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McAss Whoopin'

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Pkm said:
After watching this video I took the time to go to Worldstarhiphop for the first time and watch videos.

There is A TON of videos of women getting smacked up by guys..why? cause they asked for it 99.9999% of the time by attacking the guy or constantly charging at him.

Also I notice a TON of "butch thug lesbians" thinking they are equal to men in strength and "thugness"...and guess what...they all get knocked the fuck out.
Exactly! This is what I talk about when I try to explain to these black females out here. The "black woman culture" that they subcribe to is not condusive to being in a relationship with ANY man. No man is going to put up with that bullshit, it does not matter if he is on-point or a Ray Ray and Pookie.


JoeBoy101 said:
Dude went over the line, but I have to say he didn't go WAY over the line. For the first few swings, I would say he was defending himself. Idiots jumped the counter and advanced on him. After they went down though, he should have stopped.

Still, he's going to have an affirmative self-defense because he'll probably say they were trying to get back up or something.
They forced the situation. They took over the line when they put their hands on him. And he tried to defuse the situation when he walked away, but they took the situation straight into the danger zone when crossed into the employee area. Once I saw that happen I knew someone was gonna get fucked up.
Kenak said:
Wait, are you saying she should have ran in and tried to restrain the big dude taking women out with a metal rod? I get that she was annoying and her shrieking didn't really help anybody, but what the hell was she supposed to do? Stand there like everyone else?

Especially when someone shrieking at him appeared to assist him in pulling himself back from the abyss of battle rage. Its so shrill its startling and probably saved those chicks some much more serious wounds or maybe even their life. He doesn't appear to be slowing down till the shrieking.
SSJ1Goku said:
Where do I start? What really pisses me off is that the white media is what promotes this idea of the "strong, independant black woman." For a few years now black women have begun to think that it is too cute to disrespect black men, and that disrespect is one of the main factors in why so many black women are single.

In the other thread regarding "would you hit a woman" some of the guys were surprised by the answers that so many gave. What those white knights don't realize is that the promotion that is used on black women is starting to infect other races of women. Those women think that by getting in a man's face they are showing some kind of strength. What those women don't realize is that when you get in a man's face she has basically just ripped up her social contract that says a man does not hit a woman. Now as of right now there are still a great number of white knights in other communities so those females are somewhat safe for the time being. But what those other races of women don't see is how in the black community all of the white knights have completely flipped the script. In the black community we have a LOT of black men who are fed up with black women and are knocking females out left and right. This is what is never shown to other races of women when they tear up their social contract:



I don't know when black women are going to wake the fuck up. When a females tears up her social contract a man is no longer bond by his either. I don't understand what black women don't get about that.

Are you black? Regardless, GTFO with your stupid bullshit.

Take your stereotypes elsewhere. There are plenty cases of white women acting just as ridiculous as black women. The youtube video you posted doesn't justify violence against that woman. Most issues of female aggression can be diffused by the man walking the fuck away. You gain nothing by standing around while some woman talks endless shit in your face and pushes you.

Any man who hits a woman in that situation isn't a man. I'm not white knighting here - I mentioned earlier that if a woman violently attacks you, of course you have to defend yourself. But at the end of the day I look at women the same way I look at children: they can be neutralized with little force. Obviously if one attacks you with a weapon all bets are off - do whatever it takes. But I'm not going to flip my shit because some 100 pound female tries to push me, or even slap me. Be a man, and get the fuck off my internet while you're at it.
The women deserve it. It is sad that dude has it life ruined again by lowlifes.

Edit: I agree with PDark about that video posted. He should have walked away from that women that was in his face.


all good things
PhoenixDark said:
Are you black? Regardless, GTFO with your stupid bullshit.

Take your stereotypes elsewhere. There are plenty cases of white women acting just as ridiculous as black women. The youtube video you posted doesn't justify violence against that woman. Most issues of female aggression can be diffused by the man walking the fuck away. You gain nothing by standing around while some woman talks endless shit in your face and pushes you.

