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GAF Photography Q2 - 2014

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A couple from the backyard.


Couple of pics from a mooch round town, slow photography month.

Queensway by Heliconsoul, on Flickr
Jewellery Quarter by Heliconsoul, on Flickr
Sillouettes by Heliconsoul, on Flickr

Just developed a Kodak Portra 400 roll. Shot with a Rollei35. Had an open question for all about how you process your film? There's a local camera store but they've stopped developing film. I've just been taking in my rolls into Walgreens (All Purpose pharmacy store for Non-Americans), can't complain so far but was curious if others mailed them out to places that specialize in developing or just stick to local stores that can do it.

We have some very good mailing labs in the UK (AG Photographic, Illford) so I;ve always sent mine off. I scan at home so that speeds it all up.


Couple of pics from a mooch round town, slow photography month.

Queensway by Heliconsoul, on Flickr
Jewellery Quarter by Heliconsoul, on Flickr
Sillouettes by Heliconsoul, on Flickr

We have some very good mailing labs in the UK (AG Photographic, Illford) so I;ve always sent mine off. I scan at home so that speeds it all up.

I use ag for all my colour work and do my black and white at home, it's really so simple to do and pretty cheap. Haven't used ilford for processing, what sort of cost are they?
I use ag for all my colour work and do my black and white at home, it's really so simple to do and pretty cheap. Haven't used ilford for processing, what sort of cost are they?

I've only used them once as a tester, but it's around £15 for 120 film process and print (5x7). The prints were excellent, as you'd expect. Worth it if you've been somewhere special and want some great prints.

East Lake

Just developed a Kodak Portra 400 roll. Shot with a Rollei35. Had an open question for all about how you process your film? There's a local camera store but they've stopped developing film. I've just been taking in my rolls into Walgreens (All Purpose pharmacy store for Non-Americans), can't complain so far but was curious if others mailed them out to places that specialize in developing or just stick to local stores that can do it.
If you can find a photo lab near you that's probably ideal. If not there's plenty of places to mail to. Walgreens can be fine sometimes but the employees can be a bit careless with the film. You might be able to find a professional place that does it near you with this locator. http://prolabresourcecenter.kodak.com/us/en/new_locator_advanced.php

I have my local lab develop only without cutting the negatives. Then I cut the negatives every six frames. Scan them myself and then finally put them in a printfile 35-6HB negative sleeve that I put in a binder.
Thanks for the feedback, Photo-Gaf. Yea, Walgreens is alright, there was one roll where nothing came out and thought I had done something wrong until a friend mentioned that he's had some rolls messed up from similar places. I ask for a CD of the scans and that's about 10 bucks (I don't have a scanner as of yet). I'll look into available options close to where I live (Central California).


Photo-GAF: I've been shooting with my (very, very sexy) Lumix LX3 for a long time, and I've been wanting to upgrade to a DSLR for the longest time. I'm planning a trip next year, so that's pushing me towards upgrading sooner rather than later.

I'd like something portable, and I'm being extremely tempted by the recently released a6000. $800 for the camera + kit lens sounds definitely within my budget, and everything I hear is very positive. What do you say? I think I'd stick with the kit lens for a while before adding any other gear, specially since I'll be mostly shooting at architecture/landscapes during the day, and it shouldn't absolutely suck at lowlight situations or portraits either from what I read.

I shouldn't pretend I'm too knowledgeable about that stuff either, but I do think I don't completely suck and the camera's potential wouldn't be entirely wasted with me :p what do you guys think?

Edit: And another thing, how long does one usually have to wait for a new model to get a pricedrop or go on sale somewhere? I could survive with my current camera for the rest of the year, if that meant I could grab the a6000 somewhat cheaper in 5 months or so. Or am I better off buying it now and enjoying it sooner?


Thanks for the feedback, Photo-Gaf. Yea, Walgreens is alright, there was one roll where nothing came out and thought I had done something wrong until a friend mentioned that he's had some rolls messed up from similar places. I ask for a CD of the scans and that's about 10 bucks (I don't have a scanner as of yet). I'll look into available options close to where I live (Central California).

All mini-labs will all pretty much use the same processes and chemicals. The biggest variation will be in the quality of the prints and scans. I've had some awful prints but I when I scan in the negs, they're fine. I've had negs come back scratched but that's only happened to me once. More often than not, if it's a C-41 process film, i'll just take it to the most local place that does it.
Haven't been able to post in a few weeks. Here's a selection of recent stuff from Death Valley/Mojave

Night shots:

I'll have more as I work through them... Amazing place, could have been there an entire month and still not be tired of shooting there.


Love those night shots StopMakingSense, very cool stuff.

Not sure if I have posted this set of pictures before, they are from my downtown area. Took them around Christmas time.





Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Stereotypical shot of Horseshoe Bend, but I feel like this one photo encapsulates a lot of what I've learned in photography over the past couple years




Thanks dude, love that picture of the bus. It reminds me of hometown in Mexico that still uses that type of bus and older models.

In my mind they seem cooler, not so much anymore haha.


I found my nifty 50! My little Nikon 50mm f/1.8D had been missing for months. I almost went out and purchased a replacement several times, but never did in case it miraculously turned up again and would only buy a new one when I needed it. Where was it? In my one of my camera bags
secret hiding spot pocket

A couple from the backyard.


^ You win the page! That bubble photo is great! Good composition, focus, color.
DSC02823 by tylerjacobs, on Flickr

From last weekend during the meteor shower. No meteors, but some alright shots of the sky. I like how the clouds turned out.

Is there a way to edit a group of photos with the exact same settings all at the same time in Photoshop CS6? I have a bunch of photos with the same background here and I thought it'd be neat to turn them into a video or something, but I"m not sure I want to spend the time manually editing each RAW file.
DSC02823 by tylerjacobs, on Flickr

From last weekend during the meteor shower. No meteors, but some alright shots of the sky. I like how the clouds turned out.

Is there a way to edit a group of photos with the exact same settings all at the same time in Photoshop CS6? I have a bunch of photos with the same background here and I thought it'd be neat to turn them into a video or something, but I"m not sure I want to spend the time manually editing each RAW file.

Open them all in Photoshop at once. It will bring them all into ACR for processing. If the xmp file for the first photo's settings is in the same folder, then the image you just shared should still have the current settings on it, then you can sync those settings to the rest of the files.
Open them all in Photoshop at once. It will bring them all into ACR for processing. If the xmp file for the first photo's settings is in the same folder, then the image you just shared should still have the current settings on it, then you can sync those settings to the rest of the files.

This actually worked perfectly... my framing changed enough however that it's not really worth the work of setting up a video or animation. Too much perspective shift.


Back from Japan and have started working my way though all my editing. Sadly it looks like the shutter has failed on one of my Bronica lenses so its looking like allot of the film I shot is wasted :'(

The first post of many to come...


Damn, Damaged that sucks. Hope you still got plenty of film that was properly exposed.

Sadly not, looks like it only fired very occasionally, so far I've processed four rolls and got one usable shot. Four more to go...

Luckily I shot a decent amount of digital but it's a horrible feeling knowing what could have been.



Love your pictures dude, where do you live?


Photography Gaf, help me win a photo contest!

"3rd Annual Historic Franklin Photo Contest"

Photo with most likes will win people's choice, so need some help guys! I'm Abe Munguia and have several pictures in there.

This is my picture with the most likes and I'm slightly behind.
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