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Metal Gear Solid - E3 2006 Thread (HD TRAILER UP)


The Amiga Brotherhood
And I hope they don't go on the X-men 3 route of killing to many main characters in cheap ways. Kojima already said that this game will conclude the Metal Gear Solid saga, so I think there will be quite a few kicking the bucket alongside with Snake. I just hope they handle this well, because otherwise the whole shock effect of a death character will diminish and when it's finally Snakes you wouldn't care less.
Zabojnik said:
Say you're a total noob when it comes to MGS, but you get MGS4 and want to know like EXACTLY what happened in the series. Story, characters, relationships, facts, anything. What's the place (on the internet) to go to?

Not that that's my case exactly, since I played every major MGS game there is, but even I don't remember everything - and reading various MGS threads I can see that I'm not the only one. :)

Wiki and Gamefaqs both have good write ups of the general storyline. Or you could just read through one of these big MGS threads as we cover most of what's happened in the series. :p

I don't think Kojima will kill off the characters in a cheap way. There's always alot of deaths in the game and I don't think any of them really come off cheap, especially when it comes to the core characters. But he has basically confirmed that MGS4 will be depressing and completely different from the other games in the series. The trailer music is suppose to reflect the general feel he wants from MGS4. I'm thinking one of the deaths will come depending on which side you choose in the war, as Meryl is part of the new Fox Hound so if you take the other side there's a good possiblity you'll have to kill her. So it'd be like MGS where your choice in the torture chamber determined whether she lived, except this time it'd be for real.
SolidSnakex said:
Well when he puts the gun in his mouth there's a voice over meaning he's not saying it during that scene. It's happening someone else, he seems to be talking to someone. So if its Otacon he'll probably know what to do with his body if he does it. I think he is going to die in MGS4, I just want it to be him commiting suicide instead of being killed by someone.

I know it´s a voice over during that scene in the trailer but what would make him take his own life.......maybe something to do with his aging problem....maybe he doesnt want to get killed by foxdie and rather kill himself....or maybe that scene is just a dream..


I want this game so bad!
robertsan21 said:
I know it´s a voice over during that scene in the trailer but what would make him take his own life.......maybe something to do with his aging problem....maybe he doesnt want to get killed by foxdie and rather kill himself....or maybe that scene is just a dream..

Well there's the scene in the trailer where Otacon is crying and saying "The onus (burden) is ours" so they screwed up somewhere. Someone pointed out before that the only time Otacon has cried in the games is when someone has died (Emma and Sniper). I figure some of the reason he wants to off himself is because of certain people being killed in the game (aside from his genes).

robertsan21 said:
I want this game so bad!

There's still a long wait ahead, I get the feeling that it could slip to 2008, which mean it'd be out at the end of that year.


SolidSnakex said:
There's still a long wait ahead, I get the feeling that it could slip to 2008, which mean it'd be out at the end of that year.

why so?

2007 is the 20th anniversary for mgs.
SolidSnakex said:
There's still a long wait ahead, I get the feeling that it could slip to 2008, which mean it'd be out at the end of that year.
How long was it from the first time Sons of Liberty was shown until the american release?
Billy Rygar said:
How long was it from the first time Sons of Liberty was shown until the american release?

Around 1 1/2 years.

Though in this case we are seeing trailers long before even the hardware is finished to even out, which wasn't the case with PS1, PS2.


Yeah, Im expecting a 2008 slip aswell. Seriosuly, there's so much they're trying to add to this game. It's not like a fps title where a graphical update and balancing issues is the main challenge, they are actually adding huge elements of fresh game mechanics. The mgs games themself also feel very differently from pretty much every other game so they are all alone about it more or less.
HomerSimpson-Man said:
Around 1 1/2 years.

Though in this case we are should trailers long before even the hardware is finished to even out, which wasn't the case with PS1, PS2.
So we can assume it was in production for 3 years? Thats how long I expect Guns on the Patriots to take.
Bud said:
why so?

2007 is the 20th anniversary for mgs.

Well look at the E3 2000 trailer, it was spliced with gameplay and the original MGS3 trailer was almost all gameplay. There's been 2 MGS4 trailers and neither feature gameplay. I'm not saying they're behind or anything, it just seems like MGS4 is far more ambitious than either of those games ever were and its going to push the release date back.
Considering how much more monumentally time consuming and expensive these next gen games are getting especially the cream of crop stuff, I wouldn't be surprised to see a game like MGS4 get pushed back towards 2008. Ambitious is certainly the word.

Of course I'ill be crying about it though.
Plus, Kojima is running his own production company, overseeing MGPO and doing TONS of interviews. I want the game to be of utmust quality, yet I'm dying to play it NOW. I want to know what happens! Still, speculating is pretty fun as well, we got at least another year of that:D


Regarding people saying 2008 won't happen cuz 2007 is the 20th anniversary of MGS.........

.....well, the new Font for the title of MGS4: GotP, has 3 letter 'L's in it that have crooked vertical lines........

.....and someone else mentioned that when turned upside down, they look like the number 7....

...so, 3 number 7's could be interpreted as "OMG RELEASE DATE 07/07/07!!!111"....

