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Giant Spoiler Snakecast 9/18/2015 (MGSV SPOILERS EVERYWHERE)


The core gameplay is so good that I can see MGSV making a lot of Top 10 lists at the end of the year, but with the amount of misses it has (structure, pacing, story), I can't see it making a serious run for goty, really.

Nah, around the 1 hour mark they pretty much say it's still one of the best games ever made and that it's fantastic. Unless Fallout 4 is super amazing too MGSV should be a lock for getting the GOTY from Giant Bomb.


Nah, around the 1 hour mark they pretty much say it's still one of the best games ever made and that it's fantastic. Unless Fallout 4 is super amazing too MGSV should be a lock for getting the GOTY from Giant Bomb.
GB plays by their own rules

wonder if we'll get another Brad filibuster this year

Two Words

MGSV's story, oddly enough, makes the game better for those that didn't follow the series's story compared to those that did.


Honestly, Jeff's complete, utter, cynicism-free gushing over Super Mario Maker in the last Bombcast led me to believe that it's going to be the actual contender against MGSV. It's super rare to hear Jeff speak so highly of a game, he emphatically said multiple times how great and wonderful it is (and no one really seemed to disagree or try to make a counter point). I still think MGS will win, but the convo won't be between that and Fallout, it will be between that and Mario.

Fallout 4 has no chance of competing for the top. It might crack the list (I'm not convinced), but it won't make the top.


MGSV's story, oddly enough, makes the game better for those that didn't follow the series's story compared to those that did.

MGS V is Metal Gear Solid for people who don't like Metal Gear Solid, which far and away makes it my favorite entry in the series.

I'm completely sympathetic to longtime fans who feel burned by V's lack of story (and what little there is being pretty shit, overall), though. I get it.


How? It's obviously unfinished and rushed.

Because people like me don't care at all. I barely even payed attention to what few cutscenes there were, I might as well have just skipped them.

I bought MGS V for the gameplay and it delivered. Unfinished story means nothing to me as a person that doesn't care about MGS story at all. I got 60 hours of open-world sandbox gameplay and that's what I bought the game for.


How? It's obviously unfinished and rushed.

Don't let the spoiler thread's and Dan's general enthusiasm fool you into believing that the majority of people know or care what is going on in the MGS mythos. I'm willing to bet 80% of the people who played all the games couldn't sum it up in any half decent fashion. The fact that this kept story to a minimum, and left the majority of the story (in the cassette tapes) optional, is a major plus to a lot of people I know.


MGSV's story, oddly enough, makes the game better for those that didn't follow the series's story compared to those that did.

It affects people who followed and more importantly care about the story more but I wouldn't say it makes the game better for people who don't. The story on it's own is still half assed and it might be even worse since pretty much every character is linked to every other character in the series multiple times over.
That's a huge mistake. The whole story is largely built off the foundation of the other games, both for context and fitting it in to the mythos.

It fits in poorly anyway, and most of that context is in the cassettes. I'd probably have less antipathy towards the game's story if I didn't know about the rest of the MGS mythos.
Sure, fine, but you wouldn't give half a shit about most characters if you didn't know where they were from.

I didn't care about any of the characters in MGSV despite knowing where they came from. I mean Huey is the closest thing to a character arc we get in MGSV. I'd say he's probably the most interesting character in the game, and none of that comes from Peace Walker.


So Ocelot really did end up killing Miller in MGS 1? It wasn't Liquid that did it, or are they just incorrect about that?
That only further establishes my argument.

Thanks for not explaining what you mean at all. I'm like Psycho Mantis and can totally read your mind, bro.

Because people like me don't care at all. I barely even payed attention to what few cutscenes there were, I might as well have just skipped them.

I bought MGS V for the gameplay and it delivered. Unfinished story means nothing to me as a person that doesn't care about MGS story at all. I got 60 hours of open-world sandbox gameplay and that's what I bought the game for.

Good for you? I enjoyed the game too for the 1st Chapter, but it's still on a game design front repeating missions/harder versions of previous missions in Chapter 2, which were...not good and rushed.
Oh my god Jeff's theory about MGSV not being the real MGS5 is amazing. I really hope it is true, even if there's seriously never going to be a MGS5.

I can see that being the thing that makes Konami go "Fuck Off" to Kojima.


Has Dan ever really given his ranking of the games? I know he's probed the others in the past but I don't remember him actually giving his order.
Sounds like they were already recording new Metal Gear Scanlon episodes when they were recording this, and this was recorded before TGS started. Nice.
So Ocelot really did end up killing Miller in MGS 1? It wasn't Liquid that did it, or are they just incorrect about that?

It's more likely that it's Ocelot than Liquid given the final conversation. Most people just assumed it was Liquid before now thanks to him assuming the identity at Shadow Moses. It's never explicitly clarified either way, but a stronger implication is given for it being Ocelot now.


