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Gamespot rumor: Big third-party Xbox One exclusive at E3

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gears of war was a game that was owned by a third-party and published by a first-party. the term first-party refers to the console or system manufacturer. any other party to make a game for that platform becomes a third-party developer, as they are not owned by the first-party. when microsoft had rare make games for the gba and ds, that was microsoft making third party games on the ds. when they did the same, but for a nintendo ip, those games were first-party titles. when nintendo published professor layton outside of japan, professor layton was a third-party game developed by level-5. the game did not become a 'nintendo game' the same way luigi's mansion 2 is a 'nintendo game' because they actually don't own the rights to the franchise.

if you want to be more accurate, you can use the term 'first-party published games' to refer to games published by microsoft; you can use the term 'first-party game' to refer to any game created for a microsoft-owned ip and released on their own platform; you can also use 'third-party game' to refer to any game published for a microsoft platform that is not a microsoft ip. obviously there is an overlap between 'first-party published game' and 'third-party game' such as the case of gears of war. both are accurate. what is inaccurate is calling gears of war (the first four at least) 'first-party games', attributing to them properties that don't exist solely because of their publisher status.

if you want to drop 'publisher' from that first example, that's where there's a lot of confusion, and a very inaccurate representation of the situation.

and just so we're clear, the world is nuance. that's the point in having to explain these things in the first place. you're free to use colloquial terms for whatever reason you want, but if you actually want detail? you're going to need to accept that there's a lot more going on than a simple explanation.
At this point we're running in circles.

Essentially everything you've stated here falls under the assumption that your usage of a given term is the only correct usage. Upon what basis, remains completely unclear. This is what the term means. These are examples illustrating that meaning. These examples illustrate that meaning, because that's what the term means.

I don't entirely know why you refuse to acknowledge that the term "first party game" is often used to refer to a title published by a first party on their respective platform in contrast to a title published by an external party on their respective platform, without any reference whatsoever to IP ownership rights. That this is a widely accepted usage and meaning. That the point of words and terms is communication of a given meaning.
Similarly, the term appears to be commonly used to delineate games developed by studios internal to a platform holder for the respective platform, or externally developed, again without any reference to intellectual property.

And on what authoritative basis one deems this usage incorrect.

I'm not sure what situation it's an inaccurate representation of to say that Gears of War and Crackdown are both first party games, when the extent of that statement may be to describe that both were published by Microsoft on their respective platform. No one is necessarily attributing any properties to either title, because again, seemingly not everyone holds the same unwavering and absolute delineation of these terms that you appear to. Because, again, as far as I can tell there is no absolute universally-accepted delineation.

What exactly differs from the truncation of Gears of War [1] being a "third party owned intellectual property" as a "third party game", rather than the truncation of Gears of War being a "first party published game" as a "first party game," in terms of reducing accuracy of representation and/or increasing confusion? Why is the substitution of "game" for "owned intellectual property" (the latter actually referring the the franchise as a whole anyway), more correct than the omission of the word "published"?

If one was to ask if Gears of War is a first party game, the answer would depend entirely upon what one meant when asking. Are they asking if it was internally or externally developed? Are they asking if it was published by the platform owner for their platform or by an external party? Are they asking whether the intellectual property is owned by the platform holder? And again, on a pure observational basis, people asking this with respect to the third question is rare, despite the assertion that the only correct interpretation of the question is such.
It's likely Mass Effect 4.

and I'm alright with that cause I just bought a XB1. :)

dream on.

yeah it is gonna be an ea game. poor ea can't catch a break. they partnered with ps3 last gen with medal of honour, dead space. now they're doing it on xbone with peggle 2, garden warfare, etc.

just be like activision. promote different games on different systems. don't put all your eggs in a single basket.


Microsoft has an exclusive game to show at E3?

This is almost as groundbreaking as the rumor that Sony might show a game at E3.


Game publishers generally like to have exclusive games on consoles who don't have the biggest userbase for free. It makes the most sense from a financial point of view.

You know there is something called partnership also.

some developer needs help with publishing, Some go exclusively for other reasons like SO. Some goes for Marketing and MS resources to have their game recognize and so on.

Those Money hating lines are getting very old and childish.
i hope it's big. i truly hate sony. i dislike their entire company. from tv's to phones. i would love nothing more than a big game on the xbone. 720p, exclusively not on playstation.
Microsoft has an exclusive game to show at E3?

This is almost as groundbreaking as the rumor that Sony might show a game at E3.

