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Is 3,25% milk really that much worse for your health?

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Whole organic milk the goat. chug that good stuff straight from the gallon jug

Man I'd try organic milk cuz I heard it tastes better but I can't afford no $6-7 per gallon


Green countries use comma decimals, blue countries use dot decimals.

I assume the blue-green countries are classified by the UN as major civil unrest zones?


Fat in milk is good for you as are the protein and other nutrients. The sugar (lactose) might not work for your if you lack the enzyme to break it down like many adults do.

Animal fat is good for you to consume and does not raise small denser LDL in your blood. Cholesterol is essential for your body. It does not cause heart disease. Small and denser Low Density Lipoprotein and inflammation causes heart disease.

You've been fed a pack of BS for years. Eat your animal fats and stop consuming processed vegetable fats like corn, palm and canola oils. Those processed vegetable fats hardens your arteries and make you prone to inflammation.

Great post. Most people of Western European descent and a few other places have the enzyme to break down lactose (the enzyme is called lactase). Lactose is broken down by the body slower than "bad" sugars like glucose and fructose, so milk sugars are healthier than fruit or processed sugars.

Milk is good for you, as long as you're not lactose intolerant.

Edit: "An estimated 65% of human adults (and most adult mammals) downregulate [decrease] the production of intestinal lactase after weaning. Lactase is necessary for the digestion of lactose, the main carbohydrate in milk, and without it, milk consumption can lead to bloating, flatulence, cramps and nausea. Continued production of lactase throughout adult life (lactase persistence, LP) is a genetically determined trait and is found at moderate to high frequencies in Europeans and some African, Middle Eastern and Southern Asian populations"

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
There is zero reason to be afraid of fat and cholesterol. No, whole milk is not worse for your health.
I don't know how people drink less than whole milk. It's so flavorless. Worst thing is that I enjoy coffee milk and whenever you buy it at the store already mixed it only comes in lowfat. Fuck that.


Junior Member
I was a 2% guy until my son was born. Once he started drinking milk and had to buy whole milk, I haven't went back since.

and lol at milk being bad for you.
Organic whole for coffee and cooking/baking. Organic 2% for drinking and cereal/oatmeal.

Organic because it's one of the few cases with an appreciable difference in taste between organic and regular.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I personally think whole milk is too viscous.
Milk isn't good for you regardless when you think about it. But to answer your question, the difference between skim and 2% isn't a large one..noticeable in texture, but I doubt it's "worse" for you.

Agreed no other animal drinks anothers milk, eat doritos and drink mountain dew.
Vegetables are still king, but I'm not down on fruit.

Juice though.

Veggies and tomatoes are indeed king :)

I understand the concerns with sugar content in fruit, but fruits are still a good source of vitamins and minerals. Plus, the sugars from fruits are the kinds of sugars you should intake


Fat in milk is good for you as are the protein and other nutrients. The sugar (lactose) might not work for your if you lack the enzyme to break it down like many adults do.

Animal fat is good for you to consume and does not raise small denser LDL in your blood. Cholesterol is essential for your body. It does not cause heart disease. Small and denser Low Density Lipoprotein and inflammation causes heart disease.

You've been fed a pack of BS for years. Eat your animal fats and stop consuming processed vegetable fats like corn, palm and canola oils. Those processed vegetable fats hardens your arteries and make you prone to inflammation.
Your body produces cholesterol. I hadn't eaten meat/animal product for almost a year and am in the best shape of my life (with great cholesterol levels) Too much cholesterol doesn't contribute to heart disease?


skim milk is just carbs though.

It's (relatively) good carbs. The carbs in milk are lactose, a sugar that the body is slower to break down.

Insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes are big issues. Lactose is a better sugar than glucose or fructose. But obviously not as good a carb as a complex carb like you get in porridge or wholemeal pasta.

Not all carbs are equal!

Veggies and tomatoes are indeed king :)

I understand the concerns with sugar content in fruit, but fruits are still a good source of vitamins and minerals. Plus, the sugars from fruits are the kinds of sugars you should intake

Sugar from fruit is mostly fructose, which is TERRIBLE for you. The only reason eating WHOLE fruit is OK is that the fibre in it lines your gut and slows the absorption of the sugars. Fructose in isolation is the worst sugar there is, especially for type 2 diabetics / insulin resistant people / anyone with belly fat. This is why orange juice is so awful, it's far far worse than milk with any fat content. All that fructose and no fibre.


