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Mazes of Fate: Official Thread (GBA 1st Person RPG)


Came out in November? WTF


Running off of Custom Firmware
Surprised me too. Figured this would turn out to be vaporware... imagine my surprise when it turns out that I missed its release by a month!


Wow, really sounds like Ultima or even more modern games like TES1: Arena. I'm all about this. So we can only get it from Amazon or the official site? It's a shame, I may never get to play it that way.

Also: I've really wanted to play a good western RPG on the GBA or DS.
Part of me really wants to buy that, because it's really really cool looking and I loved those sort of games as kid. However, I seriously doubt I'd ever play it (especially as I just bought Yggdra Union).

It's really too bad they didn't decide to port it to the DS. Having the map displayed on one screen all the time would make it a lot more fun to play (albeit a lot easier), as would having the equipment drag/droppable with the stylus.
I ended up getting this game at Ebay because I couldn't find it in stores. The official websites even mentions Ebay as the best option, as I think the games sold there come directly from the publisher.

I've been switching my time between this and Castlevania PoR, and I honestly like both equally. Plus, the game looks really good on the Micro.


Running off of Custom Firmware
The graphics are really beautiful. I included the eBay link from the home page in my OP, and as far as I can tell, it IS coming directly from the publisher! :D


Running off of Custom Firmware
Let's see if I can rejuvenate this thread with some more impressions... :)

Aeana said:
I have played some more, and I am really enjoying the game. Here's some more impressions:

- The game is quest-based. You talk to townspeople and accept quests in exchange for money, items, experience or clues about other quests.

- Fighting seems to be a mixture of real-time and turn-based combat, sort of like the 'active mode' in Final Fantasy games. You have an orb on each character's status panel which fills up gradually. Once it's full, you can perform an action. The enemy will attack whenever it is able, although time stops when you have your action menu up.

- The English in the game is a little funny. It reads well enough, for the most part, but you can tell that the person who wrote it doesn't speak English natively. Not really a big deal, but something that I noticed. It's still better than Breath of Fire 2.

- The dungeons are really nice. The walls are nicely textured, and scroll by smoothly. The controls act like you would expect: forward/back move forward and back, left/right turn, and l/r strafe.

- You can see enemies moving around in the dungeon, so the encounters are not random. Sometimes, enemies will notice your fight and join in... you can often have enemies on more than one side of you!

- The music is mostly pretty decent. A lot of it reminds me of old demoscene stuff.

- Everything looks really crisp on the GBA/DS screens, though you can notice some white spots on outlines if you use the GB player.

Overall, I'm liking it and I've been waiting for a game like this for a while. I'm definitely going to keep playing, and even put some of the other games I'm playing now on hold for it.

Demi said:

Mazes of Fate was recently released for the Game Boy Advance, and may look like simple shovelware, but it's actually a pretty nice fleshed out title.

I decided to give it a try, so I asked the publisher to send one my way (lol, journalist). It arrived last night.

The game starts out with a weenie story, typical stuff - Gods gave humans happiness, humans got greedy and started praying to other stuff and forgetting about the temples, all hell breaks loose. Hero comes forth and vindicates, evil people get upper hand again... where will another hero come forth to save them in this time of need?

In the start, you are given three default classes - Mage, Rogue, Warrior - but you can create a custom character too. You use one of the three default skins, and from there you can decide how to arrange your stats and skills. Voila.

The game seems to just take a piece from various games, and it's all good. I like it. The game has its own overworld map, albeit small, and you can enter different towns, caves and dungeons.

Each town has its own little overworld map too. When you enter houses, the game takes a page from Shining in the Darkness, with a still image, and you pick from various hotspots to talk to people and examine stuff. As you explore each town and talk to the residents, you'll be given various quests to accomplish, and you'll need to finish them to continue with the game, since they're all kinda interwoven? I guess. Like, before you can join the Thieves Guild to find out where the Lord's lost son is, you have to defeat the Shadow Brotherhood over at the Thieves Cave the guild leader has just marked on your map. Meanwhile, you're still looking for that lost cargo the Guard Captain told you to find.

When you complete a quest, you earn bonus EXP along with some money (Crowns). You can also learn various skills (basically a +1 to that skill) for a 100 Crowns from certain people, but it's not endless, you can only do it once, so I'd say it is worth it.

