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IGN Editorial: 3DS vs. PS Vita - Will History Repeat Itself?


apana said:
It has been said before that it's not a matter of whether or not a particular game was released on a console at some point, it's all about how it works on the handheld and suits the audience. Games that can be played in short bursts and can be played easily on the go, work well on handhelds. Mario Kart, mainline 2D and 3D Mario games, and hell even Starfox 64 fit well with that.

Well you have a better point of view than the delusional Dr Peace. The Vita will also be having games like that such as LBP, Wipeout, Stardust, Sound Shapes, and ModNation Racers. Still, I think there's room on handhelds for both types of games. Apparently Nintendo does too seeing as how they just put out OoT.


Since the 3DS already has games comparable to Resident Evil 5 on there, the gap is nowhere near as wide as it was for the DS (N64) and PSP (PS2).

Hyperbole at best, flat our lie at worst.


As always, the big factor will be the games. This time around, both companies have lots of great games coming, so it'll be interseting to see how this turns out.

I personally predict that both will do very well, but neither will reach original DS level of sales, as the market will be more split.


SykoTech said:
Well you have a better point of view than the delusional Dr Peace. The Vita will also be having games like that such as LBP, Wipeout, Stardust, Sound Shapes, and ModNation Racers. Still, I think there's room on handhelds for both types of games. Apparently Nintendo does too seeing as how they just put out OoT.

Eh. Nintendo's just being lazy. Absolutely foolish that they didn't have a 2D Mario available for the 3DS's launch.
Dr_Peace said:
I'm not giving anything a pass, I'm just that RE:Revelations (which I said is similar to a console game) survives the transition to the 3DS FAR better than Uncharted does.

Uncharted Vita is going to focus more on exploration and puzzles? Prove it. The demo at E3 showed nothing more than regular Uncharted gameplay with some optional controls. Being on the Vita just makes it a weaker Uncharted game (weaker visuals, less cinematic which is the whole point) and that exploration/puzzling you say exists could easily be done on the PS3.

I can show you RE:Revelations footage that shows actual tangible IMPROVEMENTS over what RE5 was able to accomplish thanks to the 3DS hardware. Those include the 3D to augment the horror experience, more puzzle variety, better aiming and inventory management etc.

You know what else can be done on a PS3? 3D.

I really don't see how you are making the heavy handed assumption that 3D is going to be more of a game changer than the touchscreen/touchpad interfaces.... which don't have a direct counterpoint on a home console as of yet.


Dr_Peace said:
I find it funny that you don't realise you're in the tiny minority when you think 3D adds nothing to the experience :p

3D is great, I'm sorry you can't enjoy it. It makes the experience far more immersive and will work wonders for a horror game.

Added aliasing? I think the term you're searching for is 'anti-aliasing', and no they MOST LIKELY won't be adding such expensive rendering effects just in case someone turns the switch to 2D mode.

I'd say the sales of the 3DS would point to people not caring about 3D effects as much as its fans would like

I apologize for my typo, I did mean anti-aliasing. Something Zelda 3DS has in 2D mode and not in 3D. Not to mention the other games out which run at a superior framerate in 2D as opposed to 3D, just by turning the switch.


Dr_Peace said:
I'm not giving anything a pass, I'm just that RE:Revelations (which I said is similar to a console game) survives the transition to the 3DS FAR better than Uncharted does.

Uncharted Vita is going to focus more on exploration and puzzles? Prove it. The demo at E3 showed nothing more than regular Uncharted gameplay with some optional controls. Being on the Vita just makes it a weaker Uncharted game (weaker visuals, less cinematic which is the whole point) and that exploration/puzzling you say exists could easily be done on the PS3.

I can show you RE:Revelations footage that shows actual tangible IMPROVEMENTS over what RE5 was able to accomplish thanks to the 3DS hardware. Those include the 3D to augment the horror experience, more puzzle variety, better aiming and inventory management etc.

LittleBigPlanet has touch screen controls? INNOVATION!!! 2004 ALL OVER AGAIN!!!

My point is, how is the experience significantly BETTER or DIFFERENT?

I've not played Peace Walker, but obviously a cinematic Metal Gear Solid game is EXACTLY what you want on a bus. They are also porting it to the PS3 in HD, which shows just how special the game was in the first place.

The whole point of a handheld game is that it works BETTER on a handheld. You CAN port a DS Pokemon game to a console but why would you?