Any man who hits a woman in that situation isn't a man. I'm not white knighting here - I mentioned earlier that if a woman violently attacks you, of course you have to defend yourself. But at the end of the day I look at women the same way I look at children: they can be neutralized with little force. Obviously if one attacks you with a weapon all bets are off - do whatever it takes. But I'm not going to flip my shit because some 100 pound female tries to push me, or even slap me. Be a man, and get the fuck off my internet while you're at it.


I was about to reply to his post but I figured I'd let someone else have a go first :lol


over the line after the two idiots were neutralized but they deserved it, if you jump over a counter and go after someone you need to beat down.

and don't confuse black women and men for nigga culture. Worldstar is a site for better or worse that highlights and celebrates that sub culture that paints black people as guttertrash lowlifes


SSJ1Goku said:
Where do I start? What really pisses me off is that the white media is what promotes this idea of the "strong, independant black woman." For a few years now black women have begun to think that it is too cute to disrespect black men, and that disrespect is one of the main factors in why so many black women are single.

In the other thread regarding "would you hit a woman" some of the guys were surprised by the answers that so many gave. What those white knights don't realize is that the promotion that is used on black women is starting to infect other races of women. Those women think that by getting in a man's face they are showing some kind of strength. What those women don't realize is that when you get in a man's face she has basically just ripped up her social contract that says a man does not hit a woman. Now as of right now there are still a great number of white knights in other communities so those females are somewhat safe for the time being. But what those other races of women don't see is how in the black community all of the white knights have completely flipped the script. In the black community we have a LOT of black men who are fed up with black women and are knocking females out left and right. This is what is never shown to other races of women when they tear up their social contract:



I don't know when black women are going to wake the fuck up. When a females tears up her social contract a man is no longer bond by his either. I don't understand what black women don't get about that.

Vid 1

Vid 2

But there are women of all races who feel the need to go up against a man's manhood. I know two asian girls who did that fingersnapping neck rolling bullshit to their black boyfriends. My friend was Ghanian was shocked his Chinese gf argued with him in ways he "thought were only possible from a black woman".


SSJ1Goku said:
Where do I start? What really pisses me off is that the white media is what promotes this idea of the "strong, independant black woman." For a few years now black women have begun to think that it is too cute to disrespect black men, and that disrespect is one of the main factors in why so many black women are single.

In the other thread regarding "would you hit a woman" some of the guys were surprised by the answers that so many gave. What those white knights don't realize is that the promotion that is used on black women is starting to infect other races of women. Those women think that by getting in a man's face they are showing some kind of strength. What those women don't realize is that when you get in a man's face she has basically just ripped up her social contract that says a man does not hit a woman. Now as of right now there are still a great number of white knights in other communities so those females are somewhat safe for the time being. But what those other races of women don't see is how in the black community all of the white knights have completely flipped the script. In the black community we have a LOT of black men who are fed up with black women and are knocking females out left and right. This is what is never shown to other races of women when they tear up their social contract:



I don't know when black women are going to wake the fuck up. When a females tears up her social contract a man is no longer bond by his either. I don't understand what black women don't get about that.

Interesting. I'm not familiar with the topic/concept at all so excuse the stupid questions!

What do you think drove the "white media's" promotion of that idea of strong independent black women? Social/economic factors? The way they were perceived to be treated by male members of their own society?

EDIT: Dammit, so much for playing it with subtlety.


PhoenixDark said:
Are you black? Regardless, GTFO with your stupid bullshit.

Take your stereotypes elsewhere. There are plenty cases of white women acting just as ridiculous as black women. The youtube video you posted doesn't justify violence against that woman. Most issues of female aggression can be diffused by the man walking the fuck away. You gain nothing by standing around while some woman talks endless shit in your face and pushes you.