So you enter the Thieves Cave, and you're thrust into a first person perspective, like old PC games of yore, I'd guess Dungeons and Dragons, Might and Magic... stuff like that? Phantasy Star 1. Shining in the Darkness, Shining in the Holy Ark... am I close? Watch the videos and decide. There's even a tiny little map in the corner, along with a huge Automap that is available in the options menu if you get really lost.

Like the game suggests, it is a real-time game, as you walk around you'll see sprites crawling around that will attack you from all sides, so you have to be aware. You tap the A button and a menu pops up, Attack/Magic/Item, like Phantasy Star, and other menu based games. It's still real-time though, so you can't really sit there and take your time in deciding.

As you explore the dungeons or defeat enemies, they will drop items that just sit there on the floor, and can easily be picked up with the press of the B (then A), button. You can also drop items from your satchel onto the gameworld, either to trap an enemy, trigger a switch, or open a treasure chest (keys, lockpicks). For example, there are push plates that do something when you step on them, but go back up when you get off. What to do? Simple, drop one of those rocks you picked up near the entrance on it. Now a secret passage is opened. There are also hidden switches that open hallways, you can find these by searching each of the many walls, or upgrade your "Search" skill, at which your character will mention that there's something nearby to your right, or in front of you.

The game starts out with just you, but during the course of the game you'll come across like 5 or so people who are willing to join your party. These are basically different classed people, right now I have a thief, but I'm sure I will come across a Knight, Mage... Rogue, and such. You can only have 3 people at once, so you have to choose wisely on who you want, or you can just re-recruit them when you want. I'm not too sure at this point. Heck, you could probably just Solo the entire game if you're that dedicated. EXP is shared across the team, so the less people, the better.

The music is kinda ear-grating, typical MIDI sounding stuff, but it's ok. Doesn't bother me. Your call.

I'd say this game is fairly straightforward, not exactly a dungeon crawler, I believe the dungeons are static, so it's kinda like a portable Shining in the Darkness, which is pretty nice. This game has been in development for about 3 years? And it shows, it's a very good title, I'd say if you're interested you should go try and find it, online or off. Apparently they are already in the making of a DS sequel, along with Wii developement.

some dude at another forum said:
...you also make moralistic choices that changes what happens in the game. For instance, an old woman asked me to clean some rats out of the celler and you come across an old chest. If you investigate it you find a bag of crowns (gold coins). The game penalizes you in what happens after if you steal from an old lady - even if you try to lie your way out of it (another option).


One thing that really impresses me is that the game is more non-linear than most RPGs. There are some choices and opportunties that once made, cannot be changed and cannot be revisited and change the game such as members of your party not joining or the wrong dialog getting you kicked out of town and being refused re-entry or an enemy stealing an essential item if you speak too openly. If you say the wrong thing, you will lock off certain side quests forever. I think the endgame is largely dependant on your choices as well. The developers really focused on taking all the best elements of classic rpgs and putting them all in one package. It's really great. Somehow they've managed a good fusion of both turn based combat and first person combat. IE: you can walk around and run away from enemies or strafe to the left or right to dodge attacks, yet your characters have a stamina gauge that restricts how often they can attack and every step you take reduces this gauge as well all while there's also stats like evasion and dexterity going on modifying what attacks have effect or not.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Game definitely looks cool, though I wonder why they chose GBA as their platform when doing it on PC with digital distribution would net them more sales.


Running off of Custom Firmware
They seem to be Nintendo enthusiasts... *shrugs*

Hey, if ZOE2 turns out like ass, consider eBaying it and buying this. ;p


Running off of Custom Firmware
Game has some SICK dungeons. Though there are quite a few introductory maps to sink your teeth into at first, you'll eventually gain access to the Forsaken Temple, arguably the game's first REAL dungeon. It's a massive, 3-floor, puzzle-ridden affair that is all kinds of awesome.

