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Most clueless you've ever been to sexual/romantic advances?

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A cute girl I've met on my first FC english class and had a short conversation about music invited me to her home for some "tea" and to borrow me some Pearl Jam albums (I didn't know the band and for her, they were the best thing ever). On the same day, after class. I agreed.

We talked a lot, she asked me to stay for the night because her parents weren't at home. I agreed.

We're eventually in bed together, she's close to me, but I don't really think about anything sexual. I'm just happy I've met a new friend. I try to sleep, but I can't. Eventually, I stand up and try to leave the room. She catches my hand and asks "where are you going?". I'm like "I can't sleep and don't want to disturb you, I'll lie on the couch".

Next morning, she isn't that friendly to me anymore. We eat breakfast, I leave and it's all very awkward. I try to stay in touch with her but she refuses to see me anymore.

After some time, I realized she wasn't really interested in me and she just wanted to fuck that night. She gave me other clues about it that night but I don't really want to go deeper.

It still hurts


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Years later at a party with her, then, best-friend I was informed of it. All of a sudden I felt like an idiot and reflecting on it I kind of noticed alot of other things she had done for me but never worked up the courage to tell me.
She was trying to become more than best friends by telling you that story.

To the folks rooting for a happy ending after my last post: You should know that I was kind of downplaying just how good things are going right now, due to me wanting to highlight my considerable mistakes rather than essentially brag about the current situation. But people deserve hope so why not.

In truth, things have never been better. We are not only best friends now but are mere weeks away from taking the next step (moving in together and having an actual relationship, not something long distance). While I am a cautious person by nature I totally recognize I've been given a second chance with the closest thing to a soulmate I might have in this world and I have not taken that for granted. It's too late here to write another ten paragraphs detailing things, but suffice it to say that there is a distinct possibility that I'll be married to this amazing girl by this time next year. And, if that is the case, I can assure you there will be a GAF thread (you gotta have priorities after all!!).

This makes me happy, I hope things go for the best!



Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentionsi how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.
Come on man :(
I thought this stuff would become easier when I got older but it really hasn't. A year ago this woman I knew through work (she works at another lawyers' firm) came over to me in a local club, threw her arms around me and started kissing me all over my face and telling me she loved me. I thought it was just the alcohol talking and tactfully pushed her away. Found out later through a friend that she was really into me.

Wouldn't have acted on it anyway, but yeah.


Aww man...I think about this one a lot. It haunts me.

So I like fighting games a lot, and I do pretty well. Probably...5 years ago at some anime convention I was at, I had spent the day cleaning up on Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3 and was sort of on a runners high. The game room was emptying out and I was still looking for challengers. Out of no where, a very cute cosplayer girl sits next to me, bats her eyes and very cutely asks if she can play. I say sure, give her the quick run down on how to play, we do a play match, it's all very light and airy. Then we play another match and I proceed to BEAT HER ASS IN TO THE GROUND. She gets upset, tosses the controller onto the table, gives me a flippant "thanks...", then storms off. I didn't think anything of it until 2 hours passed by, where I belted out a, "OH GOD WHAT DID I DO?!?" at some random event.

I am TERRIBLE when it comes to identifying when women are interested in me. I don't need a wingman, I need an entire fucking squadron of spitfighters

Would that have changed the situation? So you were interested in her but didn't act because...?
All you need to know is if you are interested or not.


To the folks rooting for a happy ending after my last post: You should know that I was kind of downplaying just how good things are going right now, due to me wanting to highlight my considerable mistakes rather than essentially brag about the current situation. But people deserve hope so why not.

In truth, things have never been better. We are not only best friends now but are mere weeks away from taking the next step (moving in together and having an actual relationship, not something long distance). While I am a cautious person by nature I totally recognize I've been given a second chance with the closest thing to a soulmate I might have in this world and I have not taken that for granted. It's too late here to write another ten paragraphs detailing things, but suffice it to say that there is a distinct possibility that I'll be married to this amazing girl by this time next year. And, if that is the case, I can assure you there will be a GAF thread (you gotta have priorities after all!!).

That's so beautiful man. Seriously tears in my eyes.


