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Indie Games [October] Now Voting - Post 1253!


OMG, The Stanley Parable. I haven't smiled, chuckled, or been surprised by a game this much since well...both Portal games. It's fantastic. Totally worth it. I wish I could say more, but it's something you need to experience yourself

I love how at first it seems to be only a smartly conceived, witty commentary on games, but as layers drop one after another it becomes apparent it's more of an observation on the nature of free will (or lack of it) and choice in a broader sense.
I can't to finish and join the SP OT. It's so good. When I first started, I wasn't sure it would really live up to the hype. But it does and I'm happy that I'm experiencing it unspoiled.
Raindrop - Visually stunning Stalker inspired survival game I've just stumbled upon on Kickstarter.




omg love that full body awareness. I want to see more of the different types of playthrough.
Three hours into Stanley Parable and had the credits roll. Reading the OT, seems like I still missed stuff

I'll highly recommend this. It's a one of a kind game, that needs to be experienced. It's fun and trippy and humorous and existential all at the same time. And it won't stop surprising you. Even when you think it will get repetitive once again, the game throws a curve ball your way

Now I need to formulate my thoughts and write something that provides good impressions but doesn't spoil anything
I've been looking for these games for months. They were (and still remain) some of my favorite browser puzzle games

Transmover | Transmover: New Generation
While the intructions are in Japanese, the menu options are in English and you can change the language settings to English in the Options. Either way the controls are very simple: arrow keys to move, WASD to shoot your raygun in one of those directions. You can only jump the height of one block and can shoot while climbing ladders, hanging from poles, and jumping. Your raygun isn't used to kill enemies or blow away obstacles; instead shooting special green blocks allow you to swap places with the block. Throughout your quest to collect keys and unlock the level exit, this mechanics opens the door for a huge variety of challenges across the main levels and hundreds of user levels across both games: from walls that only allow you or your laser to pass through, blocks that can only be shoot from a certain angle, blocks that can only be swapped once, blocks that change orientation when swapped, and more.


These are definitely worth a try if you've never played them. The puzzles start off simple but it won't take long before you're completely stumped. The variety and challenge is fantastic

Boson X my bros and brosettes. The game is unique enough to stand on its own, but almost universally people have noted its obvious Super Hexagon roots. An endless runner down a rotating 3D corridor, the game tasks you with making your way through the randomly patterned platforms and obstacles while on the way gathering up energy by running over blue-energy Plancks (hue hue hue) and all the time getting progressively faster and faster. It's utterly raw and simple (though the jump controls may take a little while to get used to), comes with high score and score history readout, online leaderboards, a pretty banging ambient soundtrack, and best of all it's DRM-less and completely free for Mac/PC/Linux and Android/iOS. It's hopelessly addictive, not just to clear but to constantly chase your old highscore. Minimalist and quick, you'll start the game, blink, and suddenly find yourself wide eyed, bloodshot and bleary at 2:00 in the morning.

Most importantly however it's just gone on Steam Greenlight with the promise of Steamworks, cheevos, Steam leaderboards, and new levels beyond the painfully scant 6 in the original version (my only real gripe).

Play it, love it, thank me later.


So gave the NeoScavenger demo a try, it's definitely right up my alley. Love survival games, love text adventures, love roguelikes, love Fallout. Aside from some minor interface annoyances (camping is a pain because you have to manually drop your sleeping bag on the ground), the game's pretty impressive so far. My only concern right now is that it might lack the enormous amount of variation most roguelikes have to extend gameplay, but since it's still in development that's not really a concern yet.

My game was going fine till I got ambushed by bandits in my sleep and slowly bled to death while trying to fight them off...
So gave the NeoScavenger demo a try, it's definitely right up my alley. Love survival games, love text adventures, love roguelikes, love Fallout. Aside from some minor interface annoyances (camping is a pain because you have to manually drop your sleeping bag on the ground), the game's pretty impressive so far. My only concern right now is that it might lack the enormous amount of variation most roguelikes have to extend gameplay, but since it's still in development that's not really a concern yet.

My game was going fine till I got ambushed by bandits in my sleep and slowly bled to death while trying to fight them off...
Yeah there's still a lot of content to come. Could you share your thoughts in NEO Scavenger thread too? Always a struggle keeping indie game threads afloat on GAF


Random question for... IndieGAF? Whatever this community is called. What games have you backed on Kickstarter?

I have:
-Sir, You Are Being Hunted - Released!
-Expeditions: Conquistador - Released!
-Arakion - In development, devs are bad at keeping updates but they are clearly still working on it
-Planetary Annihilation - I actually keep forgetting I backed this, so I haven't really been following it.
-Broken Age (Double Fine Adventure) - Here's hoping everything works out alright.

