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**Free Game Giveaway - Helping Libby the Cat [FUNDED!]**

Here's hoping for the Club Nintendo codes.

This is a picture of my dog Koko. She's a rescue dog who hates guys and deep voices. I'm guessing she was abused, but she got used to me after 2 years. She's smiling because we were going to Whataburger to get her some french fries.


Bonus cute animal photo!

Pokemon Y. I finally just picked up a 3DS, and that'd be the perfect game to start off with.

Thanks for putting this together, and best of luck to Libby and James.


I could sure use 300 Club Nintendo points :)
Enjoy a relaxed Irish Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Do the cute animal pics have to be of our own pets? I don't have any pets, but I found some cute pics!

And what were the PSN codes? Would've loved one. :(



Mantis bros. They are huggably cuddlably shankerbly evil and its adorable. <3

*keep the coins. enjoy the mantis*


Do the cute animal pics have to be of our own pets? I don't have any pets, but I found some cute pics!

And what were the PSN codes? Would've loved one. :(

Nope, the pics can be from anywhere. The PSN codes were offered by suppadoopa, they were for PSN cash and PSN+ subscriptions if I'm remembering right. One of each. He selected one winner from cat/moogle drawings, I selected the other from cute animal pics.
Nope, the pics can be from anywhere. The PSN codes were offered by suppadoopa, they were for PSN cash and PSN+ subscriptions if I'm remembering right. One of each. He selected one winner from cat/moogle drawings, I selected the other from cute animal pics.

Ah. I just bought PS+ for my first Vita purchase yesterday anyway. But cash would nab me some PSP games. XD

Here's some animal pics!

Update 5/28 :-/

Surgery + cone is so miserable. There was a neighborhood cat who got in a fight and got a bad abscess because this other cat nicked his rectum. We were able to get him some help, but then we had to force this poor outside cat to stay inside for almost 3 weeks with one of those things on. When he wasn't mad, he just sat dejected with his chin on the floor like a punished kid. He did well though, and lives down the street now with a nice neighbor. His tail is a little crooked though because they had to remove so much tissue, but it doesn't bother him. I refer to the style as Frankenbutt.


Morphball cat for CN coins.


Ah jeez. If nothing else that's really frigging cool. I'd love to see a Meowtroid Photoshop.

Surgery + cone is so miserable. There was a neighborhood cat who got in a fight and got a bad abscess because this other cat nicked his rectum. We were able to get him some help, but then we had to force this poor outside cat to stay inside for almost 3 weeks with one of those things on. When he wasn't mad, he just sat dejected with his chin on the floor like a punished kid. He did well though, and lives down the street now with a nice neighbor. His tail is a little crooked though because they had to remove so much tissue, but it doesn't bother him. I refer to the style as Frankenbutt.

Awww, poor Frankebutt! That's so sad and cute. Reminds me of Eli. When we had to get him declawed (what with the play-induced aggression, diagnosed by a feline behaviorist and everything!) he had the cone on for a few days. We went to work one day when he seemed to be on the mend. We come home and open the door to the bathroom he was in (we were supposed to keep him in a smaller area of our home during his recovery) and the pale yellow walls were positively streaked with blood like the Vamp scene in MGS2! Seriously. He was just sitting there having gotten the cone off like a happy little Harry Houdini. He was okay, but it was terrifying to see!
Looks like you've managed to raise the $1,000, so congratulations. Hopefully with that raised and anything extra, your friend should have the costs covered, and if something unexpected crops up and another visit to the vets beckons, whatever extra you raised should come in useful. Reading the update, I shuddered at the mere mention of the dreaded cone. After having Freya spayed, she needed one, but it was just too damn stressful watching her in such discomfort, so we removed it and watched her like a hawk. Every single time she attempted to clean the area where her stitches where, we went into high alert mode, gently moving her away from her stitches. It worked, but it was a long two weeks.

Anyway, some more cat pics, because, why not.

