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Final Fantasy XIII |OT2|

Well, better placement of cutscenes is a good starting point.
Whats wrong with the cutscene placement? FFXIII is one of the few jrpgs where cutscenes haven't bothered me. They aren't incredibly frequent and only last a few mins. Nothing like Xenosaga here.

Enabling better control over your party is another one.
Hardly needed if you ask me. FFXIII ai is fine. I know people have cited problems, but for the most part I can't think of an instance where I died because of the ai. Casting things happens so fast in the game so the order in which the ai does it doesn't really matter. Sab ai does suck though. Much better then something in Persona anyway. Plus the battle system is too fast for you to control each party member. Would an option to switch between them be nice? Yes.
Letting the player do more than make very general battle tactic decisions also goes a long way in to making the game more engaging.
FFXIII at least for me is one of the few non srpgs were I had to use something more then attack for most of the game. In pretty much every FF it just becomes the same tactics over and over. And while it's pretty much the same with FFXIII, I found most of the battles to require more thought then any other FF and mostly any jrpg outside of Nocturne. I guess you could point to auto battle, but I hardly use it and have no idea how anyone could complete the game using it is my choices are mostly better then it. Then again, this is just my opinion.
It also wouldn't hurt to see less reliance on a single battle mechanic that is little more than a combo meter.
I can't think of a lot of jrpgs that have tons of variety in their battle systems. Surly not DQVIII at least.
And then there are always the options of including actual world design to help with player immersion,
I had no problem with immersion. Sure lack of towns hurt this, but I hate towns. I got how the world was through dialogue and that's fine with me.
a coherent visual theme,
I'm not sure how the two worlds are not coherent. Things seem to go along fine.

likable characters
I think FFXIII has one of the better FF cast and at least all of them play a part in the plot and are developed. They are anime steroytpes, but this genre is filled with them. I'm not sure whats with the hate of the cast when Tales games exist.

battles that can break you out of a trance-like rotation cycle that works in most encounter
Most of the battles require different strategies. And if this is a complaint against XIII, then I guess it's a complaint with most jrpgs. Almost every random battle in a Tales game can beat the same way. Same thing with DQ.
and a non-linear character upgrade system that actually allows for player variety.
The characters are all different thanks to how there classes are setup. Sure this achieved through pretty shitty ways, but characters are different then each other. And it's better then FFX and FFXII in that regard.
Started the game a couple of weeks ago, and I'm now at Chapter 7. Game is pretty decent so far, but I'm already seeing why many are complaining about the game. Had to mute the game when passing through that forest with Sazh and Vanille because of the vocal haha


cosmicblizzard said:
Seems FFXIII might be looked back on favorably once the "I waited 4 years for this shit?" dust fully settles. FF fans the new Zelda fans?

I am replaying the game now, and I am having the same reaction as I did when I played it originally: Meh.

Of course some people are unable to separate 'mediocre' from 'worst game ever' so there is that.


I definitely plan to play the game again just before XIII-2 hits to (a) refresh my memory a little in anticipation for the sequel, and (b) to see if the game feels different without the four years of anticipation immediately preceding it. Both factors may tip the game towards a more enjoyable experience somehow.

I really did dig Lightning as leading lady, which is half the reason I'm interested in XIII-2 despite being so thoroughly disappointed with XIII.


Magnus said:
I definitely plan to play the game again just before XIII-2 hits to (a) refresh my memory a little in anticipation for the sequel, and (b) to see if the game feels different without the four years of anticipation immediately preceding it. Both factors may tip the game towards a more enjoyable experience somehow.

I really did dig Lightning as leading lady, which is half the reason I'm interested in XIII-2 despite being so thoroughly disappointed with XIII.

I am on the opposite end when it comes to Lightning. I was really hoping that she would be relegated to a side character...

Hated her design, her character, her dialogue, etc.
Jerk 2.0 said:
I am on the opposite end when it comes to Lightning. I was really hoping that she would be relegated to a side character...

Hated her design, her character, her dialogue, etc.