Some advice to the 0 of your starting new games:

- The following skills are largely useless: Lockpick, Bargain, Search
- You get enough party members, so specialize. You should invest 1 of your 3 skill points each level in your spell level and a weapon level. Try to stick to the same spell and weapon, per character, all throughout. The third point can go anywhere.
- Hero should build up Eloquence
- If you plan on raising a Mage, consider making Wisdom at least 40.
- If you plan on raising a Warrior, consider making Strength at least 40.
- If you plan on raising a Mage, considering boosting your Stamina and Fast Healing skills occasionally, to make up for their weak Strength stat.
- If you plan on raising a Warrior, consider boosting your Meditation and Mana Training skills occasionally, to make up for their weak Wisdom stat.
- Look everywhere. There are hidden buttons/levers and illusionary walls EVERYWHERE. You do not need to wait for a character's Search skill to kick in. You can push against walls and step through illusions even if your Search skill didn't find it. Ditto with hidden levers and buttons. If you hit B and the hand icon hovers over something on screen instead of going straight to your items quickbar, there's something there. Search skill is useless, thus, so don't waste skill points on it.
- Don't waste points on Bargain since money becomes a non-issue rather quickly.
- Don't waste points on lockpicking since about a quarter through the game, you'll be able to buy an unbreakable lockpick, meaning that all locks will fall to you regardless of your Lockpick skill level.
- In the first town, Sumer, you'll be able to train your main character in 3 Combat Skills and 3 Rogue Skills from 2 masters, so do NOT waste level up skill points on any until you verify which ones you can learn. Essentially you can get those skills without wasting any points on 'em, particularly since most of them aren't really worth leveling up beyond 1 point anyway! So for your main character, focus on magic and your preferred weapon almost exclusively for the first few levels.
Thanks for the advice, Mejilan. I just got my copy from Amazon and look forward to starting it up having now polished off Rocket Slime. The game really does look amazing and I can't believe something like this could slip under the radar.

Did you ever pick up the other game from this publisher, Back to Stone?.


so what's the advantage of playing a rogue over warrior/mage, especially if what sounds like their specialized skills (lockpick/bargain/search) can be picked up by other classes?

White Man

Please forgive me for skimming the large, comprehensive first post, but I need to know one thing: How many dungeons are there?

I've been kinda half sold on this for a while, but I need the extra motivation since if I wanna play it, I need to buy another DS (I lost my DS lite :( ).


Running off of Custom Firmware
Inquisitor said:
Thanks for the advice, Mejilan. I just got my copy from Amazon and look forward to starting it up having now polished off Rocket Slime. The game really does look amazing and I can't believe something like this could slip under the radar.

Did you ever pick up the other game from this publisher, Back to Stone?.

Back to Stone is ****ing awful. Avoid. Landstalker spiritual-sequel it is not. It too was published by Graffiti Entertainment (Mazes of Fate's publisher), but it was NOT created by Sabarasa Entertainment (MoF's developer).

inthegray said:
so what's the advantage of playing a rogue over warrior/mage, especially if what sounds like their specialized skills (lockpick/bargain/search) can be picked up by other classes?

None, as far as I can tell. Your best bet it to create a custom character that is mostly a mage, and perhaps buffer him/her with skill in one weapon type (I recommend One-handed Weapons). They start off with a spell school that isn't otherwise available through another mage character until the end of the game, and this spell school is mostly battle magic. Additionally, the first party member that joins your team is a rogue, though he too has a handy spell school that's worth powering up at the expense of his rogue skills. Download some maps and you'll make the Search skill a waste.

Buy a "tool" (unbreakable lockpick) and the Lockpick skill becomes obsolete. Money's never rare enough that Bargain is worth wasting skill points on. That's about it for Rogue-specific character skills. I suppose playing a Rogue character is good for a challenge. Also, in the very first town you'll be able to buy one point in both Lockpick and Search, granting your main character with 1 level in each, more than enough to tide you over until you buy the tool.

White Man said:
Please forgive me for skimming the large, comprehensive first post, but I need to know one thing: How many dungeons are there?

I've been kinda half sold on this for a while, but I need the extra motivation since if I wanna play it, I need to buy another DS (I lost my DS lite :( ).

A couple dozen or so dungeon locations spanning roughly 55 increasingly complex levels. The early tutorial maps are small and easy, but they get fairly huge pretty quickly. Great stuff.

bjork said:
that monster has nice boobs. I'm all over this.



Tag of Excellence
Demi's impressions sold me on the game so either I shall steal his copy (borrow) or I'll buy my own off Amazon.



