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LTTP: Kill La Kill: so the second half of the show is essentially a soft-core porno

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Satsuki ain't get no development, she just apologized after getting some well deserved beatdowns. Every time Satsuki got her ass whopped was awesome, she's a shithead

At least Satsuki apologized. She definitely has way more development than that emo Ryuko. She took losses, but that's okay. You learn from your losses.

The only shithead that exists is Nui. Hell, Nonon is better than that awful excuse of a creation. She went out on her own terms, but so what... All that matters is she is gone while Satsuki stands tall at the end.

I love you too, Puruzi. You're pretty cool in my book. ;P


At least Satsuki apologized. She definitely has way more development than that emo Ryuko. She took losses, but that's okay. You learn from your losses.

The only shithead that exists is Nui. Hell, Nonon is better than that awful excuse of a creation. She went out on her own terms, but so what... All that matters is she is gone while Satsuki stands tall at the end.

I love you too, Puruzi. You're pretty cool in my book. ;P




Its....fine. Its certainly heavy on the action, but a lot of it is very poorly animated and others are just boring to watch. The Ryuko vs Satsuki fights are the best of the show though.

like many trigger shows, there's moments of incredible animation with a lot of inbetween 'joke' animation to save budget for the good moments.

Not gonna say the animation is good, but the style is fantastic, so that makes up for it. I found the fights very enjoyable.

Hmm, might check it out this weekend. Believe it's on Netflix, right? So it can't hurt to try a few episodes.

Bold One

never forget



Amazing mental gymnastics, its like stepping in a Bayonetta thread
Also, I felt that the ending was kind of inconsistent with the plot. Wouldn't it make more sense that everyone in the world would be nudist or at least those in Japan?



I dont remember any of that!!

I'm at work right now so I'll provide you with gifs when I get home. But yeah as someone said they are pretty difficult to miss, unless you watched a censored version of the show.


I watched half the first episode and I just hated it.

Is this serious? Lol

Seriously out of their goddamn mind. To call any of that "stretch" is generous. You gotta stretch like Noby Noby Boy.

Watched the first two(?) episodes? Not gonna bother with the rest.

Show me how many women directed episodes of and designed characters for this show

I'm waiting

Beofre you go on getting too righteous, I'm just gonna leave these here (semi-spoilers -NSFW-ish?):




This really is a fairly equal opportunity fan service show. KLK has a lot of female fans.
This really is a fairly equal opportunity fan service show. KLK has a lot of female fans.
To be fair, pound for pound I'd say the women in the show were more "exploited" than the men on average. But unlike most shows there were legitimate moments of male oversexualization so there is at least some balance.


Seriously out of their goddamn mind. To call any of that "stretch" is generous. You gotta stretch like Noby Noby Boy.

Beofre you go on getting too righteous, I'm just gonna leave these here (semi-spoilers -NSFW-ish?):




This really is a fairly equal opportunity fan service show. KLK has a lot of female fans.

Can confirm, know loads of women that like the series
Also, I felt that the ending was kind of inconsistent with the plot. Wouldn't it make more sense that everyone in the world would be nudist or at least those in Japan?

I'm at work right now so I'll provide you with gifs when I get home. But yeah as someone said they are pretty difficult to miss, unless you watched a censored version of the show.

The dub that aired on Toonami didn't edit a ton. The bath scene was completely edited out and there were some other smaller ones. Somehow the Saksuki spanking scene didn't get edited at all but the one with Ryuko and Gamagoori did.
it was bad

tried too hard to be funny or different or something. i couldn't get into it.

GL was at least cute

and the males nudities in KLK was no where same as the females ones. the male ones were represented as ridiculous-lol-lets-laugh-at-these-wankers and the female ones were the standard sexualised shots.

not saying there weren't any male nudities. just the undertones were vastly different.


When I saw it I liked it a lot but had a lot of problems with it! Mostly that it peaks early with the first Uzu fight and then it waffles around a plot that I had very little investment in.

Then I saw Gurren Lagann and that has made me look back at Kill la Kill a lot more fondly because I absolutely HATE Gurren Lagann.

So yeah, thumbs up on KLK!
Amazing mental gymnastics, its like stepping in a Bayonetta thread
It's not. The show makes its points about nudity and acceptance of being a woman very clear. It may be stupid, but it's the show, not the fans.

I watched it during my "no fap" period, I have to say it was hard. Very good show btw.
What didn't you like about Gurren Lagann? Story wise it and KLK are pretty much the same thing.
There's a lot I despise about Gurren Lagann but the most important thing is that I absolutely hate the "giant robot" genre. It bores me to tears. Things like Gurren Lagann, Transformers, Pacific Rim, etc are all dreadful to me. Can not think of a less lame pitch than "Optimus Prime punching Godzilla in the face". If that's enough to make you dismiss my overall feelings on the subject, that's fine! It is my taste after all.