People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I just wanna say that Lightning's hair looks nice in CG but when it comes to gameplay graphics and cutscenes, it looks like shit (same goes for Serah's hair).
ULTROS! said:
I just wanna say that Lightning's hair looks nice in CG but when it comes to gameplay graphics and cutscenes, it looks like shit (same goes for Serah's hair).

At least Fang's hair is alright.


Just finished this tonight! I gave up during Chapter 10 sometime last year and then the announcement came for XIII-2 and it caused me to want to pick the game up again.

I think the entire game is absolutely beautiful and is a testament to what can be done on a modern game console. It may not have the technical prowess of a Killzone or an Uncharted but I think FFXIII trumps both of those games when it comes to scope and size and sheer ambition. I loved most all of the spell effects and especially the -ga spells as they were really impressive. Waterga makes a huge splash and actually looks wet. Firega actually looks like an onscreen fire, Aeroga made a really impressive tornado and Ruinga's unique explosion never got old. And let's not forget the FMV which is pretty jaw dropping and deserves as much praise as I can give it.

Likewise the music I felt was very good. There were only a few tracks I remember not caring for particularly (that jazzy number for the Yaschef Massif comes to mind) and I really came to love most of the main themes including the boss fight themes and that one song that plays during any Mark kill. The music framed the action really well without drawing too much attention to itself which I think is the mark of a successful soundtrack. I won't say much about "My Hands" except to say that I don't hate it.

The nuts and bolts of the game worked well. Battle transitions were smooth and fast, load times were almost non existent and the frame rate stayed really smooth even in the most intense battles. The datalog was an immensely nice touch and the entire presentation of the game and it's many systems was handled very well.

What turned me off the first time was the sheer restrictiveness of the gameplay in terms of party makeup and meaningful choice. The game takes fair too long to open up and allow you to make your own party and go your own way and (as others have said) much of the first part of the game is spent playing the prettiest corridor simulator that you've ever seen.

I realize the first part of the game is set up the way it is to enforce the narrative but the story doesn't move along quickly enough and I never felt enough of an emotional connection to the party to really care about what thy were doing. At least not until well after I arrived on Gran Pulse and started to enjoy myself and build my team the way I wanted it to be built.

Fortunately I stuck with the game and can say the ending was worth it. I thought the last areas of the game were probably the most impressive visually and I enjoyed the challenges that were presented to me. The battle system remained fun and active (meaning most fights I had to think about what I was doing, which was a good thing) and I think FFXIII has one of the better turn based battle systems I've experienced in an RPG. I never got tired of battles and the smart battle system and impressive visuals were a huge part of the reason why. My lasting impression is of a game that is fun to play and great looking but has some big time flaws for an RPG.

Summary: FFXIII is a divisive game, even for me. Some parts of it I absolutely love and some parts of it just make me shake my head and sigh. There's alot of potential here and I hope Square is able to use that and make XIII-2 a much better game and a more even experience for it. I'm glad I was patient and persistent enough to finally finish the game but I can completely understand why many never will.


I've heard of all the criticism and shit directed to this game and while it didn't sound like something I wanted to play, it was a Final Fantasy so I borrowed a copy to try out.

Two hours in, there are so many BAD things about this game. It really starts off very blandly and has some very bad scenes/dialogue and also Hope looks like an incredibly bad character. I'm going to bear with this for as long as possible and see whether it gets better.


I'm enjoying this game alot, despite pretty much all of the major criticisms being true.

It's a big hallway.

God damn I love the battle system though.
Final Fantasy XIII is one of my favourite games this gen. I loved the battle system, the story and characters were interesting and engaging, at least up until chapter 11 when things got a little shaky, but for the most part I dug them. The world was the best in a the series since X.

Graphics were pretty incredible. Cutscenes in 1080p were crystal clear and gave pixar a run for their money - truely some of the best CGI work i have seen and worth the price of admission alone.

The music was godly. It's in my top 3 FF ost. Tracks like Gapra Whitewood and To hunt a L'cie were fantastic. Really evocative.

I'm trying to platinum the game at the moment and having a blast going back to Gran Pulse to complete all the different missions and max out my character roles.

