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Games you didn't play because of their art style


Deus Ex: human Revolution is supposed to be good, but I can't stand its dated as fuck late nineties cyberpunk look. It's such a corny and ugly style and I don't want to look at for 30+ hours.

You are the only person I've ever seen complain about anything about that game's aesthetic besides the ambient urine aura.
I played it for a while, but the faces in Oblivion were unbelievably ugly... so ugly it could draw you out of the game world

YOU STOPPED PLAYING??? The faces ARE bad but you have to go baaaaccckkkk! Best ES in my opinion (Morrowind too clunky and Skyrim too bland).
It's hard to deny that a large portion of Japanese illustrations that we're exposed to in the west are very controversial in nature. Depictions of sexualized minors tend to get lumped in with the larger "anime" term by individuals and the media.

Define "cute" anime.

There's been some posts about that Atelier Totori DLC outfit (which, I should say, is very obviously fanservice material and not something I'd defend as tasteful even if it doesn't offend me), so let's use that game as an example:

The art's pretty clearly cutesy and 'anime', but I find it appealing. It's expressive and colourful, which I like. If someone doesn't like it, that's fine; we all have our different preferences afterall. But I've seen plenty of people who look at art like this and immediately start throwing those 'pedorrific' claims around for reasons I really can't explain.





Anyway, moéblob games. One form of otaku pandering. They've been around since, forever, but they used to be exclusive to the creepy PC otaku crowd. Then they spread to consoles when publishing became cheaper and shovelware became epidemic.



Borderlands, Psychonauts and Darksiders are intentionally polarizing, but I love them all.

All the stuff by McMillen, Meat Boy, Isaac, it's deliberately "unappealing" and "edgy" I guess but to me it just looks like garbage. Not necessarily the style but how it clearly looks like FLash / vector art.

They are Flash art. Is there an inherent problem with Flash art, or do you have a more specific problem for disliking them?

Also it looks like a style over substance game that probably plays like ass.

It's definitely style-over-substance. Most people think it plays fine, though, albeit not really "great".


You know, a game in a genre that you would have normally been interested in, if you didn't find the art style so off-putting.

One example that comes to mind immediately is Dust: An Elysian Tail.

I was interested in this after hearing it was an entirely hand-drawn 2D brawler, and it got high praise from Giant Bomb, too, but good God, that is some of the ugliest artwork I've ever seen in my life. I can't look at the characters in that game without wanting to throw up. It's like it came straight from a Deviantart page. I still haven't played the game, simply because I had such a negative reaction to its art. Yeah, it's shallow. Yes, it's irrational. Maybe there is a good game underneath the bad art. But I can't bring myself to play a game that makes me cringe just looking at it. Maybe someday, though.

Have you ever experienced this, GAF?

You can't be saying that Dust is ugly. You don't like furries? Good, I don't like them either. But don't say the artwork is "ugly" because it's exactly the opposite: beautiful and masterfully crafted.

And dude, the character design is not that bad. Again, I dislike furries, but Dust makes me forget that Deviant Art ever existed and takes me back to the old days when we had not cringeworthy animal heroes (Sonic, Star Fox)

I do remember that some female characters in Dust looked overly-humanized, and I never liked the design of the sidekick, but the overall experience was beautiful.

The main character is pretty badass, for furry standarts of course.

I think I understand what you are saying, OP, but "ugly" isn't really the word you are looking for here.

As for me, I can't play any modern Sonic game since Dreamcast because of the stupid redesign of the characters. Sanic was perfect as he was.

Also, Shinobi for 3DS had pretty ugly graphics and bad art direction, which eventually led me to give up on playing it despite of my love for the saga.


Almost all Japanese developed games lately. Also art style is the primary reason went with DOTA 2 over League of Legends.


I've played it, but Valdis Story has really really atrocious art.
I didn't like the due to the how awkward the game feels and the fact that it's supposed to be a stylish action game ugh, but the art style still contributed to it.

Also Double Dragon Neon.


Great features and ideas, but the art is not for me.

Any indie 8-bit style pixel art game.
I played enough of those on 8-bit systems.


