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Gen'ei Ibunroku #FE Japan Release Date Announced (Dec. 26)



The Princess (Sovereign) costume from Etrian Odyssey 3


The Walter costume from Shin Megami Tensei IV


That Boxart!!!



Is it? I was under the impression that Fire Emblem recently got a huge infusion of new fans, but that that the fandom is just a vocal and active minority. Persona always seemed like it was able to convert more people who otherwise wouldn't normally play a JRPG.

Awakening sold 1.1 or 1.2 million units outside of Japan. Fire Emblem (GBA) also seems to have gotten somewhere near one million. Unless the Persona numbers I'm looking at are very outdated that's way better than any Persona game so far.


But you'd think with how much they're ham fisting Persona 4, we would see some representation.

Reason is because all of these are characters that debuted on Nintendo platforms.

I wouldn't be shocked if there were a Yasogami high outfit in the game or something.


I can't wait for this game, the artwork looks so good. I'm still not EXACTLY sure how the game even plays but I'll still be getting it day one and I'm sure I'll like it (I'm easy to please) All I know about the game is from the first long trailer that we were shown just a couple of months ago but that's enough, it looks fantastic.


Really hoping the U.S. and EU release isn't too far off from the JP release; I need this game.

Loving that boxart too; looks fantastic!


Because Atlus used to make great games? See: PS2 era. I want them to return to that.

I'm as cynical about this game as anyone, but I know they still make great games. They just no longer make games as heavily steeped in the occult. The tones have changed, but at their core, they still make good products.


^I don't see what this game has in common with those games at all.

Because Atlus used to make great games? See: PS2 era. I want them to return to that.

"How dare you not like things I like"

When did they stop making good games?

Excited to see how this game turns out. Only Wii U game on my radar other than Xenoblade.(since Zelda is probably NX now)

Astral Dog

This is just a bizzare game with a weird title.
Bit hey,the boxart is cool, except for Bayo on Na Nintendo has been killing with boxarts con Wii U 😃
Hope the game is good.


This is my Wii U system seller, can't wait.

Also this release date is more evidence of P5 in 2016 that people can willfully ignore.

Isn't Nintendo publishing this game? We will know P5 release date in about 4 days hopefully. Sony probably wants P5 out this year in hopes to push it hard in Japan.


Dang, I want that EO costume. This game looks good, I'll be interested to see some more hands on impressions in the coming months.

There is so much anger surrounding this game as well, which I think is hilarious considering the visual style.
Excited to play it. A console game from Atlus isn't very common and I love FE and Persona so I think I should be covered enough here.
I wonder when Persona is coming out, though. Is Atlus announcing a release date for the game like 3 months before the year ends? Would they release both on December?


Unconfirmed Member
The only right choice for a SMT cameo costume would have been Nemissa. SMH Atlus.


This interview is from June 2015, but since a lot of people still seem confused by this game, here's the explanation behind the project's direction from Atlus producer, Shinjiro Takata and Nintendo producer, Hitoshi Yamagami:
GamesBeat: I was blown away by the initial announcement, because it was literally nothing — just a tease of what could be. Since then, everyone’s been trying to figure out how this game comes together. I’d bet you had a similar issue internally. How did this come together? What was it like trying to put major franchises like this into a single coherent production?

Takata: What happened was, in the process of making this game—the whole idea started when Mr. Hitoshi Yamagami, who is a producer at Nintendo, brought the idea of making a simulation, a strategy game, to Atlus. This was a problem, because Atlus is well known for making JRPGs. That’s our bailiwick. The next thing was, well, what do we do? Do we make it fantasy-based, because Fire Emblem is known for fantasy settings? That kind of fantasy game isn’t really what Atlus tends to put out, though. In the beginning phases of making this game, we really didn’t know which direction to push it in. Do we push it closer to Fire Emblem or to the modern setting of Shin Megami Tensei?

GamesBeat: How long did it take to get to a point where that decision was solidified and production went forward?