I almost backed Project Eternity, but pulled out at the last minute. Despite being a fan of Obsidian, for whatever reason a fair amount of the information they released kind of didn't do anything for me. I'll buy it on release, probably. There're some other things I'd have liked to back, but I don't have any money right now. >.>
I only really got into Kickstarter last month
- Hyper Light Drifter
- Rimworld

And I pre-ordered Distance, would have backed its Kickstarter if I had know about it at the time


Random question for... IndieGAF? Whatever this community is called. What games have you backed on Kickstarter?

I have:
-Sir, You Are Being Hunted - Released!
-Expeditions: Conquistador - Released!
-Arakion - In development, devs are bad at keeping updates but they are clearly still working on it
-Planetary Annihilation - I actually keep forgetting I backed this, so I haven't really been following it.
-Broken Age (Double Fine Adventure) - Here's hoping everything works out alright.

I almost backed Project Eternity, but pulled out at the last minute. Despite being a fan of Obsidian, for whatever reason a fair amount of the information they released kind of didn't do anything for me. I'll buy it on release, probably. There're some other things I'd have liked to back, but I don't have any money right now. >.>
I have backed probably 25ish games and I think Arakion is the only one I am really concerned about. I backed it because my really good friend was super excited about it and funding was tough to get going at first. With what the devs have promised and the infrequency of updates, I have very little faith in the game shipping in any reasonably fun state.


I have backed probably 25ish games and I think Arakion is the only one I am really concerned about. I backed it because my really good friend was super excited about it and funding was tough to get going at first. With what the devs have promised and the infrequency of updates, I have very little faith in the game shipping in any reasonably fun state.

Yeah, I don't really know what to think about Arakion at this point. During the Kickstarter the devs did a really good job of communicating with everyone, so it sucks that they're not now. When they do do updates they show actual progress though, so I dunno. We'll see.
Hey, Toma, saw your email post in the NEO thread, got me wondering: do you think you and I are the biggest indie advocates/enthusiasts on GAF?


Wow, Wollay just posted on Twitter and said they are still working on Cube World. I guess I will believe it when they actually do an update.

Don't be concerned, we're still working on Cube World. We just have a lot of additional work to do at the moment.
Posted my first story in the NEO Scavenger thread. This game is something special, moreso for me than just another indie title.

Since I was a child, I was an avid writer. It was my greatest passion but that drive and desire just slipped away. I never figured out why and frustratingly haven't written anything in years. But this game has rekindled that drive. So expect a lot of stories from me
Wow, Wollay just posted on Twitter and said they are still working on Cube World. I guess I will believe it when they actually do an update.


About time too, hopefully this is the beginning of a more constant line of communication between the devs and the early buyers, even if it is just a paragraph or two a week. Going silent for weeks on end is fine normally, but when you've collected money from folks it starts to get a little irresponsible.


Random question for... IndieGAF? Whatever this community is called. What games have you backed on Kickstarter?

I have:
-Sir, You Are Being Hunted - Released!
-Expeditions: Conquistador - Released!
-Arakion - In development, devs are bad at keeping updates but they are clearly still working on it
-Planetary Annihilation - I actually keep forgetting I backed this, so I haven't really been following it.
-Broken Age (Double Fine Adventure) - Here's hoping everything works out alright.

I almost backed Project Eternity, but pulled out at the last minute. Despite being a fan of Obsidian, for whatever reason a fair amount of the information they released kind of didn't do anything for me. I'll buy it on release, probably. There're some other things I'd have liked to back, but I don't have any money right now. >.>

Jeez, going back and looking I've backed much more than I thought I had.

-Project Eternity
-Sir, you are being hunted
-Torment: Tides of Numenera
-Divinity: Original SIn
-Massive Chalice
-Satellite Reign
-Hyper Light Drifter
-Cosmic Star Heroine

Generally I try only to back things from a team with some kind of history or something that looks minimal risk as possible though I never assume its going to be a "sure thing". May have to add Raindrop though, that looks stunning.


I wish I'd backed Massive Chalice - is there anything playable yet? I'm interesting in the Double Fine spin on stuff like CK and EU.

I think I've only backed... Eternity and maybe Wasteland 2?

I've bought quite a fair amount on Early Access though:

State of Decay
Kerbal Space Programme
Prison Architect before it hit Steam
Sir, You Are Being Hunted
Starforge Alpha (Which I was gifted but it still horseshit)
Take On Mars

I have issues...


