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John McCain has Brain Cancer

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I'm saying you can wish someone well in regard to recovering from brain cancer. I never said all their fuck ups should be forgiven.

Look at Obama's response. You think that's not the right way to handle this?

Obama's an ex-president who is much classier than most of us yeah-and also will not hurt for healthcare for himself or his family, EVER.

Some of us are on ACA or have family on ACA and understandably feel much more strongly about one of the people trying to take that away.

Please be honest about the situation.
Not sure why you think I need to be told what's good about universal healthcare. I'm for it.

I just don't think anyone celebrating someone getting brain cancer and hoping it's terminal or whatever because of their politics can honestly say they think healthcare is a universal right. That's all. Being for universal healthcare is kind of about not wanting anyone to get sick and for those that do to get the best treatment. Even if they're in the GOP.
I see. I think people are just expressing very real frustrations and fear over his politics. I know I am.

If the worst happens, he'll have the means to take care of his family. If he survives, he'll be financially secure.

All while working towards not improving the current system. Not listening to the 80%+ that oppose this bill. Not listening to those begging not to be thrown off insurance. But instead actively supporting a piece of legislation that will throw off 17 million people in year one. And tens of millions more in subsequent years.

Can you not see why he's not getting sympathy from a number of people?


I hope he gets better because while no one is perfect and some people are worse than others, rallying around a cheering/sneering section for someone's probable death sentence when they've committed no crime is a particularly bad look.

If you were standing outside his hospital with a crowd of people and had a sign, with no one there to arrest you or ask you to leave, what would you want the sign to say?

Inject the humanity with which you just considered that scenario into your replies here.


Short statement from Trump on McCain


have a nice summer!

-dictated but not read.

Feel bad for his family, but thats where it ends. McCain is a horrible human being.


I would also like people to enlighten me why this guy is the reincarnation of evil, beside the fact that he doesn't back ACA and is generally a Hawk when it comes to FP.

well at least he isn't an hypocrite and likes being responsible for the death of people in his own nation and abroad
Dang y'all really need to learn to love and not hate. You can be upset wth his stance on healthcare(which I agree isn't god for the country) but my goodness don't shit on him when he is going through cancer!


Hopefully he is able to survive this, also hopefully if he survives he says fuck party politics and starts doing stuff he feels is right. I generally do believe he knows the difference between right and wrong, he has shown times where he will speak out in certain cases, I hope this situation will result in him speaking out more.


I don't care for McCain. I feel in terms of politics he's absolutely spineless to stand up to Trump or his own party.

That being said. I would never wish that on anyone, except for one and he is not that one.
Given his advanced age, I can't say I hope he makes a speedy and full recovery. I just hope he has the sense to retire for the sake of his family and health and not even think about his party.
I'm saying you can wish someone well in regard to recovering from brain cancer. I never said all their fuck ups should be forgiven.

Look at Obama's response. You think that's not the right way to handle this?

Can you please explain why people HAVE to wish someone well when that person has been actively trying to legislate to kill them and their loved ones?

Hopefully he is able to survive this, also hopefully if he survives he says fuck party politics and starts doing stuff he feels is right. I generally do believe he knows the difference between right and wrong, he has shown times where he will speak out in certain cases, I hope this situation will result in him speaking out more.

Yeah he speaks out all the time and then goes back in and votes contradictory to what he just said every single time. The speaking out is for PR and to maintain his "maverick" image so that he continues winning in an landslide in his district, his voting record is what he truly believes.

Tommy DJ

Hrm, yes, besides the fact that my brother (who relies on expensive kidney-transplant anti-rejection drugs to live that he would literally not be able to afford without the ACA's mandates) and I (relying on multiple appointments & prescriptions per year that I would not be able to afford without insurance, with the same condition as my brother) would be impacted by this, what else is there?

Maybe instead of rushing to tone police you could maybe actually read the posts by the people you're demonizing

As an outsider viewer, I don't know how any American can view any Republican right now as sympathetic. Unlike Americans, us Australians aren't going to get rammed up the ass if anyone gets cancer because we get affordable health care designed to reduce pain and suffering via prevention and early detection.

Literally the only Republicans doing anything to make sure tens of millions aren't going to suffer more than McCain right now is are the Republican women tanking the Republican bill. The rest are either too cowardly to break the party line or want those damn tax cuts.


Yeah he was a pow. Totally means he gets a free pass for everything including wanting to strip Americans of their health care and giving Sarah palin a fucking platform.

Oh shiiii

Good riddance

You must have a simple understanding of what happened to think that's exactly how thing happened.
A large and unfortunate number of people are diagnosed with cancer every year. Nearly everyone who has passed in my family is a victim. I don't have an infinite amount of attention, empathy or energy so I think I'll conserve my thoughts and prayers for those who struggle with cancer sans insurance, and for those who are not dead set on condemning millions of Americans to a slow, hopeless and painful death that Trumpcare promises.