I truly do not understand posts like these in this thread. Of course exclusives will be announced on all consoles, we know that. The point of this thread is that Gamespot is hinting that this particular exclusive is a secret megaton, not just a typical exclusive reveal.

Games get revealed all the time, yet a secret megaton is like KH3 for Sony's conference last year, completely different level of hype than a normal reveal.


720p, exclusively not on playstation.

You know there is something called partnership also.

some developer needs help with publishing, Some go exclusively for other reasons like SO. Some goes for Marketing and MS resources to have their game recognize and so on.

Those Money hating lines are getting very old and childish.

Developers aren't necessarily publishers.

Sunset Overdrive, Ryse, Dead Rising 3 are legit 'we need money to make this game.' Titanfall is legit 'we went overbudget, we need extra money to finish game.'

But let's say... Mass Effect 4, or whatever game. Games that EA/big publisher paid in full for development across all platforms. If MS moneyhats that game, all they're doing is preventing a PS4 SKU from getting out to market.

When people say 'big 3rd-party exclusive', they're not thinking in lines of 'independent dev like Insomniac or Crytek needing money to make a game', they're thinking 'super big and profitable franchise games like CoD, ME, DA, etc who are already paid in full by their original publishers.'


i hope it's big. i truly hate sony. i dislike their entire company. from tv's to phones. i would love nothing more than a big game on the xbone. 720p, exclusively not on playstation.

Although there might be people really like this, I can't help but feels like this is a parody. 720p a gift way.


So has Bruceleeroy confirmed Dargons Dogma 2 yet?

He only said something about a "timed" exclusive in another thread...this whole "I know but I won't tell" thing is getting really annoying lately.

Also my guess on the topic is that this is the rumored Platinum game.


I truly doubt its mass effect, and i don't understand why people think such a popular series would go exclusive, hell, didn't they go out of their way to go multiplatform with the series?
I truly do not understand posts like these in this thread. Of course exclusives will be announced on all consoles, we know that. The point of this thread is that Gamespot is hinting that this particular exclusive is a secret megaton, not just a typical exclusive reveal.

Games get revealed all the time, yet a secret megaton is like KH3 for Sony's conference last year, completely different level of hype than a normal reveal.

What classifies a megaton nowadays, is it a game like Final Fantasy or a game like Bayonetta? Don't we usually see at least one of these per E3?

Microsoft should really get away from the timed exclusive deals on existing ip's. They's be better off working with outside parties like they did with Sunset Overdrive. To me it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth when all they are interested in is getting the game first at the expense of holding that content to other consumers.
dream on.

yeah it is gonna be an ea game. poor ea can't catch a break. they partnered with ps3 last gen with medal of honour, dead space. now they're doing it on xbone with peggle 2, garden warfare, etc.

just be like activision. promote different games on different systems. don't put all your eggs in a single basket.

The thing is that EA/most companies don't do exclusives for free anymore, it costs money to get a company to have an exclusive game for a system

Plus EA makes a ton more money selling madden,FIFA and other sports games

It can be anything D:


I dont think Microsoft can secure a big, established francshise. Its probably a "big" new IP or an established but mediocre franchise. I know it says big in the title but keep in mind that 'big' can be a relative term, what is big to Gamespot might be mediocre to the rest of the world.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
As long as it's not Mass Effect, I won't care to miss it. And in the unlikely event that it was ME, it would probably just be a timed exclusive I could wait out.
I don't know if they specified. That's something you'd have to ask Kagari :)

Thanks. Guess I'll wait for a thread to pop up and ask then. It's an interesting bit of info to have though. If it was when EA bought BW, it might explain why MS took so long in giving back the rights to ME1...


I wonder what would happen it a game like FIFA or GTA ever goes exclusive.

The other company could essentially pack their bags and move on to other things :D
The speculation at the time was that MS approached Bioware about the new Mass Effect during the ME3 ending shitshow, meaning they felt their position was better if the brand was damaged. Not entirely without precedent but there's nothing beyond speculation.
The speculation at the time was that MS approached Bioware about the new Mass Effect during the ME3 ending shitshow, meaning they felt their position was better if the brand was damaged. Not entirely without precedent but there's nothing beyond speculation.

There was a sense the series the damaged significantly back then. Or maybe that's just my memory of how things played out back then...


I expect platinum at the show or this fall. An Epic deal would be interesting no doubt. I always wondered if while dropping a load of cash for Gears they said hey lets work on something new this gen. I mean really what the heck are they up to. I could also see something from Ubisoft. Any of this seems more than possible.