Running off of Custom Firmware
I look forward to hearing what you think of the game. I really am very pleasantly surprised. It's got a rough script (not a natively English game, apparently), and a couple of bugs, but nothing game-breaking.


Tag of Excellence
Demi is awesome! He's sending his copy over to me ASAP.

Thanks for the badass first post Mejilan, I'm printing it out to have some reading material for the trip back home.


It's a shame the promo-artist didn't work on the box art. Looks pretty good but it would be tough to justify a purchase with the considerable back-log I've just created for myself.


Running off of Custom Firmware
DS will play just about any GBA game, including this one. I've only played it on a black DS Lite, actually.

They've begun work on a DS sequel, btw.

No clue if any EU publisher picked it up for release.
oh wow.

yeah. I was going to ask about europe shippings from amazon stuff..... but ok. official site order

edit. oh, it's just a ebay thing. neat. ship anywhere

^ (previous post) .. lol, I can read


Hummm... I'll buy it. Maybe the GBA last breath, and really seems a good game. I'll play it before go in FFIII.

Portable RPG ftw. My money ftl. =/


wow this sounds pretty neat. great thread mejilan. i think i will have to import this.
are any import friendly shops carrying it? amazon doesn't ship this to europe.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Just bought it via the buy-it-now on eBay, thanks for the link. Couldn't resist when you said it was straight from the publisher (quantity they had for sale was 854 hah!). Can't wait to get it in, I loved Dungeon Explorer and Eye of the Beholder back in the day, and this looks like more of the same.
There's an eBay link just a few posts up...

I actually saw this in a local store... surprised me, as looking at online stores most of the main videogame retailers' websites don't even have it in their systems... if it's still there next time I'm in the store I'll probably get it. Looks like a simpler, much less cruel version of those early PC first-person RPGs. :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yep, Europeans should consider buying it via the suggested eBay link, as it seems to be coming straight from the publisher, and they still have many hundreds available via BiN.

Edit - W00! Looks like they've sold another 25 or so copies since my thread went up. I'm taking full credit for each and every one of them! ;p


i'm not gonna sign up on ebay just to order this game
is it really not available anywhere else? i checked all the import stores i know


Running off of Custom Firmware
It's almost impossible to find in stores in the US!

Jarosh, if you really want the game, I suppose I could act as your proxy and buy it in your stead. Do you Paypal? Ideally we'd do it via eBay and have it shipped directly. (Contact them to see how much shipping to your country would cost). I could go the Amazon route too, I suppose. Up to you if you'd like.

Updated the OP to include links to the dev's and pub's respective home pages. If you want to be truly frightened by some of one of the nastiest sound effects ever, check out Graffiti's homepage.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Screw bills! Why wait for payday? Buy it now! :D

Edited the OP to fix two issues regarding custom character creation:
1) You start off with 4 skill points to allocate, not 3.
2) Though 80 of the 100 attribute points start out pre-allocated, you can re-adjust them as you see fit. I had originally indicated that you were only free to allocate the remaining 20 points, but I've since learned that this isn't true!


sounds like too much of a hassle for you. i might as well just sign up on ebay myself. although i just remembered that i can't order it anyway at the moment. my paypal account is ****ed up. paypal is rejecting my card since i moved it from one account to another. i gotta contact them first and find out what i can do about that... i'll bump this thread once i ordered it.

$12 shipping to switzerland btw :O


Running off of Custom Firmware
jarosh said:
sounds like too much of a hassle for you. i might as well just sign up on ebay myself. although i just remembered that i can't order it anyway at the moment. my paypal account is ****ed up. paypal is rejecting my card since i moved it from one account to another. i gotta contact them first and find out what i can do about that... i'll bump this thread once i ordered it.

$12 shipping to switzerland btw :O

You got that number from the publisher?

And of course I was suggesting somehow buying it under my account but having it shipped directly to your address. We don't want to play shipping twice (once to me, me to you), after all...


Mejilan said:
You got that number from the publisher?
well, uhm... from that link you posted

Mejilan said:
And of course I was suggesting somehow buying it under my account but having it shipped directly to your address. We don't want to play shipping twice (once to me, me to you), after all...
i realize that. still: paypal... :/


Too much "miss" on attacks. Any hints on how to avoid this ? It's really annoying.

Aside this, very good game. You if like old western RPG's, buy this game now.
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