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LOST 04.06: "The Other Woman" (The PolarBuro Has A Little Cub On The News)

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This episode was great!

I really enjoyed every minute of it...mostly the scenes with Ben and Locke. Can't wait for next week, though.


MiamiWesker said:
Weakest of the year so far (yes I liked the Kate episode more, enough about it) and I think its cause flashbacks suck, flashfowards are way better. That said its still a good episode cause this season is kicking ass. Everything with Ben was brilliant, he had so many great lines, he is the best.

Pretty much my opinion; Ben was the best part of this episode. I hate what they've done to locke (AGAIN). The ending was awesome "See you guys at dinner!" :lol
Terrible episode.

You would think that with a season of just 16 there would be less filler episodes.. Seriously this episode was so stretched out.

And what was with Ben? His acting seemed a little off this episode..weird.


TrueReligion said:
This episode was great!

Destructo Spin said:
to those questioning Ben's oedipus relationship with Juliet.

I think it fits perfectly.

Ben is obsessed with the fact he killed his mother and its clear that he see's something of her in Juliet.

He obviously has a strong connection with the island, is it a coincidence that Ben's mother died in child birth and now all the women on the island are dying when they give birth?

How does Ben see his mother in Juliet if he's never met his mother (killing her at his birth)?
Because I'm still in a avatar-makin' mood...



How does Ben see his mother in Juliet if he's never met his mother (killing her at his birth)?

One would imagine Ben's dad still had a picture of her around the house (besides the flashback where he saw her on the island).
probune said:
He's always been a moron. We just didn't know it yet in the early parts of the series.

Well, yeah, his whole life has had being a bit of an idiot. But now it's just getting out of hand, watching him release a man that shot him and is a thousand times smarter than him is just so frustrating.

I hope Locke loses his mind soon. Something has to happen to give that character some life.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheGreatDave said:
Well, yeah, his whole life has had being a bit of an idiot. But now it's just getting out of hand, watching him release a man that shot him and is a thousand times smarter than him is just so frustrating.

I hope Locke loses his mind soon. Something has to happen to give that character some life.

Yeah, it makes no sense at all. HE FUCKING SHOT LOCKE. Why on earth would he let him out? Boggles my mind. Boggles.


Living in a one-dimensional world...
smarties00 said:
She appeared to him... Remember Episode 20 The Man Behind the Curtain.
I assumed the chick that Juliet was supposed to look like was Annie, (the girl that gave him the wooden dolls).
ChunderMan said:
I assumed the chick that Juliet was supposed to look like was Annie, (the girl that gave him the wooden dolls).

Oh yeah...
We never saw her die during the purge. There is a theory going around that she is Danielle. But Its interesting that the writers say that they can't show a Danielle flashback until they get certain stuff out of the way.


commish said:
Yeah, it makes no sense at all. HE FUCKING SHOT LOCKE. Why on earth would he let him out? Boggles my mind. Boggles.
I think it's fairly consistent with the character we've seen so far. When Locke loses faith, he is pathetic and easily manipulated. That's what led to the hatch being blown up in the first place. Being back on the right path means more to Locke than anything, and Ben exploited that weakness with a little quid pro quo.
For Lost standards it was only a good episode, but still very enjoyable. Ben saying 'you're mine' to Juliette was hilarious and scary in a way. It shows just how crazy he is, i totally expected something like 'i love you', since they already showed a more human side of Ben when he was cooking. :D

As for Locke, i really hope they don't destroy this character by making him do more stupid things each episode(ok the grenade-meal was badass). That he released Ben was just unrealistic, i mean Ben shot him and left him for dead. Few episodes ago, Locke wanted to execute him.

In Season 3, Locke still had this kind of mystical presence. He was the islands choosen one and almost immortal, but that seems all gone now. Hopefully there is some kind of payoff in the second half of the season. Maybe his plan is to set up Ben in some way.


\m/etalStorm said:
In Season 3, Locke still had this kind of mystical presence. He was the islands choosen one and almost immortal, but that seems all gone now. Hopefully there is some kind of payoff in the second half of the season. Maybe his plan is to set up Ben in some way.

He's had that mystical presence ever since Walkabout in Season 1 really, coming face to face with the monster and walking away unhurt. Only other character do that from memory is Ecko, and we know what happened to him.

It's really interesting but I think someone may have mentioned it in this thread of Ben using Locke's 'island chose him' reputation against him. We know in Season 3 he brought his Dad to the island knowing full-well he was Locke's kryptonite so to speak and embarassing him in front of the others, yet from his miracilous recovery to being able to speak to Jacob, you wonder where this may be going.

I really hoope the Locke character get's back on track as he's probably the most interesting in the series for me.

The Hermit

Salmonax said:
I think it's fairly consistent with the character we've seen so far. When Locke loses faith, he is pathetic and easily manipulated. That's what led to the hatch being blown up in the first place. Being back on the right path means more to Locke than anything, and Ben exploited that weakness with a little quid pro quo.

