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GAF Votes FOTY 2011 Thread Fail Of The Year


Sony fucked up for sure, but they were targeted -much like many other sites/services this year- and owned up to it, and afaik no one actually suffered from it yet.

Dragon Age 2.

Probably the most public and bloody goring of a possible cash cow I can remember.

Agreed. Lots of BS before and after the game was launched. I'd have to go with this one.


I'll nominate EA as a whole

-Banning people's access to their legally purchased games for forum posts they didn't like.

-Taking a preorder bonus away AFTER the game releases. They fixed it only because they were sued.

-The whole Steam beef that they created as an attempt to whore out their awful Steam clone service, that also serves as spyware since they can monitor whatever program you use.

Even if none of those things do anything for you then we have

-They made Dragon Age 2, the worst game of the year.


I'd say LA Noire or depending on how you want to classify this is not necessarily being based on a game I guess Team Bondi is the better category.

The whole thing with learning about the development hell and everything involving Brendan McNamara and what was said. Studio is closed and dissolved now aren't they? I mean the fallout with Rockstar coming from almost being part of the whole Rockstar brand to becoming shunned by them.

Game was a wreck in my opinion and I attribute a lot of that to these problems.

Second close is the PSN Outage, but I think they handled the downfall well and maintained positive PR, so I can't fault them for doing good damage control. I mean it's just a personal assessment, even though this probably is the biggest story and fail. At the end of the day though they are still a functioning company making money.


Sony fucked up for sure, but they were targeted -much like many other sites/services this year- and owned up to it, and afaik no one actually suffered from it yet.

Agreed. Lots of BS before and after the game was launched. I'd have to go with this one.

Developers had their games delayed and then lumped in group releases on the PSN with unpredictable losses of sales. Users had their network for multiplayer games blocked for weeks. Personal info including credit card numbers were leaked. Sony lost millions for sure due to that outage. There were certainly some sufferers.


PSN hack

Right after the mainstream media picked up the news story, my mom emailed me to tell me about it, and to check my credit cards for fradulent transactions. At that moment I realized just how huge the situation had become. Even my mom knew about it. Holy shit.


PSN hack first and foremost, what a fail...

Dragon Age 2 which is the Bioware lowpoint and all the drama that followed the release of the game (including the forum banning from EA) .

Skyrim on the PS3 is /facepalm worthy, but probably won't be that significant as it's a GOTY caliber game and will enjoy monstrous sales.
What exactly are you referring to?
I'm pretty sure that we were in limbo for weeks since they didn't want to admit that something had gone wrong. It added way too much drama to the whole thing.

The worst thing about it was not how Sony handled it though. It was how other companies had to deal with the reality of the situation. Pretty much no one felt safe after that and I worry about what direction Nintendo will take. It wouldn't be so iconic if it happened after the Wii U came out...


Developers had their games delayed and then lumped in group releases on the PSN with unpredictable losses of sales. Users had their network for multiplayer games blocked for weeks. Personal info including credit card numbers were leaked. Sony lost millions for sure due to that outage. There were certainly some sufferers.

OK, fair enough.

I still think it's DA 2.


I'm pretty sure that we were in limbo for weeks since they didn't want to admit that something had gone wrong. It added way too much drama to the whole thing.

Yeah they were terrible at communicating. That's definitely true. I don't think they're any more dicks than Microsoft for barely even acknowledging the FIFA hacks though.


Heh, and people still try to say that GAF is biased in favor of Sony.

My vote goes to the PSN hack as well. Honestly, it didn't affect me that negatively. I don't play online much, didn't upload any credit card info, and got free games out of it. But still, was a disaster and deserves to be #1.

#2 would be Nintendo's handling of the 3DS. I guess they saw how hyped everyone was at first and became as arrogant as possible. Thankfully, it sure came back to bite them in the ass. Had to do an $80 price drop within the 1st year, sell for a loss, and cut their own salaries! And all their faithful fans get are free versions of ancient games that they should have played 100 times (though that's probably all they deserve). Pathetic.

#3 is Skyrim PS3. Talk about not giving a damn and receiving the highest reward for it.


PSN outage and Sony's handling of it for first place

EA game bannings a not too distant second

Bethesda's Skyrim PS3 fubar and even accepting awards for it third


Skyrim PS3.

I'm not even playing the game on PS3 but, objectively, it is the worst thing to happen this year. You can make allowances for and account for most of the other things, even the PSN outage to a certain extent, but the Skyrim PS3 issue is absolutely absurd and with little to no sign of being sorted or compensated for. The game shouldn't have been released.


PSN outage

PS3 Skyrim.

The PSN thing didn't even really affect me much, but the PS3 Skyrim think pissed me off the most of anything this year.

Mike M

Nick N
I haven't even heard of Skyrim besides the "arrow/knee" thing, but what happened with the PS3 version of it?

The longer you play, the bigger your save file gets. Once it gets over something like 12MB, the framerate slows to unplayable levels maybe 30min from starting up the system.

My question is what exactly is so bad about Dragon Age 2? I'm currently playing the first one for the first time (Not very far, though), but I have reason to believe my wife got me part 2 for Christmas. From what I gather, it sounds like the biggest gripes are the more action-y battle system, copy pasted dungeons, and all around epic-ness being drastically scaled back.

That about sum it up?


For me:
#4 Capcom for their dismissal of Ace Attorney Investigations 2. :(
#3 SCEE and all the shit they're fucking up. Uploading a Japanese version of Arc the Lad is just the tip of the iceberg.
#2 on equal level are the PSN hack and the MS/EA Fifa hack whatever thing. While the PSN hack was way bigger in scale, the absolute nonhandling of the Fifa issue by MS and EA makes up for it.

#1 The 360's new UI. It's so bad, it actually keeps me from turning on the console.

The PC version of Tiger Woods seems to be a good candidate as well, heard about that the first time in this thread.

Edit: And also, if that counts as "this year": 3DS being region locked.
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