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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


In classic the game didn't begin until someone put down a turn 4 Yeti (unless you were Druid in which case Turn 1 Yeti was back breaking).

Nowadays most games are decided by turn 4.

Hey now, back then the community hated Zoo for playing on curve and thought how Scarlet Crusader clearing your Yeti with help from Dark Iron Dwarf was the highest form of cancer.
In classic the game didn't begin until someone put down a turn 4 Yeti (unless you were Druid in which case Turn 1 Yeti was back breaking).

Nowadays most games are decided by turn 4.

lol what...? Zoo, face hunter, token druid, sunshine hunter, murlock... these things dominated you early game if you had a slow deck. And these decks were heavily played in order to beat miracle rogue. There was a time before zoo where decks were far too value heavy. Everyone was playing azure drake and argent commander, not because they fit and deserved to be in their decks, but because they were considered very value heavy cards.


Sunshine Hunter? That's a new one.

Actually I should've said Twilight Drake because of Handlock. Nowadays when you do that you are basically starting the game with sub 20 HP.

There was a time before zoo where decks were far too value heavy.
That was the time I was talking about but admittedly that was when Argent Commander was a 4/2 and Defender of Argus was better as well.

When I started playing there was the original Warrior Molten Giant OTK combo. Shit was ridiculous LMAO!
Sunshine Hunter? That's a new one.

Actually I should've said Twilight Drake because of Handlock. Nowadays when you do that you are basically starting the game with sub 20 HP.

That was the time I was talking about but admittedly that was when Argent Commander was a 4/2 and Defender of Argus was better as well.


Sunshine hunter was the name for the midrange hunter deck that lifecoach made and popularized. I don't remember if this is the best list to show but it seems pretty close. It was very popular at one time. I think miracle rogue shut the popularity down by quite a bit since the UTH/buzzard combo wasn't particularly great against a class that played so few minions and then bursted you down.



Sunshine hunter was the name for the midrange hunter deck that lifecoach made and popularized. I don't remember if this is the best list to show but it seems pretty close. It was very popular at one time. I think miracle rogue shut the popularity down by quite a bit since the UTH/buzzard combo wasn't particularly great against a class that played so few minions and then bursted you down.
Not sure why it was called Sunshine Hunter, this was just the standard UTH/Buzzard combo deck back when the combo was 4 mana (LMAO!) This particular one is the budget variation.



first game of new arena run. thanks ben brode.


Decide to play one game of constructed


Get the god hand to deal with coined MC perfectly, end the turn with a 3/3 Belcher and 4/1 BGH against a single token

lol whatever Uther just barfs out random cards on turn 6 then plays Dr. 7 into Dr. 8

I've seen some shit following Blizzard's clueless balancing attempts over the years but slowly but surely they finally managed to make playing a previously fine game utterly fucking pointless.

And the worst of all is that I'm one of the many fools who preordered the sad joke that is TGT
what the fuck is a dr.8

I swear this community is terrible coming up with nicknames


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
In classic the game didn't begin until someone put down a turn 4 Yeti (unless you were Druid in which case Turn 1 Yeti was back breaking).

Nowadays most games are decided by turn 4.

Pre-Nerf Nat Pagle wouldn't even get run in this meta. Drawing cards? Ain't nobody got time for that.
I chose Blingtron over Hemet in Arena and I realized Hemet is actually pretty good now because North Sea Kraken is auto picked. Oh well, Blingtron has won me 1 game so far


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I chose Blingtron over Hemet in Arena and I realized Hemet is actually pretty good now because North Sea Kraken is auto picked. Oh well, Blingtron has won me 1 game so far

North Sea Kraken is not a beast.

Someone explain the thread title to me please. Thanks.

O Tannebaum is a famous german christmas carol. It translates as "Oh Christmas Tree"
I finally got a second 12-win arena run! It was with a Paladin . . . again. But to be fair, last time I did it Paladin it was a mediocre class.

The deck I did it with was pretty meh. It didn't even have any epics or legendaries!

I kid, it was a really, really strong deck.

