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LOST 04.06: "The Other Woman" (The PolarBuro Has A Little Cub On The News)

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You know, after sleeping on it I decided this episode isn't so good after all. Why couldn't Charlotte and Daniel just reveal that they were there to neutralize the toxic gas to start with? Instead, we get misdirection and them doing suspicious crap like sneaking off in the night and hitting people over the head (geez, could Kate be any dumber having her back to Charlotte even though she was already suspicious of the two, while searching their packs). Sure we learned that Ben has this unhealthy fixation on Juliet, but her flashbacks as well as the introduction of Harper really didn't move the story along. I don't quite get why Juliet is still following Ben's order after all this time either. Then there's the reveal of Charles Widmore being the mastermind, which us as audiences already knew, but I guess it was necessary to let Locke in on the secret.

So I guess it was pretty average. Oh well, the momentum is still there, let's just hope the next two will pick back up.
Zalasta said:
You know, after sleeping on it I decided this episode isn't so good after all. Why couldn't Charlotte and Daniel just reveal that they were there to neutralize the toxic gas to start with? Instead, we get misdirection and them doing suspicious crap like sneaking off in the night and hitting people over the head (geez, could Kate be any dumber having her back to Charlotte even though she was already suspicious of the two, while searching their packs). Sure we learned that Ben has this unhealthy fixation on Juliet, but her flashbacks as well as the introduction of Harper really didn't move the story along. I don't quite get why Juliet is still following Ben's order after all this time either. Then there's the reveal of Charles Widmore being the mastermind, which us as audiences already knew, but I guess it was necessary to let Locke in on the secret.

So I guess it was pretty average. Oh well, the momentum is still there, let's just hope the next two will pick back up.

Because no one, NO ONE, NOT ONE PERSON, could have risked being present in that station in case they failed.

Not my favorite episode.
I hate the way the therapist felt so wedged in.
And yes, Ben was almost too comical and goofy.
Coolest part was Ben reading PKD's Valis (must re-read).


I had an Al Sharpton friend...Once! Well not a friend really, but we talked a few times. Well one time. Well I yelled out my window "GET OFF MY LAWN!"
i'd also like to say that flashbacks just don't cut it anymore. after the ffwds/desmonds julliet's boring backstory is just not gonna work.


I thought it was pretty average episode personally but I hope a few things that seemed quite random like her therapist appearing in the jungle ushered by the whispers then almost vanishing in thin air is explained latter (Or how Ben was able to communicate with her).

One interesting note is she said Ben is exactly where he wants to be. At this point he's clearly using Locke as a pawn. Against who? Widmore potentially? Who knows but thankfully things have progressed at the end of the episode with Ben out instead of this tid-for tat shit they've had lately which makes Locke look mentally challenged.

Zalasta said:
hitting people over the head (geez, could Kate be any dumber having her back to Charlotte even though she was already suspicious of the two, while searching their packs).

Yup that stuck at like a sore thumb. Some horrible, horrible writting there.


Will drop pants for Sony.
This episode was well worse than the last "Kate" episode.

I am starting to hate Charolette more and more, and isn't Juliet good at fighting. Remember her fight with Kate? Juliet should have toss Charolette around like a rag doll.

Was there a reason why Charolette and Dan had to go all cloak and dagger on everyone? My guess is that the gas is some sort of island defense Ben made and Faraday and red-headed idiot are trying to stop it. Yes Ben is evil in a sense but if he was really going to gas everyone he would have done it in season 1 or 2 or even the end of season 3, but he didn't. I believe the gas is a last resort for him to stop people like Widemore from finding and expoilting the island.

Jack is an idiot as well. He sure loves himself some Juliet though. Kate, sigh, Kate is only as smart as the plot allows her to be, if she was in character she wouldn't have let Charolette have the drop on her.

The only redeeming part of this episode was Hurley and Sawyer at the end.


That ending was awesome!

Not bad episode, probably the weakest of the Juliet episodes. Still, I don't think it's a filler as it answered some questions.


About Ben and Juliet's history. Which we've been wanting to know since Season 3.
Who is behind the people on the freighter. (Charles Widmore)
And how Ben gassed the island before.


Lame episode
I thought we would find out that Ben's man on the boat was Michael, but then it went to commercial. At that point, I knew it was going to be a shit episode.