I worked at Mcdonald's when I was 16 and one of the managers said to me; "So, you still working on how to make those burgers?" I replied; "Yeah, I'm not sure how to do it though, I keep messing up." He decides to give the job he's doing at the front to someone else and goes to the back. He gets behind me and grabs the spatulas and says to me; "This is how you do it..." and he flipped the burgers. He treated me like I was a kid, or so I thought. I was 16 and didn't think the manager would do such a thing.

In 8th grade I had this huge crush on a girl all year long and she liked me as well. Whenever it came to talking to her though I would either act like Heero from Gundam Wing and just feign interest and not care, or I would act like Squall and cross my arms and not really say much. We had been paired together to work on a science project together and it was almost like destiny in my eyes. Her book was missing so I gave her mine and went to get a new one. I had recently acquired a cold and my nose was running. I said to myself; "I don't want to act like an idiot and blow my nose, it'll make me seem less cool". It seemed soooo logical at the time.. So I go back to the desk and put the book on the table and suddenly from my nose came this long hanging chunk of snot. It must have been 2 feet long and perhaps hit the desk. I responded quickly enough to snort it up really quick and then I went to go blow my nose.

Later that year we were at the little farewell gathering our school hosted for the last day and we were at a park and we gathered there to enjoy the time outside. I wasn't having it and decided to chill around outside listening to my Gundam Wing music. Her and her friend were playing catch with a baseball, she asked me if I wanted to play with them, I said no and awkwardly walked away to meet up with my friends.

Just last year I saw her in Wal-Mart, pregnant and such. Never understood what I saw in her before, but we don't speak and it's likely best that way.

I've had a man buy me dinners and say; "Me and my boyfriend are in an open relationship, I can do anything I want." It makes for an awkward drive to his apartment to drop him off. I'm not gay, but I thought we were just good friends, still talk to the guy as a friend.

I guess I have 'encounters' but... I'm not exactly interested because I just feel so many people aren't able to accept how I really am, which is mostly true.


Siyou I'm confused. Are you bi? girl? boy? Zaku?

Also contribution:

House party in high school, I was 16 and was completely plastered for the first time in my life. I wasn't aware of it but apparently I was completely unable to control the volume of my voice that night and everything came out at jet turbine volume.

So my crush at the time shows up at the party,

**side note**
In retrospect I realize she knew I liked her, but we were both insanely shy and awkward at that time.

and I tell my friends in my inappropriately loud voice, "Man I so have a thing for THAT girl" as I point at her... as she is literally only 10 feet away from me.

She walks up and talks to me after all that belligerence and madness and due to the excessive alcohol, I don't actually remember what transpired other than I was just massively drunk and incapable of doing anything.

But it's ok. I'm kind of a whore now.
I was working the polls on election day. I'd just met the girl I was working with. Anyway the first thing that happened was she told me her ex lives with her and their kid but they are seperated and he is in another state. She kept telling me things about her life. Another girl who also was working the polls appraoched me and said her friend liked me and wanted to "holler" at me. I just smiled, it was kinda awkard for me. Anyhows the girl I was working with and the girl who wanted to 'holler" at me got into an argument. Thats when I knew I was in trouble. Two oversized chicks lusting for my my beefy chicagoan manhood. The one I was working with did look cute, she'd purposely grab my hand as to steal me away from the other girl. At the end of the night the girl I was working with said will you come over and tutor me in math. I never did.
I worked at Mcdonald's when I was 16 and one of the managers said to me; "So, you still working on how to make those burgers?" I replied; "Yeah, I'm not sure how to do it though, I keep messing up." He decides to give the job he's doing at the front to someone else and goes to the back. He gets behind me and grabs the spatulas and says to me; "This is how you do it..." and he flipped the burgers. He treated me like I was a kid, or so I thought. I was 16 and didn't think the manager would do such a thing.

In 8th grade I had this huge crush on a girl all year long and she liked me as well. Whenever it came to talking to her though I would either act like Heero from Gundam Wing and just feign interest and not care, or I would act like Squall and cross my arms and not really say much. We had been paired together to work on a science project together and it was almost like destiny in my eyes. Her book was missing so I gave her mine and went to get a new one. I had recently acquired a cold and my nose was running. I said to myself; "I don't want to act like an idiot and blow my nose, it'll make me seem less cool". It seemed soooo logical at the time.. So I go back to the desk and put the book on the table and suddenly from my nose came this long hanging chunk of snot. It must have been 2 feet long and perhaps hit the desk. I responded quickly enough to snort it up really quick and then I went to go blow my nose.

