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Media Create Sales 3/3 - 3/9


Vinnk said:
1. There are more Wii systems on shelves this week than I have seen since before Smash Bros. Brawl. Also I saw 2 used Wii systems this week. I haven’t seen used Wii systems for quite a while. They were selling for 23,000 yen (about 2000 yen cheaper than a new system)

2. The 60 GB PS3 systems are all gone. Every single one of them, new and used. Only the 40GB system can now be found. Hiro at Famicom Dojo had 2 used systems last month but there were gone this week. He told me he was having a hard time selling them in town so he put them up an Yahoo auctions and sold them for 60,000 yen each (higher than the current price of a new system).

5. The gamers I know who purchased Etrian Odyssey II are loving it so far. I asked why they bought it and they said “because of the first one”. One guy hopes the series gets ported to PSP.

6. The number of ads for General Knowledge Training has gone down, but they are still advertising it more than any other game right now. Nintendo seems to have not given up on the title yet.

Wii used price is only 10% lower than new ? I'll pass.
Nice to hear that Hiro can utilize internet to sell his system. If only he did that for the "old reliable" earlier :).
I deduce that the guy who wanted a PSP port doesn't have a DS. Am I right ?

It is nice to see that at least Nintendo are spending some of those "billions of cash" for promoting GKT:Wii. It shows that they are not as cautious as they were before, and have high confidence in Wii's "non-game" market.


Segata Sanshiro said:
As an aside, I think it's remarkable how few people are upset with Sony over selling out gamers for movie-viewers.

I have a feeling that was mostly in the begining. Now it feels that they have much more focus on the games again rather than on the Bluray, atleast in Europe and USA, i dont know about Japan (there are still some focus on Bluray though, but i dont feel its just as much as it was in the begining).
test_account said:
I have a feeling that was mostly in the begining. Now it feels that they have much more focus on the games again rather than on the Bluray, atleast in Europe and USA, i dont know about Japan (there are still some focus on Bluray though, but i dont feel its just as much as it was in the begining).
I don't think he was referring to ads etc. but more to the general strategy concerning PS3 and that was humongous price point and delays due to BR. Sony were willing to take that risk to have one format of theirs "succeed" after all (what that success means is still undecided at this point). BR was and still is a huge focus, in order to cut costs they removed the BC for instance. Now that they pushed HDDVD out of the market they probably won't market it as heavily I guess (though I haven't seen an ad here that focused on the PS3 as a BR player).


Phife Dawg said:
I don't think he was referring to ads etc. but more to the general strategy concerning PS3 and that was humongous price point and delays due to BR. Sony were willing to take that risk to have one format of theirs "succeed" after all (what that success means is still undecided at this point). BR was and still is a huge focus, in order to cut costs they removed the BC for instance. Now that they pushed HDDVD out of the market they probably won't market it as heavily I guess (though I haven't seen an ad here that focused on the PS3 as a BR player).

True what you say, but what i ment is that i feel that games are more in focus now and i dont feel that their strategy now is based in favor of movies. I know there still are some Bluray talk, but i feel that games are more in focus now than it was before. Maybe not so strange considering the titles PS3 got for 2008 (MGS, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet etc.). Therefor i wouldnt say Sony now is selling out gamers in favor of movie watchers, maybe like it felt that they did in the begining. If there was a very weak lineup of games i probly would agree, but this isnt the case, not for 2008 atleast :)


hide your water-based mammals
donny2112 said:
PS2 Devil May Cry 3 - 281,025 (20051225)
PS3 Devil May Cry 4 - 282,484 (20080302)

The PS3 version will probably finish at 300-350K, which is well below 1 and 2. It's still an increase from 3, though.
That's great considering the install base difference.


donny2112 said:
PS2 Devil May Cry 3 - 281,025 (20051225)
PS3 Devil May Cry 4 - 282,484 (20080302)

The PS3 version will probably finish at 300-350K, which is well below 1 and 2. It's still an increase from 3, though.

Depending on European sales, and its legs in North America, DMC4 has a good chance at eventually topping DMC1 as the best selling entry in the series.