I know this game took alot of flak from Gaf but to me it was one of the most memorable experiences I've had playing a game... maybe since MGS4. The production and presentation was flawless.


The scenes, characters and dialogue are EMBARRASSING to watch.

Seriously, I can see why this series can't survive the US audience. It's completely bullshit and disgusting at times. Vanille quirky behaviorisms is weird and isn't brought to the fore properly. The way the team gets to know and interacts with each other is unnatural. Hope is disgusting. Snow/Serah.. X_x

So many anime conventions brought into the game. Might have worked in the 2D era or simple 3D when characters still felt like caricatures, but with hyper real graphics it just comes off as incredibly out of place and bad.

Suffering from the same problem as MGS.


But the battle system is pretty awesome. One of the best in the series.
Corridor gameplay is fucking bullshit.

If FFXII's open world and open combat could be merged with this, it would be heaven.


More thoughts..

- First Final Fantasy or maybe RPG ever where I've skipped a crucial story cutscene. I couldn't take any more of that hyper emo thing going on for Snow/Serah/Lightning/Hope.. by now I'm not sure what's happened but am moving along...

- ... because the battle system is incredible! I love it. I love the complexity and the roles, your mind is constantly managing the entire battle landscape; during bosses it is about more conscious switching and conservation, large enemies require you to prebuff and unleash while smaller enemies are about all-out direct assault. The graphics and sfx work very well when you stack amazing combos - very satisfying.

My only question about the battle system is how many players out there Squeenix are alienating. On one hand they're saying they want to keep on this theme and character scheme because Final Fantasy is for teenagers, and on the other the battle system (1) took a long time [about 2 hours into the game] to be exciting (2) is conceptually and mechanically complex. It's like the story/dialogue/characters regressed from FF6 and yet the core systems kept moving forwards. It's definitely a very bad mix if they want to be mass market.

- Hate the frequency of cutscenes. In many parts of the games it's literally TWO battles separating cutscenes.. and other times it's just 10 seconds worth of moving your character on the dualstick from one cutscene to another. Just plain bad.

- Characters are very "Japanese".. in most past Final Fantasies, the characters were 2D or abstract 3D and adopted behaviorisms that were not distinctly Asian. Even FF12 avoided most of this by being set in a medieval-like world with its plot being political intrigue. The mannerisms are very familiar with me as I've consumed a large amount of Jdrama, anime and games but they just seem very out of place in the game.

- Very grindy game as well.. Trying to upgrade my weapons and accessories but the system is needlessly complex AND also requires A LOT of time to harvest the goods.

- One big question I have is that, the game is still relatively difficult even when (a) I wipe out all enemies in the area preceding the boss and max out my crystarium limits (b) I pour as many things possible into my equipment and (c) I have a good grasp of the battle system and strategy. You will also meet large and difficult enemies that require some level of strategy to defeat, and if they're very hard no one tells you that it's out of your league. It's definitely not that mainstream friendly as new players will get caught out and owned.

Overall, I'm on Gran Pulse now and I think this is one of the, if not the poorest Final Fantasy in a very, very long time. In fact, it's probably the worst I've ever played (I've done 6-12).

I think Squeenix is losing it in terms of having good market direction on how their product should be designed. As things are right now, FF will become an increasingly JP-only game and even there it's a weakening brand. If they want to keep pouring money into the FF series, Squeenix needs to:

- Develop the game for a global audience; that means story, scenario, character, dialogue, motion capture should be global. They have good sense of developing a setting (in this case, very strongly Star Wars-inspired for FF13) that could be accepted by players worldwide, but everything else is poor.

- Focus on a product strategy for their target audience and really keep the entire game consistent to that... don't say you want to keep FF for teenagers and install crazy battle mechanics that can't penetrate a large enough base to garner sales to sustain its dev costs.

- Step away from ridiculous cutscenes and achieve a better balance of how gameplay flows and story progression should be achieved. See Uncharted 2 and Half Life 2. I can understand learning from CoD4 but man.. definitely took the wrong lessons. Dumbasses.