Was it that hard to post that 2 months ago?

I think the eventual belief that he died in a car crash on his way back from some Expo he attended (last tweet), finally forced his hand. (Subreddit is cray cray)

If anything at least the subreddit can now move on from the war between the mods and the plebs.

But truth fact time, why doesn't he just 'employee' someone from the community to keep up some PR. I mean the forums/ subreddits was overflown by people who would pay Wollay for that position!

Btw Saw your posting on Edge Of Space. I find it kinda sad how badly that game gets ignored, I mean with the amount of effort they've done with communicating it's almost sinful.

At one stage their community manager was posting like a weekly question on their official forums and sometimes months would go by with just her posting on the forum. They then started doing giveaways of games (not their own game mind you) which seemed to stimulate the community.

Having said that, only the last two/ three patches has made the game more compelling to me than just 'fucking around'.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Hey, Toma, saw your email post in the NEO thread, got me wondering: do you think you and I are the biggest indie advocates/enthusiasts on GAF?

Lets just say I dont think its fitting to say that about oneself. I noticed quite a few people who are/were thankful for my (or your for that matter) activity on this forum and I definitely love that people appreciate my "work" on here (I mean, lets be honest. It does take a lot of time to create and maintain these community or game threads), but I would never put myself above any others, particularly in the context of this thread. Hofmann, Wok, OneFoulNote,Moobabe, you, Twinduct, Cheesecake and all the ones I couldnt name now are all a very important part of this thread, all of which coming together just makes these threads possible because of everyone putting in a lot of freetime to play games and discuss them with all of us. Pylon_Trooper and CzarTim arent as much in here as I'd love to, but they too have a fantastic taste and track record of recommendations that people love and appreciate on here. That plus the million Indie threads that people put up but eventually end up failing because of the general mentality to disregard certain threads/games just because no one is giving them any attention.

I am not "objecting" if people like my efforts, because it in turn helps me spreading the word about more Indies via my Indie-Cred/Toma seal of approval, but I would never put myself above any other member of this community. I know you didnt quite mean it that way and you are very enthusiastic about the success of your blog and the games you find (as you should be), but its similar to the IndieStatik thing a while ago. Credit where credit is due, and everything that happens on GAF wouldnt be possible without the guys keeping up these threads, filling them, talking to us and everyone else and of course also the ones that try to make threads about unknown Indies, even if these threads fail.

Which reminds me, if ANYONE posts a thread on gaf about an unknown indie, post it in these monthly indie threads as well! That ensures the game you went out of the way to talk about wont be immediately forgotten once the thread is swallowed by page 2. If you guys see a thread like that, feel free to remind the OP or to post it yourself in here. I try to avoid doing that myself to finally get people to understand they need to crosspost that stuff.
Btw Saw your posting on Edge Of Space. I find it kinda sad how badly that game gets ignored, I mean with the amount of effort they've done with communicating it's almost sinful.

At one stage their community manager was posting like a weekly question on their official forums and sometimes months would go by with just her posting on the forum. They then started doing giveaways of games (not their own game mind you) which seemed to stimulate the community.

Having said that, only the last two/ three patches has made the game more compelling to me than just 'fucking around'.

That been updated recently? Edge of Space is a game I really wanted to like but at the time I played it something rubbed me the wrong way. Something about the controls or interface or something, honestly it's a little rubbish of me but I can't quite remember. I should go back and give it a go, I did pay for it after all.

On a random note, I redeemed my steam key for Talisman Prologue and remembered what a dreadful job of porting that game the devs did. It's a pity because the actual board game is very fine but I can't recommend the digital version to anyone.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
That been updated recently? Edge of Space is a game I really wanted to like but at the time I played it something rubbed me the wrong way. Something about the controls or interface or something, honestly it's a little rubbish of me but I can't quite remember. I should go back and give it a go, I did pay for it after all.

On a random note, I redeemed my steam key for Talisman Prologue and remembered what a dreadful job of porting that game the devs did. It's a pity because the actual board game is very fine but I can't recommend the digital version to anyone.

Yeah, it took me a while to get used to EoS back when I first tried it, but I noticed then that it really has something going for it that Terraria didnt, which made it stand out enough for me. Glad to hear they updated things recently, might give it another go as well once I did my Distant Worlds/ Neo Scavenger survival attempts.
So does having a publisher mean selling your soul essentially? I sent a request to Eko Software for How To Survive. They responded saying, since they're only the developers, they don't have review copies, and need to forward my request to 505, the publisher

What? The developer doesn't have review copies of their own game? That seems pretty messed up


Their is no iOS version of Game Dev Tycoon. It's Game Dev Story that is on the iPhone.

