screen, I should have been more clear.



This is one of the things I was talking about. Look at the second enemy they pass through as Cloud does a combo on the first. He doesn't react to any of Cloud's slashes, and simply turns to face him as the other enemy takes damage and gets knocked back. I'm fairly sure that if this were a full on ARPG, both of the enemies would be taking damage and getting staggered.


Corridors and Kingdom Hearts battle system, pretty much as I expected really. As a fan of the original I have little to no interest in it. I wish Nomura would fuck off with his shitty games and his shitty battle systems. Oh and the voice acting is horrendous and the new Barret doesn't look anything like Barret.

Huh? you know that this lack of "open world" could be dictated because of the segment where the game is, don't you?

The original game wasn't too open at the very beginning either :) and even open world games have "on rails" and more closed segments :)
I genuinely got tingles when the Guard Scorpion appeared. Memories. But I hope that voice acting is temporary, especially Wedge's.

Squenix's tendency in recent years is to include dual-audio. Let's be honest here, outside of FFXII their mainline FF EN voice work has been mediocre to bad. So fortunately it's likely that if we don't like the EN voice work, the JP voices will be an available option to select.

Rebel Leader

The game itself has the good music. That is just Aerith's piano theme. It is a theme for your PS4 home screen, I should have been more clear.

no I clicked it.

You said oif you bought and I haven't

I just remember something about the in-game music being "wrong" when on PC

Sou Da

This is one of the things I was talking about. Look at the second enemy they pass through as Cloud does a combo on the first. He doesn't react to any of Cloud's slashes, and simply turns to face him as the other enemy takes damage and gets knocked back. I'm fairly sure that if this were a full on ARPG, both of the enemies would be taking damage and getting staggered.

Or y'know, it's lacking in polish at the moment.
I watched the trailer on my computer in HD and I've gotta admit, it does look pretty great in that setting. Originally I watched it on my iPhone and it didn't do the trailer justice.

Battle-wise, I'm hoping for a medium between real time and turn-based. It looked to me like it was FFXII-esque but fancier and with a lot of effects going around.


i am super freaking excited to see more of the Remake, i've already stated that FF7 is my favorite game ever, and what waas shown here got me pretty excited

now i want to ask this, i love everything about FF7 from story to gameplay, and i'm willing to give this game a chance with its more action oriented battle system, so why cant some of you guys be willing to give this a chance, despite the fact we havent seen how it plays in its entirety, and are so quick to shit on it, just because its not a 1:1 transition from the original

Ploid 3.0

like so many have already pointed out, if you supposedly loved VII but hated its gameplay, or "shit battle system" something is wrong there.

I loved FF7, it was my life for two years which is how long it took me to complete it (high school, first rpg, took it nice and slow). I grew to hate random battles on the overworld. I got diablos in FF8 specifically to avoid them. Random battles, and turn based gameplay seems like it may have been an invention of limitations. While they were good, they were a bit too slow to have to wait for each animation, and enemy reaction. Back then I ate the turn based stuff up because I had no experience with good real time with pause combat, action combat, and I haven't even play a fps game at that time. Gameplay has evolved so much by today that you can't expect a remake or whatever to be influenced by the advancements, I think.

This reminds me of the Westwood segment in The Game Awards. I only had experience with Command and Conquer games. The really early turn based strategy games looked very slow, and just because Westwood made things real time it didn't mean they took the strategy out of it. They sped the games up and it allowed for a lot more interesting gameplay.

Why don't you play one of the millions of games that isn't FF7 then? (Seems just as valid a response as 'just go back and play the original' at least.)

Yeah! Like FF7 Remake.



Woke up to this, and somebody is going to have to put me under.

It looks exactly how I wanted, with the exception of the energy in everyone else's voice.

But still...

Glad it sounds like they're keeping the voice cast for the characters in the FFVII Compilation stuff. When Sephiroth finally appears in a trailer it's gonna be fantastic.
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