Sounds like they were already recording new Metal Gear Scanlon episodes when they were recording this, and this was recorded before TGS started. Nice.

I think at the end of this weeks bombcast they stated that Metal Gear Scanlon V will start next week and they already have a buffer of episodes ready.


Good for you? I enjoyed the game too for the 1st Chapter, but it's still on a game design front repeating missions/harder versions of previous missions in Chapter 2, which were...not good and rushed.

I agree, I went out and bought Mad Max instead of even bothering with Chapter 2.
Has Dan ever really given his ranking of the games? I know he's probed the others in the past but I don't remember him actually giving his order.

He says he can't rank them because he could make an argument that any of them are the best.


Drunky McMurder
Part of the discussion on the podcast is that scene with Venom turning the tape on, with the fighting in the background that is basically Metal Gear.

The idea of remaking Metal Gear in 3D is a fun fantasy for me. I don't know who they would be, it was just a general statement.

It seems like it was widely expected for that to be the way MGSV ended. I wonder if they just fast forwarded to the end with Snake punching Venom to death whether people would have considered it a more satisfying ending (since it would have a traditional Metal Gear final boss fight).

Yeah but that's a cop-out :p

He's made a brief argument for all 4, and he thinks they're all the best at different things.

Oh my god Jeff's theory about MGSV not being the real MGS5 is amazing. I really hope it is true, even if there's seriously never going to be a MGS5.

I can see that being the thing that makes Konami go "Fuck Off" to Kojima.

Peace Walker was 5, according to that theory. They promoted it as MGS5 back when it was announced and Kojima has apparently corrected people and said Phantom Pain is MGSV, not MGS5.


It's funny, but I guarantee you he's going to do it again. And the rest of em will just be too tired at that point to fight him.

God damn Shoemaker

Saints Row 3 GOTY 2011, suck it.

I'm waiting for the Jeff heel turn; "yeah, fuck it, let's put Destiny on this list"
Don't let the spoiler thread's and Dan's general enthusiasm fool you into believing that the majority of people know or care what is going on in the MGS mythos. I'm willing to bet 80% of the people who played all the games couldn't sum it up in any half decent fashion. The fact that this kept story to a minimum, and left the majority of the story (in the cassette tapes) optional, is a major plus to a lot of people I know.

Well said. My experience as well.


Yeah, MGSV is one of my favourite games ever from a gameplay standpoint. I don't care enough about the MGS story to really hate the story of the game, but I thought it was forgettable. Still, it's my favourite game of the year so far.

Witcher 3 was completely opposite for me. I never liked how that game played but loved the story.


Woah, they're actually doing Metal Gear Scanlon V? Cool I guess, but it's going to be a very different Metal Gear Scanlon with very little story and 50+ hours of content, not sure how much of that I'd like to watch


Woah, they're actually doing Metal Gear Scanlon V? Cool I guess, but it's going to be a very different Metal Gear Scanlon with very little story and 50+ hours of content, not sure how much of that I'd like to watch

It's going to be gloriously painful.


Why do you say that? Drew did really well and had a good time with Ground Zeroes.

It was fine, I just never really watched MGScanlon (or any Let's Play, really) to just watch him inch his way through the game. i came to see him absorb the insanity!! There will still be plenty of that too, I'm sure, but I can imagine full episodes of him just tackling Side Ops that I can comfortably skip.


It was fine, I just never really watched MGScanlon (or any Let's Play, really) to just watch him inch his way through the game. i came to see him absorb the insanity!! There will still be plenty of that too, I'm sure, but I can imagine full episodes of him just tackling Side Ops that I can comfortably skip.

This is going to make me sound like I'm way into let's plays -- but I've been watching the SuperBestFriends playthrough of MGSV, and their format is pretty good. Tackling side-ops and unimportant motherbase management in their own time, off camera. Basically shutting off the game if they ever run into a cutscene when they aren't recording and saving it until they are. It's certainly condensed, and the the bloke is playing it like a gun jumping crazed
vita loving
lunatic -- but it's a better viewing experience to see the story and unique missions of MGSV.

This would probably work better for Metal Gear Scalon, athough -- Drew plays pretty action heavy when he can, and this game allows for that playstyle more than any other -- especially considering you can still use loud smgs and rifles non-lethally -- assuming you unlock the weapons that fire rubber bullets, although the tranq pistol is darn effective in it's own right.


I feel like the best thing about this game is that it makes MGS4 make more sense. So much of MGS4 threw too much new stuff that felt out of left field, but now everything I had a problem with in that game makes sense now. I feel kinda like if someone plays all of Five before 4....that could give someone a better experience than what we did. Everything else works in release order, but 4 I think is a special case. It also creates an interesting bookend with the credits sequence from 4 being "Paz's favorite song" and...gosh I want to play the whole series like that. (With rising as an "encore" sure lol) and the last parts of 4 bookending with shadow moses would feel really poetic.