Yup, Locke is moved by signs, so when there are no signs he turns to anyone including Ben making his manipulative job much easier.
Salmonax said:
I think it's fairly consistent with the character we've seen so far. When Locke loses faith, he is pathetic and easily manipulated. That's what led to the hatch being blown up in the first place. Being back on the right path means more to Locke than anything, and Ben exploited that weakness with a little quid pro quo.

Yeah, it fits the character of a guy that gave up a kidney for a father figure. But it's SO frustrating! He's been driving me mad lately, more so than Claire, my arch nemesis.


Liked that Ben was reading Valis - though it's probably more suited to last week's episode? I'd try and describe why but I'd just make a hash of what actually happened in the book...


MIMIC said:
Terrible filler ep.

How the hell was it a filler episode? It moved the plot forward, developed some characters and answered some question while bringing up new question. Seems like a pretty typical Lost episode to me.

One of the weirdest episodes....when Ben opened the door with Juliet standing there with dinner roles, I was speechless. That was weird.

Widmore? Widmore is the true villain of the show? Heh...I was sorta hoping for a little bit more, I know it's been hinted already but damnit....

Juliet finally had a clunker....it was more a Ben flashback anyways, honestly, I don't understand what the point of this whole thing was. We find out her and Goodwin were fucking...which we knew already. They could have introduced the "Ben thinks he owns Juliet" thing in a much shorter amount of time.

I just think the writers are getting too caught up in there same tricks. Yeah, he taped over the game, red sox again, WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I don't care about this kind of crap anymore, tell the story. They lost 3 episodes this season and they STILL have time for this filler crap?

Best thing was JACKET! I wish they had zoomed in on Kate watching them kiss! I tried to avoid the shipping aspects but fuck it, if they are going to SHOVE it in our faces then I might as well root for a couple, I HATE Kate, completely different character from Season 1 to me. Somebody make a "Pistol Whip Kate Defense Force" avatar and I'm THERE!
\m/etalStorm said:
For Lost standards it was only a good episode, but still very enjoyable. Ben saying 'you're mine' to Juliette was hilarious and scary in a way. It shows just how crazy he is, i totally expected something like 'i love you', since they already showed a more human side of Ben when he was cooking. :D

I love you would have been so much better....

"Why did you bring me here"
"Because I love you"

Would have been a throwback (That the writers looooove so much) to the season 3 finale when Jack says the same thing to Kate.

You're mine? I can never take Ben seriously as a "good person" at this point, and I dislike that.


On top of that, it was beat by "Lost" on ABC, which earned a 7.6/12, according to Zap2it. But the news for "Lost" is bittersweet as that was just below its lowest rating of the season so far, dropping 2.6 percent from last week, and is down 20 percent from its premiere.

I don't get it Lost keeps losing viewers even with weak competition.

john tv

Liara T'Soni said:
You're mine? I can never take Ben seriously as a "good person" at this point, and I dislike that.
To be fair, Ben's been through an awful lot since that point. I mean, his whole world got flipped upside down when that plane landed, he's been taken prisoner, he had his ass beatdown any number of times...stuff like this can mature a spoiled brat, IMO.

Not saying he's well-adjusted or anything, but I do think he could still turn out to be good (believably so) in the end.
john tv said:
To be fair, Ben's been through an awful lot since that point. I mean, his whole world got flipped upside down when that plane landed, he's been taken prisoner, he had his ass beatdown any number of times...stuff like this can mature a spoiled brat, IMO.

Not saying he's well-adjusted or anything, but I do think he could still turn out to be good (believably so) in the end.

I sure hope so, last nights episodes was just very strange to me, probably one I will forget in time.
Ripclawe said:
I don't get it Lost keeps losing viewers even with weak competition.

I think the show has finally lost any "cool" factor it had and is officially nerdy sci-fi now.

It's the kind of show you have to watch from start to finish, and if you start missing, thats pretty much it for most people.

I try to get people that I know into the show that aren't already, been successful a few times (Got a guy to switch from Greys) but most people are just like "I don't have any idea whats going on).


Well, here in Madison, Wisconsin LOST was preempted/postponed for local high school basketball playoffs. LOST normally runs from 8pm-9pm on ABC but this past Thursday it was delayed until 10:15pm-11:15pm. So they were bound to lose some viewership from that.
Iceman said:
Well, here in Madison, Wisconsin LOST was preempted/postponed for local high school basketball playoffs. LOST normally runs from 8pm-9pm on ABC but this past Thursday it was delayed until 10:15pm-11:15pm. So they were bound to lose some viewership from that.

2.6% of Lost viewers live in Madison, Wisconsin confirmed.
john tv said:
To be fair, Ben's been through an awful lot since that point. I mean, his whole world got flipped upside down when that plane landed, he's been taken prisoner, he had his ass beatdown any number of times...stuff like this can mature a spoiled brat, IMO.

Not saying he's well-adjusted or anything, but I do think he could still turn out to be good (believably so) in the end.