And here were my rewards:

I would've preferred a TGT pack, and the pack only had a rare, but I still can't complain. ^_^
Sometimes you get to Legend 45, and then you lose to a Shaman who got Taunt totem every time he rolled, 2 Vitality Totems from both Tuskars, and ran Acidic Swamp Ooze.

The pains of being Rogue at heart. Think I'll sit here for the season. I doubt I'll fall back too far, and even if I do this is my all time highest rank.

Guess I should go do some Halloween stuff since no one even came to my house to pilfer my candy.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you guys. I pulled my first golden legendary yesterday!

I already have a regular Fjola, so I dusted it to finally make a Justicar Trueheart and also finally make a Control Warrior deck. I'm loving it! I'm still missing Alexstraza and Grom, but it seems to be working really well regardless. Plus, there's nothing quite like tanking up to over 30HP after being near the brink of death. :D


I'm gonna post my latest refined rogue deck. I am currently 75% winrate in legend, climbing from rank 3300ish to 526 (there are 10k+ legend so top 5% of legend rank atm). It is an oil deck with more reliance on tempo swings than big burst combos. Across all variants I am 26-13 (67%) but as I refined the list the winrate grew and I am currently 15-5 (75%). I have not lost a single paladin match out of 8.


Not using the 4-Mana removal? (Forget the name.)


Pre-Nerf Nat Pagle wouldn't even get run in this meta. Drawing cards? Ain't nobody got time for that.
Yup and Paladins would froth at their mouth if that card is played against them.

"Well Met... now I get more Divine Favor value!"

Also the average strength of early drop minions is stronger now than when Pagle was strong. Most decks would just develop their board and then deal with Pagle a bit later even if it drew 1 or 2 cards.

It's sad that Blizzard doesn't use the Pagle/Tinkmaster balancing philosophy for a bunch of other RNG dependent cards in the game. It seemed like back then Blizzard actually gave a damn about the competitive integrity of the game.


I would love to see some cards nerf reversed, I think that Nat Pagle can return to normal for sure, and I would return gadgetan auctioneer to 5 mana. Miracle rogue without leeroy right now would be a fine fair deck thats a pleasure to watch in hands of a skilled player.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you guys. I pulled my first golden legendary yesterday!

I already have a regular Fjola, so I dusted it to finally make a Justicar Trueheart and also finally make a Control Warrior deck. I'm loving it! I'm still missing Alexstraza and Grom, but it seems to be working really well regardless. Plus, there's nothing quite like tanking up to over 30HP after being near the brink of death. :D

Just after I post this, this game happens:


I love it! XD
Seems like more and more people are calling for Blizzard to get a bit more liberal with the nerfs and buffs.

They should really implement some kind of testing ground where people can try out a nerfed or buffed version of a card and Blizzard could gather data and feedback based on that, probably a lot more than they would get from internal testing as well. Something like that also might have been able to save Warsong Commander from death.
Seems like more and more people are calling for Blizzard to get a bit more liberal with the nerfs and buffs.

They should really implement some kind of testing ground where people can try out a nerfed or buffed version of a card and Blizzard could gather data and feedback based on that, probably a lot more than they would get from internal testing as well. Something like that also might have been able to save Warsong Commander from death.

Hmm, you mean something like a Public Test Server?

WoW I can't believe they never thought of that


I would love to see some cards nerf reversed, I think that Nat Pagle can return to normal for sure, and I would return gadgetan auctioneer to 5 mana. Miracle rogue without leeroy right now would be a fine fair deck thats a pleasure to watch in hands of a skilled player.
Starving Buzzard should've been a 4 mana card. They over nerfed that card by making it 5 mana.

Flare should probably go back to being a 1 mana card. Starving Buzzard nerf was already an indirect nerf to Flare as stated by Ben Brode.

Healing Totem should heal the Shaman as well.

Seems like more and more people are calling for Blizzard to get a bit more liberal with the nerfs and buffs.