It's well over 800k in the USA+Japan when you add the PS3 and 360 versions together. With the inclusion of Europe, it may be past DMC3's worldwide number by now (1.3M according to Capcom).
test_account said:
True what you say, but what i ment is that i feel that games are more in focus now and i dont feel that their strategy now is based in favor of movies. I know there still are some Bluray talk, but i feel that games are more in focus now than it was before. Maybe not so strange considering the titles PS3 got for 2008 (MGS, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet etc.). Therefor i wouldnt say Sony now is selling out gamers in favor of movie watchers, maybe like it felt that they did in the begining. If there was a very weak lineup of games i probly would agree, but this isnt the case, not for 2008 atleast :)
2007's software lineup is stronger than 2008 for the PS3.


BishopLamont said:
For Japan, just take a look at the number of "big" games for the PS3 in 2007 and compare that to the ones going to be released in 2008.
The fact that GT5 is still expected in Japan in 2008 makes it better than the 2007 lineup.


BishopLamont said:
...and we're back to the wait for "x" game to be released.
What the fuck? GT5 IS expected in Japan this year, it IS bigger than any franchise released last year on the PS3. That makes the PS3 2008 lineup better than 2007 (which was shit). It has nothing to do with "wait for X game"...


Lightning said:
What the fuck? GT5 IS expected in Japan this year, it IS bigger than any franchise released last year on the PS3. That makes the PS3 2008 lineup better than 2007 (which was shit). It has nothing to do with "wait for X game"...

Didn't Minna no Golf 3 sell better than GT4?
Stumpokapow said:
- Adoption: The PS3 is doing worse than the GameCube did in Japan. Since the GameCube was literally universally regarded as a failure, one must assume that things that do worse than the GameCube are... failures.

- Money: The PS3 is losing money hand-over-fist. Besides the multi-billion dollar loss incurred (which was much larger than either the money loss periods of the PSX or the PS2), the PS3 has also managed to make Sony lose that much money WHILE Sony enjoyed the immensely profitable PS2 and PSP. Since the main claim levied against the original XBOX by those who call it a failure is that it was a failure because it was unprofitable for the company, one must assume that things that are even more unprofitable and drag down immensely profitable operations in the same division of the companies are... failures.

In addition, the price cut canard holds no water. What we've seen is that despite the fact that Japan launched with a lower price than either Europe or North America, Japan was the weakest territory. Price cuts have temporarily bolstered sales, but the pattern we've seen has been like all price cuts in non-leading systems; a temporary boost and then a return to normalcy.

- Mindshare: The PS3 is the successor to the most successful home console of all time. One of the main criticisms levied against the N64 by those who called it a failure was that it triggered a massive system-over-system decline over the previous successful system. If it's true for the N64, then the PS3 must be a... failure.

Sony no longer has prominent floors in game stores. Sony is no longer the de facto king. The generic term for a video game machine is no longer a "Sony" or a "PlayStation".

- Software: It's alleged that when a system fails to move software, it has failed regardless of the hardware involved. This criticism is often made against the PSP, but it's also made against other systems historically. The PS3 launched to an anemic 0.77 tie ratio (as in; yes, fewer than one game was sold per system during the launch period!) and has now buoyed to a blistering 2 tie ratio. Blu-Ray uptake in Japan is also lower than in the US and this is despite the fact that HD-DVD never functionally existed in Japan (IE consistently had less than 5% of the market share even when it was competitive in the US). Furthermore, every single major franchise that has launched on the PS3 has declined spectacularly versus the PS2.

During the launch of the PS3, people said (in reference to Japan); Wait for MinGol! Wait for Dynasty Warriors! Wait for Devil May Cry! Wait for GT5P! Wait for PES! Wait for Virtua Fighter 5! Wait for Ninja Gaiden Sigma! Wait for Lair! Wait for Ratchet and Clank! Wait for Heavenly Sword! They've all come, and while many of them are on top of the PS3 software lists, they've still declined enormously over their PS2 installments. There are a total of two franchises in-line with the franchises mentioned in this paragraph that have not yet debuted on the PS3; Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid. Both will do well, but far poorer than their PS2 installments.

So if any console is a failure because it can't move software on the absolute scale or on a relative scale to previous consoles and IP installments, then we must agree that the PS3 is a failure.

In Japan, the PS3 is a failure for the conventionally offered definitions of success and failure. If your definition of failure is PSP software adoption, GameCube hardware adoption, 360 cash losses, and Saturn mindshare loss, then yes--the PS3 is a mild or mixed success. But if you've ever called the N64, the PSP, the Xbox, the 360, or the GameCube a failure for the reasons mentioned above, then you must accept that the same is true for the PS3.