Takata: Deciding what to make it closer to, that happened a bit after Mr. Yamagami brought us the idea. The problem is, if you make it too much like a Fire Emblem game, then why doesn’t Intelligent Systems just make it themselves? The goal for this was to do something that the Fire Emblem series can’t do. In the end, the reason the game looks the way it does, the reason the content is the way it is, is because this is something we wanted to do as an Atlus game, a game only Atlus could make.

GamesBeat: That decision came directly from playing with how the story would go? Or was it decided from the beginning that regardless, Atlus was going to take charge?

Takata: No, we hadn’t done anything with the story at that point. We were just talking about it after Mr. Yamagami brought us the idea. That’s the conclusion we reached on Atlus’s side.

GamesBeat: For fans of one or both series, the appeal is easy, but I wonder about someone who’s never played a game from either series. Is there anything that could get in the way of their enjoyment? Was that considered at all in your approach?

Takata: This game was made as an entirely new IP. It may use some bits of the Fire Emblem series as motifs, but there are no demons or anything like you’d see from Shin Megami Tensei. If you know both series, you’ll notice some things and think that they’re very interesting, but we made this so that any player who’s new to the game won’t need any information beforehand to appreciate it.
GamesBeat: So you were playing with the fans a little?

Takata: We’ve put together such a big project here that we’d like fans to look in every corner. They’ll be able to see lots of different things. There’s one thing I forgot to talk about when we were discussing the way the game came about, by the way, talking about whether to make it more like Fire Emblem or Shin Megami Tensei. We were talking about different systems and had to drop certain things as far as the scenario was concerned. One thing we were worried about at first in the scenario was, how would we treat the way the Fire Emblem characters work? What we finally ended up with was a role that is very similar to how the demons are used in the Shin Megami Tensei series.

But we were wondering — should we make them into humans that can become friends with the main characters? That was one thing that changed throughout development. We were able to figure out throughout the scenario that we were going to make the Fire Emblem characters into demon-like figures, like the demons in Shin Megami Tensei. They would serve as heroes that helped your main characters in battle situations. However, one thing we were worried about was how the battle system would work here. Initially we thought it would be closer to a simulation-type game, where there would be different lanes and you controlled different characters. But in the end we made it look more like a traditional RPG. I think that’s the right decision, but we were really worried.
GamesBeat: I’m guessing that a lot of approaches must have been thrown out in the process, given how hard it is to fit some things that are so different together – not only making them work, but also making fans happy.

Takata: While we were worrying about all these things, Mr. Yamagami came in and said, you should make the games that you guys are known for making. Do it the way you want to make it. While we were worrying about what we’d do with the characters’ names, how we would represent the characters from the old series in this new game, basically we decided to go the simple route and make in the way that our company is known for.

Yamagami: When you make something new, if you’re trying to make something out of two different things, if you just choose what’s directly in between those two things, what you end up with is extremely strange. What I told him is, if you’re unsure what to do, just make you want to make. That’s why, if you look at parts of the game, there are lots of parts that really resemble the Fire Emblem series. If you look at other parts of the game, they resemble the Shin Megami Tensei series. But the game itself stands on its own as a new game.
GamesBeat: The very first showing, the announcement, was basically just character portraits. There was a lot of room to think about what could potentially happen. When the first true trailer debuted, it was a surprise for a lot of people, because they just had these preconceived notions of how these two things would come together. Some people said, this is not at all what I expected. That speaks to some of the struggle you had, perhaps?

Takata: When we showed that first trailer, just the Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei character portraits, that was basically two months after we decided, between the two companies, to make this new game. We weren’t too certain of where we would take the direction of the game at that point. We just wanted to say that this collaboration was coming.
GamesBeat: Was there ever any concern that one franchise would take a backseat to another in the way it’s come together, with Atlus having full rein over how the game looks and plays?

Takata: That’s probably not going to be the case. We took the essence of Fire Emblem and tried to put it into a Shin Megami Tensei style of game, but it’s not as if one series is stressed over another.