You don't understand, You are trying to argue that Resident Evil Revelations is better of on 3DS, because of 3D, fair enough, but many people will argue playing a survival horror is much better on a large HDTV with the lights off. I personally don't care for games having to be made for handheld, but using your logic, Isn't a game like Resident Evil Revelations more suitable for home consoles, in fact I think it would be better on Vita with it's larger high res OLED screen, with great blacks which would work well with horror games that 3DS's 3.5 inch low res screen. Also more puzzle variety, back to horror experince isn't something that 3DS helped at, in fact if they released a RE game like that on consoles it would probably sell more (I bet it will get ported to Vita, knowing Capcom).

As for Uncharted, the developers have said the game will focus more on exploration and puzzles instead of countless shoot outs like the console version, again I personally don't care I just want more Uncharted, no matter what console it's on.

As for LittleBigPlanet, I am using your logic again as the handheld version has to differenciate itself, this game does it well, the touch and motion adds a lot to this game, from creating aspect to actual gameplay. LittleBigPlanet could potentially be a massive games appstore, I think that has huge potential, we are already seeing different games that cannot be created on the console version.

As for MGS Peace Walker, yes it has cutscenes, but if actyually played the game you would no the game is designed for handhelds with bitesized missions, it also differenciates itself from console version due to the bitesize missions and multiplayer aspect. Yes it did get ported obviously because Konami wasn't happy with sales (which was bound to happen as PSP was dead in the west when it released), also I don't doubt many people


SykoTech said:
Well you have a better point of view than the delusional Dr Peace. The Vita will also be having games like that such as LBP, Wipeout, Stardust, Sound Shapes, and ModNation Racers. Still, I think there's room on handhelds for both types of games. Apparently Nintendo does too seeing as how they just put out OoT.

Well ports of famous games usually do well on handhelds. A lot of younger people want to play games they missed out on and older people want to relive the moments in a new way.

Vinci said:
Eh. Nintendo's just being lazy. Absolutely foolish that they didn't have a 2D Mario available for the 3DS's launch.

They didn't expect sales like these, no one did. 2D Mario is their get out of jail free card, and it probably wouldn't be a good idea to release a 2D Mario on handheld when there will likely be 2D Mario on Wii U coming only a year later.
Lesiroth said:
There's a difference between saying a game looks good and it being almost as good as RE5. I agree with the former, not the latter.

And you're trying to tell me with a straight face that the RE5->RE:R transformation is good for the game while UC->UC:GA is bad for the game. Somehow RE:R retains the graphical capabilities of the console versions of RE5, right?

You're willing to claim insignificant points like 'better aiming' towards RE:R's favor while discounting touchscreen support for LBP, a game which relies on user-created content. Ok.

And I'll just wait for Amir0x to come and say a few things about the 3D effect.
i don't agree with the maniac you're responding to, but let's not pretend that Amirox's opinion on 3D is anything more than his opinion on 3D. he doesn't like it. that doesn't invalidate it in any way shape or form. he laughs at the notion that it makes judging distances easier, and mocks anyone who claims they find it helpful.

it doesn't mean that the people who find it helpful, or who feel it improves gameplay are all wrong. nor does it mean he is wrong.

LBP touchscreen controls are massive for that game. Uncharted looks like the same experience. RE:R looks like a better game than RE5, and while that may in part be because of the hardware, i think it's more about working within the constraints of it that's lead to the game design being exciting (less monsters, more claustrophobic environments), and not some new feature that the 3DS has.

but again, if you haven't played a horror title on a portable, i recommend it. I think Amir0x agrees with me there if i remember right, since you value his opinion so highly.

horror games work really well on portables. they lose somethings, but they absolutely gain something else in the transition.


y'all should be ashamed
People keep saying iOS took a chunk of the Vita market, but I really think it's Nintendo's market who was more severely impacted.

The runaway success of the DS and Wii can be attributed to two things: price and the outreach to kids and older adults. I remember Nintendo's brilliant commercials featuring celebrities chillin with their DS, playing brain training or Nintendogs. That audience is largely gone thanks to the iPad/iPod touch.

Then you have kids, who got the system because of it's affordability and largely due to the lack of competition for a good kid friendly handheld. Which again has been challenged a bit thanks to the $250 price and iOS competition.

