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Final Fantasy VII released in North America 20 Years Ago Today


No, you were looking for attention, and you got attention. Congratulations.

Oh, alrighty. Thanks for ironing that out for me.



For me viii is better but do like vii a lot! Still plays well considering I beat it for the first time last year


Oh, alrighty. Thanks for ironing that out for me

I dunno, when you immediately jump on the hyperbole train and jump straight to plaid speed it does come across as attention seeking a little. Plus the term overrated is such a stupid and incredibly subjective term in general.
Shit. THIS is the proper Mega Ran FFVII tribute album. The one I posted earlier was a remastered edition, and it changes things up too much. The original (linked in this post) contains the original soundtrack more audibly, and I like the feel of the songs better.

If you like hip hop, if you like Mega Ran, if you like FFVII, check this shit out. It's a link to Spotify.

Here is a link to YouTube versions.


Or, it was actually an opinion made from finishing the game, watching my cousin finish the game, recognizing the storyline was great, but not falling into the nostalgic bullshit that most people immediately roll towards when thinking about FFVII.

past tense: overrated; past participle: overrated
Everyone but me is an idiot.

It's very hard to not feel the statement is disingenuous and attention seeking in A) the context of an anniversary thread B) the word usage particularly the word overrated and the dismissiveness of such an influential title C) the clamour for the first post.
Pretty crazy that it was the first Final Fantasy released on PS1, and it remains so superior to VIII and IX.

FFVII is a timeless game from an era where almost everything aged badly.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Pretty crazy that it was the first Final Fantasy released on PS1, and it remains so superior to VIII and IX.

I'd say IX is a little better and I'm not alone there. Zidane could not be more different from Cloud or Squall either which was great.
But it was released late and sold like half as much, so it had no chance to capture the public imagination like VII, or even VIII.


Dot Hacked
Totally my favorite game of all time! While I liked Earthbound & Shining Force back then I still wasn't big into rpgs. It was only after playing this that I went down that rabbit hole (perfectly timed Pokémon just a year later sealed the deal). The games just really easy an fun ta sit down an play. While many rpgs have a slow start, VII begins with action an hardly lets up!

I've talked about this before but FFVII really was an still is very different from most other rpgs. Other rpgs are basically dungeon exploring, battling, gearing up in new cities. Sure they'll usually have a casino and battle arena but not much out. VII however has all kinds of mini-events and straight up mini-games all over the place interwoven into progressing the game.

Was CPR dumb as heck? Yeah but it was nice to have the players involvement instead of watching Cloud automatically do it. Ducking the rolling boulders in the Temple of the Ancients is always neat. Using the different buttons as Tifa to grab that key and free herself from the gas chamber rules. There are dozens of one-off events like these across the whole game. Game also has a buncha puzzles as well an no, not of the block pushing variety.

Plus the mini-games! Didn't Cool Boarders come out that same year and have like 5 tracks? FFVII had 3 tracks (plus the story one which you can in fact revisit and replay) with unlockables for doing better at it. Then theres G-Bike and the submarine missions. Not to mention Chocobo Raising & Racing!

In short, they added a ton of "action" to the gameplay outside of battles & cutscenes. Thats what keeps it fresh. Thats what hugely differentiates it from other rpgs.

Not to mention it was also part of the catalyst for the industry chasing the "bigger is better" blockbuster mindset very much in the same way as Star Wars did.
Could it also have been the catalyst for loads and loads of very unrelated games suddenly finding "rpg mechanics" shoehorned into 'em? Or was that something else/combination of things?

An amazing and memorable game, yet I resent how chained Square became to FFVII after its success. Presonally, I feel it became too much of a sacred cow, leading to some creative inhibition from Square as game designers.

As great of an RPG it may be, I don't need them trying to recapture "the magic" with every other new entry in the Final Fantasy series.
Wait really? It seems real ballsy of 'em to have VIII and IX and all that followed extremely different from VII. I guess maybe VIII was already well into development by the time VII exploded, but ordinarily a sequel to a super hot selling game would be much more samey. Instead they kept changing the formula, seemingly disregarding what people like about the predecessors.


Final Fantasy 7 is a very good video game.

It's not the best JRPG, or even the best Final Fantasy, but it deserves a lot of credit for doing what it did.

Sir Doom

Ordered it on Funcoland and it took 1 month and a half to received it

But worth it

Played it 5-6 times thinking of secret ending


this isn't a hot take

i thought only hot takes were allowed in this thread

Can my hot take be that I don't think the game's graphics have aged poorly? I like the Chibi-style and think it's aged better than other games of that era as it's more stylized.