If I post a cute animal pic to get the 300 coins, does that disqualify me for the Mario Kart promo games or is that separate? Sorry if this has already been asked...

If I can stillqualify for the MK8 promo games, here are some cute alpacas for the 300 Club Nintendo coins:

Congratulations on raising $1,000! Best of luck to Libby. I currently have 7 cats (although two of them come and go as they please) and would hate if something happened to any of them.


If I post a cute animal pic to get the 300 coins, does that disqualify me for the Mario Kart promo games or is that separate? Sorry if this has already been asked...

If I can stillqualify for the MK8 promo games, here are some cute alpacas for the 300 Club Nintendo coins:

Congratulations on raising $1,000! Best of luck to Libby. I currently have 7 cats (although two of them come and go as they please) and would hate if something happened to any of them.

You still qualify for both! They're totally separate. Sorry if that wasn't clear in the OP. Those are some cute alpacas. I'd love to see some pics of your seven cats!


In for the Club Nintendo coins! I couldn't find any good photos of our cat, so here are some baby hedgehogs doing what they do best (being ridiculously cute):





All goes according to plan, I will be buying MK8 tomorrow and redeeming the club nintendo thing when winner is chosen.

To the winner of the free game, please note me which game you want and I will send the code for the game posthaste.


Is there still time to enter for one of the Mario Kart 8 games?

Yes, that closes at noon EST today.

I won't be able to pick winners for either contest until later this afternoon or evening, I didn't have time last night. Thanks for your patience, all. I'm also hoping for an updated total and general update for Libby soon!
For the MK8 code I'm giving away, whoever's the winner please PM me and I'll get you the code ASAP (going to be in and out around the comp. tomorrow, but I'll get it to you as soon as possible).


Update time!

We have actually ended up with $1,169.44! Well over our goal!! Easily paid for the extra visit as well!

We are all doing great! Libby's incisions are remaining dry and she seems to be doing awesome. I'm very confident come Tuesday that cone is off for good.

Thank you all so much for helping to make this happen!

Okay, decision time!

Let's see....

CN winners, you will be contacted by the generous donator of the points for your 300 coins.

The winners!



You won because this picture really cracks me up just to look at. Whoever is holding these cute pups is wearing a shirt that kind of looks like a hospital gown. So at first glance it sort of looks like she just gave birth to the puppies and is being given them to hold for the first time! I just could not resist such hilariousness and cuteness.


You won because this is just a really cute, clever image. Flynn looks so happy playing Catris! I like how creative the image itself is and how well it works. What a cute kitty!

Okay, I'll have the CN donator PM you both!


As for MK8 promo codes, it appears they can be gifted. You'll need to contact the individual donators to coordinate collecting your prize. I'd advise waiting a few days as the CN server is apparently getting hammered and having error issues at the moment. Anyway, the winners by random selection:



Hero of Legend!

Alfebit, please contact TEJ via PM to claim your prize. HOL, please contact TheGreatMightSymp.

Thanks again all for your support!


Wow, totally did not see that coming, especially with all the cute little creatures in this thread. That really made my day. Thanks, Max! I'll be sure to put the coins to good use. :)
Great to hear the goal was reached. :)

And yeah, I'm getting error'd when trying to login to Club Nintendo so it'll probably need to be a day or two before things settle down enough to make sure the code works correctly.


Please do keep us posted on Libby. I went through this same thing six months ago with my Starla, though my fundraiser was nowhere near as successful. Regardless of the outcome, it was money well spent. In her ten years of life, she never showed me anywhere near the levels of affection that she did in those last few weeks. I'm sorry I had no money to contribute but I'm glad I had something to give away to help contribute to your cause.



Any new updates on how Libby is doing? :O

And since everyone is posting pics of their pets, here's a pic of me feeding the kitten that I talked about earlier. He was severely dehydrated because he refused to eat or drink. We're feeding him now with this and he's already doing much better :). He's putting on more weight every day now.

He's the smallest of the bunch, but the biggest rascal :p.
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