People keep saying Mario Kart, Mario, etc. But those games can only take off once you remove or soften the various barriers of entry... and I don't see that happening with the 3DS anytime soon.


plagiarize said:
i don't agree with the maniac you're responding to, but let's not pretend that Amirox's opinion on 3D is anything more than his opinion on 3D. he doesn't like it. that doesn't invalidate it in any way shape or form. he laughs at the notion that it makes judging distances easier, and mocks anyone who claims they find it helpful.

it doesn't mean that the people who find it helpful, or who feel it improves gameplay are all wrong. nor does it mean he is wrong.

LBP touchscreen controls are massive for that game. Uncharted looks like the same experience. RE:R looks like a better game than RE5, and while that may in part be because of the hardware, i think it's more about working within the constraints of it that's lead to the game design being exciting (less monsters, more claustrophobic environments), and not some new feature that the 3DS has.

but again, if you haven't played a horror title on a portable, i recommend it. I think Amir0x agrees with me there if i remember right, since you value his opinion so highly.

horror games work really well on portables. they lose somethings, but they absolutely gain something else in the transition.

I don't 'value' his opinion highly or anything of the sort. The few times I tried out a 3DS, I did so with the 3D effect at off as it makes me slightly dizzy. It just came to me as I know he has a passionate hate for the effect, that's all.
I did try Silent Hill Origins on PSP for a while and I loved it. Maybe I should try and get it..
chubigans said:
People keep saying iOS took a chunk of the Vita market, but I really think it's Nintendo's market who was more severely impacted.

The runaway success of the DS and Wii can be attributed to two things: price and the outreach to kids and older adults. I remember Nintendo's brilliant commercials featuring celebrities chillin with their DS, playing brain training or Nintendogs. That audience is largely gone thanks to the iPad/iPod touch.

Then you have kids, who got the system because of it's affordability and largely due to the lack of competition for a good kid friendly handheld. Which again has been challenged a bit thanks to the $250 price and iOS competition.

People keep saying Mario Kart, Mario, etc. But those games can only take off once you remove or soften the various barriers of entry... and I don't see that happening with the 3DS anytime soon.
if we look at DS sales, they have declined yes, but have they declined in any unexpected way? it's plausible that the recent decline is due to the growth of iOS type devices, but is there really any evidence of that?

i don't think that the Vita market is severly impacted though, and i'm not saying that it won't be an issue for the 3DS and vita going up against smartphones, however i don't see any real evidence that people have stopped buying the DS in unexpected numbers.

again, best Pokemon debut ever.

iOS has definately killed off a type of game at a certain price point, but i think overall it's impact as of yet has been minimal.


apana said:
They didn't expect sales like these, no one did. 2D Mario is their get out of jail free card, and it probably wouldn't be a good idea to release a 2D Mario on handheld when there will likely be 2D Mario on Wii U coming only a year later.

There should be a 2D Mario available for the launch of every single piece of hardware Nintendo produces. No exceptions. I don't care how far apart they are - each should be distinct from the other in different ways. Also, we have no idea if there's going to be a 2D Mario for the Wii U's launch either.
Lesiroth said:
I don't 'value' his opinion highly or anything of the sort. The few times I tried out a 3DS, I did so with the 3D effect at off as it makes me slightly dizzy. It just came to me as I know he has a passionate hate for the effect, that's all.
I did try Silent Hill Origins on PSP for a while and I loved it. Maybe I should try and get it..
if you enjoyed what you played, i'm sure you'll enjoy the full game. some Silent Hill purists don't get on with it, because of what it isn't, but yeah, playing that thing as intended with headphones on in the dark, was a really good experience for me.

if you have the ability, ramp up the clockspeed on your PSP. it makes a big difference framerate wise.


Dr_Peace said:
I'm not giving anything a pass, I'm just that RE:Revelations (which I said is similar to a console game) survives the transition to the 3DS FAR better than Uncharted does.

Uncharted Vita is going to focus more on exploration and puzzles? Prove it. The demo at E3 showed nothing more than regular Uncharted gameplay with some optional controls. Being on the Vita just makes it a weaker Uncharted game (weaker visuals, less cinematic which is the whole point) and that exploration/puzzling you say exists could easily be done on the PS3.

I can show you RE:Revelations footage that shows actual tangible IMPROVEMENTS over what RE5 was able to accomplish thanks to the 3DS hardware. Those include the 3D to augment the horror experience, more puzzle variety, better aiming and inventory management etc.

LittleBigPlanet has touch screen controls? INNOVATION!!! 2004 ALL OVER AGAIN!!!

My point is, how is the experience significantly BETTER or DIFFERENT?