...or, those 3 number 7's could be a kojijoke, AND a VAGUE CLUE as to when the game will be released...

...the CLUE is that 7+7+7=2........so "21'st ANNIVERSARY = THE RELEASE DATE = 2008!~!!!~1" could be said.

The "Joke" is that "7's" are usually considered Lucky/Good; but MGS4 WILL be "Good" as in "Fun"; but the game looks to be much Darker in tone, so because of that Darker Tone, I don't know if we'll be "Lucky" to lose a friend :( ......being that it looks like SS is gonna offimself to "rid the world..."

So in short, the duality of the numbers means that we'll be Lucky to be playing MGS4 2008, but not Lucky in that we'll be losing a character that we will all miss dearly. :(

Oh yeah! I forgot.... 21 means "Adults Only"...... ;) so this game will have that aspect too... :D

But I'm mostly likely reaching WAAAAAY to far out there for answers, and we'll either get the god damn game in 2007 or 2008/WAIT YOU BITCHES!!!

Edit: nevermind.....registered for the Underground Gamer site, and got teh torrent working from there.......... Thanks Seeders!
Holy shi...This is a new interview frmo OPS2

OPS2: Will Raiden be a playable Character?

Kojima: This time only Snake will be the only playable character. Raiden only appears as an AI-conrolled supporting character.

OPS2: The trailer shows snake attending a funeral. Whose is it?

Kojima: I'll give you a hint: It's probably the person you're thinking of...

And the biggest, read at your own risk. If you want to discuss it put it in spoilers

OPS2: How will you feel if snake dies in MGS4?

Kojima: I'm very happy if Snake dies because I don't have to create MGS anymore! Even If sanke dies he will live on in all of your hearts. In Japan, the main chracter often dies and becomes a legend. Since I don't know how western audiences will respond to this, so I may have second thoughts. I cannot reveal the reason, but storywise Snake has to die.
Wollan said:
Yeah, Im expecting a 2008 slip aswell. Seriosuly, there's so much they're trying to add to this game. It's not like a fps title where a graphical update and balancing issues is the main challenge, they are actually adding huge elements of fresh game mechanics. The mgs games themself also feel very differently from pretty much every other game so they are all alone about it more or less.

they debuted MGS2 in 2000, and it made it's 2001 release

Responding to the spoiler:

Very cool. I mean, think about it. We've only REALLY played a full game with Solid Snake once, in the MGS series, in MGS1. In 2, we played as him for a good hour, if that. And in 3, we were Big Boss. So it's like, everyone is so attached to this main-character, star player guy, yet we've only really controlled him for 1/3 of the entire series. I just find that kind of fascinating. Do I wanna see him die? No, but i really can't think of many big name video game series where they just kill off their main character, and tell you about it before well before the game ships <3 Kojima (Productions)
SolidSnakex said:
Holy shi...This is a new interview frmo OPS2

And the biggest, read at your own risk. If you want to discuss it put it in spoilers

I dont think it will slip in to 2008 but who knows, if it does it´s still " ok" as I want my last MGS from kojima to be REAL AWESOME

regarding this interview.....can it be
the boss
robertsan21 said:
I dont think it will slip in to 2008 but who knows, if it does it´s still " ok" as I want my last MGS from kojima to be REAL AWESOME

regarding this interview.....can it be
the boss

tsp_gatmog said:
they debuted MGS2 in 2000, and it made it's 2001 release

Responding to the spoiler:

Very cool. I mean, think about it. We've only REALLY played a full game with Solid Snake once, in the MGS series, in MGS1. In 2, we played as him for a good hour, if that. And in 3, we were Big Boss. So it's like, everyone is so attached to this main-character, star player guy, yet we've only really controlled him for 1/3 of the entire series. I just find that kind of fascinating. Do I wanna see him die? No, but i really can't think of many big name video game series where they just kill off their main character, and tell you about it before well before the game ships <3 Kojima (Productions)

In alot of ways I expected it to happen but I still kind of hoped he'd pull through and we'd see him at certain points in future MG games. But its not surprising that Kojima would do it. Raiden showed he's willing to take risks. This is much bigger than Raiden. I'm not really sure if people are going to be pissed about it like they were with Snake being swapped for Raiden.

I do hope he commits suicide though. If for no other reason than he'd be going out differently than every other character in the series who're killed by someone.


To be honest
I'm glad that Snake dies, it doesn't mean that MGS will end with Snake as the main character.

I like to think of it like the Star Wars orginal set later in time and ends with the death of Vader, then the prequels.
The whole Ocelot/Liquid angle is starting to get old now.
I would like for 4 to end with the death of Ocelot/Snake and wrap it up.

Then 5/6/7 would be prequels set in between 1 and 2 without Ocelot or even sequels to 2 with Radien/Snake


If snake does indeed off himself, he's pretty much the only character that we know of deserving of the "boss" title who wasn't killed in battle, but does himself in, and that makes him a supreme bad ass.


After MGS 4 they should just remake Metal Gear 1 and 2, with MGS 4 graphics.