You should try Lactose free milk instead. Almond production sucks up too much water and it sucks when California, the major producer, is in drought.

Dairy requires even more water
slate said:
As this viral infographic from Mother Jones shows, it takes more than a gallon of water to grow a single almond, and it may take 220 gallons of water to produce a large avocado. But pound-for-pound, there’s an order of magnitude more water needed to get meat and dairy to your plate. A stick of butter requires more than 500 gallons of water to make. A pound of beef takes up to 5,000 gallons. More than 30 percent of California’s agricultural water use either directly or indirectly supports growing animals for food.
And if you look at the table in this Guardian article, a single glass of milk requires about 220 l of water.

There is no such thing as plant based milk. Milk comes from mammals. If you like nut juices that's fine, but those are not forms of milk.

So what do you call coconut milk? Do you also object to peanut butter?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What's wrong with carbs?

Your brain needs glucose, and low-carb diets lead to lower testosterone.

Your body naturally makes all the glucose your brain needs just fine.

Carbs can be useful, but it is the only non-essential macro nutrient. Fact.


Whole milk is the best, both in taste and for you.

Please don't worry about outdated notions like "fat" and "cholesterol." Fat doesn't make you fat. Watch your carbs instead.


There is no such thing as plant based milk. Milk comes from mammals. If you like nut juices that's fine, but those are not forms of milk.

Neither is peanut butter a butter. Words combined with other words can create new meanings.
Switching to whole milk and drinking a half gallon a day has increased my workout routine by a lot.

Not sure if it's related, but whole milk is awesome.
Milk isn't good for you regardless when you think about it. But to answer your question, the difference between skim and 2% isn't a large one..noticeable in texture, but I doubt it's "worse" for you.

I disagree. I grew up drinking whole milk directly from the cow that was boiled to get rid of harmful bacteria. Not the pasteurized, processed milk that most 1st world people drink. That stuff was delicious.

It wasn't until I came to America that I realized how damn picky people can be with food. You guys are picky about everything. 1%, 2%, whole milk. GET DA FUCK OUT OF HERE. And this is coming from someone that is now lactose intolerant. I still drink my milk, even when I don't have my lactase pills.


Science will have to snatch my gallon of Lactaid Whole Milk from my cold, dead hands.

That shit is magical, and is even thicker and creamier than normal whole milk with lactose.

all over me
Fist bump to lactose intolerance.

Lactaid is good but I've found myself just buying the store brand a lot lately. Funny thing is lactaid or not I still end up emptying my insides or compelled to everytime I drink milk.
I mean, it isn't a very large difference one way or the other. (Unless you are drinking gallons a day). Either should be easy to fit into whatever overall macro balance you are aiming for.

Whole milk

2% milk

Weird, these numbers seem off. It cuts 32 calories from fat but total it is only reduced by 24 calories?

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
2% ftw.

I assume the blue-green countries are classified by the UN as major civil unrest zones?

English Canada uses a decimal, French Canada uses a comma, both pretty universally.

Canada does fantastically using all 3 ISO date standards in both English and French too.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country#Map <- If anything would cause conflict, it'd be this, but nobody and no organization wants to switch from their preferred date system. It causes virtually no problems as long as the date a form requires is noted, so it's a pleasant stalemate.

Worse, wannabe Euros.

I assume you're joking, but it's common in non-English speaking countries, so part of Canada uses what the OP uses, and part does not. It's not a big deal.

Most Canadians are of European extraction (including British Isles), yes. If the official use of one continental language rather than English amongst part of the populace makes us "wannabe Euros" then fine, lol, happily.


In Germany you usually have either 3.5% or 1.5% fat milk. All the women in our office constantly complain if there is only 3.5% milk available for their coffee. But will happily eat their candy bar or piece of cake that has 30% fat. People don't make sense most of the time.

Also, nothing better that milk fresh from a farm which can have up to 5% fat.


Fat is good for you, so that 3,25 milk is likely healtheir than skimmed one.
Heck..get the one straight from the cow if you can, it's 5-8% and by far the tastiest
I love whole milk. I think one reason I love it is because I'm not a huge eater. I mean, I eat, I've just never been big on snacking or super big meals. A pint of whole milk is a glorious little snack for me. Especially if I'm a little hungry at night or before bed. So good.

Plus, it tastes amazing.
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