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Final Fantasy VII 15th Anniversary

FFVII was my first jRPG, I got it on PC, and it introduced me to the world of console gaming. Got FFVIII on PC, and with IX it was time to buy a PS2.

I hope they will finally do a remake. The game will benefit from faster pace and better animations.
I remember playing FFVII with a terrible third-party memory card which would, at times, cause my saves to become corrupted. I'm glad FFVII had plenty of available save slots.


So was there ever a fan project to retranslate VII?


This was something I was attempting to do a bit back, using the program listed.

But I also wrote an April 1st post saying the project was "cancelled", as a way to cover my bases somewhat. If I ended up abandoning the idea, then I would chalk it up to the whole thing being a prank.

But I haven't been able to put it out of my mind either. I want to commit to it, but I'm afraid about giving up halfway due to the work involved. And yet, with no remake or official retranslation anywhere on the horizon, there's still an opportunity to make this happen.

I already had a good idea on how to handle the main script, but the biggest hurdle was NPCs. If a couple of people here might be interested in helping me out with the filler dialog, then maybe we could get something going here.

But the ground rule has to be that this isn't meant to be a parody re-write, nor is it meant to be a fully accurate translation. I'm not that funny, and I don't have the original script on hand. It was basically an idea to rewrite the original game into something more natural and cohesive, while also applying a more personal spin that (hopefully) does not lose the original meaning.

So yeah, if anyone's interested in helping out, I'd be happy to tackle this project again.
There's a program out there that can read the dialogues from PS1 copies. It's what I used to confirm 100% which items can actually be dug out from that digging game. Not sure if there's something to edit it then redump the ISO for personal use though, or if you could use the program to write a patcher which can be legally distributed.


Dot Hacked
Sorry for the bump but we're still loving FFVII right?? Somehow I feel less adverse to a remake then I used to. Replaying CC made me dream up some stuff from it I wish they would add to a FFVII remake instead of it being just straight nothing-new-but-graphics redo.

• Incorporate AP into it! This'd make Yellow materia cooler and more prominent. Course they're have ta give Materia EXP a new designation but thats a minor detail.

• Add Materia Fusion and various new materia seen in CC. Cause why not?

• Give the Black Materia/Meteor some more foreshadowing or something. Ya first learn about a Black Materia in an optional missable conversation with Dio the first time you enter the Gold Saucer. Then on the next visit to the place Cloud seems all knowledgeable about it even if you missed the conversation!
- Cait Sith: "Is that all? How 'bout the Black Materia?"
- Cloud: "You wouldn't understand even if I told you."
What? What?! How would anyone know when its not been brought up if you missed some dialogue earlier? And even then Cloud seems to be acting like he knows all about the thing beyond just its name! Its stupidly jarring to go from Sephiroth's searching for the Promised Land to "oh hey btw he wants to summon a meteor with this materia you never heard of before!"

• Do something with the Turks. Its always felt like Square wanted to make 'em likeable but Reno nonchalantly set the detonator which killed everyone in Sector 7. Noooo way am I liking him after something like that! There's doing your job and then there's being a mass murderer. Maybe just maybe change the scenario to have someone else pulling that trigger? Heidegger maybe?

• More encounters with Rufus including at least a second battle with him. He's as much the enemy of Clouds party as Sephiroth is and isn't afraid to stick around in the face of danger. So why do we see so little of him?

• If not visitable at least put some kind of landmark on the overworld where Banora once was.

• For that matter they oughta go ahead and add Modeoheim in some capacity.

• Have Vincent at least say something to Hojo if he's in your party when you meet him again in the Crater. Sure Cloud is starting to freak out again but c'mon. His whole reason for joining was to find and get revenge on Hojo. Him just standing there doing/saying nothing is dumb!

• Make all Limit Breaks available for use once you've learned them ala CC. Its lame having just 1 or 2 at your disposal! Also Cait Sith could really use more than just the 2 he gets!

• Have Cissnei show up after Cloud finds himself somewhere. Maybe Gongaga with Zack's parents? Just alil cameo, doesn't gotta be something huge.

• Add mail to the game! Beyond Shinra News it'd be nice to get messages from characters you've met throughout the game such as Johnny, Mukki, Priscilla, and others. It'd also be a brilliant way of letting players know when a new Fort Condor battle is available!

I know. Its all just wishful thinking isn't it?


• Do something with the Turks. Its always felt like Square wanted to make 'em likeable but Reno nonchalantly set the detonator which killed everyone in Sector 7. Noooo way am I liking him after something like that! There's doing your job and then there's being a mass murderer. Maybe just maybe change the scenario to have someone else pulling that trigger? Heidegger maybe?
No, that's the best thing about them. They are horrible and evil, but only professionally - to an odd sense of duty. This was evil Shinra-style. Then you had evil Sephiroth-style which was genuinely crazy.

• More encounters with Rufus including at least a second battle with him. He's as much the enemy of Clouds party as Sephiroth is and isn't afraid to stick around in the face of danger. So why do we see so little of him?
Because it highlighted how weak he was and in fact, how little Shinra influence meant in the wider world. I love the sense of how the player's perception of the world changes so quickly, but quite subtly at the same time. The Shinras were nothing. Midgar, just a tiny place. Junon is left to be an empty, gun-less place. The decay of Rocket Town.

• If not visitable at least put some kind of landmark on the overworld where Banora once was.

• For that matter they oughta go ahead and add Modeoheim in some capacity.
Personally I would ignore as much of CC as possible.
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