Every single individual who voted for the GOP Healthcare bill is an active participant in attempted mass murder, no matter how indirect, and the only concern I have for their health is how it impacts legislation.

The Kree

I'm saying you can wish someone well in regard to recovering from brain cancer. I never said all their fuck ups should be forgiven.

Look at Obama's response. You think that's not the right way to handle this?

That's the right way for a politician to handle it.


Deep into his 30th decade
Even if people in this thread or in a previous one wished cancer upon him, they lacked the ability to make it true.

John McCain had the ability to condemn americans to cancer, and used his authority to attempt to do so. For everyone condemning the hurt and scared people in this thread, spare some time to direct your ire to where it actually matters, the one that actually hurts people.


have a nice summer!

-dictated but not read.

Feel bad for his family, but thats where it ends. McCain is a horrible human being.

I literally almost posted "Have a cool summer!"

"Get well soon." Jesus Donald, at least have someone that works for you come up with something.


I hope he gets better because while no one is perfect and some people are worse than others, rallying around a cheering/sneering section for someone's probable death sentence when they've committed no crime is a particularly bad look.

If you were standing outside his hospital with a crowd of people and had a sign, with no one there to arrest you or ask you to leave, what would you want the sign to say?

Inject the humanity with which you just considered that scenario into your replies here.

Be grateful that you have healthcare and stop trying to take away mine.
I see now why Republicans are so bold in their efforts to fuck over people. Their base doesn't care, and they know a sizable portion of liberals will never hold them accountable because of their commitment to "civility" and "being the bigger person."

One more time for the people in the back: the vast majority of the people in this thread do not want John McCain to die or suffer. We are simply not going to fall over ourselves to be sympathetic to a man who would have eagerly voted to deprive millions of vital care and treatment. Supporting that bill - and other measures over the years - makes him a shitty person, and getting sick doesn't retroactively make him a good one. You can be sympathetic without ignoring or downplaying someone's heinous actions.


For you.
Dang y'all really need to learn to love and not hate. You can be upset wth his stance on healthcare(which I agree isn't god for the country) but my goodness don't shit on him when he is going through cancer!

He shits on millions of Americans going through cancer and other diseases.

I hope he gets better because while no one is perfect and some people are worse than others, rallying around a cheering/sneering section for someone's probable death sentence when they've committed no crime is a particularly bad look.

If you were standing outside his hospital with a crowd of people and had a sign, with no one there to arrest you or ask you to leave, what would you want the sign to say?

Inject the humanity with which you just considered that scenario into your replies here.
" This is what you want to have millions of Americans suffering of, but without any means whatsoever to fight it. Great job you evil piece of shit"
Dang y'all really need to learn to love and not hate. You can be upset wth his stance on healthcare(which I agree isn't god for the country) but my goodness don't shit on him when he is going through cancer!

This is a man who wants to strip healthcare that can help cancer patients. He literally doesn't care if other people die of cancer. I don't think it's too much for people to talk about this sold called karma and be OK with it.


Unconfirmed Member
I hope he gets better because while no one is perfect and some people are worse than others, rallying around a cheering/sneering section for someone's probable death sentence when they've committed no crime is a particularly bad look.

If you were standing outside his hospital with a crowd of people and had a sign, with no one there to arrest you or ask you to leave, what would you want the sign to say?

Inject the humanity with which you just considered that scenario into your replies here.

"at least you had a chance"


Obama's an ex-president who is much classier than most of us yeah-and also will not hurt for healthcare for himself or his family, EVER.

Some of us are on ACA or have family on ACA and understandably feel much more strongly about one of the people trying to take that away.

Please be honest about the situation.
I am being honest about the situation. I wish him a speedy recovery. That doesn't mean I agree with all of his political decisions.

Do you think Obama's and Hillary's responses are a mistake?
Dang y'all really need to learn to love and not hate. You can be upset wth his stance on healthcare(which I agree isn't god for the country) but my goodness don't shit on him when he is going through cancer!

I could die at age 20 without healthcare because of his actions, I'll shit on him until he stops being a bad person.


Horrible. McCain's long record of bipartisanship should never be forgotten, even if it was diminished under the hyper-partisan senate leadership of McConnell. Were all Republicans half as honorable as John McCain I could sleep a lot better at night knowing they weren't deliberately selling out the country to adversarial foreign powers.


Look everyone..

I'm sorry.

I forgot about that time I was in an incredible position of power and privilege and I used it to vote to take away John's healthcare, completely indifferent as to what he would do if he currently needed it or would some day need it. I was under a lot of pressure by other rude assholes and more often than not I went along with them and stayed quiet, cause maybe they'd come after me and I'd take a lot of political heat and things would be bad for me. I was pretty callous and selfish.

But now that he is suffering like the people he doesn't care about or fight for, I feel bad for him and wish him a speedy recovery so he can get right back to helping other people fuck those people over.

