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Most satisfying gore & violence


erotic butter maelstrom
Post the games that have the most satisfying gore and violence. The games with the grandest gibs and the most bountiful artery explosions.

This topic was inspired by Bulletstorm. Who knew that shooting a dude in the dick then kicking him into a cactus could be so fun? Of course, that's only one of many awesome ways to kill a dude, you can always do it old school and just blast his head off in slo-mo:


...which brings me to my next favorite, it's brother from another mother, Gears of War.

Meat cubes for life. Gears made curb stomping cool again. But even then, curb stomping is nothing compared to liquefying a Locust with a close up Gnasher blast or dividing him by two with your lancer.


Speaking of awesome gibs, one of the first super violent games I played was Duke Nukem 3D. You could explode and splatter your foes in many ways, and not much compared to vaporing a pig with your BFG's.


sub-topic: do you enjoy seeing your enemies die in magnificently violent ways, does extreme violence enhance your enjoyment of a game?
Soldier of Fortune (I and II)
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (enable dismemberment in console)

Both by Raven Software before that studio was eviscerated and absorbed into Koticksoft.
I think there's nothing like Gears 2 executions, as far as satisfying gore goes.

Expect God of War 3.

EDIT: I forgot Ninja Gaiden 2, Dead Space and Left 4 Dead. Though the initial statement holds true: it's all about how "heavy" things feel in these kind of games.

That's why the first Condemned, as others have said, is great.


Fallout 3 and New Vegas. When you unlock the bloody mess perk or whatever it's called, you get a high probability of your enemies' limbs/head exploding upon death. I always like examining where the parts went flying to afterwards. lol
...which brings me to my next favorite, it's brother from another mother, Gears of War.

The only killing I find satisfying in Gears is the chainsawing and maybe the sniper rifle. Regardless of meaty sound effects and gore explosions, the act of killing is not very enjoyable when it takes 15 rounds to down a bad guy. It just feels wrong (Actually, this is part of why I suspect CoD was such a smash hit when 4 came out - the satisfaction from killing enemies is very high because they die quickly and your guns feel very powerful. Gears and Halo are filled with bullet sponge enemies by comparison).


ThoseDeafMutes said:
The only killing I find satisfying in Gears is the chainsawing and maybe the sniper rifle. Regardless of meaty sound effects and gore explosions, the act of killing is not very enjoyable when it takes 15 rounds to down a bad guy. It just feels wrong (Actually, this is part of why I suspect CoD was such a smash hit when 4 came out - the satisfaction from killing enemies is very high because they die quickly and your guns feel very powerful. Gears and Halo are filled with bullet sponge enemies by comparison).

it's a proven fact that games where it takes longer to kill people are superior







Oh man....for me, Rise of the Triad on the PC was always my favorite gore game :) I think that's the game that started using the term "gibs" although I could be wrong (Ludicrous gibs!!!!!!!!) Of course Soldier of Fortune II was hella gory too, it was pretty satisfying to take a knife and carve up a man until there was nothing left but a blood stain! (ew). These days I'd say the God of War series is pretty gory but the new Mortal Kombat is giving me flashbacks of when I'd see a brand new fatality in the arcades...some of them actually scared me as a kid, lol.
I absolutely loved shooting guys and watching their blood splatter against the wall in Perfect Dark. Especially with those dual Uzi-style guns. SPURT


erotic butter maelstrom
ThoseDeafMutes said:
The only killing I find satisfying in Gears is the chainsawing and maybe the sniper rifle. Regardless of meaty sound effects and gore explosions, the act of killing is not very enjoyable when it takes 15 rounds to down a bad guy.

It's satisfying because downing/executing a foe takes some fucking effort, it's like taking down a rhinoceros or something, you're not just shooting at simple meatbags. You are tearing down than killing some hulking otherworldly beasts. The greater the bounty, the greater the satisfaction of the kill (for me, at least).

Gibbing dudes with the gnasher despite intense lag in gears 1 and 2 is incredibly satisfying.

Fuck yes, killing the entire other team with my gnasher WITHOUT being host is one of the most satisfying things I've done in a game.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Blood, Duke 3D and the God of War series. Blowing up a zombie before using its blown-off head as a football was immensely satisfying in Blood.
Snuggler said:
It's satisfying because downing/executing a foe takes some fucking effort, it's like taking down a rhinoceros or something, you're not just shooting at simple meatbags. You are tearing down than killing some hulking otherworldly beasts. The greater the bounty, the greater the satisfaction of the kill (for me, at least).

Different strokes for different folks. It makes my guns feel like peashooters. There are ways to make games difficult, challenging and rewarding without simply relying on lots of HP for your bad guys. Although the CoD method of fight 10000000 enemies is not really a good solution either.


RadioHeadAche said:
No More Heroes gets my vote. Plus, the motion controls help a lot. It's a great way to relieve aggression.


Boggles my mind why people say Suda is only good for crazy ideas, characters and such. The gameplay has to be one of the most enjoyable this gen. It wasnt silly overused waggle, just one final slice and youre good to go. You could barely move your hand to get the same outcome, but you just wouldnt do that, you sliced that fucker's head like you were a god damn samurai, and it felt soooooooooooooooooooooo freaking good.


gowIII bosses suffer the most and they suffer hard.
so ill would go with gowIII because everything else is just killing nameless/soulless guys.


I dont actually need gore to have fun with a game, but gore done right can really enrich the experience. 1st example that comes to my mind is quake 3. I played till my wrists hurt back in the late 90s and part of the fun was to see the bodies explode in mid air when hitting them with a railgun. It was like a reward to see these little "fireworks".

Years later, in Quake Live - not so much. It just doesnt feel as rewarding as it did in the original game. Quake live is all good and fun and stuff but I immediatly noticed the lack of gore the 1st time i started the game.

Second game that i remember having rewarding gore effects is fallout 3 (obviously). Seeing a head explode in slow motion after a fierce rifle battle was a blast. But the effect was somewhat overused I think. Some hours into the game, you'd see heads explode at every corner. Almost to often, so that i turned of the slowmo death cam in new vegas.


*sees Fallout 3 and Turok, is satisfied*

Would like to add Blitz 2: The League, xray ruptured testicles for gawds sake!
Pookmunki said:
*sees Fallout 3 and Turok, is satisfied*

Would like to add Blitz 2: The League, xray ruptured testicles for gawds sake!

Oh, I forgot Mortal Kombat.

Yeah, fatalities, of course. But that uppercut in the first game was so brutal and rewarding. Love it.



Darklings are kinda cool, but the real satisfaction comes from impaling a dude on your tentacle and then ripping the heart out of his corpse in order to get stronger. Blowing giant holes in the heads of your enemy was also nice.


Ninja Gaiden 2. It works because the enemies in the game doesn't just look dangerous, they ARE dangerous. They killed you a thousand times already, so when you finally have the skills to take them down, you want to inflict as much pain as possible. The only problem is that you can't dismember bosses. So disappointing.


UFRA said:
Fallout 3 and New Vegas. When you unlock the bloody mess perk or whatever it's called, you get a high probability of your enemies' limbs/head exploding upon death. I always like examining where the parts went flying to afterwards. lol
Even the smallest part of them contains everything they were carrying as well.


Not so much because of gore, but I like satisfying kills. Nothing like hearing/feeling a huge thump when you hit someone in a game.
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