Later that year we were at the little farewell gathering our school hosted for the last day and we were at a park and we gathered there to enjoy the time outside. I wasn't having it and decided to chill around outside listening to my Gundam Wing music. Her and her friend were playing catch with a baseball, she asked me if I wanted to play with them, I said no and awkwardly walked away to meet up with my friends.

Just last year I saw her in Wal-Mart, pregnant and such. Never understood what I saw in her before, but we don't speak and it's likely best that way.

I've had a man buy me dinners and say; "Me and my boyfriend are in an open relationship, I can do anything I want." It makes for an awkward drive to his apartment to drop him off. I'm not gay, but I thought we were just good friends, still talk to the guy as a friend.

I guess I have 'encounters' but... I'm not exactly interested because I just feel so many people aren't able to accept how I really am, which is mostly true.

... What am I reading?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Gorgeous chick: Well, how about you just go with me?
Me: I was actually kinda looking forward to going alone.
Some of these stories are bad because people missed out on subtle hints.
Some of these stories are bad because a lack of experience made a sexual situation unsustainable.
Some of these stories are bad because a lack of confidence caused the storyteller to assume the wrong thing about what someone meant.

And yet... some of these stories involve the speaker being directly and explicitly asked a yes or no question by the person they wanted to hook up with in the first place and answering... no.

I can't even.
I sabotaged one potential relationship. He even told me directly that he liked me, but because of fairly different interests, I never followed up on it. I didn't know if I wanted a relationship since he was graduating and leaving the country. In hindsight, should've gone for it as I did like him. Regrets there.

More generally, I don't think anyone really has hit on me. Sad what it says about myself...

Well, I gave it my best shot...

still no idea on penshot.

This is amazing. Although my favorite part in this thread has to be FairyTail mentioning that the girl not having a mustache made it his best date ever.

Also, best of luck to you, Snake. I'm a hopeless romantic, so I'm wishing you and your girl smooth sailings.


Neo Member
Beginning of second year of university, I had met this girl on the train station while I was on my way to a party one night . It was one of the few times that I chatted up a complete stranger, and she has been the only of those that was really really into me.

We talked while waiting for the train and while on the train. She told me about how she was going to see her boyfriend, but that she really didn't want to. She kinda felt dumb everytime she went there. She had been having uncomfortable nights staying over at his place recently and would usually just go to the basement to sleep when he falls asleep. She would much prefer to go to a party.

When I told her my stop was coming up, she outright gave me her number saying that we should hang out because I was such a nice guy. My first mistake comes from not inviting her to the party in the first place, but I didn't feel really bad for this one since I wasn't going to start up issues with a girl who I just met and her boyfriend.

We continued our conversation through text (even while I was at the party) with her reminding me how much it sucked she couldn't go to the party. Later on, she texted me saying, "My boyfriend fell asleep. Now I'm all bored in the basement. Help me?"

TO WHICH I RESPOND, "Well what do you want me to do about it?"

In spite of being clueless in this situation, she still egged me on a bit until she gave up. "It's alright. I found myself comfortable. Good night!"

I kick myself every night ;_;


To the folks rooting for a happy ending after my last post: You should know that I was kind of downplaying just how good things are going right now, due to me wanting to highlight my considerable mistakes rather than essentially brag about the current situation. But people deserve hope so why not.

In truth, things have never been better. We are not only best friends now but are mere weeks away from taking the next step (moving in together and having an actual relationship, not something long distance). While I am a cautious person by nature I totally recognize I've been given a second chance with the closest thing to a soulmate I might have in this world and I have not taken that for granted. It's too late here to write another ten paragraphs detailing things, but suffice it to say that there is a distinct possibility that I'll be married to this amazing girl by this time next year. And, if that is the case, I can assure you there will be a GAF thread (you gotta have priorities after all!!).

You slippery snake you.
We stay the night there, and watch a DVD of Avatar: The Last Airbender, season 2. She lays on a pillow on my lap, and eventually falls asleep.
If she can't stay awake through the best season of Avatar, she wasn't worth it.