I've not played Peace Walker, but obviously a cinematic Metal Gear Solid game is EXACTLY what you want on a bus. They are also porting it to the PS3 in HD, which shows just how special the game was in the first place.

The whole point of a handheld game is that it works BETTER on a handheld. You CAN port a DS Pokemon game to a console but why would you?

Yes I OBVIOUSLY mean Revelations, it's way beyond RE4 in terms of fidelity and closer to RE5. Not to mention the fact that they got RE5 assets (the Public Assembly RE5 level) to work on it.

Do you seriously think it doesn't look good? You're on your own there.

I find it funny that you don't realise you're in the tiny minority when you think 3D adds nothing to the experience :p

3D is great, I'm sorry you can't enjoy it. It makes the experience far more immersive and will work wonders for a horror game.

Added aliasing? I think the term you're searching for is 'anti-aliasing', and no they MOST LIKELY won't be adding such expensive rendering effects just in case someone turns the switch to 2D mode.
only lol comes to my mind when reading this guy


plagiarize said:
if you enjoyed what you played, i'm sure you'll enjoy the full game. some Silent Hill purists don't get on with it, because of what it isn't, but yeah, playing that thing as intended with headphones on in the dark, was a really good experience for me.

if you have the ability, ramp up the clockspeed on your PSP. it makes a big difference framerate wise.
Yeah, I did enjoy it. I'll head to PSN and get it now if it's there. I do need new headphones ;_;
By ramping up the clockspeed do you mean setting it at 333Mhz?


elsk said:
When I said Call of Duty for Vita I'm talking about a real Call Of Duty, not this:




If you didn't have fun with that game I'm sorry but you suck or you're too young to understand


Some of you seem convinced it's all about the games. Noone here knows what the 150 million DS owners got them to buy one, same with the PSP. You need extensive market research to find that kind of stuff out. I'm sure both Sony and Nintendo have done that, but with Nintendo missing their forecasted sales it just shows how hard it is to predict the handheld market right now.


Coolwhip said:
Some of you seem convinced it's all about the games. Noone here knows what the 150 million DS owners got them to buy one, same with the PSP. You need extensive market research to find that kind of stuff out. I'm sure both Sony and Nintendo have done that, but with Nintendo missing their forecasted sales it just shows how hard it is to predict the handheld market right now.

Well, we see that several titles on the DS system sold over 20 million units, so it's reasonable to assume they had a pretty heavy hand in why it sold that well.


This could be my lack of information. But, every time I have played 3DS. There is no "Pop Out". It has depth but no "pop out".

Is it just the games I have played or is there anything that "Pops out". The only reason I brought this up because the guy who claims that RE will have "pop out" on 3DS.


beast786 said:
This could be my lack of information. But, every time I have played 3DS. There is no "Pop Out". It has depth but no "pop out".

Is it just the games I have played or is there anything that "Pops out". The only reason I brought this up because the guy who claims that RE will have "pop out" on 3DS.

OoT has some popout, I believe, or at least if felt like it. Running around in kokiro (sp?) village, with the faeries flying about.

Haven't seen much else, though.
Dr_Peace said:
Since the 3DS already has games comparable to Resident Evil 5 on there, the gap is nowhere near as wide as it was for the DS (N64) and PSP (PS2).

What fool would buy Uncharted Vita over Uncharted 3? Seriously why is that even an option for a game which is all about being cinematic on a big screen?

Ordinarily I enjoy the idea of competition, but for me Sony is just getting it all wrong with their handhelds. TRANSFARRING my ass.

This is what Nintendo fanboys really believe.

Do you have any other console's other then ones made by Nintendo. Because it might explain why you think that there are 3DS games comparable to RE5.

just a little something http://segmentnext.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Metal-Gear-Solid-3-vs-3DS.jpg

the 3DS is comparable with the PSP, and that is it. Anything else you and you are only lying to yourself.
beast786 said:
This could be my lack of information. But, every time I have played 3DS. There is no "Pop Out". It has depth but no "pop out".

Is it just the games I have played or is there anything that "Pops out". The only reason I brought this up because the guy who claims that RE will have "pop out" on 3DS.
I have a couple titles, but none of them have this pop out effect.
Coolwhip said:
Some of you seem convinced it's all about the games. Noone here knows what the 150 million DS owners got them to buy one, same with the PSP. You need extensive market research to find that kind of stuff out. I'm sure both Sony and Nintendo have done that, but with Nintendo missing their forecasted sales it just shows how hard it is to predict the handheld market right now.

