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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Cenarius is good for many Druid lists, yes. It can be substitute with Rag but Cenarius is a good card overall.
I say keep cenarius. I prefer him over rag in most druid decks I have run.

The only problem with card is... this also applied to yourself. So Fire Elemental, Guardian of Kings, Taskmaster are also really mana inefficient when you play it yourself.

Shouldn't be a problem. It is a card you have to be mindful of when crafting your deck and when playing. I don't think it is any more troublesome than saving a 2 drop to have a guaranteed minion to start a combo on for turn 5. I'm personally used to playing decks that need to order their cards off curve. If you play a deathrattle deck, shouldn't be much conflict. I think my paladin deathrattle deck has maybe 5 battlecry minions. 2 aldors, not played on curve anyway and usually floating mana when used anyway. 1 kodo. Loatheb and guardian of kings.

Most of the time weblord is gonna be removed quite fast anyway and it won't even impact your own mana costs. It doesn't work on combo/choose on text, which is a shame, but that is probably for the best. There are really a lot of minions it does work on though and forcing your opponent to react to your plays, especially a 2 drop, is pretty good imo.


Is captain greenskin worth keeping or did I just get a lot of dust?
Even if you decide to dust him - make sure you get the free two cards for owning all the pirates before you dust him. :)

edit: also Kibler reads GAF confirmed, mentions Brian "Brian Kibler" Kibler in stream title.
Any advice for Malygos rogue? I drew Malygos from a pack and with the leeroy nerf I figure I'd check it out, but it just seems like an awful deck. I guess miracle with leeroy is obejctively better and it's why it got more play, but how am I supposed to play this?


Any advice for Malygos rogue? I drew Malygos from a pack and with the leeroy nerf I figure I'd check it out, but it just seems like an awful deck. I guess miracle with leeroy is obejctively better and it's why it got more play, but how am I supposed to play this?
It plays very similarly to Leeroy Miracle rogue, actually.

You remove their shit early game and try to draw through your deck with Auctioneer midgame until you get your win condition lategame. Instead of Leeroy Shadowstep Shadowstep, your winning combo is something like Malygos Conceal into ridiculously huge Blade Flurry -> Sinister Strike combos.

But yes, there's a reason Miracle Leeroy was the more popular variant.
It plays very similarly to Leeroy Miracle rogue, actually.

You remove their shit early game and try to draw through your deck with Auctioneer midgame until you get your win condition lategame. Instead of Leeroy Shadowstep Shadowstep, your winning combo is something like Malygos Conceal into ridiculously huge Blade Flurry -> Sinister Strike combos.

But yes, there's a reason Miracle Leeroy was the more popular variant.

I got 5 wins in a row afterwards when I actually managed to get an auctioneer turn in every game, but yeah this deck is definitely not as strong.

The only advantage it has over leeroy is being able to ignore taunts, but it has a bunch of weaknesses because it relies on a stealth turn and the combo comes on turn 10


I open 40 packs and am lucky to get one Legendary. Kibler gets four, including one golden...


My shitty arena mage with no flamestrike or any kind of board clear besides one arcane explosion is doing rather well. Just beat a mage who used 3 flamestrikes. My curve is pretty decent.


My shitty arena mage with no flamestrike or any kind of board clear besides one arcane explosion is doing rather well. Just beat a mage who used 3 flamestrikes. My curve is pretty decent.
Yeah, a good curve, value minions, some target removal and Mage hero power are often enough to place you in the money. From 7 on out you'll just have to pray to get a better start than your opponents.


I'm running against a ceiling wall when playing constructed. I've never made it past rank 15 and I think that's because at that point most players will start whipping out their legendaries.

I've had some weird succes with my charge-adin, which I made just for fun's sake and consists mainly of charge characters combined with divine shields and an occasional wind fury+buff cards. I either overwhelm players completely because this deck is pretty rare (I made it up and never see it). But I run out of cards pretty quickly and Zoo completely kills it.

Then I'm running a second Paladin which is revolves around the secret that brings back dead minions with 1 health. If I can get my hands on a cairns bloodhof, combined with the revive secret, it would make my deck a lot stronger. Trion works okay as well, which is pretty much the only legendary I have. And two Faceless Manipulator's have really saved my ass a couple of times as well. Nobody expects me to run two at the same time and copy their Ragna's.

Right now I'm just playing for gold, because I think I won't start making it past rank 15 without at least one or two more legendaries.

