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Final Fantasy VII 15th Anniversary


Years, years, and playthroughs later, I'm still finding out new little things about this game. I never caught the rocket mention when playing, never.


Here's another one that some of you may know.

You know how Marlene looks out of a Kalm window?


Ever try it yourself?



Wow, I never knew about the window in Kalm o_O and I played the game at least 6 times in the last decade.

I'm slowly replaying the game on my PSP, and I found a cave I never knew existed until last week. Some of you probably know about it but it was a complete shock to me.


Edit: I apologize in advance if this cave was already posted as I quickly skimmed through this thread.


This thread makes me want to reinstall FFVII. Yes, I'm among the few who played it on PC. Granted you could only use the number pad to control the game, but man, it still was an awesome experience. I don't think there's been a game since that's left such a big impact on me.
This thread makes me want to reinstall FFVII. Yes, I'm among the few who played it on PC. Granted you could only use the number pad to control the game, but man, it still was an awesome experience. I don't think there's been a game since that's left such a big impact on me.
I've beaten this game every way humanely possible. On PC, on PS3, on PS1 (a ton of times), on my PSP twice. And whatever else.


It bothers you enough to support retcons/revisionist history? I agree its stupid that Tifa's chest is what many people remember about her the most but thems the breaks. FFVII had women of all shapes and sizes... its called variety. I can't accept the Tifa of Advent Children and beyond because Square felt like they had to make up for some "mistake" in her original character design. Accepting that is letting the pervs and revisionists win -.-

I never said it was a "mistake" (not counting the FMVs, which clearly went overboard and obviously where people get most of their arguments from), but the progress they made afterward was clearly in response to the way fans were classifying her.

The FF fanbase, on a whole, are incredibly dense. There are still people who think Marlene was the result of Tifa and Barret's off-screen shenanigans.

Tifa's original design was a product of the time and technology. Same reason Lara Croft does not have torpedo missiles on her chest in subsequent sequels.

The difference here is that they're actually working to make Lara something beyond a ridiculous chest, and as far as I know the fans are very excited about that.

Whereas if Tifa got that same kind of treatment, they would probably go on an uproar.

It suggests that her chest is the defining trait of the entire character, hence the problem. It should be an aesthetic that adds to the character instead of defining it, as it has done so without apology to Mai Shiranui, the DOA girls, and a billion other characters.
I knew about both of those things like the first time I beat it. you could get love points if Tifa, barret, Yuffie or Aeris were in your party and didn't take the stash.
so if i never actually completed this game and was gonna play it nowadays, is the PSN version on PSP a good bet? i'm thinking smaller screen might make the graphics look more bearable amirite?


so if i never actually completed this game and was gonna play it nowadays, is the PSN version on PSP a good bet? i'm thinking smaller screen might make the graphics look more bearable amirite?

I've beaten it once on the PSP. It worked really well and looked great.
Another interesting tidbit, though it's less mindblowing and is difficult to actually source as far as I know, is that Fujin and Raijin were supposedly created for FFVII, but were not used until FFVIII because Square felt they were redundant with the Turks.


I wonder how a remake would actually sell, I'm sure it'd do well enough to make a profit, but I don't think it'd be the huge deal some people do. Halo's remake from last year was probably the biggest game to get a remake, and I don't think it did so hot.


FF7 is amazing. It's probably my favorite of the FFs. When I first played through them I thought 9 topped 7, and things are still close, but now I think 7 is the best. My one big complaint with 7, though, is that the world seems a lot less cohesive than most of the other FFs. I really got a feeling with pretty much every other one that these places all belonged together in the same world, but FF7 seemed like a kind of hodge podge of a ton of different and sometimes conflicting styles.
I wonder how a remake would actually sell, I'm sure it'd do well enough to make a profit, but I don't think it'd be the huge deal some people do. Halo's remake from last year was probably the biggest game to get a remake, and I don't think it did so hot.