So you think it isn't about the games?

We may not know "which" games got people to take a dive but the biggest selling titles are an indicator.


beast786 said:
This could be my lack of information. But, every time I have played 3DS. There is no "Pop Out". It has depth but no "pop out".

Is it just the games I have played or is there anything that "Pops out". The only reason I brought this up because the guy who claims that RE will have "pop out" on 3DS.
IMO, Pop-out is more irritating than it is nice to look at. The player is often too close to the system to make it effective enough without giving you a headache. In pilot wings I find that looking into the distance is a nice experience compared to the ehm... player object that is too damn close to my eyes.

Take a pen and look at it while moving it closer to your eyes, what is the closest point you get to without it annoying you? Now take your 3DS and hold it approx. at the position you're playing. There's not that much space between those 2 points and I think developers build the 3d in the game with that in mind. The pop-out is only really visible and practical in implementation on longer distances between the screen and the viewer.

I find that watching some movies/trailer/demos on the 3ds is not very enjoyable because of the fixed depth and differently implemented 3d compared to games.

just my 2ct


chubigans said:
People keep saying iOS took a chunk of the Vita market, but I really think it's Nintendo's market who was more severely impacted.

The runaway success of the DS and Wii can be attributed to two things: price and the outreach to kids and older adults. I remember Nintendo's brilliant commercials featuring celebrities chillin with their DS, playing brain training or Nintendogs. That audience is largely gone thanks to the iPad/iPod touch.

If price was such a factor the PSP wouldn't have outsold the DS for as long as it did when it first launched. There also was no outreach to kids because they came along with the games that were follow ups to GBA titles. Nintendo went for women,lapsed gamers and older adults with the DS and Wii as well keeping their base from the GBA and GCN.

After all these year no one including Apple and analyst has shown any proof of ios devices hurting the dedicated handheld market. A consumer survey released not to long ago showed that they were not even in the top 5 reasons not to buy a 3DS.

Unless the 3DS actually gets a killer app the Vita could launch and start outselling it. This time around their will be an original 3D Mario game for the handheld and Mario Kart is more popular than it has ever been. Still not a guarantee that either game will be good enough to move hardware for months outside of their launch.


Leona Lewis said:
This entire post is complete bullshit. How does Resident Evil benefit from being played on a 3.5 inch screen? And how are Mario 3DS and Kid Icarus any more "pure handheld" than HSG or Wipeout? They could've been Gamecube games and no one would've batted an eye. I'd like to point out as an aside, by the way, that classifying any game as "console" or "handheld" is ludicrous in an age of sleep mode and instant on, features shared by both handhelds.

And at this point, to say that Sound Shapes and Little Deviants are the only non-PS3 titles on Vita is aggressively ignorant. We've seen Gravity, for instance, and we know that Uncharted, LBP, Resistance, etc. are brand new games and not ports. 3DS' marquee titles so far (OoT3DS, SSFIV3DS, Nintendogs/cats) are enhanced ports at best, but future titles are obviously more exciting.

Anyway, it's dumb to compare software. Both handhelds are inundated with ports and spin-offs because publishers are afraid to take chances on unproven hardware. In a year, this will be an argument worth having.


Wow I missed out ONE game in Gravity :p , I am so very sorry.

Maybe YOU like playing the same damn games ALL the time, but I don't. I appreciate specialization, innovation, differentiation and console libraries with PERSONALITY.

I'm not going to buy Ocarina of Time 3D or Starfox 3D, I have them already. I want the games that make my handheld WORTH owning, not stuff that makes me sad I didn't buy the HD version instead.

Why the hell would I buy Wipeout on the Vita? Why is it worth it?

Nintendogs might be samey but it's a proper sequel to a proper handheld game. It's not relevant to the argument because you can't buy it on home consoles in case you didn't notice.

The PSP sold what it did because of crazy hacking, but ALSO because Square Enix made EXCLUSIVE games that the Japanese just lapped up. It's a sad day when you need to learn from SE of all people...

Sony don't seem to understand this concept, and THAT is why they will fail. Nintendo do understand this, and you'll rarely see them cannibalize their handheld games.

I find it RIDICULOUS people are fine with the handheld market just melting away like that, turning into a worthless supplement as opposed to a real alternative.