I think there are decks like Zoo which work really well without legendaries, but when I see top level play it's pretty much three or four legendary cards.

Not really a problem I guess, but it makes for a pretty long grind. One way to get more legendaries would be to buy the naxx openings, I guess.


Yeah, a good curve, value minions, some target removal and Mage hero power are often enough to place you in the money. From 7 on out you'll just have to pray to get a better start than your opponents.

I lost at the 8th game due to a priest Deathwinging me. And despite mananing to hold out for a few turns (he had to clear my minions because I was close to lethal), I never managed to draw any answers to it so I lost. Still my best run in ages. Deathwing is not a very fun card :(


I don't remember ever having trouble getting to at least rank 10... and I spend like a few hours max a month just to ensure I will have my card back (and for next month if I decide not to play). If a simple deck like this can do it... http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/96016-naxium-minion-flood

Maybe you are trying to be specific with your decks. The only condition you need is "the opponent can't deal with it". This can either be instant burst damage, too many minions, too awesome minions (taunts, legendaries). You don't necessarily need legendaries to setup a win condition.


My shitty arena mage with no flamestrike or any kind of board clear besides one arcane explosion is doing rather well. Just beat a mage who used 3 flamestrikes. My curve is pretty decent.

I'm having a similar situation. I don't think my deck is shitty, I have one Flamestrike, one Fireball and 1 morph, but I'm doing pretty well and my curve is beautiful (I don't know if necessarily good). Right now I'm sitting on 9x2 and faced (and won) a ridiculous Mage who had nothing less than 6 (SIX!) freaking Fireballs. Shit was banana.



What do people think the meta will turn to next week? I'm expecting hunters to drop substantially (before coming back to more reasonable levels later), with zoo becoming the #1 annoying deck again alongside shaman bot. Handlock will come back due to lack of hunter, priest and warrior carrying on, rogue drops a little, secret mage becomes bigger due to less flares. And so on. So basically loads more zoo and handlock and more mages?
it's going to be more control matchups. handlock is put into check by shaman and BGH.

I think priest is the next terror. undertaker, zombie chow and dark cultist give them the good early game they never had before. be prepared to find ways to kill ysera and play around mind control.

edit: aggro paladin might be good, too. divine favor is an amazing card in a control dominated meta.
Got destroyed by a cool aggro Paladin deck earlier. Guy ran a ton of low cost low HP minions and twice used Equality to trade them up. Used Divine Favor to refill his hand after emptying it and used the Paladin buffs to burst me down. Think it would struggle against a deck with better multi-target removal and/or heals though.


needs to show more effort.
I think you're going to see a lot of warlock. Some kind of demon/handlock instead of leeroy combo. And zoo will be stronger without hunter unleashing on them.

Priest will be strong, but I don't actually know how new priest works against zoo because they gave up one of their strongest tools against it (pyromancer) but maybe the new early game can compensate for that? And they still have auchenai circle.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Got destroyed by a cool aggro Paladin deck earlier. Guy ran a ton of low cost low HP minions and twice used Equality to trade them up. Used Divine Favor to refill his hand after emptying it and used the Paladin buffs to burst me down. Think it would struggle against a deck with better multi-target removal and/or heals though.

Its a fairly old deck. Its on Hearthpwn as "Shockadin".


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Got destroyed by a Shaman last night running Injured Blademaster + Ancestral Healing. Killed the first taunted Blademaster at some cost to myself (I was testing out Zetalot Priest), then he threw down another one. Gave it Ancestral Spirit. Faceless'd it. And then Reincarnated both of them.

After that he dropped a Kel'Thuzad.

Well played, random Shaman, well fucking played.


remember me
I think you're going to see a lot of warlock. Some kind of demon/handlock instead of leeroy combo. And zoo will be stronger without hunter unleashing on them.

Priest will be strong, but I don't actually know how new priest works against zoo because they gave up one of their strongest tools against it (pyromancer) but maybe the new early game can compensate for that? And they still have auchenai circle.

Both versions of priest wreck zoo. Undertaker is heavily favored in my experience.


Just lethaled a mage with my Demolisher when he had 4 minions on the board including 2 taunts. Had to drop a "Sorry" emote after that.
Ah, I didn't know that was a known deck. Thanks.

