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I regret buying Battlefield 1 over Titanfall 2


Well again not in my book, I been playing Battlefield now for ages and the one common theme is I always enjoy Battlefield and hate call of duty. The minute Battlefield has any type of cod feel id dislike it greatly.
Ah, no. Battlefield has started to become more and more like CoD since BF2/2142. The changes were incremental with each iteration so you just got used to it. If you honestly find no issue with the way vehicles are handled in BF1 then your proving my point. Every iteration something is "streamlined[dumbed down]", and the way vehicles are handles removes the reason I found BF series so damn amazing. THE SANDBOX! You don't get alot of those "Battlefield moments" that were once possible simply because the ability is no longer there. I can't put my finger on what it is but vehicles no longer feel fun to use I'd rather play as a foot soldier (that on top of me not even finding the gunplay enjoyable) which I never felt in any other Battlefield before. I don't like the map design philosophy either. Look if your the type that like 24/7 metro cool good for you but all of BF1 feels like 24/7 meatgrin- I mean metro. Come on though you really don't think metro was a CoD map and catering to that crowd? Again there is nothing wrong with that. Bad Company 2 is imo the perfect mix of what makes CoD fun and BF great, but don't delude yourself into thinking BF doesn't have CoD influences. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT, it's not for me though as the balance they had in BC2 is the best it's been and slowly through 3 & 4 the balance has tipped to far the other way.


As someone who played both, TiF2 is my GOTY, and I sold back BF1. I really wanted to like it, but it's not my thing. Constantly getting sniped. Constantly.

I can tell it's a good game and is very impressive.
They're both awesome but quite different games.
I only got TF2 the other day but I like it's MP as a "couple games" kinda thing to get a quick rush.

BF1 is what I prefer when I want long, coordinated team based matches with friends.

Both studios did amazing work.

Deleted member 286591

Unconfirmed Member
You're god damn right OP, welcome aboard !

I bought BF1 at first, played a few games thought it was really good but resisted buying TF2. Caved in with that Origin discount and never touched BF1 again. Even if they both are very different and BF1 is very good in its own right, yeah, I can't help but think TF2 is a superior game too.

Constantly getting sniped. Constantly.

And there's this, and for this reason alone I just can't play it anymore. In Titanfall 2 if you get rekt it's basically because you fucked up somewhere so even if you loose you still get tons of fun. Because it's more of a skillbased game with an awesome gameplay loop and feedback.


I didn't even buy bf1 lol. I only play Titan fall 2 and call of duty remastered. But the later is recently been fucking up online with match making and so much lag. I just spent most of my time on Titan fall 2
Well I got COD IW Legacy edition with my Pro purchase the game is okay but TF2 is far superior. To play TF2 feels amazing it's reminiscent of how my mind remembers old CODs feeling
I'm going a bit off topic but i'll seize the moment since we are talking about both.
If i don't care about multiplayer, do you recommend me buying B1? I enjoyed T2 campaign, how is B1's one compared to that? Is it worth the purchase?


Gold Member
I bought Battlefield 1 at release and got a cheap (price error) Premium pass as well. I didn't play Titanfall so I paid no mind to the sequel. A couple of weeks ago the game had some great sales both digitally and in stores and having heard that the campaign was great I decided to pick it up. Fast forward to today and I've been playing the multiplayer daily and I haven't even loaded up Battlefield 1 since. I still haven't played the campaign as I'm just having so much fun in the multiplayer at the moment. Glad I decided to give it a go as it really is a fantastic game. It's a great bonus that future maps will also be free.


I'm going a bit off topic but i'll seize the moment since we are talking about both.
If i don't care about multiplayer, do you recommend me buying B1? I enjoyed T2 campaign, how is B1's one compared to that? Is it worth the purchase?

For the SP alone: no imo.


I'm going a bit off topic but i'll seize the moment since we are talking about both.
If i don't care about multiplayer, do you recommend me buying B1? I enjoyed T2 campaign, how is B1's one compared to that? Is it worth the purchase?
I never played bf1 to be honest . Just watched some YouTube videos and it seems fu. The Titan fall single player is one of the best I played in recent history . I rare finish a single player game now and I did with this .


It really isn't, many people in the Tf2 thread said the core mechanics of gunplay is black ops 3ish. The feel of the game is so cod man, why deny it? Outside of the titans which are the best part, the game is call of duty. And the original games ttk was a notch longer, it felt like it's own game and not a total cod knockoff, I'm sorry that is how I feel because I spent 60 bucks on it, you think I want to feel that way? Not at all.