KAL2006 said:
You don't understand, You are trying to argue that Resident Evil Revelations is better of on 3DS, because of 3D, fair enough, but many people will argue playing a survival horror is much better on a large HDTV with the lights off. I personally don't care for games having to be made for handheld, but using your logic, Isn't a game like Resident Evil Revelations more suitable for home consoles, in fact I think it would be better on Vita with it's larger high res OLED screen, with great blacks which would work well with horror games that 3DS's 3.5 inch low res screen. Also more puzzle variety, back to horror experince isn't something that 3DS helped at, in fact if they released a RE game like that on consoles it would probably sell more (I bet it will get ported to Vita, knowing Capcom).

As for Uncharted, the developers have said the game will focus more on exploration and puzzles instead of countless shoot outs like the console version, again I personally don't care I just want more Uncharted, no matter what console it's on.

As for LittleBigPlanet, I am using your logic again as the handheld version has to differenciate itself, this game does it well, the touch and motion adds a lot to this game, from creating aspect to actual gameplay. LittleBigPlanet could potentially be a massive games appstore, I think that has huge potential, we are already seeing different games that cannot be created on the console version.

As for MGS Peace Walker, yes it has cutscenes, but if actyually played the game you would no the game is designed for handhelds with bitesized missions, it also differenciates itself from console version due to the bitesize missions and multiplayer aspect. Yes it did get ported obviously because Konami wasn't happy with sales (which was bound to happen as PSP was dead in the west when it released), also I don't doubt many people

I understand PERFECTLY WELL, and what I'm saying is it's irrelevant.

Would RE: Revelations benefit from being on a big screen and having graphics that match RE5? Of course it would and I never said otherwise. Of course then it would LOSE all the advantages the 3DS offers it.

It would lose the 3D. Lose the touch-screen and all the benefits such as specific puzzles (which use the touch screen as we've seen), the aiming and inventory management.

Greater blacks with the OLED screen? I'm sure the 3DS can handle the colour black well enough :p . Once again 3D makes a much bigger difference for the average consumer.

With Uncharted Vita, WHAT is the tradeoff? What are you getting in return for it being on a handheld? The answer is nothing. Camera minigame? Automatic platforming? This is not what I call making a game better.

Yes, the developers of Uncharted Vita may have said many things, but what they showed was unremarkable and 'more exploration' could just be ported to the PS3 with nothing in particular lost and more gained.

LBP does have the controls, but it only really improves the build mode slightly (taking pictures and modifying them, sticking them in) and not much else. Is that REALLY a great deal more value, enough to justify the cost?

What I'm saying about Peace Walker is that clearly, they lost nothing in the transition to the PS3, so it wasn't much of a handheld game in the first place.

Skilletor said:
I'd say the sales of the 3DS would point to people not caring about 3D effects as much as its fans would like

I apologize for my typo, I did mean anti-aliasing. Something Zelda 3DS has in 2D mode and not in 3D. Not to mention the other games out which run at a superior framerate in 2D as opposed to 3D, just by turning the switch.

The 3DS has sold plenty, and it's had practically nothing seriously worth buying yet. Ocarina of Time 3D is sitting at the top of the charts (for Amazon at least).

Also I haven't seen much in the way of confirmation that the the 2D mode actually has anti-aliasing, it could just be a side effect of the 3D that the game looks overly sharp. We are still talking about N64 assets here.

I don't think matters in the case of Revelations anyway, Ocarina of Time 3D is a reworked N64 game and Revelations is on a whole different level when it comes to sheer graphical fidelity.


NSQuote said:
As always, the big factor will be the games. This time around, both companies have lots of great games coming, so it'll be interseting to see how this turns out.

I personally predict that both will do very well, but neither will reach original DS level of sales, as the market will be more split.

I agree, I think that's exactly what's gonna happen but I could see the PS Vita selling a little more than the 3dS in the long term.


Yoschi said:
IMO, Pop-out is more irritating than it is nice to look at. The player is often too close to the system to make it effective enough without giving you a headache. In pilot wings I find that looking into the distance is a nice experience compared to the ehm... player object that is too damn close to my eyes.

Take a pen and look at it while moving it closer to your eyes, what is the closest point you get to without it annoying you? Now take your 3DS and hold it approx. at the position you're playing. There's not that much space between those 2 points and I think developers build the 3d in the game with that in mind. The pop-out is only really visible and practical in implementation on longer distances between the screen and the viewer.

I find that watching some movies/trailer/demos on the 3ds is not very enjoyable because of the fixed depth and differently implemented 3d compared to games.

just my 2ct

I believe as long as you do not have to concentrate on the pop out it is ok. For example derbies falling toward you or someone shooting ie bullets toward you.