I think it would do quite well, especially with newer entries losing some of the fanbase, also rather than taking Halo:Anniversary as your precedent I would compare it to the recent OoT remake(which I think sold pretty well).


I think it would do quite well, especially with newer entries losing some of the fanbase, also rather than taking Halo:Anniversary as your precedent I would compare it to the recent OoT remake(which I think sold pretty well).
Maybe. OoT only did 2.5M, which is massive given the 3DS install base, but it's not good enough to justify a FFVII remake, (a PS360 remake that is).


Yeah, this thread has me convinced to go ahead and pull out my PS2 or PSX to replay it. I booted it up on my PS3 last night and some of the sound effects were off...not a huge deal, but when they've been so ingrained in my head for the past 15 years I got really annoyed. Does anyone know how the sound emulation on epsxe is? I wouldn't mind higher resolution since I'm playing on a 50" HDTV and not my old 19" CRT like with my PSX.

Maybe. OoT only did 2.5M, which is massive given the 3DS install base, but it's not good enough to justify a FFVII remake.

I don't understand the rationale behind not doing a remake from Square's perspective. I think it would be almost a guaranteed revenue of $100 million, which would easily cover the development costs. But from a fan's perspective, I really feel like the talent at Square would fuck it up so badly that I don't want one. If it was a remake akin to FFIII/IV DS, which stayed relatively true to the originals, then maybe. But if they totally remade it and had the kind of over the top story bullshit melodrama from the rest of the FFVII games...eww no thanks
Yeah, this thread has me convinced to go ahead and pull out my PS2 or PSX to replay it. I booted it up on my PS3 last night and some of the sound effects were off...not a huge deal, but when they've been so ingrained in my head for the past 15 years I got really annoyed. Does anyone know how the sound emulation on epsxe is? I wouldn't mind higher resolution since I'm playing on a 50" HDTV and not my old 19" CRT like with my PSX.

Just curious, what sound effects were off? I've never experienced anything wrong when I played it on a ps3.
Maybe. OoT only did 2.5M, which is massive given the 3DS install base, but it's not good enough to justify a FFVII remake, (a PS360 remake that is).

That's my point, OoT did well on a small install base(& will likely sell a lot more over the years) & there wasn't really much demand from Zelda fans for it ( WW &/or MM are the Zelda games "fans" want remakes of), whereas the demand for a remake for VII has been pretty consistent since the start of this gen. I do agree with not putting it on the PS360 though, I think when it does come it will need to have a visual impact(so next gen) or be on a handheld ( they should see if Sony/Nintendo are willing to pay for it) as I don't see the plot having the impact it did.


( ≖‿≖)
I feel like a remake would need to have two different play options or something for people who have only played 7 and those who have played all the Compilation titles. It's a lot of material just to throw at people who haven't touched anything since the original, but it also seems like a lot to leave out for those who played what came after.


Just curious, what sound effects were off? I've never experienced anything wrong when I played it on a ps3.

Battle swirl sound effect, spell casting, limit break, alarm sound effect...just in my run through the first reactor last night. The MIDI soundtrack sounded pretty much spot on though.


That music. Holy god. I'm so unsettled just hearing it.
Same here. Been years since I played the game and I forgot how effective the soundtrack was. Wouldn't listen to it in isolation but as part of the game it worked perfectly.
remaking this on consoles would cost a fuckload of money. They would have to redo everthing. I dont think they could reuse a single asset.

I dont see it turning out that well either. considering squareenix current track record.

The only sort of remake i can see is on handheld. where they basically just change the character models.


Same here. Been years since I played the game and I forgot how effective the soundtrack was. Wouldn't listen to it in isolation but as part of the game it worked perfectly.

I got my Playstation and FFVII for Christmas 1997 and while I made my way through it I was having issues with migraines that hospitalized me, keeping me out of school and basically in a dark room most days. I was 12 and my life consisted of playing videogames to pass the time and take my mind off the nausea and pain I felt all the time. The melancholy of that tune still hits me deep.

remaking this on consoles would cost a fuckload of money. They would have to redo everthing. I dont think they could reuse a single asset.