Any man who hits a woman in that situation isn't a man. I'm not white knighting here - I mentioned earlier that if a woman violently attacks you, of course you have to defend yourself. But at the end of the day I look at women the same way I look at children: they can be neutralized with little force. Obviously if one attacks you with a weapon all bets are off - do whatever it takes. But I'm not going to flip my shit because some 100 pound female tries to push me, or even slap me. Be a man, and get the fuck off my internet while you're at it.
No where in my post did I justify hitting a women, WTF are you talking about? I was explaining why this is happening from a cultural stand point. Another thing you refuse to look at is what kind of upbringing did those males come from. You say any male that hits female is not a real man, right? Well what if you had no father in your life and were raised by just mom, which is the case with the majority of the black community. In that case you have no choice but to look at the mom and how she raised her kid. Also you are NOT a "white knight", you are a Cap Save a Hoe and a Simp. You refuse to look at how this culture came to be because you refuse to look at the part that black women play in it. Like I said the media promotes the culture but black women chose to adopt it.
SSJ1Goku said:
No where in my post did I justify hitting a women, WTF are you talking about? I was explaining why this is happening from a cultural stand point. Another thing you refuse to look at is what kind of upbringing did those males come from. You say any male that hits female is not a real man, right? Well what if you had no father in your life and were raised by just mom, which is the case with the majority of the black community. In that case you have no choice but to look at the mom and how she raised her kid. Also you are NOT a "white knight", you are a Cap Save a Hoe and a Simp. You refuse to look at how this culture came to be because you refuse to look at the part that black women play in it. Like I said the media promotes the culture but black women chose to adopt it.

Any man raised by a strong black woman (or any strong woman) wouldn't hit a female unless the situation absolutely called for it. The media has nothing to do with black women feeling "empowered" to act a fool. If someone comes from a bad household or area of the city, aggression is the only way they can express themselves in these situations. That applies to men as well - it's not female exclusive, as you claim.

This is not about saving "hoes" or simping. It's about dignity and recognizing that any guy could beat the shit out of a woman if he wants to, but it takes man to remove himself from that situation before it festers. I'm a man. You're not.


slider said:
Interesting. I'm not familiar with the topic/concept at all so excuse the stupid questions!

What do you think drove the "white media's" promotion of that idea of strong independent black women? Social/economic factors? The way they were perceived to be treated by male members of their own society?

EDIT: Dammit, so much for playing it with subtlety.
No No No No. The promotion of the independant BW culture is nothing more that the promotion of the cultural shift that took place in the 1970s in the black community. The cultural shift was caused by the economic floor being ripped out from under black men. I explained this in the UK riot thread:

Once again I don't put 100% of the blame on white people for black people embracing the fucked up culture but they have to understand that they played a heavy ass hand in that. White people economically disenfranchised black men. When a black men can't get a job to sustain his family he is going to have to go to do something, anything to try to take care of his family even if it means doing something illegal. When this is done for a long time the culture of what is acceptable shifts towards that. This is why you have so many black females out here that like drugs dealers so damn much, the culture has shifted. So when you have black men that are trying to shift the culture back to normal what we found is that the vast majority of black females out here resist. They are now sexually attracted to the shift. The problem with this is that the change is against the dominant system, the white system. This is one of the major shifts in culture that has fucked up the black community because the outcome, jail or death, always comes. This then leads to the other problems like fatherless homes, males who don't have manhood on their harddrive, black women who are NOW forced to be strong and independant (despite their poor choice in a man), etc.

The media just kind of keeps it going. I'm assuming it is a money thing from differ angles. The problem with the promotion of this new culture for black women is that ONLY THEY SUBSCIBE TO IT. The dominant white media does not promote any other race of women to be strong and independant or value their education over their beauty (you see this is where black women narcissism comes from), this is also one of the factors in why so many BW are overweight and obese.


PhoenixDark said:
Any man raised by a strong black woman (or any strong woman) wouldn't hit a female unless the situation absolutely called for it. The media has nothing to do with black women feeling "empowered" to act a fool. If someone comes from a bad household or area of the city, aggression is the only way they can express themselves in these situations. That applies to men as well - it's not female exclusive, as you claim.

This is not about saving "hoes" or simping. It's about dignity and recognizing that any guy could beat the shit out of a woman if he wants to, but it takes man to remove himself from that situation before it festers. I'm a man. You're not.
First of all you just inadvertently agreed with what I was saying. The majority of black people come from a fucked up background therefore they act a certain way:

White people control "rap culture" not black people. White people have no problem making lots of money off the backs of black people but when that bullshit starts to become too extreme and spills over into the white community then they want to bitch. Black people have basically adopted a reactionary culture against white people. Any sociologist will tell you that this type of thinking NEVER goes over well. You can NOT build a society based on how much you hate another group or how much they hate you

So you see I have already explained this stuff before. The way you took the media promotion of the culture out of the equation is laughable.