When I went downstairs in the night to get my glasses, her mom was on her knees in the dark facing her guy friend.
Didn't expect to read that in the spoiler text.


To the folks rooting for a happy ending after my last post: You should know that I was kind of downplaying just how good things are going right now, due to me wanting to highlight my considerable mistakes rather than essentially brag about the current situation. But people deserve hope so why not.

In truth, things have never been better. We are not only best friends now but are mere weeks away from taking the next step (moving in together and having an actual relationship, not something long distance). While I am a cautious person by nature I totally recognize I've been given a second chance with the closest thing to a soulmate I might have in this world and I have not taken that for granted. It's too late here to write another ten paragraphs detailing things, but suffice it to say that there is a distinct possibility that I'll be married to this amazing girl by this time next year. And, if that is the case, I can assure you there will be a GAF thread (you gotta have priorities after all!!).


I think, given the circumstances, the vast majority would have forgiven you for that. Certainly seems like you deserve it after the shit you've both been through. Awesome news though. It's made what was already a pretty good Sunday into an even better one. Congrats.


Oh man... I know this feel.

A couple days before New Years I was at a party with my buddy, his girlfriend, and some of her friends. I ended up making out with one of her friends, but we weren't able to go much further because of where we were. When we found out that we were going to the same New Years party she looked me in the eyes and said "we're gonna fuck that night".

Great right?

The whole time leading up to New Years I was nervous as fuck. Didn't know what to expect, what to do, anything...being a virgin and all.

Come New Years and I see her at the party. Give her a hug, awkward hello an such. I was kind of avoiding her and decided to get a couple beers in me to loosen up. As the night went on I still didn't go up to her. She came up to me once and said we should go grab a drink upstairs...I said "nah I'm good already got one" . The hostess of the party came up to me and said "you know...I have a free bedroom for you and (insert girl name here)". My friend ended up coming up to me, giving me a condom and said "bro, just go fuck her". Wasn't able to. I don't know what it was. Don't know if I was too drunk, thought she was too drunk, wanted my first time to be something special....buhp. Haven't really spoke to her since New Years. It's whatever.
Oh man... I know this feel.

A couple days before New Years I was at a party with my buddy, his girlfriend, and some of her friends. I ended up making out with one of her friends, but we weren't able to go much further because of where we were. When we found out that we were going to the same New Years party she looked me in the eyes and said "we're gonna fuck that night".

Great right?

The whole time leading up to New Years I was nervous as fuck. Didn't know what to expect, what to do, anything...being a virgin and all.

Come New Years and I see her at the party. Give her a hug, awkward hello an such. I was kind of avoiding her and decided to get a couple beers in me to loosen up. As the night went on I still didn't go up to her. She came up to me once and said we should go grab a drink upstairs...I said "nah I'm good already got one" . The hostess of the party came up to me and said "you know...I have a free bedroom for you and (insert girl name here)". My friend ended up coming up to me, giving me a condom and said "bro, just go fuck her". Wasn't able to. I don't know what it was. Don't know if I was too drunk, thought she was too drunk, wanted my first time to be something special....buhp. Haven't really spoke to her since New Years. It's whatever.


Had the usual "I liked you in high school/college" discussions with girls years after, but two later incidents stand out.

I was in line to see The Phantom Menace at this great theater when a very attractive former boss of mine walked by. I shouted hi and she came over and we talked for a bit. She told me she lived down the street and was having a party later that night and if I wanted to come over and help her set up. She had a killer new margarita recipe. I told her it sounded great, but I already had bought my ticket. She went on her way and I saw an incredibly disappointing movie.

A woman in my neighborhood had told me she was moving away. She knocked on my door one day and told me she was all packed and about to leave. There was a vibe in the air that I should ask her in, but she was just someone I saw outside occasionally and waved or said hi/smalltalk to, so I thought it might be too awkward. I told her we'd all miss her, but the whole time I'm talking to her I'm thinking, "This poor woman. She doesn't even realize her shirt is completely see-through and I can see her rock-hard nipples. How embarrassing."

In retrospect, I'm glad both these incidents went over my head, because I'm married.
Oh man... I know this feel.

A couple days before New Years I was at a party with my buddy, his girlfriend, and some of her friends. I ended up making out with one of her friends, but we weren't able to go much further because of where we were. When we found out that we were going to the same New Years party she looked me in the eyes and said "we're gonna fuck that night".

