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Google exec murdered by expensive prostitute

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tagged by Blackace
The first photo almost makes her look like Kat Stacks. I was about to say, girl has been stepping her game up.
Not much a family man if you're with 26 yr old sugar babies...

Also, I smell foul play.

Who knows. Maybe the wife was in on it too. Probably told her shes get a ton of money if they made it look he OD'ed. Just my crazy theory but most of these type stories start up like this honestly.
Did she have a responsibility/obligation to 911? A guy is overdosing, aren't you pretty much required to call the emergency line?

If she caused it then she has a responsibility to provide aid. But I am not a lawyer in real life, just on the internet.

A duty to rescue arises where a person creates a hazardous situation. If another person then falls into peril because of this hazardous situation, the creator of the hazard – who may not necessarily have been a negligent tortfeasor – has a duty to rescue the individual in peril.



What kind of family man buys time with high class hookers and shoots heroin? That seems like the opposite of a "family man" to me.

This is what being an exec means in most cases. Its more than likely in the prenup with his wife that its allowed. Having vast amounts of money makes people live very, very different lives.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Isn't heroin like a street level drug? Wouldn't a guy as wealthy as this dude be messing around with coke or something?
He's hanging out on his boat with an overnight hooker. It's not like he went the easy way and spent an hour at the Red Roof Inn. He broke the ridiculousness scale a while back.

This is why I exclusively use cheap prostitutes.
I find their willingness to watch me die is basically along an inverse bell curve for how much I pay them.

She doesn't look like the expensive kind. Then again a mugshot isn't a glamour shot, so I dunno. I hope his family and friends find peace.
The expensive ones don't always look like the expensive ones. It's not like there's some kind of USDA standard on their attractiveness and services rendered. She went after the right clientele who were willing to pay crazy money to have a fantasy. The demand curve is essentially "cash the wife won't miss" and "opportunity".


(It looks like she supplied them, but I'm still not sure why that matters. If I sold you a gun illegally, and you used the gun to kill yourself, would I be charged with murder?)

If the gun blew up in his face due to malfunction, yeah, probably.

I don't think this guy took drugs to kill himself.


I find it difficult to feel sorry for these people who have 50 foot yachts, work with companies that avoid paying any taxes and blow all the profits on prostitutes on drugs.

Depending on the circumstances, the woman should face some jail time but definitely not murder charges.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I can't really feel sorry for these people who have 50 foot yachts, work with companies that avoid paying any taxes and blow all the profits on prostitutes on drugs.

I feel sorry for his wife and kids. No matter what the "happiness level" they were really at... no one should have to read that shit in the paper about their dad.
I find it difficult to feel sorry for these people who have 50 foot yachts, work with companies that avoid paying any taxes and blow all the profits on prostitutes on drugs.

Depending on the circumstances, the woman should face some jail time but definitely not murder charges.

The bolded is a bit hyperbolic, but I share your sentiment, to some degree.


I mean, if she did it, I would want her to face charges. But if she was just there, and his regular girl doing their regular routine and shit went bad, I think murder is a lot. I wouldn't put it past them to be extra vindictive just because he's a Google millionaire and they have to worry about appearances.


I find it difficult to feel sorry for these people who have 50 foot yachts, work with companies that avoid paying any taxes and blow all the profits on prostitutes on drugs.

Depending on the circumstances, the woman should face some jail time but definitely not murder charges.

Not even kidding: stuff like this convinces me we need to raise taxes on rich people

5 kids and he's blowing money on prostitutes, heroin and boats.


Who knows. Maybe the wife was in on it too. Probably told her shes get a ton of money if they made it look he OD'ed. Just my crazy theory but most of these type stories start up like this honestly.

This is what being an exec means in most cases. Its more than likely in the prenup with his wife that its allowed. Having vast amounts of money makes people live very, very different lives.

You two could probably command pretty high prices as prostitutes yourselves; so much control over your anuses that you can make them talk!
Put in that work and get a sugar daddy. It makes the world go round. She doesn't look expensive and drugs are a stupid way to lose your life. Shame to his family name.


Not even kidding: stuff like this convinces me we need to raise taxes on rich people

5 kids and he's blowing money on prostitutes, heroin and boats.