I don't think they'll learn though. I think they're at the start of an incredible decline for JRPGs, let's see how Versus is handled.
I should update to where I'm at now. I think I'm about half way through the game right now. Last I remember was
getting Hope's summon, and entering the big field.
Haven't played the game for about a week or two.
I keep haivng urges to return to this game. I've finished the main story so all that remains is the hunts on Gran Pulse, but for some reason I want to go back.

I had a lot of grudges with this game, but thinking back, there was a whole bunch of things I really enjoyed, namely the music, the battle system and the world. Ask me anything about how the story was or what was my favourite bit in the first few hours, however, and I draw a blank. I can tell you my most hated bit about the first few hours (re: up to Pulse) and that was the mission with just Snow and Hope. I'm not sure if it gave people as many problems as I had, but it infuriated me. Probably because I listened to the hint at the start and stuck to a Sentinel for Snow for ages, and then found I was getting nowhere and just ending punching them to death. :3

I think I may play through it again. But I'm not sure if sticking to a Final Fantasy Wiki to tell me the story is better and just stay on Pulse killing massive things is a more reasonable choice. I could happily remain blissfully unaware to the beggining of the game.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Pretty sure that no one's really paying attention to this topic anymore, but...

Can anyone explain why I'm not getting any Ingots or Traps even when I down any Adamantoise at least 10-15 times (and not saving/reloading) even with both maxed Catalogues equipped? This is ridiculous. Same goes for Guis (Nuggets/Dark Matters). I must be doing something wrong...

This is the only trophy I have left until Platinum, so it's a little irritating.


for some reason i was passing this thread by and I was all "holy shit since when did I fucking create a Final Fantasy XIII thread!?" and when I clicked it I felt rather foolish. my memory ain't what it used to be


Dark Schala said:
Pretty sure that no one's really paying attention to this topic anymore, but...

Can anyone explain why I'm not getting any Ingots or Traps even when I down any Adamantoise at least 10-15 times (and not saving/reloading) even with both maxed Catalogues equipped? This is ridiculous. Same goes for Guis (Nuggets/Dark Matters). I must be doing something wrong...

This is the only trophy I have left until Platinum, so it's a little irritating.

Fight the Long Gui.. I got plenty of Traps and Ignots that way.. far more common than with Adamantoise.. In fact I never once got one from fighting those -_-'
xion4360 said:
Fight the Long Gui.. I got plenty of Traps and Ignots that way.. far more common than with Adamantoise.. In fact I never once got one from fighting those -_-'
the real reason is random functionality. Like playing the lotto the person who deserves it least wins it twice in a row by playing two times and the person most needing to win the lotto dies without winning despite playing their whole life


Ultima ratio regum said:
the real reason is random functionality. Like playing the lotto the person who deserves it least wins it twice in a row by playing two times and the person most needing to win the lotto dies without winning despite playing their whole life

My Crystarium was maxed out while fighting the Adamantoise for Traps, if it is about necessity like you say, I dont see how I never got a single one, but get plenty from Long Gui.. I got enough that I started getting rid of them because I had no need anymore.

If the guy isnt getting traps from Adamantoise then hes in the same situation that I was, so going for the long gui seems like the right advice to me.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
xion4360 said:
Fight the Long Gui.. I got plenty of Traps and Ignots that way.. far more common than with Adamantoise.. In fact I never once got one from fighting those -_-'
Thank you! I'll try that out. Drop rate in this game is a pain in the butt. Every other trophy wasn't as bad as Treasure Hunter.


I've started my second playthrough 2 weeks ago. I just hit chapter 6. I'm playing it really slow, step by step 1 chapter a session at maximum and I'm loving it. It feels even better than my first playthrough. I think it is very important that you don't panic to finish the game ASAP. This just destroys the feeling of this game at least for my taste. I'm reading every single little Update on my data log and I'm loving it.

Take your time and play through it nice and slow and you will see there is a lot more to like than to hate about this game. Open your mind to something new. Yes I don't need not towns and I don't need no chocobo races, and I was right there from the beginning FF IV (;))

So just enjoy this beautiful game and finish it while waiting for XIII-2 and Versus XIII.