On the other hand he does this all for a reason. He wanted to be a prisoner at the hatch and he knew he was going to get beaten when they find out he is a liar and a manipulator.


fistfulofmetal said:
2.6% of Lost viewers live in Madison, Wisconsin confirmed.

Haha. Obviously I can't speak for the rest of the country, but I'm pretty sure most high school basketball playoff games were/are being played this week. It's not entirely reasonable to think that other cities may have preempted LOST as well.


Iceman said:
Haha. Obviously I can't speak for the rest of the country, but I'm pretty sure most high school basketball playoff games were/are being played this week. It's not entirely reasonable to think that other cities may have preempted LOST as well.
There would be fucking hell to pay at my local ABC affiliate if they preempted LOST.


Ripclawe said:
I don't get it Lost keeps losing viewers even with weak competition.

In the newspaper here they rank the delayed veiws every week. It accounts for all the tivos and dvrs out there. Lost is always number 2 under american idol.
Ripclawe said:
I don't get it Lost keeps losing viewers even with weak competition.

Most tv dramas ratings fluctuate somewhat. Ratings start to slide after season premieres almost always, then raise for sweeps months, then go back down, and then up again as the season finale approaches.

I think it's pretty weird too. If I'm watching a show, I make sure to tivo every episode. I don't know why somebody would only watch 15 out of 23 :)D) episodes, or whatever.


You guys need to realize that television ratings are becoming defunct and will be almost completely defunct in a few years. It will still, obviously, be the first place shows go, but with iTunes, DVR, etc. becoming more popular for shows (and stuff like box sets) ratings are becoming less and less important. That's more true for shows like Lost than any other type of show.

As for people calling this filler, do you guys know what a filler episode means? Maybe to some of you, it's when an episode doesn't have HOLY SHIT PLOT TWIST moments. But the reality is that this was not filler. Half of the episode moved the plot along nicely (Ben/Locke), and the other half added more to a character's past who we've previously only had two flashbacks for.

A filler episode is Expose, which was still very entertaining. You guys need to realize they announced the show is ending after THREE seasons. Not after ONE. We're going to have MANY episodes like this. You'll be back to holy shit stuff next week anyway.


ChunderMan said:
What do you think that thing is with all of the pages sitting right under the tape?

Er, that would be the file that Locke pulled out of the safe in the next scene. Try to keep up.
dead souls said:
Most tv dramas ratings fluctuate somewhat. Ratings start to slide after season premieres almost always, then raise for sweeps months, then go back down, and then up again as the season finale approaches.

I think it's pretty weird too. If I'm watching a show, I make sure to tivo every episode. I don't know why somebody would only watch 15 out of 23 :)D) episodes, or whatever.

Most people probably want shows where they can just tune in at any time and still be able follow the plot. As with lost, the viewer doesn't want to miss a second of it, otherwise he's really lost.

I'am very excited for next weeks episode, i read they are going to
do something new with the flashes again.
SFA_AOK said:
Liked that Ben was reading Valis - though it's probably more suited to last week's episode? I'd try and describe why but I'd just make a hash of what actually happened in the book...

Yeah, it was about time someone was reading a PKD book, but this whole "Lost library" thing is getting a little played out.


Liara T'Soni said:

One of the weirdest episodes....when Ben opened the door with Juliet standing there with dinner roles, I was speechless. That was weird.

Widmore? Widmore is the true villain of the show? Heh...I was sorta hoping for a little bit more, I know it's been hinted already but damnit....

Juliet finally had a clunker....it was more a Ben flashback anyways, honestly, I don't understand what the point of this whole thing was. We find out her and Goodwin were fucking...which we knew already. They could have introduced the "Ben thinks he owns Juliet" thing in a much shorter amount of time.

I just think the writers are getting too caught up in there same tricks. Yeah, he taped over the game, red sox again, WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I don't care about this kind of crap anymore, tell the story. They lost 3 episodes this season and they STILL have time for this filler crap?

Best thing was JACKET! I wish they had zoomed in on Kate watching them kiss! I tried to avoid the shipping aspects but fuck it, if they are going to SHOVE it in our faces then I might as well root for a couple, I HATE Kate, completely different character from Season 1 to me. Somebody make a "Pistol Whip Kate Defense Force" avatar and I'm THERE!
I actually kinda agree with most of what you said.
Except I don't think
Widmore is the true villain of the show..
teruterubozu said:
Yeah, it was about time someone was reading a PKD book, but this whole "Lost library" thing is getting a little played out.
Definitely. Is there ONE book on the entire island that isn't littered with metaphors and connections to what is happening on the island?


commish said:
Yeah, it makes no sense at all. HE FUCKING SHOT LOCKE. Why on earth would he let him out? Boggles my mind. Boggles.

John has been a weak and gullible man from the beginning

They lost 3 episodes this season and they STILL have time for this filler crap?

This episode was done before they lost 3 episodes. Two more episodes and then we get the condensed episodes


I was a little disappointed. Dharmalar is full of shit! He said something crazy would happen... what was it?
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