And why does Ben walk like he has a stick up his ass?


border said:
Sorry, was working in like 5 different tabs at thought I'd posted it in the wrong thread....then reposted it to this thread.....then realized I hadn't posted it in the wrong thread, so I just edited the previous post.

I guess Ben's always been obsessive, but never really pathetic or lovelorn. This development just seems uber-cheesy.

I don't think this is going to be your standard love triangle

Juliette looks like
Ben's Mother
Illuminati said:
If you guys remember it was either last season or the one before that, that viral video message to Julia I thought they said that Widmore foundation was in cahoots with Dharma or the Degrutes. I can't remember. It was that weird ass video with the really bad picture and guy speaking in a pretty deep inaudible voice. I will see if I can find it.

That video was a fanmade fake.


Someone was talking about an Oedipus complex earlier?


In 2006, Emerson began a guest starring role playing Ben Linus (formerly called "Henry Gale" on the show) on the serial drama television series Lost. Originally set to appear in a small number of episodes, Emerson returned for the third season as a main cast member, earning a 2007 Emmy nomination for his work on the series.

Emerson met his second wife, actress Carrie Preston, while he was performing in a stage production of Hamlet in Alabama.[2] They married in September 1998, and both Emerson and his wife starred in the 2004 film, Straight-Jacket. On Lost, Preston portrays Emerson's character's mother in flashback sequences.


Anybody else notice a mistake. SPOILER

When locke opened the safe the only thing in their is the tape but after they watched it Ben goes back to the safe and pulls out a huge file.

Who filmed the video?
- So Widmore wants to use the island...as an attraction? I guess this is obvious given the powers on the island, but I expected a more sinister motive.

You're trusting Ben on Widmore's motive there... you can't really be sure thats the whole truth and nothing but. Far from it. Widmore bought the portrait and journal for the Black Rock. Something thats been on the Island for a very long time. How much does he know? Probably more than us.

Charlotte and Faraday still don't seem very forthcoming either. I'm not sure they've told all there is to tell yet, so their strange behaviour and motivations may be made far more clear in a very short time. I do believe they may have been making the gas inert as a method of disarming the Others though... when the Others were faced with crossing the electrical fence and dealing with the large number of Dharma employees, thats when they first used the gas.

All in all I thought it was quite a good episode. The Widmore reveal is something many of *us* may have already guessed or known, but a lot of people still wouldn't have guessed that yet really. I think the reveal was quite low key considering how important its gonna turn out to be. As I say though -- we've only had Ben's side of the story there.

I do love watching Ben and Juliet. The dinner scene was so awkward, but intentionally so I think. Love triangle shit normally bores me, but not this week. I'm kind of glad to see Jack show more interest in Juliet, she seems to have the smarts and maturity Kate lacks.


Strap on your hooker ...
master15 said:
One interesting note is she said Ben is exactly where he wants to be. At this point he's clearly using Locke as a pawn. Against who? Widmore potentially? Who knows but thankfully things have progressed at the end of the episode with Ben out instead of this tid-for tat shit they've had lately which makes Locke look mentally challenged.
I said it before and I'll say it again: there was more to Miles' meeting with Ben than just some pithy extortion plea. The use of specific numbers and timeframes within it was probably a coded message of some sort.


teruterubozu said:
I hate the way the therapist felt so wedged in.

Exactly.. It was just so obvious that it was some stupid drama they manifested after the fact. Sometimes they can pull this off but this time it was too obvious and lame for me.

I don't really like the idea of Ben being vulnerable towards Juliet either. Don't need more layers to these endless love triangles.


Comics, serious business!
Pakkidis said:
Anybody else notice a mistake. SPOILER

When locke opened the safe the only thing in their is the tape but after they watched it Ben goes back to the safe and pulls out a huge file.

Who filmed the video?

I also noticed that :D


Pakkidis said:
Anybody else notice a mistake. SPOILER

When locke opened the safe the only thing in their is the tape but after they watched it Ben goes back to the safe and pulls out a huge file.

Who filmed the video?

I thought it was a different safe.


Pakkidis said:
Anybody else notice a mistake. SPOILER

When locke opened the safe the only thing in their is the tape but after they watched it Ben goes back to the safe and pulls out a huge file.


The Hermit

I though there was only the box... but you see the file right under it.

Also meh episode, but it reiterate how fucking powerful Ben is.
to those questioning Ben's oedipus relationship with Juliet.

I think it fits perfectly.