Have fun :D


I just picked this up and....I'm so turned off.

It's like an interactive story now. What the heck square :(
Gvaz said:
I just picked this up and....I'm so turned off.

It's like an interactive story now. What the heck square :(

Gotta get to chapter 3 before the battle system opens up. Might not change your opinion of the game though since it's mostly story and battles for a while.


TruePrime said:
Did you not play X? Can't see how it's that surprising.
I played X up to the calm lands. That was okay. I couldn't do some of the super secret things because of one reason or another but thatwas 30 hours in before I got bored.

Beth Cyra

Gvaz said:
I played X up to the calm lands. That was okay. I couldn't do some of the super secret things because of one reason or another but thatwas 30 hours in before I got bored.

Fair enough. Divided game, I personally love XIII, but yeah it's linear as hell.


cosmicblizzard said:
Gotta get to chapter 3 before the battle system opens up. Might not change your opinion of the game though since it's mostly story and battles for a while.

Despite how much I enjoyed it, the entire game is just story and battle. That's the major problem I had with the game, not the "no towns" shit.

It needed something else to do besides battle. Sidequests, subplots, or any kind of interaction outside of the main plot. It could even be post game only, to not disrupt the pace, but I have no reason to go back and play post game.

I loved the battle system and didn't have any problems with it, but I could never play the game for more than a couple hours a week because of the repetitiveness.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Gvaz said:
I played X up to the calm lands.
Why did you stop there? Enjoy the billions of billions of side quests in Calm Lands.


I have a friend who stopped at the calm lands in X as well. There must be something about that place that demotivates a person from playing any further.


Synless said:
I have a friend who stopped at the calm lands in X as well. There must be something about that place that demotivates a person from playing any further.

I think it was because you spent 30 hours being railroaded only to go "OKAY where would you like to go next!" and I mostly went "it's not over yet? fuck, I don't want to do any of these" and I shut it off.
So basically I got stuck/frustrated when I was battling these two creepy ass
sisters with dudebro
. I was wondering does the game pick up all after that point? I'm sort of tempted to try finishing the game. I did enjoy what I was playing so far up to that point, but I just got so annoyed with that part and I didn't want to lose the chance to return the game.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
So basically I got stuck/frustrated when I was battling these two creepy ass
sisters with dudebro
. I was wondering does the game pick up all after that point? I'm sort of tempted to try finishing the game. I did enjoy what I was playing so far up to that point, but I just got so annoyed with that part and I didn't want to lose the chance to return the game.

This battle (eidolon battles) are different from the rest.. .. you need to win them over..

IMO FFXIII is one of the few games that consistently gets better over time.
xion4360 said:
This battle (eidolon battles) are different from the rest.. .. you need to win them over..

IMO FFXIII is one of the few games that consistently gets better over time.
Any links to a strat (or your own) for dealing with them? Its not like I was underpowered since there aren't random encounters (thank heavens!).

So in short: get the game again, win them over, and enjoy?
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Any links to a strat (or your own) for dealing with them? Its not like I was underpowered since there aren't random encounters (thank heavens!).

So in short: get the game again, win them over, and enjoy?

Change to Sentinel and block their attacks.

That's all there is to that one.

When the pink meter is full hit Square/X(for the 360 version).
Fimbulvetr said:
Change to Sentinel and block their attacks.

That's all there is to that one.

When the pink meter is full hit Square/X(for the 360 version).
That's it???
Grrr....for some reason I felt like I did that. Well I can always return it within 7 days.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
So basically I got stuck/frustrated when I was battling these two creepy ass
sisters with dudebro
. I was wondering does the game pick up all after that point? I'm sort of tempted to try finishing the game. I did enjoy what I was playing so far up to that point, but I just got so annoyed with that part and I didn't want to lose the chance to return the game.

The Eidolon battles can be kind of annoying, but I wouldn't let those detract from your enjoyment of the game. There are only a small number of those over the course of the game, and most of them aren't even that bad.


I've had 3 goes at the final boss (at least I think he's the final boss
) now and keep losing when his 2nd form is half-KOed. Any tips?