Yeah I know, it's essentially the same thing though. But the iOS version is so much better.

So does having a publisher mean selling your soul essentially? I sent a request to Eko Software for How To Survive. They responded saying, since they're only the developers, they don't have review copies, and need to forward my request to 505, the publisher

What? The developer doesn't have review copies of their own game? That seems pretty messed up

I'm sure they do - but to distribute it they'd probably have to consult their publisher. One of those little hurdles.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
So does having a publisher mean selling your soul essentially? I sent a request to Eko Software for How To Survive. They responded saying, since they're only the developers, they don't have review copies, and need to forward my request to 505, the publisher

What? The developer doesn't have review copies of their own game? That seems pretty messed up

That sounds pretty normal to me actually. Once you have a publisher, the publisher is in charge of every copy of the game, meaning its their property you are giving away for free. Nothing to do with selling your soul, and some publishers arent that strict with that stuff if the dev wants to give away copies, but its a pretty common contract paragraph as far as I know to need to get clearance from the publisher before doing anything that could impact their sales.

Plus maybe they know their publisher likes keeping tabs on review outlets, so maybe its actually good they send you to contact the pub.


That been updated recently? Edge of Space is a game I really wanted to like but at the time I played it something rubbed me the wrong way. Something about the controls or interface or something, honestly it's a little rubbish of me but I can't quite remember. I should go back and give it a go, I did pay for it after all.

On a random note, I redeemed my steam key for Talisman Prologue and remembered what a dreadful job of porting that game the devs did. It's a pity because the actual board game is very fine but I can't recommend the digital version to anyone.

Yeah, it took me a while to get used to EoS back when I first tried it, but I noticed then that it really has something going for it that Terraria didnt, which made it stand out enough for me. Glad to hear they updated things recently, might give it another go as well once I did my Distant Worlds/ Neo Scavenger survival attempts.

Yeah if you haven't played it since the initial pax update, it's quite drastically different. Everything runs and feels better now. Still not user friendly in it's approach to explain to you what to do and why to do that (which I imagine is half deliberate, half due to implementation).

Almost every update refines something, which is nice to see. Although I have not really seen a big roadmap tbh, but the story teaser thing they showed looked awesome ... although it might be due to the homeworld feeling.

Because I can't make games in real life and got addicted to the iPhone version. My diary as a Game Dev Tycoon.

Also thanks for kind words Toma. I, too, wish that Pylon was here more though. He's basically my GAF mentor.

Ha! Make a fellow blush. Wish I was in here more, too! Love this thread though, you guys do great work.

And you've sent many people to the poor house, but at least they'll have lots to interesting titles to play while they live out their self-made destitution. "I couldn't make rent and was evicted, but I've got a tunneling swine to keep me company."


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Ha! Make a fellow blush. Wish I was in here more, too! Love this thread though, you guys do great work.

And you've sent many people to the poor house, but at least they'll have lots to interesting titles to play while they live out their self-made destitution. "I couldn't make rent and was evicted, but I've got a tunneling swine to keep me company."

Man, the more time passes, the more I cant wait for part 2. :(


I wish I could check out the Industrial biome in Sir. I'm just so bad at the game I can't even get off the damn island - I flirt with danger too often!
I wish I could check out the Industrial biome in Sir. I'm just so bad at the game I can't even get off the damn island - I flirt with danger too often!

I love the ambiance in Sir. Has there been a recent update? Bought it a month or so ago and was going to let Jim Rossignol and co. do their thing after a cursory examination.

Love that John Cleese's STALKER vibe they've got going on.


I love the ambiance in Sir. Has there been a recent update? Bought it a month or so ago and was going to let Jim Rossignol and co. do their thing after a cursory examination.

Love that John Cleese's STALKER vibe they've got going on.

Yeah they've added a whole new biome! Some usablity stuff as well makes it a little smoother - I just wish they'd put in VOLUME CONTROLS!!


Looks so good in motion


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I have to ask: any of you besides Hofmann decide to get The Stanley Parable? I think it'll be one of my contenders for indie GOTY.

I am planning leeching it through a certain Steam games sharer :p Maybe I can make some time for it tomorrow.
I have to ask: any of you besides Hofmann decide to get The Stanley Parable? I think it'll be one of my contenders for indie GOTY.

I passed, the humour in the demo is real hit and miss. Curiosity will probably force me to eventually get it, but I'll wait till it is dirt cheap (or better yet, in a bundle).
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