They should really implement some kind of testing ground where people can try out a nerfed or buffed version of a card and Blizzard could gather data and feedback based on that, probably a lot more than they would get from internal testing as well. Something like that also might have been able to save Warsong Commander from death.
100% agree, they should be embracing the digital format.

They used to be way more frequent with the changes but the changes were more marginal. A stat point here, a mana cost here. There was very little deleting of cards before.


Blizzard did one good thing this year and that ranked rewards, I can't imagine playing this ladder now without getting payed lol.


Blizzard did one good thing this year and that ranked rewards, I can't imagine playing this ladder now without getting payed lol.
They also added better dailies, you have a pretty decent chance now to get a quest that is 50 gold or higher.

And Tavern Brawl is still pretty cool and you at least get a pack per week.


Playing druid is the worst shit right now just mage and paladin all day.

Then I switch to control warrior and I get the mirror. Don't play shield block or acolytes and get ready for a 30 minute game.

Honestly this game is complete shit.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Seems like more and more people are calling for Blizzard to get a bit more liberal with the nerfs and buffs.

They should really implement some kind of testing ground where people can try out a nerfed or buffed version of a card and Blizzard could gather data and feedback based on that, probably a lot more than they would get from internal testing as well. Something like that also might have been able to save Warsong Commander from death.

Honestly, a good number of the problems going on in the game right now would be fixed if Mysterious Challenger was nuked from orbit.

Secret Paladin, being the insanely powerful yet brainless deck that it is is really shaping the meta right now. Decks are judged by how well they stack against it. And the only way to compete with its insane tempo and finisher with MC is to out-tempo and go even faster than it is before the MC drops and closes the game. Most midrange and control decks have been pushed out because they can't hack it against aggressive tempo lists and nothing dies cleanly to solid removal spells anymore. It used to be that two brawls was unheard of but now EVERY warrior is running double brawl. Patron was the only deck that really punished all the little dirty minions and token shits running around and while the deck still exists it can't punish them like it used to. Now it just screws with Druid and Face Hunter.

Secret Paladin essentially merged aggro paladin and midrange paladin into a fluid archetype that essentially has all the pros of both without any of the drawbacks. The original weakness of midrange Paladin was that it lacked a solid burst finisher, but MC gave it that. The original weakness of aggro Paladin was that it suffered harshly against cheap board clears like whirlwind and swipe or solid taunts. If a Secret Paladin can't drop resilient dirty bombs on every single turn and then close out with MC then other decks will have an easier time countering it. So you'll have a wider variety of decks and a better meta.

Remember when Mech Mage was the deck with a target on its head? Those days were pretty good. It didn't run any dirty minions except shredder, annoy-o-tron, and dr boom. Everything else dies pretty cleanly. But noooo... mechwarper was too strong they said.

Was playing secret Paladin sans Tirion the past few days, got to my highest rank ever

Just finished beating a warlock who roped EVERY turn and posed no threat to me, finished daily quest and had enough gold for a pack

Figured I'd buy a classic pack as there are a handful of cards I still don't have and keep getting duplicates in TGT

Open the pack and nice, a golden rare, 2 commons and an explosion for a legendary....I get excited, the card flips over and it's.....


Woohoo :p

Oh wait, it was a golden common, not rare, got too excited haha


yay, i'm in the rank 5 club for the first time this month. I thought i'd be stuck at 6 with my hunter but i got some good draws. consistently beat freeze mages, split on paladins and hunters so i kept getting tossed back and forth.

running this with one savannah and one stealthy tiger who helps out a lot to get the final kill.


I still think stuff like SR + FoN, Dr Balanced and Mad Scientist are over tuned as well.

MC being nerfed isn't really going to nerf the aggro/tempo game. People are still going to play the aggro/tempo game. There isn't enough stuff in the game that punishes it. If anything Druid would just be even better in a meta without Secret Paladin and it will just be Druids as the best, Zoolock/Tempo Mage/Hunters (as counters to Druid), Freeze Mage (to counter Zoolock) and Control Warrior (to counter Freeze Mage/Hunters).

MC as a card should never have existed to begin with TBQH.
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