Great right?

The whole time leading up to New Years I was nervous as fuck. Didn't know what to expect, what to do, anything...being a virgin and all.

Come New Years and I see her at the party. Give her a hug, awkward hello an such. I was kind of avoiding her and decided to get a couple beers in me to loosen up. As the night went on I still didn't go up to her. She came up to me once and said we should go grab a drink upstairs...I said "nah I'm good already got one" . The hostess of the party came up to me and said "you know...I have a free bedroom for you and (insert girl name here)". My friend ended up coming up to me, giving me a condom and said "bro, just go fuck her". Wasn't able to. I don't know what it was. Don't know if I was too drunk, thought she was too drunk, wanted my first time to be something special....buhp. Haven't really spoke to her since New Years. It's whatever.

I think this tops FairyD's story.


I'll cross post what I said in a very similar thread that was called "Cock blocking Yourself." I've also changed my avatar so you can look into the eyes of the clueless handsome man that I am:

I have many, many stories to tell... I'll share a few:

When I was in my last year of middle school (13), I was madly infatuated with this Puerto Rican girl I knew since kindergarten. To throw a wrench into this, there was a black girl (decently attractive) who had a massive crush on me. She would sit with me at the cafeteria and get me stuff. One day, she finally had enough sending me signals and asked me if I liked her. I told her that I liked someone else and stared at my crush's table. It was the first time I ever rejected a girl. I felt indifferent to her reaction at the time, but in retrospect, I missed out on my first kiss ever. Here's the kicker: I didn't get my crush either since I was too shy to talk to her.

Another more recent one that happened about 2.5 years ago at my old community college. I was with some friends at an Asian culture festival. When suddenly, a fairly attractive black chick came up to me and said "I just wanted to let to let you know that you're gorgeous." I was so stunned that all I muttered out was "Thanks" and went back to my friends. When I got home later that day and told my brothers, they were face palming themselves in disappointment and told me I could have easily have gotten her number or asked her out on the spot.

At that same community college, about a year earlier, another girl that was in my creative writing class came on to me strong. She was a petite Puerto Rican/Ecuadorian; a pretty attractive chick who was very easy the eyes; same age as me.

Any way, we would sit next to each other in class; she would draw hearts on top of my pages where I did doodles, comment on my stories a lot, and when I told her that I wanted to be a writer at the time, she said she was gonna be the first one in line for my book signing. I guess she was attracted to the fact that despite being a nervous guy, I was pretty cool. Clearly, she sent me bat signals and I ignored them. Eventually, I realized that she had a crush on me and started getting incredibly nervous thinking about asking her for her number. It got to the point where every time I saw her, my heart skipped a beat. The end of the semester eventually arrived, and me being incredibly nervous, I chickened out and didn't ask her for her number.

About 2.5 years later, I added her on FB and found out she was in a relationship. She just got married last month I found out through the feed; I saw pics and happy status updates. Now, I'm gonna erase her because it was useless to add her. I thought about what could've been had I gone for her number.
Update to the bold: On that very same night that I got home after I posted it (this post dates back to Friday, June 8th 2012), I deleted her from my FB and put that behind me.

I get on hit on by chicks every single semester while I'm still in college but I don't know how to read signals for the life of me despite knowing that I should be getting numbers. Especially now more than ever since I joined the student government. I'll add two more stories in addition to the above ones to contribute.

Going back to my community college years, in my second year there was a chick who was taking a couple of classes there for a semester since her upstate college didn't offer them. She was a year older than me and would tease me about it. I met her during one of her many visits to the computer lab where I worked at. Did I mention that I was struggling with remedial math and was attracted to her?

Any way, I would often see her; it got to the point where she started taking a liking to me because she would tutor me with my homework and I would show her the paintings that I did for a class at the time. I would subconsciously try to stay with as much as possible.This was in December during the last 2 weeks of school/finals.

One night, she and I stayed in the Quiet Study room studying for finals until closing at 12AM. The streets were dead empty and cold; she was hungry and wanted to get something to eat but needed to go to a Chase. I walked with her to the one that was in the area. We were walking pretty close with her complaining about cold it was.