Homefront 2 hahaha. MS would be crazy throwing money at something like that, which doesn't even come close to something big third party. I could easily see all of the above happening.


There was a sense the series the damaged significantly back then. Or maybe that's just my memory of how things played out back then...

I didn't get that sense. There was was some angst over the ending, but only the ending and it sold quite well.

Now Dragon Age II, could be argued, damaged that brand. But gamers have short memories, and there is always a new crop of young ones to market to, so even DAIII will sell.

Slightly OT: It still pisses me off the disdain the media showed for those who felt the ending tainted the whole ME3 experience. I likened it to I Am Legend with Wil Smith, where the terrible holywood ending to that movie ruined an otherwise great adaptation of the novel. Why is it so weird that a bad ending to a story can taint the story?


Some people's expectations are crazy in this thread. Reminds me of exclusive FIFA, Madden and Battlefield predictions from last time. I expect a new IP by a popular 3rd party developer, such as Platinum Games, Crytek, Epic or Capcom. Or a IP that is not so popular or needs reviving, such as Devils Third, Lost Planet 4 and etc.
I really doubt it's a game that is currently established. It sounds like a game that was dead or has been dead for a while and ms threw money at the company. Shenmue may fit here. Whee a third party would go completely exclusive is beyond me. At most it should be a timed exclusive. Yes, you get money now for funding and marketing. But going full exclusive usually loses you money in the long term, unless the game is trash.
What classifies a megaton nowadays, is it a game like Final Fantasy or a game like Bayonetta? Don't we usually see at least one of these per E3?

True. You never really know how to measure proper levels of a true crowd favorite. Though I think since Gamespot specfically says the source believes a lot of gaming fans will enjoy it, I personally believe it has to be something that at least holds some weight and in a favorable light.


Some people's expectations are crazy in this thread. Reminds me of exclusive FIFA, Madden and Battlefield predictions from last time. I expect a new IP by a popular 3rd party developer, such as Platinum Games, Crytek, Epic or Capcom. Or a IP that is not so popular or needs reviving, such as Devils Third, Lost Planet 4 and etc.

I agree that if Microsoft secured 100% exclusivity of the game then it has to be a new IP or revival of an old franchise. I think that a lot of people are setting themselves up for a huge let down if they think a major franchise is going exclusive.
Some people's expectations are crazy in this thread. Reminds me of exclusive FIFA, Madden and Battlefield predictions from last time. I expect a new IP by a popular 3rd party developer, such as Platinum Games, Crytek, Epic or Capcom. Or a IP that is not so popular or needs reviving, such as Devils Third, Lost Planet 4 and etc.
lol let them dream.

mass effect, battlefront, etc. i mean come on. in this day and age where high-budget high-risk ips barely make their money back across 3 platforms, what makes these peeps think a mass effect will go exclusive to xbone?

if anything, it'll be something like splinter cell or lost planet or crysis 4 or sleeping dogs.

it is totally from ea though.
I didn't get that sense. There was was some angst over the ending, but only the ending and it sold quite well.

Now Dragon Age II, could be argued, damaged that brand. But gamers have short memories, and there is always a new crop of young ones to market to, so even DAIII will sell.

Slightly OT: It still pisses me off the disdain the media showed for those who felt the ending tainted the whole ME3 experience. I likened it to I Am Legend with Wil Smith, where the terrible holywood ending to that movie ruined an otherwise great adaptation of the novel. Why is it so weird that a bad ending to a story can taint the story?

I'd totally forgot about 'shit mountain'. Oh man, I'm almost embarrassed about that...
lol let them dream.

mass effect, battlefront, etc. i mean come on. in this day and age where high-budget high-risk ips barely make their money back across 3 platforms, what makes these peeps think a mass effect will go exclusive to xbone?

if anything, it'll be something like splinter cell or lost planet or crysis 4 or sleeping dogs.

it is totally from ea though.

A lot of people thought one of the games you quoted were going to be going exclusive last E3.


I agree that if Microsoft secured 100% exclusivity of the game then it has to be a new IP or revival of an old franchise. I think that a lot of people are setting themselves up for a huge let down if they think a major franchise is going exclusive.

Yeah, maybe... But I also recall a few people swearing up and down that Ace Combat 6 was going to be multiplat as well. Ironically, when it didn't come to pass the "It's not that good anyways", "Worst in the entire series" and a few other choice bits of denial and ire. Even a few "Can't wait for H.A.W.X." posts and we all know how that turned out... Not saying the exclusive wont be "timed", but it's still technically could be possible.
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