Provide a definition for failure that incorporates mindshare, software, hardware adoption, and cash, and we'll classify the systems throughout history according to if they are failures or successes.

So what's next? With a robust software library, continued price drops, a redesigned model, and the remaining heavy hitters, along with a renewed focus on Japan by Sony, I believe the PS3 can expect to be a healthy second-place system. It's not there yet, though. The Gulf between the Wii and the PS3 is as big as the Gulf between the PS2 and the GameCube was, if not bigger. I believe Sony can close the gap (or at least close the rate in acceleration of the gap) by doing all these things. Assuming the Wii dies early and the PS3 stays late, a respectable second place finish is still possible.

Good post.
Lightning said:
What the fuck? GT5 IS expected in Japan this year, it IS bigger than any franchise released last year on the PS3. That makes the PS3 2008 lineup better than 2007 (which was shit). It has nothing to do with "wait for X game"...
Too bad one game does not make a lineup. I'll say it again, compare the lineup for 2007 and 2008 and you'll see how much 2008 is going to suck even more. Oh and Prologue did come out in 2007, ofcourse the full game will sell more but the PS3 lack a steady stream of games, something it's going to fail even more in 2008 then 2007.


BishopLamont said:
Too bad one game does not make a lineup. I'll say it again, compare the lineup for 2007 and 2008 and you'll see how much 2008 is going to suck even more. Oh and Prologue did come out in 2007, ofcourse the full game will sell more but the PS3 lack a steady stream of games, something it's going to fail even more in 2008 then 2007.
What makes the 2007 lineup better than the 2008 lineup? Because how you come to that conclusion baffles me.
Lightning said:
What makes the 2007 lineup better than the 2008 lineup? Because how you come to that conclusion baffles me.
2007 saw most pre-PS3 launch announce games getting released, in 2008 you can count the number of big games getting released on 1 hand.
AniHawk said:
So here's the last reservation numbers from the store:

1. Grand Theft Auto IV
2. Mario Kart
3. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
4. Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
5. Halo Wars

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2: 11
Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword: 8
Sonic Chronicles: 5

FFVII Crisis Core: 18

Halo Wars: 29
Gears of War: 21
Ninja Gaiden 2: 17
Too Human: 5
Fable 2: 4

Mario Kart: 113
Wii Fit: 27
We Ski: 1. Yes, someone actually reserved this.

Metal Gear Solid 4: 11
Killzone 2: 8
GT5: Prologue: 4
LittleBigPlanet: 3

MGS Essentials: 5
Singstar 90s: 3

Wrath of the Lich King: 23
Starcraft 2: 12
Spore: 4

GTA IV: 147 (100 360, 47 PS3)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: 58 (38 360, 15 PS3, 4 Wii, 1 PSP)
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2: 38 (31 360, 7 PS3)
Soul Calibur IV: 5 (3 360, 2 PS3)

Wouldn't this post be more at home in the US retail musing threads?


Lightning said:
What makes the 2007 lineup better than the 2008 lineup? Because how you come to that conclusion baffles me.

Minna no Golf 5
GT5: Prologue
Gundam Musou
Ninja Gaiden
Blade Storm



Sales-wise both GT4 and MGS sold less than Minna no Golf on PS2.
Lightning said:
What the fuck? GT5 IS expected in Japan this year, it IS bigger than any franchise released last year on the PS3. That makes the PS3 2008 lineup better than 2007 (which was shit). It has nothing to do with "wait for X game"...
2007 was shit from a potential sales perspective?

Dynasty Warriors, Hot Shot Golf and Winning Eleven are of a comparable calibur (edit: to GT).


BishopLamont said:
Too bad one game does not make a lineup. I'll say it again, compare the lineup for 2007 and 2008 and you'll see how much 2008 is going to suck even more. Oh and Prologue did come out in 2007, ofcourse the full game will sell more but the PS3 lack a steady stream of games, something it's going to fail even more in 2008 then 2007.

I don't see it.