I am almost a 100% 3D gamer now. It is just adds so much. Once you go proper 3D, it is hard to go back.

Especially with nVIDIA play.
Dr_Peace said:
Maybe YOU like playing the same damn games ALL the time, but I don't. I appreciate specialization, innovation, differentiation and console libraries with PERSONALITY.

Dr_Peace said:
Nintendogs might be samey but it's a proper sequel to a proper handheld game.
You are trying to hard man.


Death Prophet
Coolwhip said:
Some of you seem convinced it's all about the games. Noone here knows what the 150 million DS owners got them to buy one, same with the PSP. You need extensive market research to find that kind of stuff out. I'm sure both Sony and Nintendo have done that, but with Nintendo missing their forecasted sales it just shows how hard it is to predict the handheld market right now.
And guess what....
There were no games.


King Cobra said:
This is what Nintendo fanboys really believe.

Do you have any other console's other then ones made by Nintendo. Because it might explain why you think that there are 3DS games comparable to RE5.

just a little something http://segmentnext.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Metal-Gear-Solid-3-vs-3DS.jpg

the 3DS is comparable with the PSP, and that is it. Anything else you and you are only lying to yourself.
It is very disingenuous to use MGS3D as an indicator of 3DS capability.


King Cobra said:
This is what Nintendo fanboys really believe.

Do you have any other console's other then ones made by Nintendo. Because it might explain why you think that there are 3DS games comparable to RE5.

just a little something http://segmentnext.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Metal-Gear-Solid-3-vs-3DS.jpg

the 3DS is comparable with the PSP, and that is it. Anything else you and you are only lying to yourself.

I have a couple titles, but none of them have this pop out effect.

A port of a ps2 game can only look as good as a ps2 game, that's not even pushing the hardware.
Lothars said:
I agree, I think that's exactly what's gonna happen but I could see the PS Vita selling a little more than the 3dS in the long term.
I don't think that it will be much skin off Nintendo's back if Vita does end up selling more. Nintendo isn't going to trade massive profitability for market share.


Dr_Peace said:
The 3DS has sold plenty, and it's had practically nothing seriously worth buying yet. Ocarina of Time 3D is sitting at the top of the charts (for Amazon at least).

Also I haven't seen much in the way of confirmation that the the 2D mode actually has anti-aliasing, it could just be a side effect of the 3D that the game looks overly sharp. We are still talking about N64 assets here.

I don't think matters in the case of Revelations anyway, Ocarina of Time 3D is a reworked N64 game and Revelations is on a whole different level when it comes to sheer graphical fidelity.

You're ignorant and I'm going to stop talking to you now.
King Cobra said:

While I'm not arguing that the 3DS is as powerful as the 360/PS3 in regards to replicating RE5, this is a bit of a poor example. It looks like you're comparing emulator shots of the PS2 vs. poor 3DS screengrabs.

No way will a PS2 title look that sharp or vibrant on your television unless you're playing it on an emulator.

The 3DS shots almost look like poor scans from a magazine. The contrast is all out of wack and they're obviously much blurrier than they'll look in-game.

Edit: Not to mention you're comparing a unfinished game to a finished one.
Cwarrior said:
A port of a ps2 game can only look as good as a ps2 game, that's not even pushing the hardware.
So what about all those emulators on PC that make tons of games look better than the original. Have you ever seen super mario galaxy run on a PC? And how it was mentioned that PSP games will run better on the vita.
AbsoluteZero said:
While I'm not arguing that the 3DS is as powerful as the 360/PS3 in regards to replicating RE5, this is a bit of a poor example. It looks like you're comparing emulator shots of the PS2 vs. poor 3DS screengrabs.

No way will a PS2 title look that sharp or vibrant on your television unless you're playing it on an emulator.

The 3DS shots almost look like poor scans from a magazine. The contrast is all out of wack and they're obviously much blurrier than they'll look in-game.

Edit: Not to mention you're comparing a unfinished game to a finished one.
I may be using the wrong examples, I won't put much argument against that, but to say that the 3DS is almost on par with the PS Vita is just plain out trolling at best.
King Cobra said:
I may be using the wrong examples, I won't put much argument against that, but to say that the 3DS is almost on par with the PS Vita is just plain out trolling at best.

Right, and I'm not arguing that point because I agree, but at least find a better way to back up your arguments.