EDIT: Think about it. You said "strong black woman," where did you get that label from? Isn't that media promotion? Putting a positive label on a situation that came from negative behavior. A "strong BW" is a BW who is raising kids by herself. WHY? Because she made a poor choice in a male. You see? You left out that part about making poor choices just to put a positive spin on it.


charsace said:
I can understand the charges, but when you watch the video its hard to be sympathetic for two people that tried to pick a fight with him and hopped the counter to chase him down. Looks like they were going to attack him and failed.

Thats exactly what happened.
SSJ1Goku said:
First of all you just inadvertently agreed with what I was saying. The majority of black people come from a fucked up background therefore they act a certain way:

I'm not denying there is aggression and anger there, but you're pretending like this only applies to black women. You can see the same behavior in any group of people who are suffering, be they inner city blacks or whites in dying manufacturing/mining towns.

I don't want to hear complaining about white media. Blacks re-enforce negative stereotypes of themselves and make money off it. Instead of bitching, maybe we should take a cue from black women and go to school instead of spreading stereotypes.

edit: you're blaming single black women w/children on them solely? I'm done. You clearly hate black women


Solo said:
He defended himself.....and then proceeded to hit them another 15 or so times.

I'm glad the event was recorded and you're not the one telling the story. This wasn't a hack and slash film here....exaggeration at its finest sir.


PhoenixDark said:
I'm not denying there is aggression and anger there, but you're pretending like this only applies to black women. You can see the same behavior in any group of people who are suffering, be they inner city blacks or whites in dying manufacturing/mining towns.

I don't want to hear complaining about white media. Blacks re-enforce negative stereotypes of themselves and make money off it. Instead of bitching, maybe we should take a cue from black women and go to school instead of spreading stereotypes.

edit: you're blaming single black women w/children on them solely? I'm done. You clearly hate black women
Deflections, strawman arguments, and selective comprehension? Were you raised by a single mom? Those are classic BW moves.
SSJ1Goku said:
Deflections, strawman arguments, and selective comprehension? Were you raised by a single mom? Those are classic BW moves.

I was raised by a strong black woman and a strong black man. Given your ignorance I'd imagine you had neither.
SSJ1Goku said:
A deflection is not a rebuttal.

I haven't deflected anything; I've agree with one of your arguments while still disagreeing with the rest of your nonsense. So far you have yet to display while black women deserve to be singled out here.


SSJ1Goku said:
Where do I start? What really pisses me off is that the white media is what promotes this idea of the "strong, independant black woman." For a few years now black women have begun to think that it is too cute to disrespect black men, and that disrespect is one of the main factors in why so many black women are single.

In the other thread regarding "would you hit a woman" some of the guys were surprised by the answers that so many gave. What those white knights don't realize is that the promotion that is used on black women is starting to infect other races of women. Those women think that by getting in a man's face they are showing some kind of strength. What those women don't realize is that when you get in a man's face she has basically just ripped up her social contract that says a man does not hit a woman. Now as of right now there are still a great number of white knights in other communities so those females are somewhat safe for the time being. But what those other races of women don't see is how in the black community all of the white knights have completely flipped the script. In the black community we have a LOT of black men who are fed up with black women and are knocking females out left and right. This is what is never shown to other races of women when they tear up their social contract:



I don't know when black women are going to wake the fuck up. When a females tears up her social contract a man is no longer bond by his either. I don't understand what black women don't get about that.

aye that's some real spit. +1


Wow, that guy went over the line with his beating. It looked like she wanted to attack him, so he had the right to defend himself. But then he continued to beat the hell out of her when she was on the ground. That is uncalled for.