Last year, the only games that debuted over 50k were:

Virtua Fighter 5
Dynasty Warriors Gundam
Dynasty Warriors 6
Minna no Golf 5
and GT5P

This year has already seen 3 games do that (2 of which debuted over 100k) and has at least two more that will hit over 100k in week 1 (MGS4 and WE2009). And that's not even counting games that may or may not come out this year (GT5 for instance). Plus there are games like DBZ: Burst Limit, The Last Remnant, and Little Big Planet that could post respectable sales (50k+ debuts) as well.
kswiston said:
I don't see it.

Last year, the only games that debuted over 50k were:

Virtua Fighter 5
Dynasty Warriors Gundam
Dynasty Warriors 6
Minna no Golf 5
and GT5P

This year has already seen 3 games do that (2 of which debuted over 100k) and has at least two more that will hit over 100k in week 1 (MGS4 and WE2009). And that's not even counting games that may or may not come out this year (GT5 for instance). Plus there are games like DBZ: Burst Limit, The Last Remnant, and Little Big Planet that could post respectable sales (50k+ debuts) as well.
50k? That's one low bar to set.
test_account said:
True what you say, but what i ment is that i feel that games are more in focus now and i dont feel that their strategy now is based in favor of movies. I know there still are some Bluray talk, but i feel that games are more in focus now than it was before. Maybe not so strange considering the titles PS3 got for 2008 (MGS, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet etc.). Therefor i wouldnt say Sony now is selling out gamers in favor of movie watchers, maybe like it felt that they did in the begining. If there was a very weak lineup of games i probly would agree, but this isnt the case, not for 2008 atleast :)

Sony may not still be selling us out vs. movies on the software side, but they haven't corrected the hardware side BS yet. The PSP's TV out can only do full screen for movies, not for games. And the PS3 has an equivalent problem: movies can be output at any resolution, but most games can only be displayed in 720p, which leaves my main television running games in SD.

I do feel screwed over. Not because these systems can do movies, or even because they cost more due to that fact, but because they're more feature-rich for movies than for games.


Shiggy said:
Minna no Golf 5
GT5: Prologue
Gundam Musou
Ninja Gaiden
Blade Storm



Sales-wise both GT4 and MGS sold less than Minna no Golf on PS2.
Ninja Gaiden series never put a dent in the charts. It's a good game, but sales wise, never did anything, due for it being on the Xbox. And Blade Storm? Really?

2008 line-up:
-Gran Turismo 5
-Soul Calibur 4
-Tekken 6
-Pro Yakyuu Spirits 5
-Senjou no Valkyria
-Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit
-Metal Gear Solid 4
-White Knight Chronicles
-Trusty Bell
-Devil May Cry 4
-Ryu Ga Gotoku Kenzan!

BishopLamont said:
2007 saw most pre-PS3 launch announce games getting released, in 2008 you can count the number of big games getting released on 1 hand.
You need 2 hands.


BishopLamont said:
50k? That's one low bar to set.

50k debut. not LTD.

PS3 games are not going to sell like PS2 game used to. If you want to say that 2007 had a better line-up than 2008, you have to look at how games were selling in 2007 vs how they are selling this year. Not what series used to sell in the past on the PS2. Arguing what series used to sell in the past is silly. Both Resident Evil and Onimusha were previous 1M+ sellers in Japan, even though they will likely never reach those levels again.

If more games debut at 50k or 100k (or whatever) this year for the PS3 compared to last year, than the line-up must have been more appealing no?

The Hermit

Going OT but where is this girl from :


Just...curious you know :D


Phife Dawg said:
2007 was shit from a potential sales perspective?

Dynasty Warriors, Hot Shot Golf and Winning Eleven are of a comparable calibur (edit: to GT).
Those are quality games but there was too long a gap inbetween games. The overall lineup sucked as a result. It would have been better if there was something inbetween. The gap between HSG5 and DW6 was far too long.
kswiston said:
50k debut. not LTD.

PS3 games are not going to sell like PS2 game used to. If you want to say that 2007 had a better line-up than 2008, you have to look at how games were selling in 2007 vs how they are selling this year. Not what series used to sell in the past on the PS2. Arguing what series used to sell in the past is silly. Both Resident Evil and Onimusha were previous 1M+ sellers in Japan, even though they will likely never reach those levels again.