For those who enjoy it that's great. I enjoyed the original, had couple hundred hours. This is not the same core build of the original, it just isn't.

And yea I agree they're very different games. I didn't create the thread, I'm just chipping in since the thread brought up Battlefield 1 which to me is a superb shooter, one of the best in last 10 years maybe.

I wish I could say titanfall 2 was amazing, but the wall hacks, the ttk, just terrible.

TF2 really isn't anything like CoD, it's actually really easy to spot people playing it like they'd play CoD and they get slaughtered.
I'm going a bit off topic but i'll seize the moment since we are talking about both.
If i don't care about multiplayer, do you recommend me buying B1? I enjoyed T2 campaign, how is B1's one compared to that? Is it worth the purchase?

Unless you just want to be wowed by pretty graphics, wait for a good discount.

MP is the main attraction with BF1.


Titanfall 2's single player isn't just good, it's freaking remarkable. One of the best FPS campaigns ever, and no that's not hyperbole. I can't remember the last time we got something so ambitious and engaging. It's short, but sweet enough that it doesn't matter. It's effectively a Half-Life Episode sort of experience and I won't stop recommending it.

The multiplayer is worse than the originals, but then again, the original's was among the best. It's not entirely objective because a lot of the changes are there to make the game more accessible anyway. It feels good to get the movement down.

I hope you guys, if you don't feel convinced, will reconsider as future updates increase the value of the game (for free).


Titanfall 2 is the closest thing to Tribes-on-consoles that I've experienced. Use the EPG-1 and you're playing with a Spinfuser meets the Plasma Gun. Instead of Juggernauts, there are Titans. There are a ton of differences, but the locomotion possible in TF2 is so fun that it brings back a nostalgic euphoria of skiing.
Titanfall 2 is utterly amazing. The campaign was a blast and the multiplayer is the most fun I've had with a first-person shooter since early Unreal Tournament days. The crazy shenanigans you can do with the parkour and fancy weaponry and tools (grappling hook for life!) makes every match a sheer spectacle.

Having said that, I also happen to be enjoying Battlefield 1 a lot too. Way more than I did BF3 and BF4. And Overwatch is, of course, a sheer blast too. Damn, this was a really good year for FPS games. And I haven't even started DOOM's campaign yet!


I could only afford one so I grabbed TF2 weeks ago.

No regrets, hundreds of hours of MP played.

Also understand this I almost NEVER play single player aside from the first mission. Ever.

But TF2's campaign? Three words.

Effect and Cause.
Don't regret buying battlefield, but it is the worst battlefield since bf3 imo. Battlefield is essentially where battlefront was on my game list..its for casual fun with friends now. I guess the only reason i don't regret the purchase is because i have siege now to replace BF for everything else that not just casual mindless fun. Siege pretty much does all my personal favorite parts of BF (gunplay, destruction, strategy) better then battlefield does it, like i said, bf is for casual fun nowadays (for me atleast) .
I purchased infinite warfare, bf1 and tf2. I regret them all. I think it's more me being tired of the AAA fps genre than anything. On paper I should be having a great time :/


Bought both, only a week in I already couldn't find matches quickly(or at all off primetime) for my favorite gamemode in Titanfall 2. Can find a match in BF1 any hour of the day, any day of the week.

The way Titanfall 2 fans try to shit on BF1 every chance they get is really fucking annoying.

Short man syndrome. ;)
Titanfall 2's moment to moment gameplay is just straight up bombastic. All the tweaks they made that I was originally hesitant about have been for the better. I can't think of any mechanic I thought was better in TF1.


Well TF2 is the best value proposition between the 3 shooters that released, and as far as I can tell TF2 got the least amount of "Oh that's how I died to this thing I can't even see"
The gunplay in Titanfall 2 is amazing, it's better than BF1's for sure, but I think BF is the better game still. Me personally I just don't dig the mech combat in TF2. I think both games are vastly to superior to the latest CoD though, which is no surprise since the the series has gone to shit (outside of Treyarch's offerings) since the Respawn team left Infinity Ward.

Oh and the netcode in Titanfall 2 is fantastic, and that can't be stated enough.
I really enjoyed Titanfall 2 as I never played the first one. Kinda felt like where CoD should have ended up. BF1 is also a really good BF game. At least the Operations mode is.