They dont really need Kojima for that so, ...
Raiden said:
After MGS 4 they should just remake Metal Gear 1 and 2, with MGS 4 graphics.

They dont really need Kojima for that so, ...

they'd have to completely rework the levels. they'd pretty much be entirely new games, except for story.

yeah, look at Twin Snakes. they tried to implement MGS2 gameplay with MGS1 levels/areas. Doesen't work


By "they" i mean Kojima productions, not dumbass Silicon Knights...

But yeah, lets have countless MGS spin off's hurraaay!


I do think Kojima needs to go back to a self contained story ala MGS1. The whole overblown Patriots thing is too much.

I preferred MGS1s Snake vs Liquid angle with really interesting bosses

as opposed to 2's

Saving the world from the Illumanti

Plus Shadow Moses was a much better setting than the big shell
Sallokin said:
If snake does indeed off himself, he's pretty much the only character that we know of deserving of the "boss" title who wasn't killed in battle, but does himself in, and that makes him a supreme bad ass.

Doesn't he have it already? In MGS3 The Boss tells BB that whoever wins the battle takes the name and also takes ont he burden of living their life on a battlefield. BB tells Snake a similar thing abotu how whoever wins must live their life on the field. Snake doesn't use the name though or really have any knowledge of it from what we know. Maybe he will once he finds out what happened to BB and The Boss.

And is possible that Kojima isn't talking about Snake dying in the literal sense? Instead of him dying, he'd finally have knowledge of the Boss title and take on that name and BB's original goal. So in a sense Snake would be dead.

For there to be a MG and MG2 remake with the MGS4 engine they'd also have to add to the story since the original atleast is rather thin. I'd like to see it happen. But then again i'd also be interested in seeing what Murata can do on his own as the director of his first MG.


If Kojima ever makes a MGS2/4 movie, I've found him the perfect Solidus/Old Snake in the form of ..... Will Ferrel? I believe this is from an SNL sketch.



OT: Can anyone tell me how can I get HD trailer to run smoothly? I got the sound earlier than it should be and quite choppy. My PC isn't too old. Is it Codec? I have K-Lite Codec pack installed. Is there a solution to this?


blast! i dont want that to happen. I've only just really gotten attached to the character. Raiden is acrobatic and all, but he's no Snake.
SumGamer said:
OT: Can anyone tell me how can I get HD trailer to run smoothly? I got the sound earlier than it should be and quite choppy. My PC isn't too old. Is it Codec? I have K-Lite Codec pack installed. Is there a solution to this?

I'd suggest using VLC player, it usually had any codec needed and if your computer can run the HD version smoothly it will with that.


SolidSnakex said:
I'd suggest using VLC player, it usually had any codec needed and if your computer can run the HD version smoothly it will with that.

You are right. It will and it does. Awesome, thank you :)
Now I can watch Otacon in HD, I'm happy. :lol

Is it strange to like Otacon over other characters? even Snake :|
or Raiden :p
SumGamer said:
You are right. It will and it does. Awesome, thank you :)
Now I can watch Otacon in HD, I'm happy. :lol

Is it strange to like Otacon over other characters? even Snake :|
or Raiden :p

That's why all these characters come back. They're always someones favorite even if they aren't the traditional fan favorites like Snake, Ocelot ect.


there was no way you could >>>>mgs3's ending but killing of snake...holy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


New MGS4 info from Kojima thanks to PSM, heres part of the interview:

PSM: Okay, on to other "characters." What happened to Snake's companion robot from the TGS trailer, the Metal Gear Mk. II?

Hideo Kojima: Mk. II will still be in the game. It just wasn't in the trailer. However, we're still debating whether or not the player will actually control it in any way.

PSM: The Solid Eye System was M.I.A. from this trailer...

Hideo Kojima: Don't worry; it will still be in the final game.

PSM: So at the point in the game this trailer's events came from, he wasn't just using it yet?

Hideo Kojima: To put things in perspective chronologically, the TGS trailer comes after the E3 trailer - thought not all of the dialog that's spoken over certain scenes does, obviously.

Check out TUS(www.metalgearsolid.org) for more. Spoilers ahead.
WTF @ his comments about Raiden there?

It's good to see the ! and ? will be returning. I know he mentioned before that he wanted to remove them because of the game looking the way it does, but it's one of those things that's so much of a part of the series that it'd be really strange not seeing them in the game.

I guess no one really caught onto being able to wear enemy clothing despite Snake doing it in the trailer. But it makes sense, as Kojima said without it you're going to stand out alot from other enemies if you're just running around in Snakes Octocam suit. And its great to see they're beefing Snakes moveset up now.
Poor Raiden. We know he was using artificial blood in MGS2, with his real blood in storage. So the Patriots didn't give it back?:lol

And :D at facepaints and enemy clothing!


I didn't know Meryl was Cambells daughter... has it really been that long since I've played MGS1? I could have sworn she was his niece or something.


Sallokin said:
I didn't know Meryl was Cambells daughter... has it really been that long since I've played MGS1? I could have sworn she was his niece or something.

I don't think you find that out unless you get the "bad ending" where Meryl dies. Otherwise, you are led to believe that she is the Colonel's niece.
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