I can't believe I've been playing this game off and on for over a year lol. It'll be the longest I've taken to beat any rpg I didn't drop. That's older age and more responsibilities for you...
KuwabaraTheMan said:
The Eidolon battles can be kind of annoying, but I wouldn't let those detract from your enjoyment of the game. There are only a small number of those over the course of the game, and most of them aren't even that bad.

Well that's good to know, since I returned the game for that reason. Well guess I'll head back to GS and grab a PS3 copy again. I did like what I had played of the game (the database feature was really nice) and no random encounters.


I recently replayed the game after my brother started playing it a few weeks ago. By watching my bro's playthrough I managed to rethink how I would go through the game again.
I sped through much of the game by skipping cutscenes and actually trying out different Paradigms prior to Chapter 10.
For example, I utilized the Sen+Com+Rav and Sen+Syn+Med Paradigms during the Palamacia section of the game and I've gone through it much better and easier than from what I remember. Furthermore, I've managed to beat Barthandalus much quicker and easier as well; mainly because I had nearly maxed out most of the crystariums of my characters.
I managed to beat Barthandalus within 6 mins I think, I know it was less then 10 though, since when I first fought him last year (first time I played the game) it took me maybe 20-30 mins.
Cid wasn't much of a problem, though now that I think about it I managed to 5-star him the first time I fought it in my very first playthrough.

Anyways, I spent maybe 4-ish hours fighting the Behemoth and white tiger/hound/monster thing near the Cave's entrance and have maxed out the 3 main roles of every character. I am now doing the Cie'th Stone missions and have so far been doing pretty well.

Overall I seem to be doing things better and I expect the later trek of the game to not be as tedious as my first time XD.

However I'd like some insight regarding the Growth Egg-
Is it possible to beat the Neochu by at least maxing out all your main 3 roles while in Stage 9 (IE Before beating the game)?
If so, what're some tips? Note that by this i mean not using Death.


I finished the game two weeks ago, and I loved it from start to finish.

I'm the last person who should feel this way, since I've been jaded on FF in general for a while.

Favorite FF since IX.
Decided to start playing this again for some reason. Pretty much want to do a manual command only game, and use only Vanille, Sazh, and Snow for my party Ch.9 and beyond. I always ended up with Light, Fang, and Hope as my team every time and want to try something different. Also skipping most of the story this time, and the game is going by much faster.

I also loaded up one of my saves last night and tried something I had read about on gamefaqs. For the Havoc Skytank battle in Ch.7, if you manually have Lightning attack she will bust out an attack I have never seen before. She pretty much uses her gunblade as a machine gun and fires like crazy. Probably already known by many, but I thought it was kind of cool seeing something new. Pity she only does it during that one fight, and (I believe) only by manual entry of commands.
I just started ascending the tower in chapter 11. How many more hours roughly until I get to the final boss?

I got pretty far when I first bought the game, put it down, and now want to go back to it, but I'm not sure I have the time (or patience) to beat it.

Love the battle system as does everyone else, but I'm not sure that's enough to get me to finish it.


Cloudy said:
I've had 3 goes at the final boss (at least I think he's the final boss
) now and keep losing when his 2nd form is half-KOed. Any tips?

I can't believe I've been playing this game off and on for over a year lol. It'll be the longest I've taken to beat any rpg I didn't drop. That's older age and more responsibilities for you...

Final boss strat:
If you're dying because of the instant KO attack, max upgrade a death-resistance item (I don't recall the first level one, but the upgraded version is called Cherub's Crown) and equip it on your party leader. Beyond that, just paradigm shift into MED-MED-MED (or MED-MED-SYN if you like) as soon as the screen goes white.


CartridgeBlower said:
I just started ascending the tower in chapter 11. How much more time do I have roughly?

I got pretty far when I first bought the game, put it down, and now want to go back to it, but I'm not sure I have the time (or remaining patience) to beat it.

Love the battle system as does everyone else, but I'm not sure that's enough to get me to finish it.

Chapters 12 and 13 are both fairly lengthy but enjoyable, I found. Probably 6-8 hours left depending on your pace.
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