If more games debut at 50k or 100k (or whatever) this year for the PS3 compared to last year, than the line-up must have been more appealing no?
Why are we going by how much a game debuts at? It's the LTD that matters, with that said there's still less games coming out in 2008 that has sales potential. Seriously we've had big selling last-gen games come out in 2007 and 2008 consists the same kind with even less selling potential and you expect new IP's make a bigger impact? Also how does arguing how much a series use to sell in the past is silly? If the series decline in sales, it's going to get worse with each new installment, meaning 2009, 2010, 2011 is going to be even worse. Unless ofcourse they move the series elsewhere.

gogogow said:
You need 2 hands.
Nah it's still 1 hand.


Shiggy said:
Didn't Minna no Golf 3 sell better than GT4?

No, but Minna no Golf 4 did. However, GT3:A-Spec was the highest non-RPG on the PS2.

bafflewaffle said:
Wouldn't this post be more at home in the US retail musing threads?

Because of you, he's going to stop posting it now.

kswiston said:
I don't see it.

Last year, the only games that debuted over 50k were:

Virtua Fighter 5
Dynasty Warriors Gundam
Dynasty Warriors 6
Minna no Golf 5
and GT5P

This year has already seen 3 games do that (2 of which debuted over 100k) and has at least two more that will hit over 100k in week 1 (MGS4 and WE2009). And that's not even counting games that may or may not come out this year (GT5 for instance). Plus there are games like DBZ: Burst Limit, The Last Remnant, and Little Big Planet that could post respectable sales (50k+ debuts) as well.

I now realize this isn't what you were getting on about, but I wanted to post it anyways. :p

# of games debuting > x by year:
> 50K
         GCN   PS3
Year 1:    4     0
Year 2:    8     7
Year 3:   12     (3 so far)
Year 4:    7
Year 5:    7
Year 6:    1

> 100K
         GCN   PS3
Year 1:    3     0
Year 2:    6     5
Year 3:    6     (2 so far)
Year 4:    3
Year 5:    3
Year 6:    0
donny2112 said:
# of games debuting > x by year:
> 50K
         GCN   PS3
Year 1:    4     0
Year 2:    8     7
Year 3:   12     (3 so far)
Year 4:    7
Year 5:    7
Year 6:    1

> 100K
         GCN   PS3
Year 1:    3     0
Year 2:    6     5
Year 3:    6     (2 so far)
Year 4:    3
Year 5:    3
Year 6:    0
Oh boy, it looks like the PS3 might match 2007 afterall! Can't wait for 2009 when FFXIII comes out, it's going to be one hell of a year.


More fuel for whoever's fire.

# of games debuting > x by year:
> 100K
         GCN   PS3   WII   PS2
Year 1:    3     0     3    12
Year 2:    6     5     7    18
Year 3:    6     2*    1*   29
Year 4:    3                35
Year 5:    3                34
Year 6:    0                31

There will be no PS2 this generation. :lol
donny2112 said:
More fuel for whoever's fire.

# of games debuting > x by year:
> 100K
         GCN   PS3   WII   PS2
Year 1:    3     0     3    12
Year 2:    6     5     7    18
Year 3:    6     2*    1*   29
Year 4:    3                35
Year 5:    3                34
Year 6:    0                31

There will be no PS2 this generation. :lol
All 3 consoles can't even beat the PS2's total, how shameful. :lol


donny2112 said:
I now realize this isn't what you were getting on about, but I wanted to post it anyways. :p

# of games debuting > x by year:
> 50K
         GCN   PS3
Year 1:    4     0
Year 2:    8     7
Year 3:   12     (3 so far)
Year 4:    7
Year 5:    7
Year 6:    1

> 100K
         GCN   PS3
Year 1:    3     0
Year 2:    6     5
Year 3:    6     (2 so far)
Year 4:    3
Year 5:    3
Year 6:    0

I think that the PS3 will eventually start pulling ahead of the Gamecube (which had a large number of its best selling titles out by this point in time), but it's never going to go much farther than the N64 or Saturn in Japan. A longer lifespan might mean that it sells more hardware than those consoles, but I don't see the software situation getting that much better.


donny2112 said:
More fuel for whoever's fire.