Yamagami: When we thought about making this game, we thought, what would Fire Emblem look like in modern times? If we set the Fire Emblem series in modern times, it would be this game. This game contains elements of Shin Megami Tensei and elements of Fire Emblem that are mixed in, but really this game is being made for someone who’s new to both series to jump in and play as its own thing. While fans of either series will be able to jump in and say, oh, this is from Fire Emblem, that’s from Shin Megami Tensei, really the mix of that creates something that someone entirely new will be able to enjoy.

GamesBeat: Were there any efforts put in to really support this as a gateway, something that can bring new players to either or both franchises?

Takata: In my opinion, this game is a Shin Megami Tensei-type of game. It’s a game that Atlus would make. People will inevitably be drawn to other Atlus games if they enjoy this game. Fire Emblem is a little bit different, because it’s a simulation game. It has players working with a tile set and things like that. While it’s true that they may go to play other Atlus games, I’m not so sure about the Fire Emblem aspect. We didn’t think too much about that when we were making this game.

This is NoA we're dealing with it. They will certainly pull something like that or go dark or something even if it showed up at E3 or was playable. Never give NoA the benefit of the doubt.

As interested as I am in this game, as well as confused, I can easily see this not being localized by NoA. Instead someone else doing it or it not coming over at all. Then again my faith in NoA is at an all time low so I could easily be wrong.

That said if it does come out I wonder if they would try to label it one game or the other even with it seeming to be it's own thing after they blended the two.
Oh come on. I have no doubt it's coming here.
It was announced internationally, has been shown in every region's direct whenever a new trailer comes up, and was demoed at E3 this year. There shouldn't be any doubt whatsoever over localisation chances.


Hopefully this being more of an Atlus product means we'll get more than 5 special editions printed over in NA.


I don't think they'll make any official tie to the MegaTen series at all with this. I'm pretty sure the title is barely even a nod in Japanese.
I mean, that didn't keep them from slapping SMT branding all over Persona or Devil Survivor either. Basically everything at all related gets the SMT brand overseas until it's strong enough to stand on it's own like Persona now. And given this was announced and pushed as SMTxFE originally I feel pretty confident they'll try to still feature both brands in the western title.

Is it? I was under the impression that Fire Emblem recently got a huge infusion of new fans, but that that the fandom is just a vocal and active minority. Persona always seemed like it was able to convert more people who otherwise wouldn't normally play a JRPG.
You have it backwards, Persona's more the vocal minority fanbase. Awakening sold more than 3x the best selling Persona game in the US. Even Shadow Dragon on DS, which was generally considered a bomb, managed to outsell every Persona here.

Persona 5 might change things though, I get the feeling it's going to be a breakout title for the series.


Neo Member
Playing with the theme and name, I see.

(F)ortissimo (E)dition

Would love me some toi8 artworks... NoA please!!!


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
sörine;178378679 said:
I mean, that didn't keep them from slapping SMT branding all over Persona or Devil Survivor either. Basically everything at all related gets the SMT brand overseas until it's strong enough to stand on it's own like Persona now. And given this was announced and pushed as SMTxFE originally I feel pretty confident they'll try to still feature both brands in the western title.

Well those were still Megami Ibunroku, and spin-offs of the same meta series. Some people did disagree with Atlus USA using the SMT brand on them but I understood why they would want to make it easier for people here to see that they are part of the same franchise. But it's pretty obvious that this is pretty different from what they announced since they weren't sure of the direction this would go that early, so I'm not sure if they will slap SMT on this game or even if they should. The references to SMT are definitely far more subtle than the references to FE.
That boxcover looks so good, hopefully we get a US release date soon. I bet we'll probably have to wait till Spring 2016 to get it.


NoA is doing Xenoblade X, and that's a simultaneous release on both sides of the Atlantic.

I highly doubt that NoA is handling the Pal-5 localisations... also that's kinda besides the point. NoA localising (at least the English portion) of Xenoblade X has nothing to do with that games simultaneous release. That decision is made somewhere else entirely

Especially because NoA seems busy with Xenoblade X I want NoE to do this one. Not only did I love the British cast they got for their other 3 RPGs, I'm sure it would also move along far more quickly - as you said NoA is doing XenobladeX, therefore NoE might have some free capacities.
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