Why do you think people get rich? To have 5 kids and a wife? Or to have a 50 foot yacht, young mistresses, and drugs and whatever else you want to play with?

You two could probably command pretty high prices as prostitutes yourselves; so much control over your anuses that you can make them talk!

i'd be Angela Merkel's high priced massage boy.
"She showed absolutely no regard for this person she injected with heroin," Clark said.

"She had a responsibility to provide some lifesaving effort."

I read over the story with a fine tooth comb, but you know what I'm not seeing? Murder.

He willfully took an illegal narcotic. She's guilty of providing said drugs, and maybe she could have done more, but she's not a doctor and she may have thought he was just having a bad trip. She was probably thinking like Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction - "if I take this guy to a hospital, when he wakes up he's going to be a lot more pissed at me and I'm going to be in a lot more trouble than if he wakes up in a pile of vomit."

He would have likely been fired and she would have been arrested anyway. I don't see how sending her to life in prison is a just punishment for his actions of soliciting illegal drugs and prostitution.

I mean, if she did it, I would want her to face charges. But if she was just there, and his regular girl doing their regular routine and shit went bad, I think murder is a lot. I wouldn't put it past them to be extra vindictive just because he's a Google millionaire and they have to worry about appearances.

Of course, and they will play up the family man image at every opportunity, while the reality is there for anyone who bothers to look.



I thought being rich would be more fun than that, my dreams are shattered


Isn't heroin like a street level drug? Wouldn't a guy as wealthy as this dude be messing around with coke or something?

Heroin is back thanks to the rise of easily obtainable prescription painkillers. It's basically the next step up in a similar high.

I find it difficult to feel sorry for these people who have 50 foot yachts, work with companies that avoid paying any taxes and blow all the profits on prostitutes on drugs.

Depending on the circumstances, the woman should face some jail time but definitely not murder charges.

I don't think we're supposed to feel sorry for him, I just think it's disappointing that our laws create a possibility where someone can't get help. If some dude wants to get high with the company of a woman, let him, it shouldn't be such are serious crime where you're afraid of calling for help.


What if she's not a prostitute and is in fact a highly paid CIA assassin and the exec was marked for death by a rival agency?


Eh, she brought the heroin and allegedly injected him with the overdose of heroin. Murder charges sound appropriate to me.
This is what being an exec means in most cases. Its more than likely in the prenup with his wife that its allowed. Having vast amounts of money makes people live very, very different lives.

Seems the most likely. And in many cases, I can see him being a family man when he was at home with his family and not on these lavish trips of his.

Drugs and rich people is pretty damn common tho.
This isn't proof he shouldn't be considered a family man. Maybe he treated his family well. Maybe his wife was okay with him banging hookers. Just sayin


She's just your standard white lady into horror and goth shit. She had a sense of humor about it until this happened, I'm sure.

If that last part of the article is true in conjunction with her victim being rich the courts are going to hand her a pretty hefty prison sentence. She will have a hard-time convincing a jury she was victimized prostitute.
It's bullshit they're going to try to get her for murder.

They write it like she shot him with a gun. He bought a yacht, an expensive hooker, and decided to ride the horse. You can't say she murdered him because she helped tie him off and didn't nurse him to health when he nodded off into permanent oblivion.

Ummmm...no it's not. She injected him. She watched him as he suffered from the overdose and she left. I'd say that's murder.


You'd say it was murder, but that's just your opinion. And it may be a judge's legal opinion, and a municipality's civic opinion. But is it right?

i'm not playing devils advocate here, I'd rather play Risk of Rain (tm). I think saying she "murdered" him is going too far.

Regardless of the murder charge, they were both involved in heroin and prostitution. Don't understand why the guy is getting all the blame.

I don't blame anyone for anything. There's nothing wrong with using heroin or engaging in prostitution, save for the legal classications of both and the laws against them. But morally. However, murder is a moral act, and an active one at that.

I would say he is responsible and she also bears responsibility but for murder? I, again, think it's just too nice and clean cut. transgression, punishment, nice and neat, and it's bullshit.


Regardless of the murder charge, they were both involved in heroin and prostitution. Don't understand why the guy is getting all the blame in this thread.
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