Ben is obsessed with the fact he killed his mother and its clear that he see's something of her in Juliet.

He obviously has a strong connection with the island, is it a coincidence that Ben's mother died in child birth and now all the women on the island are dying when they give birth?

john tv

Destructo Spin said:
to those questioning Ben's oedipus relationship with Juliet.

I think it fits perfectly.

Ben is obsessed with the fact he killed his mother and its clear that he see's something of her in Juliet.

He obviously has a strong connection with the island, is it a coincidence that Ben's mother died in child birth and now all the women on the island are dying when they give birth?
Except aren't they dying before they give birth?
Time for Ben to go and let Miles free to take out the clue me thinks. I don't see why Locke let him walk free though, I don't see how he could perceive allowing him to live amongst the castaways as being a good idea.

Only part of the episode I didn't like is that we got 2 reveals in the preview for the next show (Who Ben's man on the boat is, and the last 2 members of the Oceanic 6)

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
john tv said:
Except aren't they dying before they give birth?

It might not match up perfectly, but I remember Ben's dad saying that Ben was premature. It might not mean anything, and it might mean a lot.
Spirit of Jazz said:
Time for Ben to go and let Miles free to take out the clue me thinks. I don't see why Locke let him walk free though, I don't see how he could perceive allowing him to live amongst the castaways as being a good idea.

Only part of the episode I didn't like is that we got 2 reveals in the preview for the next show (Who Ben's man on the boat is, and the last 2 members of the Oceanic 6)

It's like they're trying to prove how much Locke struggles at leadership by completely removing his brain. Locke is such a good character but they're making him look a constent fool at the minute.


TheGreatDave said:
It's like they're trying to prove how much Locke struggles at leadership by completely removing his brain. Locke is such a good character but they're making him look a constent fool at the minute.

He's always been a moron. We just didn't know it yet in the early parts of the series.


I bet you guys knew, but I think that they are gonna have a war between Lock and Jack.

Jack wins,but kills them all. Thats why he couldn't look at the baby two episodes ago.
That also explains why, hugo said to him that he "wasn't gonna tell" what happened.

But you guys prolly know ^^


Warrior300 said:
I bet you guys knew, but I think that they are gonna have a war between Lock and Jack.

Jack wins,but kills them all. Thats why he couldn't look at the baby two episodes ago.
That also explains why, hugo said to him that he "wasn't gonna tell" what happened.

But you guys prolly know ^^

but, but, why do they "have to go back?" and who are the "they" that need them?


Iceman said:
but, but, why do they "have to go back?" and who are the "they" that need them?

If you could tell me what episode that's from maybe I can figure it out.

What episode is that from?


This episode was so boring that right after I just saw it I can't remember that much of it. I 'll watch it again later. Maybe it was supposed to be more of girl episode and that's why. :D I mean with the lame love triangle thing. I wanted to know who's on the boat.

Ben was cool though.


teruterubozu said:
..and end of last season (Jack flashforward). Man, you're missing out on a HUGE plot detail.

The thing is with me, I started watching attentively season 3 onwards. Man, I must be anal compared to what you guys know.


Decent episode, but it committed some Lost no-nos such as introducing a random character and pretending they were there all along, having characters act secretive when being open would be far easier (at least it looks that way, maybe we'll find out Faraday and Charlotte had ulterior motives), and creating another love triangle for us to be ambivalent about.

It also hinted at Ben's protection of the island possibly being selfishly motivated, which would be lame. When he said "every living person on this island will be killed," did he mean that he would simply gas everyone? That's somewhat less exciting than some grand chain of events beyond anyone's control as it seemed to indicate.

Not horrible, but not up to the crazy standard set by The Constant and The Economist.


Salmonax said:
Decent episode, but it committed some Lost no-nos such as introducing a random character and pretending they were there all along

What random character? The therapist?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Salmonax said:

Not horrible, but not up to the crazy standard set by The Constant and The Economist.
they can't all be winners, bro. I think it was a solid episode, it jsut seems underwhelming compared to...well, the rest of the season:D


Blader5489 said:
What random character? The therapist?
Indeed. I should have said "new" instead of "random" though.
Iamthegamer said:
they can't all be winners, bro. I think it was a solid episode, it jsut seems underwhelming compared to...well, the rest of the season:D
Oh, I agree. I'm not one of those for whom Lost oscillates between amazing and terrible. I mostly liked it; it just wasn't as face-meltingly good as last week.
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