King Cobra said:
to say that the 3DS is almost on par with the PS Vita is just plain out trolling at best.
Countering dumb fanboyism with more dumb fanboyism doesn't work wonders for discussion

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
King Cobra said:
So what about all those emulators on PC that make tons of games look better than the original. Have you ever seen super mario galaxy run on a PC? And how it was mentioned that PSP games will run better on the vita.

Those emulators largely make those games look better by rendering them at super high resolutions with AA and suchlike. They don't change the geometry, textures, engine, or fundamental visual design.

I'd say that MGS3D runs comparably to the PS2 version in part because the clock of the processors is in the same neighborhood. In terms of how it looks tho, it's just a straight port without the benefits of extra AA or running it on a PC monitor to make it look better than it actually was.

Based on what I've seen so far, the main thing the 3DS has that freshens up the visuals compared to the PSP is more advanced shaders (which shouldn't be discounted). A lot will be done with those in time. They're what is helping the Resident Evil games on the 3DS look so nice. It's funny to look back now and remember how people absolutely refused to believe the RE footage from the 3DS reveal was real time or could be possible on the 3DS.

Edit: should have noted that where 3DS games will probably eclipse anyone on PSP eventually is in the 3DS having far more ram to work with than the PSP. That heavily restrained design elements of PSP games - not just in terms of graphics, but level design, loading schemes, etc.

I don't think anybody is really saying the 3DS is almost as powerful as the Vita. Some people are arguing that the 3DS is actually quite impressive on its own merits no matter how people try to spin it.

Honestly, I wonder how much of these arguments are purely perceptual in nature? If the Vita had rolled out at $350 instead of Sony pulling their brilliant (at least until accounting calls) sucker punch, would people in general (not just counting GAF) be trying so hard to justify that the 3DS has turned into a piece of crap overnight?


needs 2 extra inches
On the subject of game variety on the Vita:

I think that anyone who seriously suggests that Sony and (western) third party developers aren't capable of releasing "unique experiences, perfectly tailored for handhelds, and designed to be played on short bursts" has his head firmly stuck between his hairy cheeks. Because they already did, only on the wrong platform, ie: PSN.

I was going through my collection earlier this week and literally couldn't find a single game I purchased that isn't better suited for handhelds, some can even be twice as good with simple touch controls.

PixelJunk series? Vita.
Joe Danger? Vita.
Shatter? Vita.
Critter Crunch? Vita.
Gravity Crash? Vita.
Dead Nation? Vita.
SSHD? duh Vita.
Everyday Shooter? duh Vita.
Wipeout? duh Vita.
Castle Crashers? Vita.
Outland? Vita.
Bionic Commando? Vita.
Trine? Vita.
Last Guy? Vita.

And the list goes on.

Now whether any of those (types of) games sell well and be responsible for Vita's success is another story more suited for sales-age discussions (it's gonna be an uphill battle for sure), as I'm strictly talking about game library's variety and handheld experiences. I also think its a bit disingenuous to switch between the two topics whenever it's convenient.

Digital distribution a godsend to this generation, IMO. It's a platform where developers have the freedom to experiment while operating under small budgets. And best of all, it has already been established and tested on Sony's platforms, and will be ready day 1 for Vita.

Of course all of this is under the assumption that devs will wise up and embrace the Vita the way they embraced consoles.


8 pages already, I'm sure someone has mentioned this.. but this sentence is absolutely assinine.

Vita is the more disruptive, interesting device

How? It's a PSP with a touch screen which really is nothing new in this day and age. I'm not saying that's the extent of its bells and whistles (it's not), but that's the general extent of it. Nothing about the PSV is disruptive while on the other hand, Glasses-less 3D is basically an industry first.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
King Cobra said:
I may be using the wrong examples, I won't put much argument against that, but to say that the 3DS is almost on par with the PS Vita is just plain out trolling at best.

Of course the Vita is more powerful than the 3DS, but the masses don't give a shit about that just like they didn't give a shit with the original PSP. The masses want software, and Nintendo has a release slate of titles with a vastly more established audience on portable platforms than Sony does. I just don't see why non-enthusiast gamers would plump for a game like Uncharted over Mario Kart.
Ushojax said:
Of course the Vita is more powerful than the 3DS, but the masses don't give a shit about that just like they didn't give a shit with the original PSP. The masses want software, and Nintendo has a release slate of titles with a vastly more established audience on portable platforms than Sony does. I just don't see why non-enthusiast gamers would plump for a game like Uncharted over Mario Kart.
Yep, and that is why the 3DS is breaking records right?
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