PhoenixDark said:
I haven't deflected anything; I've agree with one of your arguments while still disagreeing with the rest of your nonsense. So far you have yet to display while black women deserve to be singled out here.
I don't think you realize how my argument style works. My points are all connected to eachother, and all of those points are connect to my main point which is "black women culture." My argument style is used to prevent people from NITPICKING my argument. The only way for you to create a counterargument would be to attack all of my points AND have them connect to eachother in the same manner. When you try to nitpick my argument my other points hold the one you are attacking in place. This is an argument style that I created before I went to college. (Which I later found out is a real argument style, I forget the name though)

We are talking about how this situation came to be. You ask why are BW being singled out, and I already told you. It comes from the "strong, independant BW" culture that the majority of black females subscribe to, that is promoted in the media. YOU inadvertently agreed with me. The argument is already over because it has come full circle. You are doing nothing more than trying to, poorly, nitpick details because you got offended at the directness in which I attacked the conversation.
Suairyu said:
Disgustingly excessive. Was with the guy until he started hammering away with the person on the floor.
The simple act of getting up doesn't justify the continued bludgeoning. Disorientated and in shock, the first instinct is often to simply get to your feet. Once she went down once, even if she continued to attack, she was no longer a threat that justified the rod.

Once she went down, it shifted from assault in defence to simple violent assault.
i disagree, when someone was attacking you seconds before, the simple act of getting up does indeed justify a continued beating.
SSJ1Goku said:
I don't think you realize how my argument style works. My points are all connected to eachother, and all of those points are connect to my main point which is "black women culture." My argument style is used to prevent people from NITPICKING my argument. The only way for you to create a counterargument would be to attack all of my points AND have them connect to eachother in the same manner. When you try to nitpick my argument my other points hold the one you are attacking in place. This is an argument style that I created before I went to college. (Which I later found out is a real argument style, I forget the name though)

We are talking about how this situation came to be. You ask why are BW being singled out, and I already told you. It comes from the "strong, independant BW" culture that the majority of black females subscribe to, that is promoted in the media. YOU inadvertently agreed with me. The argument is already over because it has come full circle. You are doing nothing more than trying to, poorly, nitpick details because you got offended at the directness in which I attacked the conversation.

You must be joking. Your posts are a series of assertions and stereotypes that stack on each other. That's far from an effective argument style. Me agreeing with the socio-economic point that people from poor families/homes are more aggressive/angry does not justify your argument, which suggests only black women have this problem. It applies to whites, blacks, etc in this country.

You have provided absolutely no evidence to support the idea that a "majority" of black women subscribe to a "Strong/independent BW" mindset, or what that means. Nor have you provided evidence to defend the assertion that the white media propagates any of this. Black women are significantly more successful than black men; that's an economic fact. That puts them in a position where it's hard for them to find successful black males to marry. Yes, some resort to enjoying being single/independent, but you have defined that as a purely negative thing while not bringing any facts or evidence to the table.

Which is why you sound like a bitter black man from a broken home.
Wow, really? It's "white media's" fault that black women (and men) act like idiots all the time? I'm sorry, but I have yet to see the connection between being strong and independent with these idiots on these videos.

They're called anger issues and no, it's not anyone's fault but enablers - your own, your parenting, friends and most importantly the culture that surrounds you, because it's the culture that brought up your parents that are bringing you up, and your friends that you hang out with are in the same cyclical soup as you. Which, in this case, there isn't a white person with any power to influence anyone for miles. And what you see on tv doesn't reflect a millionth of what you get in these videos or I see in DC. Maybe in shitty morally repugnant music run by and created by black people for black people.

"Black urban culture" was invented and passed through generations by black people. And that is by design, it's a counter to what white people were doing. It was a way to become individuals and not completely assimilate. To say otherwise is disrespectful to black americans of our the nation's history that tried to make things better and not worse. White media didn't make MLK, Curtis Mayfield and James Brown, who all preached pride, independence and strength in a positive light, and in a way so profoundly simple that anyone can use as inspiration. Black culture used to be more moral and loving than any other in america. They were the ones in the right and talked about rising above the shit, even when the world was tossing it in their face, not mucking around in it and certainly not creating their own, and double certainly never creating their own to their own kind. And that wasn't white media making that happen. So, to turn the finger because things have turned this pathetic is equally pathetic.