Eventually, she realized that everything was closed so we started walking back to the subway. If memory serves me right, when we passed my City Hall, we locked eyes for a moment. Here I was completely alone with a chick in the middle of a ghost town at midnight and yet it didn't occur to me at the time that she wanted to make out.

When we got to the subway station, she suddenly became distant from me as she impatiently waited for the train. The train eventually came; when I tried to talk she said that she wanted to focus on studying for her exam so I took the hint, took out my DS Lite and played it for several stops until eventually hers came up. She said bye, I said "see you around" flatly without looking up and I never saw her again.

Another more recent story. About 2 months ago, I was in the library studying for a mid term I had in a few days. There was a very attractive white woman (from Long Island so I already knew this chick was upper middle class) with a red pea coat who I kept noticing on and off. Eventually, the library closed and I took the opportunity to engage her in conversation as we left.

We would continue talking well into waiting for the train in the subway as well as on the train, the conversation going very well. I realized that she was into me and could have gotten her number. However, at the same time I got intimidated by her because of her higher socioeconomic status.

Her stop was eventually coming up and what did I do instead of go for her number? I told her I work for the student government and told her to stop by for free tea since I'm always there. She never stopped by and I completely forgot about it. I face palmed myself as soon as I got off my stop after realizing what I had just done. I charmed the pants off of her, she was interested, but I let it go. I'm sure there will be more opportunities like this one. Hooray for being Captain Oblivious!
I was taking a girl home for Thanksgiving break as we lived in the same neighborhood. We made out once before but things had cooled down since.

She gets to the room. I was busy packing real fast while she waited.

Her "I'm kind of tired" Me "Yeah, me too"
Her "Is this your bed" Me "yup"
Her "Are your roommates gone?" Me "yup" Her "oh" as she stares at the bed then at me then at the bed....

And later as I was driving.

Her "I hope my parents aren't home" Me "....." Her "Yup, I have the whole house"
Me "...(changes subject)"


I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Oh man... I know this feel.

A couple days before New Years I was at a party with my buddy, his girlfriend, and some of her friends. I ended up making out with one of her friends, but we weren't able to go much further because of where we were. When we found out that we were going to the same New Years party she looked me in the eyes and said "we're gonna fuck that night".

Great right?

The whole time leading up to New Years I was nervous as fuck. Didn't know what to expect, what to do, anything...being a virgin and all.

Come New Years and I see her at the party. Give her a hug, awkward hello an such. I was kind of avoiding her and decided to get a couple beers in me to loosen up. As the night went on I still didn't go up to her. She came up to me once and said we should go grab a drink upstairs...I said "nah I'm good already got one" . The hostess of the party came up to me and said "you know...I have a free bedroom for you and (insert girl name here)". My friend ended up coming up to me, giving me a condom and said "bro, just go fuck her". Wasn't able to. I don't know what it was. Don't know if I was too drunk, thought she was too drunk, wanted my first time to be something special....buhp. Haven't really spoke to her since New Years. It's whatever.

Seriously. This shit is ridiculous.


Junior Member
Oh man... I know this feel.

A couple days before New Years I was at a party with my buddy, his girlfriend, and some of her friends. I ended up making out with one of her friends, but we weren't able to go much further because of where we were. When we found out that we were going to the same New Years party she looked me in the eyes and said "we're gonna fuck that night".

Great right?

The whole time leading up to New Years I was nervous as fuck. Didn't know what to expect, what to do, anything...being a virgin and all.

Come New Years and I see her at the party. Give her a hug, awkward hello an such. I was kind of avoiding her and decided to get a couple beers in me to loosen up. As the night went on I still didn't go up to her. She came up to me once and said we should go grab a drink upstairs...I said "nah I'm good already got one" . The hostess of the party came up to me and said "you know...I have a free bedroom for you and (insert girl name here)". My friend ended up coming up to me, giving me a condom and said "bro, just go fuck her". Wasn't able to. I don't know what it was. Don't know if I was too drunk, thought she was too drunk, wanted my first time to be something special....buhp. Haven't really spoke to her since New Years. It's whatever.

.... How old are you? Also, seriously dude?


wbsmcs, she actually told you what she wanted from you! She couldn't have been any clearer!

My soul was ripped out after reading that.


It seemed like he just wasn't ready to bang. He wasn't clueless about the advances, he just didn't want to have sex for whatever reason.