No shit, cancer sucks, nobody should get it, nobody deserves it, I understand that. I'm not sure John McCain does. If I had the power and influence he does, and was part of a voting body, and they asked me to support bills that meant less people, with cancer! having access to treat it, I would say no, loudly and proudly, from the roof tops, every. fucking. time. Something he hasn't done.

So yes, this is a perfect time to say, you're an asshole John McCain and you've wasted your chances to help people in now very similar conditions to you. Except you will 100% not have to worry about getting healthcare.

But by all means, get well so you can get back to making sure others can't get well.

thank you.

Something I want to say to posters in this thread: McCain wouldn't give a shit if it was you who had brain cancer


I see. I think people are just expressing very real frustrations and fear over his politics. I know I am.

If the worst happens, he'll have the means to take care of his family. If he survives, he'll be financially secure.

All while working towards not improving the current system. Not listening to the 80%+ that oppose this bill. Not listening to those begging not to be thrown off insurance. But instead actively supporting a piece of legislation that will throw off 17 million people in year one. And tens of millions more in subsequent years.

Can you not see why he's not getting sympathy from a number of people?

Well said.

The Lamp

A large and unfortunate number of people are diagnosed with cancer every year. Nearly everyone who has passed in my family is a victim. I don't have an infinite amount of attention, empathy or energy so I think I'll conserve my thoughts and prayers for those who struggle with cancer sans insurance, and for those who are not dead set on condemning millions of Americans to a slow, hopeless and painful death that Trumpcare promises.

Every single individual who voted for the GOP Healthcare bill is an active participant in attempted mass murder, no matter how indirect, and the only concern I have for their health is how it impacts legislation.

A sobering but sadly realistic response. McCain didn't give a fuck about my mother dying slowly from bad healthcare in this country. I hope he recovers, but those four words are about all the empathy I have to afford on this matter. Hope he gets better healthcare opinions in his time remaining. I've got to focus on providing for my family in spite of republican cartoon villains.
You must have a simple understanding of what happened to think that's exactly how thing happened.

that's exactly how it happened

by nominating sarah palin he gave rise to the tea party/alt-right and now he wants to strip healthcare away from ~32 million people


I'm saying you can wish someone well in regard to recovering from brain cancer. I never said all their fuck ups should be forgiven.

Look at Obama's response. You think that's not the right way to handle this?

Well yeah dude.gif

Obama's the best leader the nation had in 3 decades, of course he's going to publicly act like the leader he is.

Good time to point out small time actual elected officials supporting violence and violent rhetoric again the Obama's and his family?

And yet the dude is still a class act. The best of us.
I am being honest about the situation. I wish him a speedy recovery. That doesn't mean I agree with all of his political decisions.

Do you think Obama's and Hillary's responses are a mistake?

Stop pretending it's just politics. This isn't about infrastructure. This is about peoples actual lives. How is that escaping you?
I see now why Republicans are so bold in their efforts to fuck over people. Their base doesn't care, and they know a sizable portion of liberals will never hold them accountable because of their commitment to "civility" and "being the bigger person."

One more time for the people in the back: the vast majority of the people in this thread do not want John McCain to die or suffer. We are simply not going to fall over ourselves to be sympathetic to a man who would have eagerly voted to deprive millions of vital care and treatment. Supporting that bill - and other measures over the years - makes him a shitty person, and getting sick doesn't retroactively make him a good one. You can be sympathetic without ignoring or downplaying someone's heinous actions.

there is no sympathy happening here, it is celebration and 'haha suck it loser". Which is understandable, but don't hide behind this bullshit of "well I wouldn't wish that on anyone." Admit you're (not you specifically) glad he's fucked.


Unconfirmed Member
I understand some frustrations in this thread, but McCain is still one of better individuals out of all the Republicans that worked against health care and I find it highly unfortunate that such problem happened to strike him.

Hope he does well.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
That sucks, I feel for his family and this is probably a good thing for the country at large as he has been a shitty politician apart of a shitty party.


You know, in movies there's a reason they save the sniveling coward who tried to undermine the hero's efforts from the real villains.

It's the right thing to do.


Hoping for the best. Anyone who's happy about this or has nothing to say other than "fuck him" needs to get their head out of their ass, quite frankly.


Show me his strong support for not fucking over other people with cancer by fucking with their healthcare and medicaid.

Was he a solid no on any of the heartless proposed healthcare bills? If so I will gladly feel bad, otherwise he is a pretty willing cog in a machine desperately trying to fuck people with cancer.

Why the tears for him when he gets cancer?

Can't argue with this tbh.


I am being honest about the situation. I wish him a speedy recovery. That doesn't mean I agree with all of his political decisions.

Do you think Obama's and Hillary's responses are a mistake?

Why are some trying to simplify this down to a difference in politics/opinion when it's not that at all?
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