My Gurren Lagann specific criticism is how much abhorrent and annoying I find the writing. I found You Know Who to be as awesome as everyone said he was. People pushed me into watching the show because they were like "Dude, you're JUST like him!" and yeah I saw a lot of myself in the dude and I thought he was awesome. What I found not awesome was how obnoxious the foreshadowing of the show was about
his early death
and how it was going to change the series and the protag entirely. Every episode the show couldn't shut up about the most obvious beat that was coming up and I got sick of it fast. I like foreshadowing in my work, but not when I'm beaten with a crowbar over it. I instantly became resentful of my favorite character and couldn't wait for him to
bite it
just so the story could finally move on to something else. I didn't just predict it through the obvious hints, I got to the point where I was sick to death of that plot point and wanted it to end.

And then after that got resolved, the show didn't really have much left to offer me. It was nice seeing the protag fill his shoes and the second act of the show essentially being a sequel show was an AWESOME idea. But nothing kept my interest. Especially when Rossiu became one of my most hated characters in fiction during the second act, Yoko's characterization being Spartan kicked off of the planet, and all political intrigue being stripped away from dull robot fights. When I speak of my hatred of Gurren Lagann, I get a lot of "but they fight IN SPACE" and "He was really really cool and acts just like you, I don't understand why you hate it". And yeah, they throw galaxies at each other by the end. I simply don't care because I hate/am indifferent towards all of these characters. I was completely incapable of being engaged with the over the top nonsense because it had lost me long before then. And the sheer spectacle wasn't nearly enough, especially since I've seen more completely off the rails climaxes in other artistic work.

While Kill la Kill is similar in that it lacks the same grace that Gurren Lagann had (and added a lot more tonal inconsistencies to boot), I appreciated its mystery and anarchic imagination a lot more. The setting, characters, action scenes reached me in a way that Gurren Lagann couldn't. And while KLK's tone never tried to reach the more ambitious and interesting tone that Gurren Lagann hit, Gurren Lagann floundered with it so carelessly with how it treated the main player that the second I said "I can't wait for
him to die
", the second it had lost me forever. There was no coming back for the show because of how pivotal that moment was to the emotional core that was Gurren Lagann's thesis.

Tangentially, KLK's second half focuses on bombastic setpieces, world changing intrigue, shockingly obvious
"she was your sister the WHOLE time"
beats, and earth shattering action color shows, which to me was a lot less interesting than the school setting they had put up and the "ranking up" that was essential to the surface level narrative of the first half. But the second half was kept alive for me through my enjoyment of the characters, which I wanted to root for and see succeed. Is that shallow? Absolutely. But wanting to see characters you are engaged with triumph over adversity is a fundamental approach to making art work.

So yeah. I liked Kill la Kill a good amount even though it's significantly less ambitious than its predecessor. I don't like, love it or anything. I just enjoyed it. It was a good time.

wow, i've never seen such an awful opinion
Dude, you follow me on Twitter, you should be used to this :p


I really think this is a vid the OP should watch.

KLK was fucking awesome.

EDIT- Also, Satsuki is best girl.

I remember being convinced that the show was about dualism based on the first opening and Ryuko and Satsuki's relationship, but eventually thought I was completely overthinking when the show was nearing its end. Pretty interesting video, not convinced with everything but it brings up things to think about.


kill la kill kind of lacks focus in the middle of the show but it does eventually work to the show's advantage since it's also the middle of ryuko being in the doldrums and when she comes out of it and starts working towards a goal again, the show becomes more exciting. there's also some good stuff going on between the sisters and the cast isn't too large to the point where we lose focus on who the major players are.

gurren lagann's all over the fucking place throughout its run. you lose one major cast member early on and then it becomes this weird hodgepodge of stuff throughout the rest of the show. did we really need to introduce so many characters that had so much time devoted to them at the expense of other main characters just to kill them off? i wound up pretty much hating everything about nia. best part was really the last scene with kamina and simon, which felt genuine and earned, but almost lost in a sea of just weird shit that took away from most of the emotional impact of everything else.


As soon as I decided to ignore the fanservice and focus on Mako I found enjoyment out of the series. Every episode I watched just waiting for Mako to be around, what a great character.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Then I saw Gurren Lagann and that has made me look back at Kill la Kill a lot more fondly because I absolutely HATE Gurren Lagann.

So yeah, thumbs up on KLK!

I also thought GL was garbage tier. Yet, I am slightly interested in this show.


It was fun in the beginning, but it didn't evolve above that.
Gurren Lagann was the same but the second half was fucking amazing because the character and story got much better and bigger.


I'm not a big anime person but I've watched a handful of series over the years, this being one of them.

I really enjoyed it, the T&A shots got old but it didn't ruin the show.