I dont see it turning out that well either.

The only sort of remake i can see is on handheld. where they basically just change the character models.

Depends on the scale of the remake. If it's basically updating the graphics and keeping the core of the original game intact, Resident Evil remake style (what I would prefer), the budget really would not have to be large at all. If it's redoing all the dialogue with voice acting and motion capturing full 3D cut scenes in full HD 3D towns, then yeah the budget would have to be huge, but I still feel very strongly that Square would make a nice profit from it. Three million copies easily. It would essentially be the biggest, most anticipated remake of all time. Fans have been begging for years.
I got my Playstation and FFVII for Christmas 1997 and while I made my way through it I was having issues with migraines that hospitalized me, keeping me out of school and basically in a dark room most days. I was 12 and my life consisted of playing videogames to pass the time and take my mind off the nausea and pain I felt all the time. The melancholy of that tune still hits me deep.

Depends on the scale of the remake. If it's basically updating the graphics and keeping the core of the original game intact, Resident Evil remake style (what I would prefer), the budget really would not have to be large at all. If it's redoing all the dialogue with voice acting and motion capturing full 3D cut scenes in full HD 3D towns, then yeah the budget would have to be huge, but I still feel very strongly that Square would make a nice profit from it. Three million copies easily. It would essentially be the biggest, most anticipated remake of all time. Fans have been begging for years.

You do know that prerendered assets cost as much often more than realtime?


You do know that prerendered assets cost as much often more than realtime?
The ideal scenario would be that they have all the data files still and can simply pump them through a render farm at higher resolution. Create new in-game models using the exact same artstyle, just a lot more articulated and more polygon-rich.

Still use the same midi files, just create a new set of midi voices running at a higher quality than the PSX allowed.


'Remake' that doesn't change a thing, is super-cheap to produce and shuts everyone the hell up.

... that would require them to still have all those assets archived somewhere though. They won't have.
The ideal scenario would be that they have all the data files still and can simply pump them through a render farm at higher resolution. Create new in-game models using the exact same artstyle, just a lot more articulated and more polygon-rich.

Still use the same midi files, just create a new set of midi voices running at a higher quality than the PSX allowed.


'Remake' that doesn't change a thing, is super-cheap to produce and shuts everyone the hell up.

... that would require them to still have all those assets archived somewhere though. They won't have.

thats more of a remastering though.

I think it would work great with ff8 and ff9. As much as i like ff7, it really has alot of early 3d issues. Like weird scaling and such.

a better way would probably be to hand-paint backgrounds ontop of the renders, and use updated 3d models. That is going to be cheap, would look sort of modern.
The ideal scenario would be that they have all the data files still and can simply pump them through a render farm at higher resolution. Create new in-game models using the exact same artstyle, just a lot more articulated and more polygon-rich.

Still use the same midi files, just create a new set of midi voices running at a higher quality than the PSX allowed.


'Remake' that doesn't change a thing, is super-cheap to produce and shuts everyone the hell up.

... that would require them to still have all those assets archived somewhere though. They won't have.

I'm not sure about this. I've seen PC mods with the battle models used on the field. It looked pretty bad to be honest.
I'm not sure about this. I've seen PC mods with the battle models used on the field. It looked pretty bad to be honest.

That's because it probably fucks up the whole scale of things, it was rather bad at some points even with the SD models.

I would like to see the game rendered in polygons using the original characters art, I like most of Nomura redesigns, but I think the originals fit better in the world.

It would be a glorious day, but it probably won't happen anytime soon.


I knew about the Kalm window thing.

Now what I did not know was how there was a Shinra Document clearly explaining the Nibelhelm thing on the second visit.
Basically explains why they rebuilt an exact replica.
I didn't even know it existed until reading a SA LP, and for all of these years I treated it as something players was just supposed to infer.
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