I've played Zoo v Deathrattle Priest several times and found Priest to have a lot of answers. The most obvious is Auchenai/Circle, but they also have Shadow Madness and Cabal which can save a game when the Zoo has board control, and Dark Cultist is a super strong card - 3/4 for 3 mana, and demands you kill his friends first or he gets to use the deathrattle. Northshire/Circle is another good combo to help keep up with Zoo's card spam. Holy Nova and Holy Fire never hurt either. Certainly loseable with a bad draw, but if the Priest survives to T5/T6 without being in burst range, they have a high chance of winning.


Got destroyed by a Shaman last night running Injured Blademaster + Ancestral Healing. Killed the first taunted Blademaster at some cost to myself (I was testing out Zetalot Priest), then he threw down another one. Gave it Ancestral Spirit. Faceless'd it. And then Reincarnated both of them.

After that he dropped a Kel'Thuzad.

Well played, random Shaman, well fucking played.
Faceless an Ancestral Spirited minion is what I love about Shaman. I'm greedy as hell though, so I do that shit with Earth Elemental and giants.... maybe Injured Blademaster is a better safer early game choice to tweak into my decks.


Neo Member
Everyone taking their sweet ass time in ladder...
Same shit is happening in arena. Had a shaman let the timer run down to half before making any kind of play for the first six rounds yesterday. You have two mana, what the fuck could you possibly be considering.


Got destroyed by a Shaman last night running Injured Blademaster + Ancestral Healing. Killed the first taunted Blademaster at some cost to myself (I was testing out Zetalot Priest), then he threw down another one. Gave it Ancestral Spirit. Faceless'd it. And then Reincarnated both of them.

After that he dropped a Kel'Thuzad.

Well played, random Shaman, well fucking played.
Damn, doing a lot better after a tweak to my Titan V deck thanks to your comment. It's so much more stable now with Injured Blademaster and Twilight Drake before the giants hit the field.

Easy daily :)
Lately I've been running mass dispel in my priest deck and it's been pretty damn helpful so far. It's great against zoo if eggs are out that way I can follow up with a holy nova or auchenai circle without em popping and it deals with shades against druids.

I don't know about running a deck with two of them but having at least one has worked out pretty well for me. It's great if your playing against a hunter who has two buffed hyenas out as well since most of the time I'll only have 1 BGH or SW:D in hand to deal with one of them.


My dailies today:
Priest/Warlock Dominance
Shaman/Warlock Dominance
The Meek Shall Inherit

It's like I'm being told exactly what type of deck to play.
It's always great when people BM with cards and that ends up losing them the game.

While I still lost, I had a guy Reincarnate his own Deathlord, which could of brought out any of my remaining taunts. I think there were four left in my deck, if I had got one, I probably could of won the game.

I've messed up so many times trying to do elaborate things, I just don't try it anymore.


Oh no, this deck is garbage. I got Tinkmaster and Ysera in a hunter deck. Tinkmaster is decent but ysera just does not mesh well with this deck.

I never get good use out of the high cost legendaries in arena, seems like most games don't even last long enough to play them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Oh my god the plays.


RDU plays Tirion
Koyuki uses a Thoughtstolen humility on Tirion and then Cabal Shadow Priest to take control of it.
RDU plays Faceless Manipulator on Koyuki's Tirion and Shieldmastah.
Koyuki breaks RDU's Tirion's Divine Shield, gets it down to 3 HP. Then he uses Shadow Madness on it and suicides it into the Shieldmastah.


remember me
I get more angry when I strike out at 10 or 11 wins in arena than when I lose 4, even though I should be ecstatic just for getting past 7. The decks you face at those levels are bullshit.


I get more angry when I strike out at 10 or 11 wins in arena than when I lose 4, even though I should be ecstatic just for getting past 7. The decks you face at those levels are bullshit.

Yeah you can usually get some good games around 10 wins, but most games in that bracket are against bs decks.

I did have a good moment this week though in a 12 win mage run. Lost the 11-1 match to a pally that dropped a Deathwing late game after I used my only Polymorph. Rematched him, saved that poly the whole game until he dropped the DW again, won the rematch.
Oh my god the plays.


RDU plays Tirion
Koyuki uses a Thoughtstolen humility on Tirion and then Cabal Shadow Priest to take control of it.
RDU plays Faceless Manipulator on Koyuki's Tirion and Shieldmastah.
Koyuki breaks RDU's Tirion's Divine Shield, gets it down to 3 HP. Then he uses Shadow Madness on it and suicides it into the Shieldmastah.

I've been, unfortuneately, on the beating end of playing against 2 tirions due to shenanigans like that. I still won the match though, lol...
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