Huge Nickleback Fan
I enjoy it. Every moment is cheese cake and just plain hot blooded shonen action. And of course, Shinichiro Miki hamming it up was fantastic


KLK is amazing because it never pretends to be serious about anything. The show jokes about everything while keeping a plot the moves the story.

It's hilarious.
I thought the show was extremely well liked. I was surprised how few mentions it had in the recent "Top 5 Anime of All-Time" thread.


I loved the show and it revelled in its own ridiculous. but a couple of heavy handed moments to make one of the antagonist's "more bad" were really heavy handed and badly handled. The show could have these two scenes removed and it wouldn't be any worse for it.
Took me two tries to get into the show because of the ecchi stuff. On the second try I made sure my door was locked and I enjoyed it a lot more. I still far prefer Gurren Lagann but Kill La Kill is still great. I do like how by the end of the show nudity is completely unfazing. Also, I disagree with OP that Mako's monologues are annoying. I thought they were a highlight.


Funny, most of the criticisms Cipher has against Gurren Lagann are the exact complaints I have against Kill La Kill.

But Satsuki got so much character development.

She really doesn't, though. She exits the series pretty much the same way she enters. It becomes no more obvious than when she reveals her ruse and betrays her mother. At that point the potential she gets for character development gets thrown out the window since rather than being shown her develop we're instead told that she was a complex character or whatever juggling too many plates. Ryuko almost isn't even the main protagonist of this series, she's just a spectator getting strung along by shitty conspiracies. At least GL had the confidence to kill off it's most popular character early on to establish that he's just a mouth piece and not actually the protagonist who needs character development.

Thankfully I enjoy Satsuki as a character but it still very much boils down to "my conviction > yours". She's never actively challenged as a character beyond what she can do physically. Ryuko on the other hand does get challenged more in terms of character but she constantly falls into these annoying cycles and frustrating contradictions (spends one exposition episode defending Senketsu being more than just what he's designed to be but then hypocritically goes back on that because she realizes "I have life fibers in me boo hoo"). It's like the writers didn't know how to properly structure her entire arc.


I liked KLK. It's clear they wanted to go a different direction in the beginning and for whatever reason changed their minds so lots of stuff gets abandoned by the second half. Very inconsistent plot-wise but an absolute blast in terms of comedy, hype and animation (Trigger can go a long way on a small budget and make things feel more energetic than they are). It would definitely be something that could use a movie compression to clean it up.
Oh so you're wrong and you should be shunned is what you're saying? Gotcha.
That's why I put it first!
It's a disclaimer warning, of sorts. If one can't get over my feelings towards the genre as a whole, then there's no reason for me to waste their time! A "hey, here's an easy out to dismiss me if you so choose because I am a human being and have biases that slant towards a particular direction and if that doesn't bother you, here's some of my personal insight and perspective"!

Funny, most of the criticisms Cipher has against Gurren Lagann are the exact complaints I have against Kill La Kill.
I won't deny in the slightest that their pros and cons are very similar. If someone told me they loved GL and hated KLK for the same reasons, I'd have a few questions but I would "get it". Like I said! KLK's flawed but its surface level dressing is something I appreciate more. Just a personal preference.


I think the show is awesome and hilarious. While I don't think it's nearly as good as Gurren Lagann, it's still one of my favorite animes.

The dub outtakes are goddamn wonderful.

FYI the VA that played Nonon is the same VA that played Peacock from Skullgirls.

Also I hate that Aniplex USA are the ones distributing this. 40 USD for 4 episodes on Blu Ray is total bullshit, if it was more reasonably packaged and priced I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I don't know why they think they can get away with Japanesse prices.


I thought the show was extremely well liked. I was surprised how few mentions it had in the recent "Top 5 Anime of All-Time" thread.

There's a pretty big difference between something being extremely well liked and something being "top five of all time".

I would also question whether it was "extremely" well liked. It certainly had a passionate following but, even at the time I think it's fair to say the critical reception was mixed.


semen stains the mountaintops
Seriously out of their goddamn mind. To call any of that "stretch" is generous. You gotta stretch like Noby Noby Boy.

Beofre you go on getting too righteous, I'm just gonna leave these here (semi-spoilers -NSFW-ish?):




This really is a fairly equal opportunity fan service show. KLK has a lot of female fans.

Stop sexualizing men, ladies.



Unconfirmed Member
For those unaware, there's an OVA that came with the DVD/BD. It acts as episode 25.

I didn't find out of this until like 2 days ago. Is it available on Crunchyroll?


FLCL is my gold standard for anime (i.e. I don't find much that I like). When KLK got going, I thought I might see something comparable. Unfortunately, I don't especially love where it goes. It's interesting and there are bits I do love but I echo a lot of the sentiment in this thread when I say I found the continued humiliation of its female leads slightly discouraging.
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