My ideal remake of this game would be if the original assets for the prerendered backgrounds still existed, and could be rerendered at 1080p/4k, with new real-time chibi style models to match.
lol no. Especially not IX.

I've seen VII fans shit on other FF games simply for not being VII for years. I think you guys can handle one person saying the game is overrated even if you disagree.

Uh, it's hardly a new trend and it almost always reeks of someone trying to come across edgey.


Uh, it's hardly a new trend and it almost always reeks of someone trying to come across edgey.

Well obviously which is my entire point. People thinking certain games are overrated isn't new so I don't get why people are getting worked up about a comment five pages ago when there is an entire thread full of people gushing about the game. At the end of the day who cares?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
The best game of all time, forever and ever.


My first FF game and my first jrpg. Not the best FF/jrpg game for me but definitely very important.

Good times, can't wait for the remake!

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
lol no. Especially not IX.

Hang on, VIII has 1 minute unskippable summons that are encouraged by the broken battle system.

You might like the music, story, and setting of VIII more than IX, but you're simply a pretty patient person if you can put up with those summons, which I guess were more tolerable in 1999 simply because the graphics were so amazing for the original PlayStation.
Today would be the perfect day for FFVII:R news or screenshots or shadow drop demo
please Square-Enix don't make me beg

Early on they probably intended to have something ready for the 20th anniversary but with the recent development team change we likely wont see anything substantial for a while.


Hang on, VIII has 1 minute unskippable summons that are encouraged by the broken battle system.

You might like the music, story, and setting of VIII more than IX, but you're simply a pretty patient person if you can put up with those summons, which I guess were more tolerable in 1999 simply because the graphics were so amazing for the original PlayStation.

I think you are misreading my comment. I think IX is the best out of the PS1 era even I have more personal nostalgia for VIII. (On a side note I don't hate VII. It's far from my favorite FF but I understand why people love and appreciate it/)

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I think you are misreading my comment. I think IX is the best out of the PS1 era even I have more personal nostalgia for VIII. (On a side note I don't hate VII. It's far from my favorite FF but I understand why people love and appreciate it/)

Oops, sorry. Yes, I misread your comment entirely.


Wish i could go back in time and play this for the first time in 1997 instead of 2007 like i did. Great game anyway, but i don't know if I'll ever find the time to replay it again even though I'd like to.


Hang on, VIII has 1 minute unskippable summons that are encouraged by the broken battle system.

You might like the music, story, and setting of VIII more than IX, but you're simply a pretty patient person if you can put up with those summons, which I guess were more tolerable in 1999 simply because the graphics were so amazing for the original PlayStation.

I have no shame in saying I fucking loved those summons. BOOOST BOOOOOOST BOOOOOOOOST stop BOOOOOOOOST. Eden too. I could get to maximum boost and have enough time to go off for a cuppa. As such, I found the shortcut IX ones such a sadness.

Really hoping VIII crosses over to iOS sometime soon...


20 years, geez...well it actually does kind of feel that long.

I remember I was just about to start Junior year in high school...I already had my pre-order secure, but had to attend some BS "orientation" crap in home room that morning...after that, i zoomed over to King's Plaza mall to get my copy. Best thing, classes didn't actually start for me until the following Monday, so I really got to put some hours into it.

A friend of mine got into FF from this game, and I had him retroactively play my copies of FFII(IV...my fave), and III(VI).


The game that really got me into JRPGs. The game that was there for me during a dark period of my life.

Call it overrated or not, this was a good game. Maybe it hasn't aged well, and the remake is leaving some of us with cautious optimism...but it set the standard for the time with its amazing story, characters, scope, combat, music, everything!


Legendary game. It's fallen down my personal list over the years. But I have a feeling if the remake does the game justice, it'll shoot back to the top.


Those calling FFVII bad or overrated probably just don't like good games and that's fine, they just don't need to be so confrontational about it.
Or, it was actually an opinion made from finishing the game, watching my cousin finish the game, recognizing the storyline was great, but not falling into the nostalgic bullshit that most people immediately roll towards when thinking about FFVII.

That's interesting that despite all the reasons people give for really liking Final Fantasy VII you can still read their minds and see that they only like it because it's old so it must be nostalgia. Really makes you think.
2nd favorite rpg for me.
I played it a bunch of times on PS1 and replayed it on PS4 and PC. Graphics is outdated, but battle system is still fun.
I was already into rpgs, but FFVII made it mainstream.
FFVI is still my favorite though.
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