But overall they are 2 very different games. I enjoyed TF2 more mainly because of its speed and movement reminding me a little bit of the old arena shooter days. But in the end I did the same thing with both games as I seem to do with most shooters. Spend about 20 hours online with them over 2 weeks (unlocked all the weapons I care about on BF1 and regenerated in TF2) and have barely played them since. The only online game I seem to consistantly come back to is SFV. I guess I have just played so many online shooters over the last 20 years I just dont get as hooked by them anymore. Or maybe Its more that I just dont tend to play with friends online any more because of real life commitments so a fighting game suits my life style not having to rely on anyone.

Kaji AF16

I love the Battlefield series. It represents my peak as a competitive player. I liked Battlefield 1 a lot and had a lot of great moments with it during its first two weeks.

That said, I also regretted getting it instead of going for TF2 first.

I eventually got a physical copy of TF2 during Black Friday and I am waiting to return to my home after a month to play it.


Titanfall 2 would have been my GOTY if it wasn't for Overwatch (and maybe the best pokémon game ever).

Such a shame it fell at the busiest time of the year. The silver lining is that the people who bought it aren't likely to jump ship as soon as COD is released.


I regret buying Battlefield 1 full price for sure. Titanfall 2 is an amazing game.

Battlefield is fun too but Titanfall is the superior game for sure.


I played the free multiplayer weekend of Titanfall 2 and i did not enjoy it at all. I don't know if it were the maps or the gun that you started with but after a few games i deleted it and went back to battlefield. And it was not because i sucked or anything like that, my kd was actually pretty good on the first game.
I find them both to be great games that scratch different itches. I mean it wouldn't make any sense in a WW1 based shooter to do even a third of the things TF2 does because while they are both shooters they are going to entirely different aspects.

I love the battle of the trenches aspect of Operations Mode in BF1, there's nothing like it. Moving from point to point under heavy fire with 63 other players fighting it out as well. Titanfall 2 offers nothing even remotely comparable to that.

Whereas BF1 doesn't offer me the chance to summon down a giant robot and start slicing up other robots and people with a sword and such.

I don't view them as one game being better than the other, I view them as both excellent shooters that offer different shooter experiences. IF someone asked me if they should get BF1 or TF2 I'd ask them what kind of shooter they want, not try to prove one is better than the other.


As awesome as they can be I am mainly interested in the singleplayer content they can offer so I will definitely wait for a good sale.


Yes, anyone who has doubts, get TF2 over BF1, especially if you're tired of modern combat , because that is what BF1 is. It's not set in WW1 whatsoever.
These threads are so weird.

Titanfall and Battlefield, while both shooters, are vastly different games.

Titanfall is fast paced twitch shooter like Cod. If you liked Cod 4 and MW2 you'll probably enjoy this.

Battlefield is the slower large scale warfare shooter with vehicles and set roles. If you like, well, Battlefield, you'll like this. There's definitely room for both to exist.

As different as they are they still shouldn't have been released side by side.

I usually stick to one game for a while and then change up. I played BF1 constantly after it released. And now I'm back playing Overwatch and nothing else.

Over the next few months I will play Gears, Titanfall, Overwatch and Battlefield.

Why do they need to compete? I own all 4 above and will get stuck into them when I get burnt out on one.


I haven't played BF1 yet but spent a lot of time with 3 and 4, they're not really comparable I think. That said TF2 is a fantastic game, a rarity in that the majority of the time when you die it's not due to bullshittery.


I haven't played BF1 yet but spent a lot of time with 3 and 4, they're not really comparable I think. That said TF2 is a fantastic game, a rarity in that the majority of the time when you die it's not due to bullshittery.

Pilot sentry would like to have talk with you.

Naked Lunch

Ah, no. Battlefield has started to become more and more like CoD since BF2/2142. The changes were incremental with each iteration so you just got used to it. If you honestly find no issue with the way vehicles are handled in BF1 then your proving my point. Every iteration something is "streamlined[dumbed down]", and the way vehicles are handles removes the reason I found BF series so damn amazing. THE SANDBOX! You don't get alot of those "Battlefield moments" that were once possible simply because the ability is no longer there. I can't put my finger on what it is but vehicles no longer feel fun to use I'd rather play as a foot soldier (that on top of me not even finding the gunplay enjoyable) which I never felt in any other Battlefield before. I don't like the map design philosophy either. Look if your the type that like 24/7 metro cool good for you but all of BF1 feels like 24/7 meatgrind- I mean metro.
I agree with most of this. BF1 is probably the worst Battlefield next to BC1 - it has no legs mainly because its too shallow.