MG1 -> MG2 -> MGS1 -> MGS2 -> MGS3 -> PW -> GZ -> MGSV -> MGS4 ~> MGR

I feel like that would be a very interesting order to play the games in. You have solid snake's story that begins and then hits a roadblock in 2 when they run out of leads at the end, then you jump back to mgs3 and have this long continuous arc that sets up the events of 4 better now that we have all the gaps filled in. Also, because it's a V and not a 5, you can just wedge it down between 3 and 4. Also, gameplaywise, it felt like a downgrade going from 4 to PW, but 3 to PW feels like it'd feel more like an evolution, and then PW into V, but then 4 directly compared to V feels like an evolution that went in a different direction, while still being every bit as modern, and in some ways Old Snake has stuff that Venom Snake doesn't and could be "seen" as a natural transition from V's gameplay mechanics. (Threat Ring, Drebin Shop, Metal Gear MkII is even sort of a "buddy" character, solid eye...)

About the podcast, it's weird that none of them have played the MSX MG2. I feel that the events of those games now feel more real in the story. MG2 was actually really important to the story and this makes it feel more natural. It's interesting as a spoilercast but I really wanna sit in there and clarify things for them lol.
I'm glad they shit on the story, or lack thereof, as it deserved. It's funny that Dan said it was greedy to want a story that was actually satisfying. The twist is pretty cool conceptually but the presentation is the worst section in any Metal Gear by a landslide. I'd rather do the Eva escort mission or follow that fucker around Eastern Europe a million times before wanting to do that again...well maybe the Eva escort mission was worse but I'm glad Kojima can't make another one of these if he thought that was an appropriate final mission.

Unfortunately, I'm not as enamored with the gameplay as everyone else is. The base building kinda ruins the game and the open world is crappy with few bases that are as interesting to infiltrate as Camp Omega. Yet I'm still biased enough about this series that I've put over 90 hours into. This fucking series man.


I'm glad they shit on the story, or lack thereof, as it deserved. It's funny that Dan said it was greedy to want a story that was actually satisfying. The twist is pretty cool conceptually but the presentation is the worst section in any Metal Gear by a landslide. I'd rather do the Eva escort mission or follow that fucker around Eastern Europe a million times before wanting to do that again...well maybe the Eva escort mission was worse but I'm glad Kojima can't make another one of these if he thought that was an appropriate final mission.

They didn't really shit on the story at all. They were fairly sober about it. Jeff and Dan liked it and Brad and Jason liked some of the story beats. Though Brad rightfully identified what the issues were with the ending and what it meant for the game. What I was surprised is how they didn't feel that the structure of Chapter 2 didn't reflect the unfinished nature of the game.
Unfortunately, I'm not as enamored with the gameplay as everyone else is. The base building kinda ruins the game and the open world is crappy with few bases that are as interesting to infiltrate as Camp Omega.

I was very disappointed with it in that respect.

The moment-to-moment stuff is fantastic, the controls and options/tools you have available to you are amazing. It's just that the actual open world itself fell flat. A lot of this is because how the game is structured. In many ways it feels less at home here than it did on PSP with Peace Walker.

Mother Base was even worse in this regard, with no reason to actually go back outside of diamond hunting and target practice. There's only a few areas where you can interact with major characters and they're mostly scripted moments throughout Chapter 1. There are even random things that were present in Peace Walker that are absent in Phantom Pain (e.g. being able to choose which actual vehicles go out for Combat Deployment to better your chances).

The non-linearity felt lame and unnecessary on more than a few occasions. Even during the story missions you're cordoned off to small hot zones so it starts to feel counterproductive to that end. I would have been all for more directed areas like Omega camp (which is still fairly large), but if I'm being honest---I had more fun with The Witcher as an open world story-driven game this year.

Doing the same two or three Side-Ops ad nausem becomes incredibly tiresome fast , especially after you finish the first fifty primary missions (many of which are just Side-Ops disguised as something more relevant to leak out what little story is given to you).

Just because I could go about it in a dozen different ways didn't always make up for that.
They didn't really shit on the story at all. They were fairly sober about it. Jeff and Dan liked it and Brad and Jason liked some of the story beats. Though Brad rightfully identified what the issues were with the ending and what it meant for the game. What I was surprised is how they didn't feel that the structure of Chapter 2 didn't reflect the unfinished nature of the game.

They said that they thought of chapter 2 as more of an epilogue where the story stuff happens so in that respect they liked it more, but still thought it was lame to call it a chapter 2 when it was more of a bonus instead.
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