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GAF Votes FOTY 2011 Thread Fail Of The Year


My fail of the year is EA's complete lack of promotion for Shadows of the Damned. Game was absolutely awesome and could have done a lot better than it did if they'd actually tried to sell the fucking thing.
Sony - PSN Outage by FAR

Sony did just about everything wrong in this situation. The poor/no encryption on things, the complete lack of communication about the situation, the "we don't know when it'll be up, lols" stuff, the huge amounts of money it cost them and their partners, scheduling issues, etc.


EA banning people from games they purchased is by far the biggest fail of 2011, and an ominous harbinger of increasing corporate arrogance. Contrast with Sony, who at least gave us free games for the trouble.
Changed my response to PSN outage. It was such a terrible terrible event with far reaching repercussions. Nintendo was probably scared SHITLESS by Sony's fuckup and Capcom used it as an excuse to shit up the Mahvel franchise with a rushed disc update that never should have been.

Sony were also major dicks about admitting it that they fucked up too.


PSN hack/outage

Got a bunch of games out of being deprived from a service I barely use anyways, but still, what a fail


Cool Smoke Luke
OK the winner of this HAS to be EASports for Tiger woods Pga Tour 12 for the PC.

EA Put it in the same box as the console Version of Tigerwoods PGA Tour 12, listing the same features as the console version of the game.

However its actually the offline version of Tigerwoods online(which is tiger woods 09ish) the free to play browser version of the game.

Online (FREE):


PC/MAC Retail ($40):

(images copied from VideoMan's post in official thread)

No other game or publisher stooped so low this year..they are the Champions of the Fail of the Year

Edit: heres link to official GAF thread for those that can't believe this happened in 2011

Beth Cyra

Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3.

Ignore Mega Man/X in the original version only to have X be either the number 1 or 2 most requested character world wide and still you leave him out and put in people like Firebrand in.

Totally a selfish and lame reason to have a game be your personal fail of the year, but well that's all I got.


Sony were also major dicks about admitting it that they fucked up too.

What exactly are you referring to?

The 3DS launch is going to cost Nintendo way more money than the Sony hack if the only qualifier is money lost.

Also the Wii falling to third place this year in worldwide sales after leading pretty much the entire generation is failworthy as well. Talk about incompetence.


y'all should be ashamed
Sony at least made up for it in free games. Most consumers weren't out of pocket any money.

Bethesda stole $60 from PS3 gamers. They literally took money away from people. It doesn't get worse than that.


How is the PSN outage not mentioned in every post? Definitely the fail of the year by far.


The Nintendo 3DS early price drop and the frankenstick are in a far second place.


EA vs. Valve thug of war for the digital download space wins the bronze medal.



Yeah, it's absolutely the PSN hack. Massive incompetence on Sony's part there. No single game flaws could match that.

Edit: Although that Tiger Woods thing comes close, goddamn EA.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Sony at least made up for it in free games. Most consumers weren't out of pocket any money.

Bethesda stole $60 from PS3 gamers. They literally took money away from people. It doesn't get worse than that.

Bethesda's thing is happening right now, if it happened earlier this year and gets fixed(which it better), then it would be quickly forgotten.

Sony's fuckup didn't just affect the users and them, a ton of publishers lost money and the entire release schedule was clustered up which resulted in loss of even more potential sales.


y'all should be ashamed
OK the winner of this HAS to be EASports for Tiger woods Pga Tour 12 for the PC.

EA Put it in the same box as the console Version of Tigerwoods PGA Tour 12, listing the same features as the console version of the game.

However its actually the offline version of Tigerwoods online(which is tiger woods 09ish) the free to play browser version of the game.

Online (FREE):


PC/MAC Retail ($40):

(images copied from VideoMan's post in official thread)

No other game or publisher stooped so low this year..they are the Champions of the Fail of the Year
Are you kidding me. Holy crap.

Maybe we should just say EA is the fail of the year.

Bethesda's thing is happening right now, if it happened earlier this year and gets fixed(which it better), then it would be quickly forgotten.

Sony's fuckup didn't just affect the users and them, a ton of publishers lost money and the entire release schedule was clustered up which resulted in loss of even more potential sales.

That's a good point actually. Yeah, Sony does deserve fail of the year.

But man, so much fail this year. So much.


False bannings on xbox live. For Blops, Fifa, Forza 4 all because MS can't choose a disc format that can combat piracy correctly. Ugh.
EA Bannings

Sony get a honorable mention for their PSN shit which was amazingly incompetent. EA banning people over random stuff from playing their games however is a cunt move.


From a purely selfish perspective, the PSN outage did not affect me negatively, and ended up netting me two free games, so I'm not going to vote for that.

The answer for me is Duke Nukem Forever. I have no idea why anyone thought it would be a good idea to bring that game out, and I have no idea what kind of person would expect you to find the "jokes" in that game funny. It's honestly disgusting.
I think hacking in general this year has been the worst since so many got hit. Sony, MS (FIFA thing), Steam, EA, and more. Sony handled it the worst probably but it's been annoying and substantial the amount that has happened.


Yeah, don't see why bad games are lumped into this. The way i see it FOTY is reserved to incompetence, mishandling and misusing that is more than releasing shitty games.

There's a lot to choice from: PSN hack, Skyrim PS3 0FPS, EA revoking access from your paid-for games because of forum bans, even if you weren't the one who said the offensive thing! Maybe even all the Lulzsec affair with sites and forums getting hacked left and right.


I want to say the PSN outage and the way Sony handled it was a big fail. But at least we got some freebies.

But the articles coming out from IGN is damn near close to the top spot.
OK the winner of this HAS to be EASports for Tiger woods Pga Tour 12 for the PC.

EA Put it in the same box as the console Version of Tigerwoods PGA Tour 12, listing the same features as the console version of the game.

However its actually the offline version of Tigerwoods online(which is tiger woods 09ish) the free to play browser version of the game.

Online (FREE):


PC/MAC Retail ($40):

(images copied from VideoMan's post in official thread)

No other game or publisher stooped so low this year..they are the Champions of the Fail of the Year

Wait are you fucking kidding me? I had no idea about this but that is downright disgraceful.


I'll say Dragon Age II.

I was really hyped for it as I loved DAO and it was an awful sequel. Bioware's lies and damage control didn't help much either. I really felt misled by their hype.

Skyrim PS3 and the PSN outage were also big failures but they didn't affect me much. I didn't get Skyrim on PS3 and never got any CC or identity theft problems from the PSN hack so can't say they are *MY* foty 2011.
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