A lot of my issues with BF1 come down to its map design - by far the worst lot in BF in a long time. Battlefield used to have layers of strategy and tactics, especially back in the BF2 PC days, but due to mainly the clusterfuck map design of BF1 - the strategic gameplay is non-existent in BF1. The entire game is a chaotic meatgrind. BF2 wasnt like that - even certain maps from BF4 (like Dragon Valley) set side by side with BF1's maps showcase just how different the game can feel from map design alone.

There was a DICE interview post BF3 where they talked about how people played the more focused infantry maps like Karkand far more than bigger open vehicle maps - but I dont see reason to completely remove that style of Battlefield from the franchise. If anyone remembers the lesser known Songhua Stalemate or Highway Tampa - thats the kind of maps I equate true large scale tactical Battlefield with. Why has Conquest Assault disappeared from the series? The series has been dumbed down beyond recognition at this point. Its gotten to big for its own good.


When it comes to the campaign, I agree, it's not even competitive. TF2 blows BF1 out of the water but when it comes to the mp I'm gonna have to go with BF1. It's so much deeper and I feel like it has more staying power. If your going to play for 20 minutes there is no question that TF2 is going to provide more thrills but if you're going to sit down and play for an extended period of time TF2 matches start to feel the same imo. I like the variety and team play that BF1 offers and I suspect it has longer legs. I've played all the other BF games for years at a time, usually until the next installment is released. With TF1 I was good after about 4 months.
Ah, no. Battlefield has started to become more and more like CoD since BF2/2142. The changes were incremental with each iteration so you just got used to it. If you honestly find no issue with the way vehicles are handled in BF1 then your proving my point. Every iteration something is "streamlined[dumbed down]", and the way vehicles are handles removes the reason I found BF series so damn amazing. THE SANDBOX! You don't get alot of those "Battlefield moments" that were once possible simply because the ability is no longer there. I can't put my finger on what it is but vehicles no longer feel fun to use I'd rather play as a foot soldier (that on top of me not even finding the gunplay enjoyable) which I never felt in any other Battlefield before. I don't like the map design philosophy either. Look if your the type that like 24/7 metro cool good for you but all of BF1 feels like 24/7 meatgrin- I mean metro. Come on though you really don't think metro was a CoD map and catering to that crowd? Again there is nothing wrong with that. Bad Company 2 is imo the perfect mix of what makes CoD fun and BF great, but don't delude yourself into thinking BF doesn't have CoD influences. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT, it's not for me though as the balance they had in BC2 is the best it's been and slowly through 3 & 4 the balance has tipped to far the other way.

This post is so full of shit. BC2 Rush was garbage. You could have people lobbing explosives or tanks bombarding a building with the objective. Building collapses, objective is dead. Or, someone on your own team could grief by putting all their C4 onto the objective you are trying to defend and cause damage to it that way. It was a fucking mess of a game.

If you want to talk about something real, as someone who has actually followed the series for a long time, talk about the loss of the commander role. Talk about BF2 and how classes actually made a difference in that game. Taking out command centers and AA. There was a meta RTS going on in BF2 that most people didn't understand or even care to. So for the most part you were playing with people that didn't even grasp the flow of battle because it wasn't spelled out for them. It was a steep learning curve. Now, that is something I appreciate, the nuances of the older games, but it made for a shitty experience for anyone that could not get a hold of that.
And guess what? When your team doesn't understand that, you will have a shitty time too.

BF1 isn't perfect. But it 's doing a much better job of limiting the bullshit involved with the other games. The systems in place now make for a level playing field. The only thing holding you back now is your own skill and situational awareness. You still have to learn the maps and know the strengths and weaknesses of your class. Every game is extremely dynamic. "Battlefield moments" are in full effect.

Titanfall 2 falls flat. The mechanics in place don't stay fun for long. The best game type doesn't even involve Titans. There is a harmony in the mechanics missing in this game that Titanfall 1 had. The guns never felt really good though in either title. Another thing it lacks is that production quality. Everything is so stale. The environment doesn't change in the course of battle. Nothing feels like there is any life to it. No physics. Sure, you get explosions and jumping onto mechs but it's all very stiff. Even when you are in a large open map, it feels like you are inside. Titanfall 2 feels restrictive.