Ni No Kuni. Heard so many great things about it but cannot get over the art style. I love RPGs and used to love these games in the SNES/PS1 era, but as I have gotten older I can't do Anime art styles.

Oh, how I wish I could go back and change my initial answer of El Shaddai to this. There's nothing I hate more in this world than Studio Ghibli's art.
- Dragon's Crown and Code of Princess with their fanservice-focused designs.
- Soul Sacrifice with the whole "edgy grotesque mutilating yourself for powers and weapons" thing.
- World of Warcraft, just don't like the art style at all.


Super Meat Boy. It's like they modelled the look after the ugliest FPS they could find.

I played it but Wind Waker's look remains a huge turn off for me.

This is really the indie game topic though. So many indie graphics are corner cutting, gimmicks or trying too hard to be retro. No thanks!


I'm not sure I've ever ignored a game because of the art style, there's stuff I've disliked but I'll still usually give the game a try. Anime style is really off-putting to me (not just in games) but I think I've never played one simply because I've never come across one that looked interesting rather than rejecting it flat-out just for using it.


Anything moe.

Sly Cooper after the first. Infamous after the first. Ratchet and Clank/Jak and Dexter. Jade Empire. Fable. Rayman.


I almost skipped Zelda: Windwaker due to Link looking like a character from Rugrats. I usually love cell shading and I actually like the show Rugrats, but I disliked the drastic change of Link. I really like the world so I am not against the art style in general, but I severely disliked Link's character design. I never completed it due to hating the boat part and not the look of Link.

Dust is a pretty big one for me.
Personally, I could never get past the way El Shaddai looks. I know some people like it but something about it just bugs me.

El Shaddai uses about 5-10 art styles. I bought it only for the style. The controls the aren't polished at all and the gameplay is not really special in any way. The game looks really cool and is always changing from stage to stage and area to area.



yeah this is literally the exact kinda art which i was referring to, just didn't know any names to pull an example from
i don't mind anime art – hell i even really like it more times than not, but there's something about this blobby style specifically which really just puts me off


Any indie 8-bit style pixel art game.
I played enough of those on 8-bit systems.


The sad thing is, there is no alternative. It's either 8-bit crap or hideous 3D.

Sorry A Hat in Time. But I just can't stand your "nuclear apocalypse" shader.


Primary one that comes to mind is The World Ends With You
I just absolutely hate the look of that game.

Also, while I know it's not a specific game, and they don't necessarily have anything in common specifically, but, I tend to not like how most Player Characters look in "Indie" games.
You can't be saying that Dust is ugly. You don't like furries? Good, I don't like them either. But don't say the artwork is "ugly" because it's exactly the opposite: beautiful and masterfully crafted.

And dude, the character design is not that bad. Again, I dislike furries, but Dust makes me forget that Deviant Art ever existed and takes me back to the old days when we had not cringeworthy animal heroes (Sonic, Star Fox) .

Probably not a good idea to advertise your dislike of furries. We got some mods into that stuff.

Unless of course you mean the designs themselves and not the fans.


Probably not a good idea to advertise your dislike of furries. We got some mods into that stuff.

Unless of course you mean the designs themselves and not the fans.

I mean the design. I have nothing against people who like things I don't.

I'm sorry if I didn't get to explain myself properly, I'm not a native english speaker.
I mean the design. I have nothing against people who like things I don't.

I'm sorry if I didn't get to explain myself properly, I'm not a native english speaker.

Cool. Wasn't trying to be malicious if it came off that way, just don't want to see anyone banned.

And no, the name for the fans and designs are interchangeable at this point. Your English is fine.
Dragon's Crown (sounds like a fun , solid game, but those weird proportions look more ugly than stylized)


Final Fantasy IX (I agree with the others here, it's a solid game but the weird character designs and artstyle really took me out of it, I think Bravely Default is better all around. I couldn't even recognize what Amarant and Freya were)

Bayonetta (not so much the artstyle, but I just don't see the appeal with her, I might pick up that Wii U two pack though. Same goes with other otaku pandering/fanservice-y games.
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