Aftershock LA
I'm generally pretty clueless about that kind of stuff. My wife was the one who initiated our first sexual/romantic moment, despite me thinking "Hey, I think this girl likes me!" I think it was at the point where she rammed her tongue down my throat that I confirmed, she, indeed, liked me.

I think my most clueless was this one night, a close friend of mine that I had known for years and years, called me up at about 9PM to "hang out." This was a few years before I met my wife. She was a stripper at the time, and has a killer body. I was still relatively young, maybe in my early 20's. Perhaps 22 or so. She's a few years older than me. So she calls me out. I head over to her house. We talk about sex non-stop all night, she's wearing a sexy outfit and flashing her cleavage at me (she pulled her shirt down and shook her boobs for me when she caught me looking). And, uh, yeah. I went home around 12. Didn't even cop a feel. It wasn't until later, when I finally got home, that I was like, "Holy shit, I think that was a booty call!"

She confirmed it later on, that she planned on fucking the shit out of me, but by that point, the ship had sailed, as I was in a relationship.

It was not my finest moment. We are still great friends now, and she's still smokin'. She's not a stripper anymore, but we do still chat about sex all the time. Lol. I'll never sleep with her, even if the invitation was open, but man, I was a naive little doofus back then.

There have been other times when female friends hinted at an attraction to me, but it always went over my head. I am completely oblivious to advances. Well, I'm more aware of them now that I'm older. Nowadays, here in Los Angeles, many women see the ring on my finger, and it's like "Open Season" for hitting on me. It's one of the major things I've noticed being married for nearly 4 years; you somehow seem even more appealing to some women than you did when you were single. It's kind of annoying, actually. I guess it's a vibe I give off now that I have no interest in pursuing romantic relationships.


Hmm I rarely post but reading this thread has reminded me all those times ive screwed up.. latest one around 3 weeks ago an usually it happens to me in food places its like my pull place lol but am oblivious to everything lol.. went in to food place to order a roll and wasn't sure what to order i see this cute short blue eye brunette girl just staring and smiling an me and she randomly just get close says Hi and starts to recommend me what she likes and thinks id like it too... i chit chat abit but fail to realise .. why is this hot girl just doesnt stop staring an smiling and without me asking start talking to me about what should i get... then it hit me as she left she turned around smiled and said bye... my brother was next to me and goes "dude... your so dumb... she was so interested in you.. you could see it since you walked in" ... shame on me ... sigh....

Ive had worse though in another food place the girl at the counter kept flirting and me back but never thought nothing of it... one day as I pay she hands me a note with her number and am like cool , and i start walking away .. she comes after me and stops me and says wait! if i gave you my number I should get yours!, I was like oh sure :) but that's another story on how that ended lolol point is i was oblivious that she was really into me even after she gave me her number.


Junior Member
It does upset me that no one has advanced on me, surely I'm not alone?

I don't know why you don't get random advances at least, you are far from an ugly dude from the pics you posted last year and even got a compliment from my girlfriend. (shrugs)
Oh man... I know this feel.

A couple days before New Years I was at a party with my buddy, his girlfriend, and some of her friends. I ended up making out with one of her friends, but we weren't able to go much further because of where we were. When we found out that we were going to the same New Years party she looked me in the eyes and said "we're gonna fuck that night".

Great right?

The whole time leading up to New Years I was nervous as fuck. Didn't know what to expect, what to do, anything...being a virgin and all.

Come New Years and I see her at the party. Give her a hug, awkward hello an such. I was kind of avoiding her and decided to get a couple beers in me to loosen up. As the night went on I still didn't go up to her. She came up to me once and said we should go grab a drink upstairs...I said "nah I'm good already got one" . The hostess of the party came up to me and said "you know...I have a free bedroom for you and (insert girl name here)". My friend ended up coming up to me, giving me a condom and said "bro, just go fuck her". Wasn't able to. I don't know what it was. Don't know if I was too drunk, thought she was too drunk, wanted my first time to be something special....buhp. Haven't really spoke to her since New Years. It's whatever.

Don't let everyone else fool you when they say you are the worst offender in this thread because you aren't. This doesn't sound like you lacked confidence, but lacked experience. Stage freight won that round!
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