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Kickstarted in the Butt, Zoe Quinn & Chuck Tingle FMV Game no info since over 6 months


A scam artist, riding the laurels of the "victimhood" scam.

There was another case where a known developer committed suicide also because of the harassment she received.She had serious psychological problems . She used the KS money for a game for sex surgery instead. As if I'd equate that poor soul with Zoe Quinn.


Neo Member
Also it its a fucking FMV game. The Super Seducer guy Produced 2 games in one year which are quality wise much much higher than hers ever will be. Its been 3 years already. So either she is lying her ass off or she is really really bad.

The comparison doesn't really work - coding for Super Seducer was handled by a third party with considerable experience developing mobile games, and it had twice the budget that Zoe claimed for hers. It's also not clear how long it took, but it was started over a year ago, and Quinn's was started two years ago, not three.

The reality is that almost every Kickstarter game I've backed was late - often by a lot longer than where Quinn's is now - and they almost always get the costs wrong. Game development is hard, especially for a team with little experience in the style of game they are building. You almost always underestimate how long it will take and how much it costs. It takes a lot of experience to predicate the time it will take to develop any game to a point where it can be released.



In October of 2016 Zoe Quinn and Chuck Tingle managed to secure $85,448 to make a live-action FMV game. In August of 2018 Chuck Tingle claimed he had no involvement with the game, and that it was all in the hands of Zoe Quinn. Updates have been sporadic and infrequent on the Kickstarter page, but the latest update wasn’t on Kickstarter but Twitter.

In the update, posted on March 19th, 2019, 200 days after the last update, Quinn responded to a Twitter user asking about the Kickstarted FMV game based on Chuck Tingle’s characters. Quinn responded with the following…

The tweet came after Quinn retweeted an IGN article from Heart Machine, the makers of Hyper Light Drifter, where she stated that she was writing and doing narrative design for the game Solar Ash Kingdom.

Despite not fulfilling the Kickstarter duties, and having no answer for where the $85,000 went for a project backed by loyal followers, the big wigs in the gaming industry rolled out their congratulations to Quinn for working with Heart Machine, unfazed by the fact that the backers’ money is still unaccounted for.

This included God of War creative director at Santa Monica Studios, Cory Barlog…

As well as World of Warcraft designer at Blizzard Entertainment, Chris Morris…

I attempted to reach out to Quinn to find out where the money had been used or how far into development the FMV game is, but she has me blocked on Twitter.


"Thanks for the donuts, suckers!"


Forget the backers, I feel worse for Heart Machines. How long until she plays the victimhood card against them when it's not working out for her?
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Why do you need 88K for such a fucking trainwreck FMV? Hell the one XBOX Live FMV game with the Zombies looked better than this.


Didn't Jim Sterling do voice acting for this and i think he used his own twitter to advertise this product and her kick stater to his E friends ? if so i wonder what he has to say now , that there will not be a game and some of his E Friends/ followers might be out of pocket ?
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Didn't Jim Sterling do voice acting for this and i think he used his own twitter to advertise this product and her kick stater to his E friends ? if so i wonder what he has to say now , that there will not be a game and some of his E Friends/ followers might be out of pocket ?

You are right, Sterling was associated with this game as well.


This was mainstream media (NBC) cheerleading Quinn just last year: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/how-zoe-quinn-took-online-trolls-trying-destroy-her-ncna813401

Oops, she's apparently just a scam artist who should probably receive a visit from the FBI's white collar department (at least in a fair world she would).
Where does Zoe Quinn operate out of? If you call the public access line of the FBI and file a complaint, they will at least review it and forward it to the closest Field Office. The more info you have and can lay out, the more likely it will get opened as a case and investigated. Just sayin’.


Woah, hold on, Zoe fucking Quinn is writing Solar Ash Kingdom? Preorder utterly cancelled, and I've finished HLD about 5 times so far.
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Gold Member
Are you trying to get lynched by the SJW hive? Dangerous game you’re playing.

Thankfully the SJW hive mind has left for safer echo chambers.

u guys are only upset because she's a woman, had it been a man that stole your money and didn't deliver u wouldn't have been upset.

Uh no people would be fucking pissed regardless, the fact is she's high profile in the gaming community and journalists and other game developers alike wont speak out in fear of backlash.


Woah, hold on, Zoe fucking Quinn is writing Solar Ash Kingdom? Preorder utterly cancelled, and I've finished HLD about 5 times so far.
i have a bigger fish to fry here. didn't the developer of HLD say he had a serious heart condition and had maybe months to live? wasn't that part of the marketing of this game?


i have a bigger fish to fry here. didn't the developer of HLD say he had a serious heart condition and had maybe months to live? wasn't that part of the marketing of this game?

I thought he had a heart operation and therefore a weaker than normal heart, so he looked at his own mortality. It was never marketed as "he will die soon" AFAIK.

Also the biggest fish is that Solar Ash Kingdom is now unbuyable.


I thought he had a heart operation and therefore a weaker than normal heart, so he looked at his own mortality. It was never marketed as "he will die soon" AFAIK.

Also the biggest fish is that Solar Ash Kingdom is now unbuyable.

ya for sure, anything that charlatan touches is trash.


i think he embellished the severity of his condition a bit. ya any moment he can die was definitely part of the marketing.
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Man. People need to get the fuck off the internet and play more video games. Don't "Kickstart", "Early Access", "Pre-Order" anything. Especially if it doesn't even exist! What the fuck is wrong with people? Half of the problem bullshit peanut gallery soap opera wannabe hollywood superstar ripoff scam artist drama bullshit almost like star citizen but not as bad, wouldn't exist.
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I just checked out her patreon. lol, scamming SJWs out of almost $2k a month. Not a bad result for her
Good God. There really is no hope for humanity if people are this gullible.


Who the fuck would kickstart this?
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