# of games debuting > x by year:
> 100K
         GCN   PS3   WII   PS2
Year 1:    3     0     3    12
Year 2:    6     5     7    18
Year 3:    6     2*    1*   29
Year 4:    3                35
Year 5:    3                34
Year 6:    0                31

There will be no PS2 this generation. :lol

Wii numbers look really bad when you put them that way :lol

The good news for Nintendo is that most of those games above 100k are WAY above 100k. The bad news for everyone else is that all 5.5M Japanese Wii owners are buying the same 10 or so games.
kswiston said:
I think that the PS3 will eventually start pulling ahead of the Gamecube (which had a large number of its best selling titles out by this point in time), but it's never going to go much farther than the N64 or Saturn in Japan. A longer lifespan might mean that it sells more hardware than those consoles, but I don't see the software situation getting that much better.
Similiar to the PSP, it'll be the best secondary console of all time, and also similar to the N64 it'll be mostly thanks to the success of it's previous console.

Oh ya Donny can you add DS to that list to see how it compares? Maybe it's the new PS2 ;).


BishopLamont said:
Similiar to the PSP, it'll be the best secondary console of all time, and also similar to the N64 it'll be mostly thanks to the success of it's previous console.

The PS3 will also be comparable to the N64 in that it will sell enough worldwide to not be completely disasterous to Sony (though Nintendo's handheld division put them in a better financial position than SCEI is currently). Hopefully Sony learns from it's mistakes, and the PS4 isn't their gamecube. I'd like to see a generation without one console dominating. This generation is better than the last in that regard, but the Wii is still going to end up with a 50-60% worldwide market share (as opposed to the PS2's 70-80% last gen).


BishopLamont said:
Oh ya Donny can you add DS to that list to see how it compares? Maybe it's the new PS2 ;).

It's not. I already closed down the query, but I did check that before I did. The DS is < 20 where the PS2 is in 29/30s. It's still much better than the GCN, PS3, or WII, though.
kswiston said:
The PS3 will also be comparable to the N64 in that it will sell enough worldwide to not be completely disasterous to Sony (though Nintendo's handheld division put them in a better financial position than SCEI is currently). Hopefully Sony learns from it's mistakes, and the PS4 isn't their gamecube. I'd like to see a generation without one console dominating. This generation is better than the last in that regard, but the Wii is still going to end up with a 50-60% worldwide market share (as opposed to the PS2's 70-80% last gen).
Yeah pretty much, thank god the PS3 is starting to pick up in the US, but it's a shame it's doing so bad in software there and MS is basically giving Europe and Japan away, would've been a really good fight if they both done better in those regions.

donny2112 said:
It's not. I already closed down the query, but I did check that before I did. The DS is < 20 where the PS2 is in 29/30s. It's still much better than the GCN, PS3, or WII, though.
Ah ok, the amount of software those 20 titles sold should make up for it at least. It's the new PS2 in my book. :D


Junior Member
donny2112 said:
More fuel for whoever's fire.

# of games debuting > x by year:
> 100K
         GCN   PS3   WII   PS2
Year 1:    3     0     3    12
Year 2:    6     5     7    18
Year 3:    6     2*    1*   29
Year 4:    3                35
Year 5:    3                34
Year 6:    0                31

There will be no PS2 this generation. :lol


skinnyrattler said:

Fewer 100k games than the PS2 but a lot higher LTD average for those games which did crack 100k on average.

It's like that Worldwide. The DS will never touch the PS2s total software shipments (even if it does manage to beat its hardware record), but has a much more impressive top 20 best selling games list. PS1 and PS2 never had any games with insane tie-in ratios like SMB 1/2, Pokemon or Nintedogs had. There was no Halo or Smash Bros for the PS2. Even the GTA and Gran Turismo games sold to less than 15% of the installed userbase.
donny2112 said:
It's not. I already closed down the query, but I did check that before I did. The DS is < 20 where the PS2 is in 29/30s. It's still much better than the GCN, PS3, or WII, though.

I wonder how cell phone games would compare <shudder>.


Ragyy said:
Going OT here now, but your wrong. In UK for instance PS3 reached 1 mill faster than PS2.

Indeed. Which is especially impressive considering that in the previous gen, Sony had no shortages whatsoever of PS2, and had to slash the price of the PS2 by 1/3 within 6 months of its introduction on the EU market. Amazing how Sony improved between both machines.


Lightning said:
Those are quality games but there was too long a gap inbetween games. The overall lineup sucked as a result. It would have been better if there was something inbetween. The gap between HSG5 and DW6 was far too long.
If the four really big releases last year weren't consistent enough, how does GT5 alone make 2008 better?
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