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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Even after the Leeroy nerf, it will be possible to use the leeroy + 2 shadowstep combo, right? It will simply cost 9 mana instead of 6:
First leeroy - 5 mana
Second leeroy - 3 mana
Third leeroy - 1 mana

So this nerf isn't so bad.
Or am I missing something?

No, the third costs 3 mana.
Even after the Leeroy nerf, it will be possible to use the leeroy + 2 shadowstep combo, right? It will simply cost 9 mana instead of 6:
First leeroy - 5 mana
Second leeroy - 3 mana
Third leeroy - 1 mana

So this nerf isn't so bad.
Or am I missing something?

i just got killed by this. i'm a casual player so i was shocked lol.


Even after the Leeroy nerf, it will be possible to use the leeroy + 2 shadowstep combo, right? It will simply cost 9 mana instead of 6:
First leeroy - 5 mana
Second leeroy - 3 mana
Third leeroy - 1 mana

So this nerf isn't so bad.
Or am I missing something?
Shadowstep doesn't stack, so it would cost 11 mana.
you can still leeroy, shadowstep, leeroy, cold blood, cold blood. which is 20 damage. or you can finish with evis for 16 damage. which is still a good amount of reach.


Are there really any charge minions that are comparable? I can't think of any.

There are none

Thats why hes getting nerfed

Closest is Argent commander who is a 4/2 for 6 mana and Arcane Golem which is a 4/2 for 3 mana but it gives your opponent a mana crystal which is a massive disadvantage


There are none

Thats why hes getting nerfed

Closest is Argent commander who is a 4/2 for 6 mana and Arcane Golem which is a 4/2 for 3 mana but it gives your opponent a mana crystal which is a massive disadvantage

Reckless Rocketeer is 5/2 for 6 mana.


RR = 5/2 for 6 mana
AG = 4/2 for 3 mana (give opponent mana)
LJ = 6/2 for 5 mana (spawn dragonlings)
AC = 4/2 for 6 mana with Divine Shield

Arcane Golem is the next best thing for me, but still needs to be a finishing move


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I faced a miracle that did Southsea Deckhand + 2x CB + Faceless. That's 20 DMG rather than 18 but requires 1 extra card.
Adding 1 mana more to Leeroy Jenkins really isn't that much of a deal. It's a good nerf.
Adding 3 mana to a card like Starving Buzzard, though?
Holy fucking shit. That is overkill. Not gonna use it in any of my Hunter decks.

Why is Blizzard so terrible at balance patches? Like, TERRIBLE.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Kolenta plays Ysera into 3 creatures. Gets Ysera Awakens. Savjz plays Sludge Belcher on his turn and kills Ysera.

This is what I'm talking about. The luck of a pro.

(Too bad he's still going to lose)


He also said he was saying it facetiously though. :p

He got in through the open bracket hence why they were saying that.

Ah okay, I missed that. Makes sense. Like he often says "he should have shield slammed face" or "execute face" without a hint of it being a joke. Like he is being serious. And he never explains it after for potentially new people.


Ah okay, I missed that. Makes sense. Like he often says "he should have shield slammed face" or "execute face" without a hint of it being a joke. Like he is being serious. And he never explains it after for potentially new people.

Can you execute the demon dude who takes over for the warlock


Can you execute the demon dude who takes over for the warlock

No, Jaraxxus becomes a hero, so those cards that target minions can't target him anymore. Sacrificial Pact works because it doesn't specify it's minion only.


Repentance also works on it because it does summon the minion onto the field before the battlecry goes off to make it the hero.


Repentance also works on it because it does summon the minion onto the field before the battlecry goes off to make it the hero.

Yes, I'm pretty sure Mirror Entity and Snipe work too. It's just that after he replaces the hero, he's no longer a minion. But you're right, he's a minion on board first before replacing the hero.

So it insta-kills him? Crazy. I did not know this.

Yes, it instantly kills him.


Yes, I'm pretty sure Mirror Entity and Snipe work too. It's just that after he replaces the hero, he's no longer a minion. But you're right, he's a minion on board first before replacing the hero.
Yup, though Snipe isn't quite as nasty. I suppose mirror entity would be annoying if it happened though. 3/15 is quite annoying.


So it insta-kills him? Crazy. I did not know this.


Life must be good as a priest with Thoughtsteal. But I don't think folks that play Jaraxx have them in their decks any more. The first time it happens to you, it pretty much gets burned into your memory forever.



Life must be good as a priest with Thoughtsteal. But I don't think folks that play Jaraxx have them in their decks any more. The first time it happens to you, it pretty much gets burned into your memory forever.

Some poor dude in arena had 2 sac pacs for healing himself, and I played jaraxxus after his 2nd. LOL

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
These Shaman bots are rediculous

And slow as fuck


The mirror match no one wants to play:

LOL! Wow....

I don't know why people hate long control matches. Its by far what I enjoy most about the game. All the cheese decks that go for some insta kill, super early 5 turn win stuff sucks IMO. Control is so much more fun to play.

I be finishing 20 turn games wiping my brow like
Good game my fellow Priest. 30 minutes well spent. G'day!


remember me
Nadia almost lost to a rank 2 sea giants shaman bot. I know other top players have lost to them on stream too. So disgusting that Blizzard has done nothing.


In the 40 or so ranked games I played this weekend I only faced 5 Hunters, which is fucking AMAZING, but it has also shown me how annoying other classes can be

Freezemage is super annoying to play against because if you cant rush them down by turn 10 youre screwed because theyre going to fireball and icelance your face off

Druid lategame is very frustrating, especially if they get 2 Ancients of War down and put them in taunt mode. If you dont draw into removal its an extra 20 HP you have to burn through
The change was mainly for delaying the big combo, right? Also helps that you can't do as much with 2 mana instead of 5.

Hunters can still do the combo and draw a lot, there's just a higher chance they'll be further behind than they would be now. (If that makes sense)


Making Buzzard cost 3 mana more and the worst 5 mana drop in the game (stats-wise) is a drastic change, maybe the biggest they've ever done to a single card without completely changing its card text.

I'm curious to how they came up with this as the new sweet spot.


Wow people have a ton of respect for control warrior.

Had to build a makeshift one for the daily quest - missing many of the crucial cards (no Shield Slam, no Grommash, no Alex, no Cairne, no Black Knight). But even the dominating early game with Acolytes, Armorsmiths, Taskmasters and Frothing Berserkers had people in casual concede left and right. I guess they don't want to play super long games or compete with the legendaries (I don't have but they must assume I do). :lol
Just make Buzzard 2/1 for 3 mana. Way more reasonable.

i think the point was to make it a card that nobody plays.

i think the reason they left auctioneer alone is because by adding more cards to the game they made miracle rogue worse. you can't really add cards to the game that would make buzzard/unleash worse because it simply relies on people playing for board control. which is what they want hearthstone to be about. and since they still want hunter to have an AoE spell buzzard was the best thing to nerf into the ground.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
If people are running frothing berserkers I start thinking it's not a standard control warrior. I tried running frothing berserkers in my control warrior deck before but it seemed like I was exerting a lot of effort in the early game for something Alexstrasza could do herself.

Black Knight is pretty meta-depedent in control warrior I think. Maybe if you start seeing more druids and handlocks he'll pop up again. I think a lot of folks are running a spellbreaker instead right now.
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