I'll take Battlefield 1s multiplayer over Titanfall 2 any day of the week.

Same with me. The epicness of battlefield matches can't be replicated anywhere else. 64 guys fighting with vehicles and artillery make all other MP games pale in comparison.


I bought BF1 instead of TF and im not sure how im supposed to have any fun at all with the constant non stop getting sniped. Its really frustrating because without the constant sniper death it looks like it would be a lot of fun.


There is an alternate dimension where you bought Titanfall 2 instead of Battlefield 1.

In said dimension you made this same thread but wished you had bought BF1 instead of TF2.


I bought BF1 and TF2 at launch.

Played TF2 a lot more but I'm not sure it has legs. Not a fan of the maps and tend to play pilot v pilot.
I'm confident BF1 will be played more in the long term.

Still play R6 Siege more than both of them.


I like BF1, but man. I finished the TF2 campaign yesterday and that was fucking amazing. One of the very best CoD-type campaigns out there. The second last mission was a standout.

Wow, that was good.

The Dude

I just overall don't understand threads like this for any other reason but to disguise it as a Battlefield hate thread.

If you own both, and you're having fun with titanfall 2 why make this type of post other than to justify to yourself and get others to try and validate your feelings? At this point you obviously own both or owned one and sold it for the other, just play the game you prefer and have fun with it.

Posting in a thread and starting a thread are two different very things as one is creating a Wolfpack mindset towards another game. I own both, prefer Battlefield 1 but I have no need to try and validate that by making a thread basically disguised to get others on board to hate titanfall 2.

This thread could have easily been in the TF2 OT, but instead the OP is obviously insecure about how they feel and needs to get and gain validation. That's how I see it
It seems odd to argue over the two games. They are FPS games but very different in mechanics and gameplay. This will therefore appeal to different people and doesn't make one game better or worse than the other.

It is like arguing between cricket formats and what is best.
Clearly test cricket is...


This post is so full of shit. BC2 Rush was garbage. You could have people lobbing explosives or tanks bombarding a building with the objective. Building collapses, objective is dead. Or, someone on your own team could grief by putting all their C4 onto the objective you are trying to defend and cause damage to it that way. It was a fucking mess of a game.

If you want to talk about something real, as someone who has actually followed the series for a long time, talk about the loss of the commander role. Talk about BF2 and how classes actually made a difference in that game. Taking out command centers and AA. There was a meta RTS going on in BF2 that most people didn't understand or even care to. So for the most part you were playing with people that didn't even grasp the flow of battle because it wasn't spelled out for them. It was a steep learning curve. Now, that is something I appreciate, the nuances of the older games, but it made for a shitty experience for anyone that could not get a hold of that.
And guess what? When your team doesn't understand that, you will have a shitty time too.

BF1 isn't perfect. But it 's doing a much better job of limiting the bullshit involved with the other games. The systems in place now make for a level playing field. The only thing holding you back now is your own skill and situational awareness. You still have to learn the maps and know the strengths and weaknesses of your class. Every game is extremely dynamic. "Battlefield moments" are in full effect.

Titanfall 2 falls flat. The mechanics in place don't stay fun for long. The best game type doesn't even involve Titans. There is a harmony in the mechanics missing in this game that Titanfall 1 had. The guns never felt really good though in either title. Another thing it lacks is that production quality. Everything is so stale. The environment doesn't change in the course of battle. Nothing feels like there is any life to it. No physics. Sure, you get explosions and jumping onto mechs but it's all very stiff. Even when you are in a large open map, it feels like you are inside. Titanfall 2 feels restrictive.

This post is full of shit because BF3/BF4 rush modes were complete garbage to the BC2 Rush which was superior due to maps being designed FOR Rush, not being adapted from large CQ maps.
So far in my limited hours of BF1, I've felt that I do not want to play Conquest/Operations simply because what these modes easily devolve to is a tug-of-war where the meatgrinder effect happens on a relatively small conflict area.
Domination is still pretty ok in BF1, although BF3 Close Quarters and later expansions with Domination maps felt superior in map design.

Personally I think Bounty Hunt is amazing but personal preferences.
Other than that, all your criticisms of Titanfall 2 can directly fit onto BF1 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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