And if any of those or the many influential figures were alive today, well, first off they'd be embarrassed as hell. But, more importantly, what would they say? Would they start pointing fingers toward abstract nonsense like you?

And yes, 40 - 60+ years ago, black people were poor and did stupid things at times, probably at a higher rate than people better off. But the culture didn't turn on itself. The culture was a GOOD influence and it DID impact how people acted and for the most part, black people turned out to be the good guys. There was faith, hope and love still...and things did get better slowly and surely.

Urban culture made this mess what it is and only urban culture will get themselves out (or make it worse.) It's about as much of a cultural bubble that can exist these days. Clean up your own trash cause nobody put that trash there but the people living in the house. That goes for white trash, black trash, yellow trash and polka dotted trash. I don't give a shit if the media is white, black or rainbow or if the problem is black women, white men or chartreuse transvestites.


Gender has nothing to do with it. A female can also be armed, and if they're crazy enough to jump the counter then who knows what they're capable of. If their hand goes anywhere near a pocket, bust that arm.

You obviously can't beat a person to death, but making sure they're down isn't excessive. Hesistation just might get you shot.


May contain jokes =>
Parch said:
Gender has nothing to do with it. A female can also be armed, and if they're crazy enough to jump the counter then who knows what they're capable of. If their hand goes anywhere near a pocket, bust that arm.

You obviously can't beat a person to death, but making sure they're down isn't excessive. Hesistation just might get you shot.

While I don't disagree with anything you said, and as someone who smiled while watching them get beat, you still have to stop when they're on the ground. I understand why that's difficult, having been in that situation myself, but that's where the legality comes in to it.

Busting somebody in the head once with a metal pipe could easily kill them. Doing it multiple times is really playing with fire.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Kenak said:
Wait, are you saying she should have ran in and tried to restrain the big dude taking women out with a metal rod? I get that she was annoying and her shrieking didn't really help anybody, but what the hell was she supposed to do? Stand there like everyone else?

she didnt help the situation, so what she should have been doing is calling the police. whats the point of screaming if it doesnt do anything?

HeadlessRoland said:
Especially when someone shrieking at him appeared to assist him in pulling himself back from the abyss of battle rage. Its so shrill its startling and probably saved those chicks some much more serious wounds or maybe even their life. He doesn't appear to be slowing down till the shrieking.

im pretty sure its the 3 employees trying to pull him off of the two that saved her life, not some shrill harpy


Parallax said:
she didnt help the situation, so what she should have been doing is calling the police. whats the point of screaming if it doesnt do anything?
Calling the police is what I'd call a "long-term solution"; it would do nothing to prevent further harm being inflicted on those two ladies. And she was trying to verbally get him to stop, she wasn't just shrieking for the sake of it.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
PhoenixDark said:
Any man who hits a woman in that situation isn't a man. I'm not white knighting here - I mentioned earlier that if a woman violently attacks you, of course you have to defend yourself. But at the end of the day I look at women the same way I look at children: they can be neutralized with little force. Obviously if one attacks you with a weapon all bets are off - do whatever it takes. But I'm not going to flip my shit because some 100 pound female tries to push me, or even slap me. Be a man, and get the fuck off my internet while you're at it.

you equate women to children? that must be nice.

Kenak said:
Calling the police is what I'd call a "long-term solution"; it would do nothing to prevent further harm being inflicted on those two ladies. And she was trying to verbally get him to stop, she wasn't just shrieking for the sake of it.

he had tuned her out obviously. he was listening to they guys behind the counter. her shrill screaming was ineffective. she realized a few bursts of air in that she wasnt helping the situation.


lol@the "you don't know what weapons she might have had on her" argument. Worst argument in the world.

The Faceless Master said:
i disagree, when someone was attacking you seconds before, the simple act of getting up does indeed justify a continued beating.
How? Why? If they're no longer attacking you, it's over. They just have every instinct in their body telling them to get up.

If they are no longer a threat, it is no longer defence. If it isn't defence, it's an attack. I'm honestly confused by you here because this is a black and white issue: are you defending yourself? No? Then you're attacking someone.

He was (after her first, deserved, beatdown) viciously attacking her.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
self defense? a little too much there at the end
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